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My Ascian Journey Chapter 2: The first dreams

Writer: Ayane FirebirdAyane Firebird

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

The first dreams began on January 24th, 2020.

The second one was about 1 week later. And the third one on February 4th

But the actual first dream was halfway through August 2019 when I finished the main story of Shadowbringers. Back then I had a dream that Emet-Selch asked me to come with him and stretched out his hand, I declined because I didn’t trust him, also I still hated the ascians at that point. He walked away disappointed, the dream ended. So that already came out of nowhere!

But here are the first ascians 3 dreams I had:

I was walking outside a house. (It was I believe the old house where my mom used to live with me and my sisters long ago. We only lived there for 2 years).

Dream # 1

I flew up a bit and turned into an ascian with cloak and all. I knew this apparently and wasn’t surprised, I tore open a hole in the night sky with my hands. It was called a dimension time loop-hole. Before I went in, I looked up looked at the stars, and said “thank you Emet”. I let myself sucked into the black hole and landed in a parallel version of Earth. I don’t know where I was, but I was almost in the same district. Then I scared some random people and left giggling on a flying chair xD (teasing like Haunter of Pokémon would do).well it mainly was a hovering chair above the ground.

After that, I spontaneously was somewhere else. In a building, people were bullying me because I was an ascian. They were yelling and calling me names. I walked away and said: “I wished Emet was here”, he would even be nicer to me than they are. … I just wanna go home. Then I went outside the building it was midday, clear sky, and bright sunlight.

The building looked a bit like the elementary school I was in when I was 10~12 but a lot bigger. And a huge schoolyard full of people demonstrating against something. In the distance, there was a tall building; on the wall, I saw a portal to the Source. I recognized it due to the golden flames around it like as the logo has. The inside was glowing purplish pink very bright.

To everyone I said (while flying/floating above the crowd): LOOK it’s a portal!

I flew towards it but when I arrived it was already closed. I was so disappointed, while half flying I tried to climb up the wall to look for a small opening. But I couldn’t find any. And I said: “I just wanna go home”…. I cried out of despair.

After that, I dimension-hopped to somewhere else. It was an in-between world of this world and the FFXIV one. Where my dreams usually take place. At first, I landed in some sort of department store with 4 floors (called the Hema in my city). Where I wanted to leave as soon as possible because no one was supposed to see I’m an ascian. I ran outside. It was dark again. I found myself on the city streets, slightly relieved because this was the in-between world, but I still wasn’t home yet.

The first person I saw was Estinien in totally different armor and carrying a different lance. I could tell it was him because of the white hair sticking out of the helmet, and his face. He walked straight past me with no reply. I called after him: Estiniiieeeennn! He didn’t look back. Why I don’t know. I also don’t know why I didn’t chase him, which I usually do in my dreams. (I was before this dream crazy for Estinien).

After walking a bit on the place where frequently market stalls are on Friday and Saturday (in my city), I saw someone running in what looked like a dude in Estinien’s old red armor. I noticed which way he was running, so I ran toward him. I blocked him from going further in a power grip on his waist. When holding him I noticed black hair coming from underneath the helmet.

Me: “oh you’re not Estinien.”

Guy: Oh? Is Estinien here?

Me: Yes but he is hard to find,

I gave him my invisible business card (like your character getting an item in-game)

me: contact me when you see him.

Guy: [redacted].com? (he apparently can read invisible? XD’)

Me: yes the email that is on the card.

Guy: ok! And he ran off.

That was the dream, as a result of waking up I woke up with terrible migraine, and my eyes hurt. And I could even feel my third eye resonating with this entire event, which gave also headache exactly at that place. I had a hard time waking up as if my soul wasn’t returned fully yet. As if I didn’t know where I was, while at the same time I know where I was.

Later I started asking my higher self questions, to see if there was truth in it. If the Source or at least the planet that contains the story we know of as FFXIV might exist or not. And it did…..

And the question “if” the story of Amaurot happened, it did. Thus came the question if I was an ascian for real. And gained other yes. I couldn’t believe my eyes. But then the question remained which ascian I was or which convocation member? The rumors were already going on that the WOL/D was the 14th member but defected. But this answer was given later.

Anyhow, the sorrow in the dream was real, devastating, most terrible homesickness you could imagine, I was torn apart. I have been feeling lost on this forsaken planet called Earth for 2 months straight. The desire to go home was strong and still is.

Dream # 2

The training from Emet

I don't know exactly how it started anymore, but it looked like this should have taken place before the first one. In terms of timeline events.

I was Emet’s apprentice, he was teaching me his fingersnap magicks. He stood at the back of me and showed me how, after showing, he went off watching me.

I had to make things float with telepathy, make it turn around (the thing looked like a Dratini plushie), and that all with 1 fingersnap. After a couple of times trying I succeeded. I was proud of myself like a 12yo, I told Emet who was sitting in a garden on a wooden chair at a wooden round table and a tree above it drinking coffee. He gave me a gentle smile but didn’t say a thing. The garden which we were in looked a bit at the house where my dad used to live (those houses are destroyed long ago), but then neatly tidied up, instead of 1 big forest of birdseed weeds lol.

After that wanted to try again. But suddenly it was in public, the place had turned into some sort of restaurant outside. But still looked a bit like the garden. Multiple people saw me doing my practice……….they became angry and said I needed to quit. I told them to go away and leave me alone or something like that or else I will blow them away. Someone from the side punched me on my head, directly after the others started hitting to hit me as well. I fell to my knees protecting my head with my arms and screamed: “Emet help me!”

Right at the moment, I woke up the last image I saw was he standing at the back of me, and I felt I was kicked in the lower back. As a result of waking up. That kick was real as f·ck. Because I noticed it when I woke up. Also, the bottom half of my body felt pushed away for like 50 cm of its place. Some kind of push kick, not to hurt me. But enough to wake me up. I was relieved that I was awake. Also, to mention no one was behind me. But that kick was real.

Dream #3

Teasing Elidibus,

The dreams started about something random with Pokémon with Jessy and James in an airplane. And suddenly I was at an apartment in a flat building on the highest floor of the building I think the 11th floor? With my ex and son of almost 9yo. I walked in the corridor to another room, when I encounter Elidibus. He asked me if I would like to join them. I’m not sure if I exactly said no I don’t believe I did. But I didn’t say yes either. I walked away back to the empty living room catching Pokémon coming from tiny void portals. The portals were not bigger than a yellow (Galia?) melon. My son joined in, and my partner was watching from the single chair that was there, I caught a Lapras. The irony was that you couldn’t see the Pokémon; you needed to throw the fucking ball at the portal, and then you could see what you caught when the ball hit the Pokémon. This went on a couple of times until on the other side of the room it didn’t work anymore. Tried again with higher speed and more balls at once with rapid firing speed, but it didn’t work. I told my son and ex I'm going to ask Elidibus what to do.

So I left those 2 alone on the search for Elidibus. Now, this part was pretty vague, but after it was clearer again.

The vague part: I found him once, but he ignored me and disappeared. So I started yelling “Elidibus” all the time in funny ways to make fun of him. Until I noticed him smirking at me, and suddenly I found myself outside the building with my ex and son it looked like a tiny park, and it was cloudy weather. We watched how a Moltres changed into a Moltres with a Fearow head. And after that, something became a ho-oh with a huge ass chibi head. I gained the message through telepathy that I needed to catch those. But didn’t know it was Elidibus saying that. The deformed Pokémon flew away, I chased them.

Suddenly I found myself somewhere else. I recognized the place but from long ago. I don’t believe it exists in the same state anymore or is destroyed for new buildings. Anyhow, I was at a place with flats very high ones and an elementary school I don’t know about. I went suddenly on my bike, riding on the sidewalk. Then all of a sudden a group of elderly women crossed my path, making issues that I would bump into them. I stood up for myself saying that I wouldn’t, and they went away. My ex was walking behind me with our son in the buggy all the time………………………….my bike disappeared I turned around and noticed my son in the child's pushchair being not older than a 1 yo! I looked for 3 full seconds deeply at my son.

And replied to my ex: this is the past! Our son is 9yo! Elidibus did this he sent me to the past.

My ex: oh that makes sense.

I ran back to the front of those apartment buildings. I saw something flying far above the buildings I could only see a shade. Then I screamed Elidibus! Come here now! Too bad that flying thing wasn’t Elidibus but probably the malformed Pokémon. I kept yelling Elidibus!3x, Emet for once even though I wasn’t sure he would come, even Lahabrea came to mind, but I stopped myself there because I knew he was dead. Scream another time for Elidibus, but he didn’t come.

I was pissed, my ex and son were gone, and I walked next to an apartment building (on my right side) where I finally knew which one it was. But on my left side, everything was a grass field. And in the very far distance, there was an apartment building where my dream started. (Originally where the grass was in my dream there are houses and a tiny park in RL.) while walking and catching a Sneasel like in Pokémon Go. Sometimes the balls disappeared when being thrown very weirdly. I came to the thought; maybe he is annoyed I didn’t say “yes” yet. Perhaps I shall just join them.

After that, I caught an Abra, but something was wrong with the ball. I needed to close it with my hand to catch it afterward. The ball didn’t lock anymore, so I threw it away, I saw the second entity flying in the air. I screamed 1 last time for Elidibus, but it was the chibi head ho-oh.

And then the alarm clock went off.

The dream was so funny I woke up laughing my ass off. In my experience, I experienced it as hilarious. Even though it might not look like that when you read this. How funny is it to ask Elidibus how to catch Pokémon from a void portal xD?

He knows I hate him, but he secretly likes my teasing because of that smirk, only to tease me back.

I think this endeavor to tease me back wasn’t that bad, it was like a “don’t f·ck with me” answer. It also didn’t feel bad at all. It felt like…. He was my older brother (which I don’t have in RL)……..

I got a lot of ascian dreams after this, but those are for another chapter.


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