Since literally, everything goes via Dm’s instead of replies in the group nowadays. I leave out the note “dm with [name]”
July 1st
I received pictures from the Etsy seller whom I bought the actual crystal convocation stone from.
Me: It's so gorgeous! It feels like a focking wedding ring
TK (via dm): :O nice
Me: IKR, it's actual crystal.
(change of subject)
Me: seriously, I think we will see Emet sometime again with a summoning. and the first sundered ascian we will see at this point will probably be Emmoroloth to tie up the eureka story. actually,
the eureka story didn't come to mind when I asked Eli ;) what do you think about this?
Tk: could happen, especially since we are going to other shards it seems like
Me: yeah, but I think we are going to fix the 13th first.
Tk: yeah, hopefully, we get Unukalhai to help again lol
Me: Definitely, I take a bet he will join us.
July 2nd
Me: I still wonder why Meteion wasn't 4.5 meters tall when we meet her in the present.
I mean, I get Emet and Hyth because that is how you remember them and thus summoned them that way. But that isn't the case with Meteion
Don't you wonder why they kept Meteion in size comparison instead of her full height?
(she replied to this a few days later)
July 3rd
Me: I just need to write this off of me, or else I can't sleep.
So Eli was over this day, he went with me to every store and went with me to bring my son to his stayover place.
Nice moments in bed in the evening and he helped me to meditate.
But after meditation, I couldn't sleep at first. About 2h around 01:30 I finally fell asleep but woke up every couple of minutes because I didn't want to miss out on saying goodbye to Eli at 2:52am
Though, I was so fucking tired that at 2:38 I asked to say goodbye in advance because I simply couldn't stay awake any longer. This resulted in him grabbing my hand, I had no reason to cry, yet I burst out in tears. I guess he didn't want to do that and felt guilty keeping me awake. It was his tears obviously and his guilty feelings I felt. This was so beautiful, and emotional that I just couldn't cut it off like that. So I stayed awake for him and cried some more, silently. He kept holding my left hand almost the entire time. When he removed his hand I thought he left, but he didn't, he just remained silent for a few seconds. “I thought you left,” I said. He gave me an assuring, comforted feeling that he will not leave me yet until it was really time to go. Eventually, it was time to say goodbye for real… He didn't want to leave, despite he knew he couldn't stay. Though I will not see him for 2 weeks now, because I'm going to Disneyland Paris next weekend. This also made him emotional. And I said, “I asked you if you had time on July 11th or 12th, but you didn't.” He remained silent.....he felt shitty, I tell you. He hugged me tightly. Feeling sorry he didn't have any spot free in between, I take it. And so, one final kiss and asked him to seek a telepathic connection between these 14 days. And he agreed to do that.
After some more tears shedding, I felt he was about to leave and placed his hand on my upper right arm. I cried more, and he tried to comfort me.
After that, I felt suddenly relieved and the sadness left from top to bottom washed away. He left… It was his leaving I felt. But this was so beautiful, I cried once more, but this time it was fully my own tears.
After a few more minutes, I said “Eli” and gained a confirming feeling of him. I asked Linala twice if he was here and gained an unsure “no” as if she was still looking around. I gained another comforted feeling of what felt like Eli. Then I asked if this was telepathic and gained a confirming feeling of Linala. so I switched the connection to Eli immediately.
I said I loved him and that I really needed to sleep and will see him in 2 weeks. Eventually, we logged off.
I am crying again while typing this. It was so beautiful T-T
Sorry, I just had to share at the moment it happened. I didn't want to overload you….
Tk: no, no, you were fine. I don't know what to say to it other than something like “Aww that's nice” I am truly glad he came and did that for you though.
July 4th
Tk: me thinking about what you said the other day … Why DIDN'T they have Meteion her normal size when you see her after you beat Endsinger lol
Me: ah, good, what's your thought about it? but even before she became Endsinger though.
TK: Well, I mean during that cs it doesn't make much sense because in Elpis you're bigger than normal, and after Endsinger you're normal size, so she should be bigger than you
Me: yeah, exactly, but also when she appears in the spaceship. before you even enter Ultima Thul
Tk: I think there, she's using her ability to appear to them. Cause otherwise the ship would have not made it lol.
Me: you mean that was an illusion? well, hologram. but what about at the end of the road before the final dungeon?
Tk: Or a part of her. I don't know, lol
Me: can you ask lahabrea? XD
Tk: Can try lol
Me: xD if he can't say the reason for the game. then ask him what the truth was about how she actually appeared. according to Eli, she was her ancient size. well a bit shorter than that 3~3.5 meters instead of 4,5 m
July 9th
Me: What?! In a Disney hotel with a Western theme? I can't keep my eyes off it.

Fabs: damn
Me: yeah
Fabs: that's awesome
Me: According to my ex, it might be something Aztecs. Which would mean I lived during that time.

Fabs: maybe very interesting
Me: I found this under Aztec phoenix, not sure if it's a confirmed thing. But look closely behind the head. It looks like an Azem summoning circle.
Fabs: yeah
Me: I really think the twelve are the embodiments of the Arch angels of Etheirys. Though I am not allowed to know yet, as the game will tell me what they are in time. Or the Council of Twelve (of Etheirys) quite literally mentioned in Dolores Cannon's books.
Fabs: Hmm, maybe don't know enough about either, but I guess alliance raids will tell more.
July 11th
Me: Eli helped again with selling items
The hat was undercut with 1 Gil, otherwise, a full set was sold.
I guess the buyer was out of Gil for the last ring xD

July 13th
Me: Received this today.
And I just checked, and it's a full moon today too, lol

Fabs: Oh nice
Tk: Nice, :o maybe I can hear from Lahabrea then lol (since it's a full moon)
Me: I hope so! It's even a supermoon

July 14th
Me: @TK any success? I had 2 tiny glimpses of elidibus in my dreams. 1 that he was chuckling for a merge second. and a second one where I saw him standing from the back with a staff in his left hand. he had his ascian robes on, and a mask and hood on his head. had any success?
July 15th
Me: Lol I got a nice one.
Aside from their voices.
What do Matt Stokoe and elidibus have in common?
Fabs: don't know
Me: They are both private people regarding their personal life.
Matt doesn't have any social media accounts. And doesn't like to share anything, but he is ok with his fiancé sharing things.
And elidibus almost never shares anything with others about us. And Eli is ok with me sharing things about us.
Lol, more just came up, realizing that Matt and his fiancé Sophie have a baby of a few months old.
And Eli and I got Quilitus. And we aren't officially married, either.
Fabs: oh weird
Me: Looks somewhat the same, yes?
Fabs: oh yeah
Me: @TK did you have anything the last 2 days?
TK: My dream last night.
Me: tell :D
Tk: This is a bit long, I'm typing don't worry lol
Me: ok Ty!
TK: Dream started where I was at like some sort of school it felt like, was definitely Amaurot design-like, though it wasn't in the city. It was in what looked like a classroom in there. Someone came to get me, and they said that they were ready with the field trip group. Followed this person to some students, it looked like, in robes and stuff. The other person who came to get me said they were ready to go to someplace (I somewhat forget where they said it was) and everyone then warped to this place with some animals. Pretty much think they were there for the students to examine and ask questions about how they were made or whatever, lol. All of a sudden, I'm like back in one of my normal areas I try to visualize in, and Lahabrea's there. We just were talking about random stuff. I woke up unfortunately during the middle of, but later I got that smell again that I said happened the other day (again nothing was open, everyone else was asleep, all that)
Me: oh nice. what did you talk about with Laha?
Tk: About what you asked about Meteion (he says that she was making herself smaller during most of it. Though no idea why the game shank her after the Endsinger fight lol), then me harassing him about the Pokémon thing you asked the one time lol
Me: wait which Pokémon thing lol
Tk: That you said his favorites were probably all fire types, lol
Me: lol and, and what was the answer XD. In the dream, I mean.
Tk: He said that wasn't true, lol
Me: xD ok. did he name a few?
Tk: Keldeo was one, lol
Me: but waiiiittt that's still a pony, lol
Tk: Yeah a unicorn lol
Me: but a horse-like creature XD
Tk: Not a fire type tho, lol
Me: no, I know. but he created ponies lol
Tk: X3
Me: Did he name more?
Tk: I forgot some, I will re-ask, lol
July 16th
Me: Gained confirmation he helped. With the previous items that were sold.
Also, full set Accessories sold. I didn't have the armor anymore.

July 17th
Me: check this out. would it be considered worthy that Etheirys was closer to Earth in ancient times? because of the constellations that are the same? Or let's say the solar system of Etheirys was closer to Earth's solar system.
I didn’t gain any replies, TK was sick. But considering the universe is always expanding. This isn’t farfetched.
July 18th
Me: spirit guides are so handy in helping you find things. today, I couldn't find a certain plushie at first. I asked Linala if I still had it, and gained a yes. it happened that the plush was in a different storage crate with the ghost-type Pokémon instead of the Alola one.
also, just now I couldn't find the letter of the wedding invitation, I asked Linala if it was still laying on my desk. it took a few seconds for an answer but gained a yes. directly after I found it.
Me: Ascian mask from a dream. In May

Zio: Ooh.
Me: yeah, according to the dream it was Pashtarot.
Zio: It looks like it could suit him, honestly.
Me: yeah. in the dream, he looked like a white Erichthonios lol. his hair was a bit more reddish blond iirc. um caramel or strawberry blond-like, it was about a game event that still needs to happen. Apparently
Zio: Ooh…I guess we'll see if we get anything about him in the future.
Me: yeah, I am about to post the newest chapter. the dreams are very interesting. I suggest reading them since I hardly posted them here.
Zio: Alright <3
July 21st
Me: (@TK) Are you there by any chance?
There is this old dream I had in 2021 bugging me
I will drop this here for you to read when I am asleep.
I never told anyone about this dream, not even in my journal, …yeah Jezzah just now but she doesn't understand it seems.
I had a dream in early 2021. (I need to look it up which date), that I had a 2 y old daughter, but I was dead, I died at 44, apparently. When I spoke to her, she grew older when I talked to her.
My ex wasn't her Dad, but she definitely knew my ex, it was someone else who was her dad. The dad had another woman in his house, probably his new wife? I don't know.
I flew out the window to write the dream down and woke up.
The age is bugging me, you see.
This was before FFXIV was announced to get another 5 years extra above the already first 5 years.
So when EW was released, they got 10 years to go. I was like wtf. Then I am 44….
Do you see what I mean?.
That number.......and the story ends possibly, but I'm too then?
what's your pov of this? It had been on my mind lately. I don't mind if it happens at that age. I just want to know if it is possible that this is true. And maybe lahabrea knows more. I don't know….
I am just focking homesick atm
TK: I'm not understanding. Are you saying your age in ten years will be 44?
Me: Yeah, I am 34
But in that dream, I died at 44.
Close to the EW release or at the release somewhere, they announced that they gained another 10 years in total for story content.
I turned 34 last Dec (16th).
Are you getting it now? If you are, do you think there is a link between them?
TK: I don't think it's anything really, just a weird coincidence. I will ask Lahabrea
Me: TY
Group post
so Eli was here for a few hours. after some F*íng good sex, I took a shower with him with me. I discussed my hair color. that I managed to get the purple out, but now it's too gray. I heard the thought, “You are always beautiful”. that was from him
July 22nd
Me: I just got a sudden theory about Dynamis.
I watched some cutscenes of Elpis back, just the other day.
And because of their aetheric bodies, they couldn't wield Dynamis.
Which means they were not even able to use it through telepathy.
They can possibly read minds, but not express strong feelings through it that the other can receive. Like elidibus and I do now. Without their bodies, they CAN use it.
This is just a theory about it. Maybe an interesting question for lahabrea.

Me: Cool. Did you read the above?
Tk: yes
Me: Nice, can you ask Lahabrea about this?
Tk: When I can next time
Me: Awesome
July 23rd
I wonder if this "playground-paradise for kids" dreams and trying to get out of it (which thus far is successful), symbolizes life on earth?
July 24th
Me: didn't win the house
there is another chance with a different house.
did you have anything with Laha encounter? or able to ask questions?
Tk: (sad emoji) I even asked Lahabrea to help, sorry you didn't get it. Not yet.
Me: I didn't receive any sign from him either. is there something I can do for him?
Tk: I can ask
Me: ty
Sometime later
Me: this you might find interesting since lahabrea often says “soon”
“While time isn’t quantifiable or relevant in the Spirit world, it still comes up in readings. When a loved one uses the word “soon,” I ask them to translate that into a conventional measure of time in the physical world. Does soon mean a day … a week … years?”
you might want to ask him the same when he ever mentions it again, lol
I was searching for things about celebrations in the spirit world. so I came across that.
I want to celebrate Quilitus's Soul Bday tomorrow. but I have actually no clue what to do with him tomorrow. In the spirit world, they don't celebrate those kinds of things.
I made this setup for him.
Tk: cute
I gained a seizure right at the moment Eli and Quilitus arrived on the 25th… they are coming back on Thursday. but man I felt miserable that day. it felt like I ruined his Bday.
July 28th Quilitus’s Bday
This wtf. All flames are towards the middle one, which is for Quilitus.
Me: So what does lahabrea really look like? Poster Laha? Or old data mined Lahabrea?

Laha looks like Gaius on this poster
From Elidibus, I get the answer he does look like on the poster but with a bit lighter skin. He isn't darkly skinned as Erich.
Can you ask lahabrea if this is true?
(this is stupid from me because I already asked it here and not just only when the patch dropped. I completely forgot that I already asked, but more info regarding this in August/September.)
Me: Though making him look like Gaius and old heavily implies we were right, he was the oldest member of the convocation.
If this is his insane side then his hair still matches with the data-mined model lols

TK: Lahabrea is just laughing that now everyone is talking about him again, lol (he won't straight answer that if he looks like the new artwork). Random, why does the crazy Lahabrea have the normal mask?
Me: this I don't focking know, lol.
According to Eli, lahabrea had blonde hair when he was younger, lol.
“Old” Laha on the art xD
Unless lahabrea says otherwise.
With the hair, I mean
Tk: I'll ask him. But my friend has a family member over to give him something and I kinda want to be not really around, so I may have to ask later
Me: ok. How is lahabrea that a lot of people are simping over him now, lol XD.
Tk: He thinks it's funny actually, lol
Me: Lol
He gets his long-deserved fandom, lol
How is your journal going?
Just send it to me, written to end of June. Any new things are for later.
TK: Actually, he's also happy about it because he said this may have more people asking for help from him or others
Also okay, I'll see if I can send it soon.
(I still haven't received it. I wonder if I will ever read it xD)
Me: Oh, that would be nice. I hope more people will become aware of their existence too.
And awesome, I will look forward to reading it soon!
TK: Well, I've noticed there are quite a few people on Twitter I think that believe they exist in some way but may be too afraid to say for fear of being attacked.
Me: Can you give me the @'s?
I will just press a follow button and see if they are going to read ;)
Tk: I don't have any off the top of my head, just people I've seen. If I run into them again, I'll send
Me: Ty!
Maybe you can search for what they said or what you can remember.
Then you should be able to find some back. I hope.
Group posts
if you come across people that leave the implications/impressions that they believe the ascians exist. Please give me their @'s. If they haven't blocked me, then I will press the follow button and let my story do the rest ;)
Oh, well, today it was different.
I had Quilitus over during the day. Elidibus took him with him.
It was Quilitus's Soul Bday, after all.
Throughout the day, I asked some random questions.
Where Quilitus stays over normally is where he is being mentored to prepare for his very first physical life. This won't happen until Elidibus and I are back on Etheirys and grabbed a host. So, yes, then Quilitus will be our son physically and soulwise.
At 5pm, Elidibus brought him back. and when Eli returned, we finally had time for ourselves <3. I guess I do not need to tell you what we did.
Also, I asked when the patch will drop. It will be on August 23rd.and the trailer drop on the 12th.
July 29th
This is funny though, right the next day I asked when the patch would drop. We gained the official answer. the 23rd lol.
“I was right! Live letter on the 12th!. Which means the trailer will drop. And patch drop on the 23rd!”
Dreams of July.
July 25th
Some events were about people saying wrong things and Emet appeared. He told the people to stop and some other things and ended with “I can tell God lived”
Me: Omg, he says that God lived.
Then I return home and read the story further in a book.
And Emet said: I was wandering around on the Phoenix’s behalf. I decided to tell the people “god lived”
Me thinking * so he acknowledged God’s existence*
Then I woke up
July 29th
the dream started when I came to another planet to do some research.
I was first in a sub with Minfillia and 1 or 2 others.
so I was on Etheirys.
we were on our way to a nature reserve near the North Pole (Garlemald).
me: isn't it more convenient that I fly ahead? they don't recognize me.
Minfillia: That's a pretty good idea.
me: but how do we keep in touch. don't I need such a link shell?
M: yes, I have it here for you.
me: (grab the LS) But how do I know if I'll get you? What if I get someone else?
she had no answer for this.
me: I'll come up with something.
just before I left, I saw a leaflet about not being allowed to heal the mammoth in the nature reserve if it was injured.
this had to do with other predators eating it. but the mammoth was also not allowed to be attacked by mankind.
me: oh well, other animals have to eat too.
I flew out of the submarine up out of the water.
then I was directly in Garlemald.
me: oh, I'm already in Garlemald.
and looked around me at the houses that were modern but old compared to, e.g., on Earth. say a city with old houses which is now “old”.
I went to the harbor that would be closest to this nature reserve. the reserve was called Elpis (not very strange when you think about what Elpis was originally) a tour boat was supposed to go there the next day.
I just missed the last one. then I called Minfillia on my cell phone, which was working through the LS somehow.
me: ha, I'm calling on my cell phone, even though there's no satellite here.
M: oh, that's interesting. how is it going?
me: I'm at the 2nd canal of Garlemald, before I start exploring myself I first want to do the Elpis cruise to see what I can explore.
M: That sounds good.
I hung up. I was standing in the harbor where the last round trip was about to leave. the sunset was already in process.
I ran into my childhood friend.
me: hey, what are you doing here? (we gave each other a hug)
A: on vacation.
me: nice!
A: just did a covid test. for the cruise that leaves soon.
me: do you need a test for that?
A; yes, apparently, but I'm going soon. the boat leaves.
there was a pharmacy-like house where they did the tests for you. for the cruise.
me: I need a test for tomorrow.
Guy: ok, coming up, my colleague is doing the test.
only after some fiddling with the saliva came out positive.
me: oh wait, I just had it about 2 weeks ago. it stays in your blood for 8 weeks.
Guy: oh yes, then we have to arrange something else.
me: wait a minute, I'm on another planet, why does this one have Covid?!
the boy looked at me questioningly.
me: this means it's a globalist thing, but galactic. and I'm at it again.
somehow it was about that I had to pick up some on my home planet (Earth) for that test on Etheirys. I could go with a UFO.
Guy: they are around the corner.
me: yes, I'm already happy that the UFO is available for the common people here. instead of on earth only for the governments. it's already a lot.
then I was home and found to be logged out of the game.
I told my ex what I saw.
later, I tried to get back into the game but forgot my login name.
then I woke up.
I hope you liked this chapter. In August, I went back to John again. Be prepared for a lot of things upcoming chapter!