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My Ascian Journey - Chapter 17: trolls and revelations (July 2021)

Writer's picture: Ayane FirebirdAyane Firebird

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

So yeah with the discord group gone there wont be as much conversations left to tell. though however I remained in contact with Zio and TK. TK wasn’t very responsive this month but Zio was.

also i kept the old group online for later references and used it as a diary mostly.

July 3rd

so what happened last night (july 2nd) was I laid down for meditating, but couldn’t get much into a relaxed state. Eventually about 30min my body got annoyed of laying on the back. (while usually an hour is no problem) so I turned to my left side. and tried to continue meditating. after a while my ex came to bed. and either right before he stepped into the bed or just laid down. my body moved on it own back on my back. I wasn’t touched but was rather an energy rolling me over. when I noticed my body rolled over way to smoothly I said without thinking “huh? Lahabrea?” like I hadn’t any control of what I was saying. like my soul was speaking and not my brain. it felt like he wanted me to lay on my back again to continue meditating. I did however landed in a deep state afterwards, not directly but it was deep eventually but didn’t saw anything. after a while I turned on my other side but couldn’t continue anymore. I checked the clock on my phone 01:08 am. wow 1,5 h of meditating if you count the first 30 min with it. I went to sleep.

about 5am I woke up from a dream that had lahabrea and igeyorhm in it at the end. I write that one later. so I wrote down the dream I had. but afterwards I couldn’t sleep. so I decided to write down what happened last night. afterways I wrote down; “ I definitely wonder if lahabrea went through this shit before became a convocation member or set up the convocation” “and I mean the same shit I am going through right now” (I believe he set it up tbh. as far as I know lahabrea never switched seats).

so I wrote down “man I understand he went insane” (as we know him from the arr story, but I got immediately corrected here because that was after the sundering he turned out like that.), “or maybe not, no he didn’t became insane”. so I wrote down “depressed?” “perhaps”

that “perhaps” was not a direct thought of my own.

“he probably learned to speak up and became very good at it, so became The Speaker of the convocation”. “yes”

that “yes”came quicker then my own thoughts could think

“TY lahabrea”:D

“your welcome”(wrote shortened YW)

so I wrote this down as a conclusion of what just happened:

well this turned out an unexpected automatic writing session. I had rarely any thoughts of myself it seems. besides that insane part. I just wondered if it was Eli telling (while writing) this but but got an instant “no” in my head. it sound as my own voice though, butmore quickly without actually thinking of getting “replies”

"I guess he is watching me over atm, to get me through this"

Ty Lahabrea

gained another YW.

I told this story to both Zio and TK via dm.

tk: Glad you were able to talk with him a little

me: Yeah.

Did you had any things the last week?

tk: Not really sorry ;;

me: no prob


I asked if Zio wanted to read the story above

zio: Huh? Wow. Yeah, I'd definitely be interested.

so I posted it later on

Zio: this is all very interesting! New things to learn about Lahabrea.


so the couple of days after that was about discovering who was the biggest traitor in the discord. AZ

July 8th

I was depressed due all this shit happening with me with that doc and such. And was talking to mito about it. Suddenly a moth out of nowhere flew by in my bedroom. And stayed near my pillow and Eli plushie. It didn't go to the ceiling light at all. As most regular ones do.

I told Mito and she was like "woah!"

Especially when I told about last year with the box moth that look like eli's robes.


I send this pic (the one below) to Zio, the first time sended pic below on july 8th) she got mad at me for provoking the people by changing my bio. and well yeah it was stupid and admitted it. but however this resulted in absolute proof it was AZ. so I promised to stop changing my bio into provoking people for info.


July 9th

me: How typical eliniel deleted this part

( yeah as I posted this on my locked twitter account, jezzah was the other one who came from FB, but she wasn’t a member of the group at the time of the leaked content (previous chapter). Eliniel thought I meant jezzah obviously until she probably noticed that jezzah already left at that point and deleted this part of the doc quickly after, well you are too late miss google doc, hereby she also openly admitted that AZ was a spy working for Eliniel, because who would she know right? AZ was the only one who knew about my new FB account and she spilled that to Eliniel, so that was a easy take in finding it out who it was.)

zio: Of course...hopefully with the leaker gone there will be nothing else they can even add to that document.

me: yeah


July 10th

I talked to jezzah yesterday

And before I went to bed I had a thought " she really need to resub and play the story again".

7h later she said sorry for not replying anymore, because she resubbed and catching up the msq.

me to zio: telepathic thought exchange with Elidibus just now.

Unity of Alan walker playing on my phone.

Looked at my phone background (pic of him) and sung along with the song. Gained that love feeling again as a reply.

zio: Aw, the love feelings are always nice


later I talked to jezzah about those telepathic thoughts

me: well the reason i asked that question is because of this.

when i went to bed yesterday at 23:30+ or so (11:30 pm) i had a thought that you really needed to resub to play the story again. that it will do you good.

so -7h would be 16:30pm.? (4:30pm)

jezzah: I had the idea to resub a few days ago

me: ah then i picked up yours i guess

jezzah: And I resubbed exactly around 6-7 pm idk time conversion, yesterday.

me: could still be, i encouraged you to do it that day.

jezzah: Ye I was already in a dungeon by then lol

me: yeah bout my thought would be a 4:30 pm ;) your time

jezzah: It took about an hour and a half to download

me: well there we got our answer xD (4:30 + 1,5h is 6pm at the earliest)

jezzah: I'm still confused though

me: lol. apparently i can pick up unknowingly telepathic thoughts of people like since today XD. i had it with my bestie today too.

jezzah: Hey, you want to start a new group?

You don't just get in because you believe. There has to be strict rules for joining

There were people who joined who didn't actually believed and joined to make fun.

i wont continue the chat about this. I wasn’t sure about it and I REALLYY needed to think about it multiple times and this took allot of time to finally answer that definite question yes or no. because I don’t want a repeat of it. it would destroy me even more if that would happen again. so please to all readers of my story please save me from your fake stories. we don’t need those in our lives.


July 11th

me to zio: So I took this screenshot and said " my handsome husband" I became overloaded with love.

me: How are you and Nabs doing btw? I haven't heard from you about him in a while.

zio: We're doing fine, honestly nothing exciting has happened lately. He's been pretty busy working with the convocation so he hasn't been able to visit as often.

I miss him but I understand. Trying to work on lucid dreaming or astral travel in the meantime.


July 12th

TK shared a link on reddit that in RL we will be getting a full blood moon on early access date of EW

me: Intentional definitely.

But in terms of how guided from above or not? Elidibus guided him In interest in moon phases? Or was it really yoshi himself on this one? With 5.5 it really felt like Elidibus had a hand in this. And yoshi picked the idea up on this one. This means yoshi is a very spiritual person but doesn't show it.


July 13th & 14th

that huge troll contacted me on twitter. I told both TK and Zio about it. TK didn’t replied but ZIO did.

in short, she remained sus the entire week the conversations went on with this dude. I showed her screenshots of the conversation every time something he said and was noteworthy to tell her.


July 16th

wedding ring

i was at an event with game activities. at some point I saw elidibus standing next to a table. the person sitting next to him on a chair was M/Or****. they didn’t do much they just talked. in some way or another the scene switched, I realized is saw elidibus and told a random somebody and he said he would look for him.

the dream was almost ending, but it restarted again..i gonna skip this small part its not so nice to read. in short, my son was suffocating from a face mask…..when I saved him the dream went back where it was in the beginning.

at the same place i saw elidibus and M again. this time I took a seat with them. M had a friend sitting next to her I believe it was a cat with red shirt. elidibus picked up something from the table. it was a square box, I believe there we games in it or something. I didn’t saw the contents. elidibus was wearing a shorter version of his robes it was more a long white shirt actually. (it was sunny outside) also thinner fabric like linen. but still hood and mask on.

M was giggling about elidibus gave her something random.(that box)

and I was like * I just gonna ignore her*

then elidibus turned to me and I was somehow half laying down all of a sudden. I wanted to grab his hand to reach out. then he was holding a wedding ring. xD it was silvery color(maybe white gold?) with light blue gemstone on top iirc. it was meant for me though he didn’t put it on yet. he said: “not yet, you need to earn it”. (or something similar like that) I caught a glimpse of M’s face being stunned of disbelieve that elidibus was with me.

I got up and grabbed him by his shoulder and kissed him firmly while holding him I went laying down again with him upon me and we continued kissing passionately. atm the moment of having sex came to mind he disappeared xD (but now that I think of it, this makes it more legit it was him).

so I was back again at the event. asked the same guy to help me find elidibus and so we did. later on I was back at the same space where elidibus was at first. but everyone we gone. it was empty and only the tables and chairs remained.

me: there he was with Or**** (M), maybe if we search for her, we will find him?

Guy: could be!, only 1 way to find out.

somewhere here I woke up.

I shared this with TK

tk: Interesting :o

me: ikr. i got nothing against M or anything. actually greatfull of all those commissions she pays her ass off for. but yeah she was that au'ra lol.

but this is quite the thing atm. what do i need to do? i was already proposed, now he comes with a wedding ring omg. i just realised between the proposal in januari and now is exact 6months. jan 16th- july 16th.


July 17th

to zio: Greetings from nabriales!

I met him again in a dream.

When I saw him sitting down I ran over towards him, gave him a hug an said " how I Zio doing?"

Him: she is fine. But why do you give me a hug? (or something like that)

Me: I haven't seen you in while.

I gave a small kiss on the side of his head. And I left towards something else.

zio: Wow, awesone you got to meet up with him again in your dreams <3 That made me smile a lot reading it.

me: Yw!

It's indeed extremely rare to dream about him! And even more so an interaction.

Mostly it was from a distance.

zio: I think it's certainly a good sign, maybe of your developing abilities.

me: Perhaps! Idk xD Goodnight!


jezzah replied to the wedding ring dream

jezzah: So, he has plans to marry you but you have to really earn it?

Yeah, sounds about right

I did tell you that you had a LOT of work to do about yourself or else you will lose him

I believe earning the ring means you have more growing to do as a person.

me: lol its a spiritual thing. i got blockages/obstacles that need to go. (atleast that is what i can think of) those need to go to connect with him better.

jezzah: mhmm When I say person I mean the spirit.

me: ah ok.


July 19th

to jezzah

me: Emet-selch still busy?

That telepathic connection I got with Elidibus is an absolute delight. We don't have to miss each other again when he needs to leave. At least I hope its that way. He seems to be " available" if he got the time

jezzah: Nah, Hades is just kinda hanging around

I think he's just here to help with my emotional well being

me: Ah OK.

Somehow I had lahabrea comforting me when I got depressed of my discord group fel apart.

It seemed he had experienced the same when he first started up the convocation.....

jezzah: Yeah, Laha is a really cool dude

Because Hades and I are Soul Bonded I think his emotional support is more effective


July 20th

so I showed Zio the lasted screenshots of the troll

zio: Wow. Yeah I knew he was a troll

me: Too bad. Very good at the beginning. But this is rediculous. What do you even.... Wtf, that dude wanted an actual cult. Or was really trolling.

zio: It was trolling

He probably believed when people said you had a cult

Like I said, everything he said was too convenient

me: Yeah.

I pretend to believe him and have faith in him. So he would show his true colors.

I already has a claircognizant pulse today that this dude is gonna drag me into a cult if I don't watch out.

I want my group back yes. But the world doesn't need to know. And we ain't worshipping them. They don't even want that.

zio: Well at least you can finally his nonsense out of your mind.

( that believing part was the biggest issue, I needed to prove myself to him telling more then my ao3 at that moment while he was only at chapter 3……. Fuck you I got everything laid bare and still demanded it pretty much. and he got wary that I didn’t trust him. yeah I indeed had sus by that only but wasn’t sure so I lied that I trusted him and than he came with that last part above. when I said the last message I insta blocked him so he couldn’t reply anymore)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- later that day in thee vening

me: The irony.

1,5 week ago I lost this one. Afraid I lost it somewhere on the streets that the cord broke or something.

Now I have this dude blocked. I suddenly find it back on the floor. Just like that. While the floor was empty when I lost it.

And the weirdest thing. The cord isn't broken

Zio: I think that means something, a sign.

Me : Indeed. I wonder what kind of sign.

Though I already had a feeling going on today that this would happen. But I dismissed the idea more then once.

The stupidity of this feeling is that if I focus to much upon it, it just won't happen.

Like a anti manifestation.

My clairs are wierd

(extra note, between the blocking of that dude, and finding this one back. I had (non) prenatal sex with ex, and telepathic sex with eli at the same time, good god that was good )


July 21st

I notified TK about that troll

me: Remember the screenshot I send earlier about a possible new believer?

This is either a big troll or actually trying to start up a cult. ( read screenshots of july 20th above)


july 22nd

I am not sure if this was automatic writing or imprented or not.

But It seems or feels the unsundered got something to say to Zeke.....

“Please forgive this broken ancient soul.

For the mistakes it made and probably never be whole.

Like broken angels, wingless, cast from heaven's gates

We only fly when falling, falling far from grace

And like a message in a bottle cast to sea

Quick to their ends, our candles burn, until we're free

Please hearken on my plea, and release the burden of my wife to be ~Elidibus

A soul burned with regret. Won't be able to forget. Her soul will remain stuck on planet earth, and forced upon rebirth ~ lahabrea.

Please forgive our comrade and give her a chance once more ~ emet-selch. “

this could be my desires to ask them for help for getting back in contact with Zeke. or its was automatic writing, because I cannot recall any words to look up for rhyming and this was only my second poem written so far. maybe a mixture of both. maybe if TK reads this she might a get a message if it was my own doing or a real message from them or just some parts idk, I was heavily emotional when I wrote this and the regret was high.

so at November 12th I send this to her (when I was writing this chapter) and she said this:

tk: Got it was mostly them but small bit of own wishes. Laha still wishes that Zeke was still in contact though”

so it was a mixture of both. ty TK!

so I hope zeke will read this someway or another…….i really hope we can start over I’am not that- “look I posted something please read as fast as possible etc” -person anymore. I can wait.


July 23rd

So I went towards someone who could see someone's higherself. and dig into my soul’s secrets, past lives and many more things etc. I only told this person that I believe the world of a game called ffxiv is a real existing planet and that I am originally from that planet. that is all I said to him via an no details about the ascians etc.

I needed to lay down on a table so he could help me.

When he started at my belly he made random noises that caused energy to flow. after a couple of minutes he started to talk an unknown language. My mind reacted to it like it was familiar to me, but I did not understood a thing of it. (like the Ancients). I turned emotional like I missed something. I asked what language it was.

It was a combination of galactic, earth, and nature sounds.

Ancient talk ranged in my head. Omg.

He continued. He was able to go that deep he reached the mist and avalon.

I did not know, what that was. He said I needed to watch or read about it.


After allot of other random noises and ancient talk.

He went towards my head. And placed his hand up on my head. After a few minutes of getting in more deeper into my soul. He noticed priests and other guardians surrounding me.

He said that to me.

I asked "can you count how many of them are here?"

13 he said, but outside them many more. (students I presumed but did not asked, the first thing that came to mind that the entire convocation was here)

He said: they are here to make you feel at home..

I told him: I know it sounds completely insane, but the story of ffxiv is actually a story from a existing planet when my soul comes, from. So 13 says allot to me.

Then he asked me if I got questions to them.

I said: is 1 of the 13, connected to me like a soul bond.

He: I get a yes, but no one steps up. (few seconds later) oh now someone comes.

Do you want to ask him something?

Me: his name if he can remember that

Sadly I gained no answer. Or perhaps they didn't told him or wanted too.

Later he asked if I dream allot.

Me: well yes.

He: about what?

Me: allot like my past life on that planet, that how I came to know. I even wrote and autobiography of it.

He continued the treatment. He went in deeper and reached the phoenix.

I got alerted by this because I am able to change into it a couple of times before.

He: do you got a special connection with the phoenix?

Me: well when I was able to go into deep trance I was able to change into it.

He: yes I can sense that, there is a transformation taking place now.

Somehow I gained becoming a phoenix feeling. Like my head changed into a bird head. And glowing red golden feathers upon my arm that became wings.

I didn't see it, it only felt that way.

More ancient talk, my mind was reply replying to it. Yet still did not understood a thing. Elidibus was clearly there as well, comforting me I felt regularly a connection with him.

He went to my belly again. And said I got a strong connection/ties with the dragon aswell. I needed to think about that. But yes I always had interest in dragons so in that point of view I am connected to dragons. But that was not the only thing that came to mind. Elidibus might he able to change into a dragon but I didn't said that he him. Instead I asked if there is a link between the phoenix and the dragon (suggesting me and possible Elidibus). But he replied differently.

He said, the phoenix isn't always with you, but the dragon is.

I didn't bother questioning further. "always with me, Elidibus" that was the only thing that came to mind.

He started to make shapes on my belly with his fingers he drew things.

Star inscriptions he called them.

I asked him if those 13 got besides there own names also got titles.

He said yes and no.” It doesn't matter”, is what they said. They said “we are everything and nothing at the same time”

Later he went to my feet, I felt something touching on my left hand.

Later he went to my left hand and holded it with both of his hands. But the same feeling appeared on my right one. Elidibus or emet-selch was holding it.

That Was what came to mind.

Near the end of it, some singing bowls were ranged and after some wind chimes.

Then I was able to get up slowly.

I stretched myself thoroughly.

Then I asked if I can ask something.

He: go ahead.

Those 13 how did they look like? Could you see that? Or what are they wearing?

He closed he eyes once again.

They are wearing robes.

Me: black?

He: not black but colors. Blue and green.

Me: white then ?

He: yes also white. And The color varies in light tones of the same color.

Me: are they from the same planet my soul cones from?

He: they didn't want to answer that, but they do said they got a connection with you.

Me: no ofcourse they don't want to tell that to everyone........

Me: was i once 1 of them?

He: (he paused to Listen) yes you were one of them.

I became super emotional that I had to sit up, instantly to cry about everything I came to know is true.

After some crying and thanking emet-selch for letting me know my past.

He: how are you feeling.

Me: emotional, but in a happy way, that everything I came to know about my soul's origin is true.

He: yes you very special I never seen such a happenings before.

He was amazed himself to witness these things of everything he saw.

He told me further what he did to the connection with my higher self. And what I need to do.

We talked about other things. Which was very confirming to know. And what to do.

Here the session ended.

This was the best confirmation I could ever get so far, from a complete stranger and unknown to any story line of ffxiv

tk: :o very interesting.

me: Ikr! :o


July 25th

to zio: Or my connection with Elidibus had a majority increase after that treatment or he has days off? Does nabriales know more if they are still busy with things or that they are taking it easy now?

I understand being in bad shape that you can't connect. But In case you did let me know what he said.

zio: Aah, just on here for a second. But I'm doing okay,[redacted]

I haven't heard from Nabriales much, when I did it was just briefly to see how I was feeling.

But it could be a little of both, them having more time out of work and the treatment.


July 27th

I asked last Sunday when he would come over.

Today 8am he was there. Had some wonderful soulbonding sex. Its, remains magical no matter how less or often we do it. It has been a while. So this is absolutely wonderful. He likes it aswell.

Atm of writing he is here. He doesn't want me to put this in my ao3 but are allowed to share with jezzah. And I get random cozy fluffy feelings while typing. I love him so much. And I feel blessed having him. ( so yeah I wont tell the details lol, but I even forgot to put the details down for myself so I cannot tell anymore XD)


July 30th

This day my youngest sister ( the one who channeled Elidibus on Dec 17th 2020 ) and my ex went to the same guy I went to the week before. so my sister is originally from the fairy kingdom. and my ex wasn’t very special info to share. he has stomach/digesting problems that need to be solved before he can have access to special soul traits. I went with them because I was mostly curious about my sister’s outcome. when both were done the man who treated all of us said something to me that he forgot to tell the last time. he said that he saw me in a past life writing allot. writing fantasy stories.

( I really wonder who I was back then lol, maybe someone well known who knows?( hells if I was Thomas More then I just wrote my past life possibly this is just speculation and wishfull thinking but hey a woman can dream right?))

I told him i was keeping a autobiography if my experiences and such and he said I really should continue doing that. fully encouraged it because my soul finds peace in it. I said that I do I mostly on the computer. and he answered with “that also writing, just digital, you type up what you want to tell, and that is what you must do”. my sister had an ornament , a necklace I believe. he asked if he could hold it to see any properties/memories that belonged to her. I don’t recall what he said after checking. but as a response I asked if he could do that with my resin cast convocation necklace ( pic I shared earlier in this chapter). I said the “stone” originally belongs to elidibus and I wondered what he could see.

when he hold the “stone” and closed his eyes to focus. he said “this is used to gain a better connection with the soul” I asked if its also for memories and Elidibus stored memories of him in the real version of this replica, because this one is from resin. “that is correct he used this before but he has given this to you now so you can have a better connection with him and your soul.”

I was turning emotional as fock. I didn’t told this man anything besides what I told above. this guy is truly remarkable ( if you live in the Netherlands or surrounding countries ( or just willing to travel to my country) and want to go to him please contact me I will give you the email to contact him for a session).

In September I went for another session which will have interesting info about what I must do and Endwalker info! not so much as in what is gonna happen, but more how accurate the story is. and allot has been confirmed I can tell you. I will probably go again after I finished the Endwalker story line. I will probably have allot of question then!


Dreams of July

July 3rd

this is the dream I had when I gained that automatic writing session with Laha afterwards.

ok I really don't remember the beginning.

so there was a water event and everyone was doing tricks and making water shapes with magic.

I think I was wearing ascian robes, but I didn't really notice. I didn't even have the gloves on.

I was practicing with a pendulum. not with water or anything. but I wanted to try if I could. I said which way it should go and it did. I got splashed wet a dozen times but didn't mind.

later when i was done i went through the event and did some water tricks with the rest. later I wanted to do something by myself.

I went to a fountain that looked like an oval crushed ball.

that water had run over it. I lifted my finger like a magic staff and directed the water. the water from the fountain went horizontal and trickled down. was quite nice to see.

I let it go counterclockwise and let water float in a spiral upwards. only during this process when i got the spiral up did the music director standing right next to it got wet. it was an old man. he was furious at a splash of water.

man: (turned around) Look what you're doing, I'm wet!

me: now what?! I've gotten wet more than 10 times already.

man: I don't care.

me: i got wet 20 times already and i don't care why you?

man: argh.

he brought in the 2 ancients who organized the event they were getting hammered.

I saw them as a cut scene on their knees on the floor while the man was standing. they knelt to offer their apologies. I walked past it through the side and then the man's back. so I could see the ancients from the front. the man left after his sermon and passed in front of me, out of sight of the ancients. as he passed I saw Lahabrea and Igeyorhm smiling at each other in ascian robes (without the shoulder armor and wings) and hood off. they didn't mind what happened.

then i woke up. and wrote it down

second dream

I dream something vague. I don't know if it's right.

Lore was explained about the origin of the ancients. what I myself concluded (in that dream) is that they were extinct once before at a time when Zodiark was good by nature. I saw zodiark as a picture in human form but really huge compared to the 3 (ascians) standing next to it. Zodiark wore a long white robe, had white wings and a huge ass sword in his right hand. he also had armor here and there on the front.

according to the lore laid out Zodiark would have gone bad but before it would have been an ideal figure what are now the unsundered ascians. (????) The 3 ascians standing next to it in only black robes were the unsundered but eli was wearing black. you didn't see faces.

but how had Zodiark fallen? so on the 2nd round it was only good because eli was in it. so when eli went out he got bad again.

( I don’t think I will get answers to this from anyone)

third dream

in the dream it was 10:45 pm

I had sent all messages to "light workers" that day (in the dream). I got a call from an American woman who wanted to make a video call to give us answers.

me: well i need to discuss this with my partner ( ex, i use "partner" to be formal and to make it less awkward that i still live with my ex)

I walked over to my ex who was standing at the back door.

ex: no that is not possible today we have to go to bed.

me: you see we are from the Netherlands and it's bedtime here, so maybe tomorrow.

woman: oh no prob i will see what i can do.

ten the statue went to her house. she was focusing until suddenly.

woman: (anxious) oh!

took all the tarot cards she had and spread them out on the floor.

woman: multiple magick inclined families togetherare causing.. (she flipped over a few cards) something. it spells the final days!

me: oh god not again.

I returned home

Me: I hope I don't do have to experience that again.

I woke up in that dream with puke tendencies, grabbed the pen and journal to write it down. After 1 sentence I really woke up.


July 10th

I will skip the beginning. in short I met a girl in india and we went to japan because there would be amusement park for kids.

i saw kid Thancred in gunbreaker clothes playing mey kid minfillia. he had blond hair instead of gray. he also had a ninja mask for his mouth fun xD.

me: aww kid thancred, how cute! oh this is another timeline maybe i can find myself with elidibus.

when I said that I had already started looking and saw Y'sthola for a while. she was a teenager in BLM outfit.. and then I found Elidibus but I don't think he knew who I was right away. i wanted to kiss him, he allowed it but then wondered who i was. he had one of those uniforms on a black sleeveless tuxedo with a white blouse underneath. but with hoodie and mask on.

eli: who are you anyway?

me: well, i was the sister in a past life.

eli: a sister is not a couple. a sister is corporate fuel.

(what XD?! dream nonsense here)

me: no I don't mean that and kissed him again. he had a very thin lined black mustache and a beard.

me: i was your sister but i am reincarnated and you are not. if you are reincarnated, it will be reset. we are kind of still brother and sister but in the future (or now) we will be a couple.

despite having his mask on, I could tell he knew this and was listening.

then i woke up.

could this be AU elidibus? Lahabrea had also a different hair color once as a bartender.

I never really asked if it was the real one or not. or I have forgotten the answer. sorry.


July 15th

it took me forever to fall asleep. not sure if lahabrea was in it but that Troll from twitter was in it and joined my discord. and he started to tell everything. it was about future events like 7.0 and onwards. something with cyber machinery and battles on another planet. it was allot of text and complicated English for me. so I can’t remember all. he said that he wasn’t suppose to know this and then I said with trouble typing that I will not come to know how the unsundered were saved. all thought I wrote down “how azem would have saved the unsundered” but that I will come to know in endwalker.

this was at the beginning when I talked to this dude. I didn’t told him anything in advance of this dream. but the dream matched up. so I believe him at first until he started to ask weird questions and replies.


July 16th

this dream is already posted.


July 21st

this one was about an ancient (no convocation member) I don't remember exactly what happened. but saw him from a distance with someone else between us looking at him in amazement at how big the ancient was.


well this was the July chapter. August will be combined with September. so that will take a bit more time then usually to finish that one


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