Dec 1st
Me: Found this tweet. In the beginning, he was definitely picky regarding (physical) affection. Also, I couldn't read him that well as I could now. And yes, he is definitely intense about it when he realizes he needs it.

(commentary from Elidibus on Feb 7th: "I was new to it all, I didn’t know when or how I wanted it. And still with “work” in my head. So I was picky on that manner”.
Not a screenshot of my own. Got it from FB. But the angel number is on it......1111

Dec 2nd
Bestie installing FFXIV. That bestie who can pick up elidibus's Essence.
Dec 4th
So Eli is over for a few hours.
And when we merged ourselves (ya know, become one) he was able to speak through me very shorty.
I asked him if I am really pregnant.
“Yes you are honey”
And I was about to ask the next question, but he already answered.
“I will know what it will become in about 4 or 5 weeks”
Me: 4 or 5?
Then the connection faded. And tried again a minute later.
I had some questions about my son and ex moving out.
“You will be free soon”
Me: really?
“Just let it happen, don't interfere too much”
(My ex's mother is arranging everything)
Then it faded away again.
Communication went as usual afterward with body movements.
During sex, I received a few “I love u 2's” back when I said I love him. And a few moans. :P
I asked about the twelve. But yeah, I need to wait for the in-game info.
But I was at least given the info, they didn't create Etheirys. If it will be mentioned in-game they created Etheirys, then it's false.
But he kept his mouth about when I asked if they seeded the Planet with life like the arch angels (who helped God) here on earth. So there is a chance that it's true. But we will see what the truth is in the game. We only need to wait.
Dec 5th
Alright, my bestie is enjoying the free trial successfully.
And me being an offline mentor, lol
Dec 7th
Dm’s with Corvus
After some talk of unfortunate events from the both of us, is asked how it was going with his spiritual practice.
Me: I guess your spiritual practice went down the drain for the moment too? did you still have the chance to at least meditate?
Corvus: Apart from keeping contact with Aeneas (when he decides to show up, the slippery bastard) I haven't done too much more. He's been trying to instruct me on how to gain control of my dreams. I keep dreaming of glimpses from the Seventh prior to its rejoining, but in those dreams, I never see or hear enough to get any real answers. If I can gain awareness and control from within, I can fix that.
Me: ohhhh, so it is the seventh shard you are possibly from?
Corvus: That's my suspicion. It's what I keep seeing, and it seems to line up with what Aeneas tells me.
Me: coooolllll
Corvus: It's interesting, too, because what I've seen seems to imply that Square has had some inkling of the prior worlds far before ever designing FFXIV.
Me: the shards are the other FF games technically that would line up your info. FF16 is a story of the 2nd before the rejoining. so in that manner, the actual FF2 game is even from before the story of 16. (edited)
oh, Eli, says FF15 is nothing XD no shard story,
Corvus: Makes sense. I've seen images of temples and recordings that suggest the cycle of life in the Seventh mirrors parts of some of the games. Beings were understood to be imbued with the spirit of the world at birth, and at death, their spirit would return to the world. The stories say that at one point in the Seventh's history, a malicious force attempted to harvest the spirit of the world for their own gains, siphoning the souls of the fallen for power. That malicious force was defeated by a council of oracles, speakers of the world that could hear and perceive the world's spirit.
That history obviously inspired the story of Cloud, Avalanche, Shinra, the Cetra, and Sephiroth. Obviously, Square added a bunch and made it anime as hell, but the basic idea is still there.
Me: that is very awesome. though sadly, I never played FF7, only watched the advent children movie. the council of oracles, speakers of the world, who are they then? cloud and co?
Corvus: If you ever get the chance to play FF7, I'd recommend it. It's a great game, and it's where FFXIV borrowed the concepts of Materia, Limit Breaks, and much more. It's also super cheap since it's been ported a bunch of times.
But no, Cloud and Avalanche are just the protagonists of a video game. The oracles that could hear and speak with the world were depicted in the inscriptions as robed figures with one reigning above the others, a winged figure with detailed robes. The drawing covered that figure's face with some sort of symbol I can't translate, but the fact that their face was covered with a symbol at all makes me suspicious that this council of oracles may have been started by an Ascian, or even had an Ascian as their leader.
Me: oooeeeeehhhhhhhhh
also, I gained a big fat yes from Eli to the Materia, limit breaks, and such
now I wonder did you rejoin with your Source shard before you went to Earth or did you go directly without rejoining yourself?
Corvus: I'm not sure yet, but having these dreams, these glimpses of the world before the rejoining, makes me think I must have some sort of memory of that time. How else would I be able to see it?
As for where I've been or what I've been doing since the rejoining, before being born here on this Earth, I have no idea.
Me: well you are 29 right? or at least that's what you told me in August.
the happenings of EW happened 28 Earth years ago. but ARR to EW is a few years as well. then 5 Etheirys years before that, the Seventh rejoining happened. I rather think you observed Earth a couple of years before deciding to incarnate here.
Corvus: That would make sense. I didn't know it was so recent. And yeah, I'll be 30 in April next year.
But yeah, my main goal right now is to gain awareness in the dreams, so I can more freely explore and ask more questions. I want to learn (or remember) as much as I can about that world and what place I had in it.
Me: it's very awesome that you even got those dreams to begin with. I am on Earth already since the sundering, so mine are rare. Also, the fact that my higher self's memory got even erased because of the sundering. but it can be triggered, but I guess that is Emet's doing when he feels like it. and that became rarer lately. I got a dream here and there, but not as often as I used to.
but in trade, my abilities grew and my connection with elidibus became stronger. but yeah I still want to SEE him ya know.
and yes focus on what you want to do first, the rest will follow
Corvus: For sure! And yeah, while the dreams are fascinating, and I'm excited to eventually explore them consciously, I definitely envy how strong your connection is to the Unsundered. Maybe not to the point of your relationship with Eli, but just the ability to freely perceive and converse with them.
Me: Well, it's Eli, mostly. I can via my spirit Guide Linala (who works for Eli) ask things the others. but thus far I haven't heard anything from TK regarding the things I asked Lahabrea. so I have no way to verify if he said something to her regarding her ignoring behavior toward me. Lahabrea likes to help people when they really need it. Emet not so much, he is like “I am not going to intervene with problems of mortals”. though on the spiritual things, he is more likely to help than physical matters in the 3D. also, I still can't hear anyone talk at will. I need magic shrooms to let Elidibus and co. talk through me to have actual conversations. On rare occasions, it triggers without shrooms, deep enough meditation, or a relaxed brain, and a soul-bonding merge from Eli (become one thing) triggered it last time on the 4th iirc, but then it only lasts for a few minutes or so. so yeah, the shrooms triggered the ability to develop on their own. but that will take a long time (I think) to do just that whenever I want. but I am already grateful I can work on something now.
the “normal” ability goes with feelings and body movements my body automatically does when elidibus or any of them replies.
Corvus: Oh interesting! It didn't take too long for me to be able to hear Aeneas in conversation, and at this point, I can hear him fairly clearly in most situations unless I'm surrounded by a ton of other distracting noise. I just assumed you were already far beyond that point.
I can still only see him clearly in dreams or dreamlike states, though.
Me: you mean you can hear him in the waking world?
sadly, that clairaudience never really developed with me, sadly -_-.
Corvus: Yeah! In day-to-day conscious contact, I can typically hear his words. It started as the words simply being visualized in my mind, like watching an imaginary chat log. Then, through meditation in silent darkness (which was easy since I'm usually awake during deep night hours) I slowly grew to hear the words as they appeared in response. I went from meditating to gain access to the conversation to meditating during the conversation and eventually grew to hear him as naturally as I would hear the person sitting next to me on this plane.
Me: that is so awesome
long have I tried manifesting for months to “hear” Elidibus speak. and it still didn't come. I even was specific in being it clairaudience, but no. eventually during the magic shroom trip I discovered I was able to let him talk through me. and that would be the way to hear him talk. so like a half-body possession but only your voice and emotions, some sort of.
minds become one, I think. but that's one hell of an ability, not everyone can as far as I know.
Corvus: I wonder what the shrooms are doing for you that you're having so much trouble doing without them. I've never had any experiences with substances besides dulling or distorting the senses.
I wonder if a sensory deprivation flotation tank would help?
Me: Well, the shrooms numb my own thoughts, so they cannot interrupt what elidibus is saying. He speaks quicker at that moment before I can even think for myself. because it's numbed and slowed down (edited)
What is that tank thing you are talking about? I never heard of it.
Corvus: So the sensory deprivation tank is used as a form of meditation therapy. You're placed in a completely dark soundproof tank floating in a pool of salt water. Once you settle in and are comfortable, and the tank closes, you're free to meditate in an environment with no sight, no sound, and virtually no feeling. Floating in the salt water makes you feel weightless as if you're in a pocket of space surrounded by nothing but your own thoughts. It's the greatest meditation experience I've ever had since there really is absolutely nothing to distract you.
me: Oh interesting
I can sometimes pick up thoughts from him when he is over, like now. And verify if that was him or not. Mostly it was him. But half of the time it's my own too. Luckily, he is honest if it was something he said, or if it were my own.
Corvus: I would say it's worth seeing if there is a float spa nearby where you live, and if there is, maybe try it sometime. It's usually either 30 minutes or an hour, and it isn't very expensive. If numbing your own thoughts helps you connect with him, maybe this would too. And if not, then you just only try it that one time, ya?
Me: Yeah, I will check if there is something like this in my country. And if it is. I will try it out.
Dec 8th
Me: I guess I was a bit overreacting in terms of Emet. He just has personal preferences in what he helps with.
Corvus: Makes sense. He just seems like that “hard exterior, warm heart” person that always talks like he can never be bothered with other people's issues, but will help when it matters. He talks as if he doesn't care, but acts like he definitely does.
Me: Yeah this exactly
Dec 9th
So I did this Galaxy tarot app. And I followed the tutorial and asked, “what do I need to know about the convocation of fourteen?”
The first card (past) queen of pentacles sounds like Venat
The second (present) sounds so much like Elidibus.
The third (future) sounds like Azem/me
It's called the “galaxy tarot app” in the Google Play Store. I think Apple, too.
Did I ever say I always feel so guilty that when Elidibus is over the entire day, and I am busy with a lot of stuff? Man oh man, I hate it. He is ok with it, but still…
Dec 10th
Me: So I got Eli over for a bit.
I asked him to come over a bit later because I wasn't feeling all too well. But when he arrived and we talked about things. I show him some things and the screenshots I made (and posted on Twitter). But I completely forgot he was with me when I took these screenshots on the 7th of Dec.
He liked it. But let me know that he was there when I took them. And I was like. Wait really?
Gained a yes.
Me: no way…
Checks phone for Eligenda.
Me: oh, you're right.
Corvus: That's funny, but a bit concerning… Does this mean there are times when he's there, but you don't know it? Like, you aren't always perceiving him?
Me: Yes, in the past, he said a month ago. But since I got his agenda, he doesn't come over anymore at times I don't know about. But I knew he was there on the 7th. He was there the entire day. I just merely forgot I took those screenshots with him. Maybe I wrote it a bit weirdly. I am not really fit atm. A bit of Flu symptoms and a hazy mind because of it. Memory doesn't work that well when I am sick.
Corvus: It's okay! I understood the message of what you wrote.
Also, I hope you feel better soon!
Me: I hope so, too.
Me: Maybe I should try explaining my communication method.
I think this ability is fully Clair sentient based, because my body, …(how should, I say this)…. can be steered in some way to let the entity know what they mean. Though it's still up to me to figure out what they are saying. In this case, Elidibus or Linala. It's not a possession of any sort. It is, rather, they use telepathy to let my body react to their answers. And my body moves upward or downward for a yes (up) or no (down) answer. But sometimes there is no yes or no, and we have like a “you are wrong” or something like that, which is shaking me a bit from side to side and then downward. With “maybe or I don’t know” my body goes to the left or right. And when I do not need to worry, I get quickly shaken from left to right and then upward with a hug. And I will feel clearly the emotion of it.
But when I got in a depressed mood and say things that aren’t or will not happen I get the heavy shake as well but in a concerning manner and concerning emotions of Elidibus. So it's more of a reply like. “stop talking like that”. Or “I will always be there” and things like that.
Some other things like if 1 of them is explaining things, my body moves in several ways in different variations from side to side can also be combined with some ups or downs during it. I don’t always “get” the explanation it’s too much text movements to transcribe, but sometimes I do get it, and ask if that is the thing they were saying or what they meant. Thus far when I get it, my mind has received the imprinting of what they were saying I think, because I am mostly correct, or close to it, or perhaps partly correcter than that I am wrong.
Another one is, a typical “shrug” it has the same meaning overall as we know it.
On some occasions, I can pick up thoughts imprinted in my mind of what Elidibus is saying (I never really had this with Linala). But that only happens when I am completely relaxed, slept well enough, and had a decent meditation the previous night. The combination of both 3 things doesn’t occur very often, alas. Aside from these conditions, it sometimes happens after we had sex and have some emotional talk. And those received thoughts I usually write down here.
Dec 11th
ok, it was a few days quiet with no angel numbers, but it started again XD.
Dec 12th
He helped to sell Materia. I asked earlier

Dec 15th
I think I had a short connection with lahabrea near the end of my meditation.
I asked all the unsundered to come into my dreams, even if it's just 1 of them. Just to show me something, or teach history or knowledge. Whatever is relevant. I ended with “I love you all.”
And then lahabrea came to mind.
Me: lahabrea, will you come into my dreams?
I received a thought with “I will”.
Me: thank you.
“You're welcome”.
According to Linala, it was really lahabrea.
I know I didn't ask when. But not this night, alas.
So later I asked TK if it was really him
Me: was that really lahabrea?
TK: He said yes
Me: cool. now I wonder when he will come into my dreams.
TK: He says when you are ready for him, which he says is just “soon”
Me: right, I already felt that one coming “soon”
Tk: That is how he is sorry
Me: I am not sure if he heard. it was wayyy after the meditation before I went to sleep. but if I have a choice, what it would be about. I would like something about the phoenix he once made and the lore as far as I know about myself that I would have merged with it or something.
but if he has other plans regarding what to show me. then that's ok too.
TK: He says he will see what he can do, but he had other plans as well
Me: I thought so. no prob. he can show me whatever he has planned.
Dec 16th
Convocation crystals Christmas ornaments (and a Nintendo Switch card reader that was a Bday gift from my bestie)
Dec 18th
Quilitus is like father, like son, man.
me: he helped

Dec 19th
so I went to John again today. I didn't have a shitload of questions. but the things that I came up with are rather interesting to what I received in answers.
To start with the spiritual pregnancy. the reason I hardly notice it is that it is still very small. (logic ofcourse) also, Elidibus has already a name for it even though he doesn't know what it will be (male or female) when I got home I asked if he has just 1 name or 1 for both genders, and it was the latter. he didn't want to tell it yet, is what John told me.
in the beginning, John saw Elidibus immediately together with 2 assistants, later I came back to that with a question if 1 of them is my Spirit guide I call Linala.
John asked if that was a woman. I said yes.
John: oh I was already thinking if you would say 2 guys then no you are wrong. but yes, she is.
so hereby I got confirmation that Linala works for Elidibus/convocation.
I didn't ask about the other guy, though.
I asked what elidibus does for work, and it's mainly connecting energy fields with the right persons and situations, so everything runs smoothly. and sometimes it stagnates, and he needs to fix that, etc.
(now that I type this up it sounds a bit like what Zodiark technically did with the aether currents, gained a big yes to this)
so I told John about the Magic shroom trip I did and that Elidibus was able to talk through me. and John helped to align my energies better and maybe even helped on developing them better. if I don't cough a lot tonight, I will try to connect with Elidibus in the way he can speak through me to see if there are improvements. John said this was indeed an awakened ability and that I need to be completely relaxed to let the spirit talk through me. but yeah, an overactive mind doesn't always cooperate, so we will see. John was also able to tell Elidibus would be able to do this better with a new moon. and that is this Christmas (new supermoon even) so I'm definitely going to try that out since he will be with me for 3 days straight. John also said that Elidibus would be able to fully connect with me before March 11th. but nothing was said if this was with or without shrooms, lol. but I think (and hope) without, ofcourse. with fully connected meant that he would be able to talk through me in a complete sense. he technically did with the shroom trip already. but imagine the possibilities if I am not under influence and my mind is not forced to be blocked and hazy. other people would be able to converse with him via me then as well.
the last thing was about the dream of the end of Oct and the Ego death, I was told that I had that.
so I mentioned the dream when Elidibus picked me up at the end even though he was late.
the awful pain of my back that was damaged and that I died was standing for the release of Karma bondage. that it was actually a very good thing in that dream. that I was sorta born again without the troubles and bondages of Karma. so that ego death was more Karma related, that I am free.
This does confirm that depressive bad trip on Nov 11th that I will go back home after this life.
other things were mentioned, but those are just personal stuff or unnecessary to share
Dec 20th
From this day onward for the rest of the month. I found a rather interesting person on Tumblr.
it would heavily suggest that with the given info from that person, the unsundered worked on WoW.
Even though I posted it into the group, I gained replies from TK and later Corvus as well via Dm’s. sadly, the person on Tumblr has removed everything from her account and continued on Instagram. So I can’t link it. Luckily, I took screenshots. I shared the link with TK, but TK didn’t reply until the 25th.
Dec 22nd
(you can swipe the images on your phone to the left to read the whole image, or if on desktop you see a grayish arrow in the middle on the right picture. you can click on it)
Me: I am just. Elidibus has been busy with wow. I would like to add. That Emet is a Dark knight in the Elpis dungeon. Well well well.
Dec 23rd
So elidibus was with me the entire day. And at the end of the evening, we had sex, and during and some time after he was able to talk through me. And said various things. Mainly that he came in 2001 here on Earth. And lahabrea earlier, but how much earlier doesn't know because that was when lahabrea was still tempered. So he might have already been here since the development of FF1.
Elidibus apparently worked on WoW. But I am allowed to ask for details and verification to lahabrea. If TK would be so kind to ask ….pls….
NSFW talk here during the sex he was able to talk through me, and we had a very long ride, me on top. and when he was able to cum, he came very, very long. And when I finally climaxed, he even needed to recollect some energy. (This is what he said).
Me: are you done?
Eli: yes, I even need to recollect some energy. But are you done?
Me: I didn't come as much as I used to. But I don't mind
Eli: thank you.
(He sounded exhausted, lol)
Later that evening after meditating.
Holy shite, my ex saw elidibus's face when he was talking about a certain subject about Egyptians.
He saw an outline of his face on the body pillow. It was clear it wasn’t the image on it because he had the blank side on his side, the image was faced toward me. Though because it was dark, and the only light we had was 1 candle, he didn’t see any details of his face. But saw the outlining and ofcourse transparent. According to my ex, he had broad cheekbones. And had that typical pretty boy look.
Ex: It is important to note beforehand that given the fact his face appeared in a darkened room, I did not get a “proper” look at it.
With that said, however, I can say that his face was rather long. Notably sharp or rectangular in shape.
Striking was the fact that the rest of his face was brought up, and his cheekbones were very well indicated.
It reminded me of the brought strong male faces, that one can often see in old photographs from the 1940s and 50s.
This is a clear sign of a powerful, healthy, and well-developed man. However, the strong outline of the cheekbones could have also been due to his face being shrouded in darkness, with only a single light source touching it. Much like how people would have strong facial indications when shining a flashlight underneath their chin.
I saw his hair only partially; it seemed long, straight, cut perhaps in layers going down his head.
Me: he told me as well that his hair was very light colored either silver-white or very light silver grayish. But because of the lack of light, he couldn’t really tell. But it was definitely light-colored at least. His eyes were also very sharp in shape, eagle-eye-like, and he wasn’t sure because lack of light. He only saw shades where the eyes holes were suppose to be. All of this happened really fast in a matter of a second or 2. Because my ex was startled a bit when he saw Eli and this caused Eli to disappear from view. ( didn’t leave but was invisible to my ex again)
Dec 24th
Check this out, She even talks about a resemblance with a phoenix.
This costume is called “Warrior of Light”. Ukrainian costume designer Lesya Patoka created it.

So I got elidibus over for 3 days now.
And after sex, he was able to speak through me. And watching me type this with a big smile, lol.
I asked if he could help me to sell some RL stuff, namely, regigigas fit plushies and the poke dolls of the other regis. But I need to update the stock of the dolls first before he helps with those. Lol
ok, so when he was able to speak through me, I let him say things I didn't know yet. also to test it, lol. he came to the subject of the ancients' version of Easter. it wasn't called like that, obviously, but it was a celebration when spring started. it was celebrated at the time the Celts did it here on April 1st. painted eggs were a thing because eggs symbolized new life that comes forth in spring. but something like the Easter bunny wasn't there.
“that is something for the sundered people, how they came up with it, I don't know” ~Elidibus
so the Easter bunny is a thing on Etheirys as well lol but only after the sundering
also, he shares my theory that millions if not Billions of years ago Earth and Etheirys were closer together because the Universe keeps expanding and was smaller so, so long ago. but this counts also for other planets to be closer as well.
but he never witnessed that, so he can't confirm it, our souls were either non-existing yet or we were some other lower life forms. but he has no memories of that, mainly because he left his ancient body right before the sundering to jump into the rift. this made his remaining memories stuck on the last “ancient” life. other past live memories he doesn't have.
“maybe Emet-selch knows a few of his from before his ancient life since he is more of the remembering, but even that I am not certain about” ~Elidibus.
Dec 25th
Me: Pls help me out TK.
Ask lahabrea if elidibus really helped with WoW because I have doubts he worked on it since wow is wayyyy older than 2002, it's from 1994 even. And according to elidibus, he came to Earth in 2001. So that wouldn't really match, right?
Tk: WoW keeps copying off of XIV, to the point Lahabrea gets mad about it. Also, Lahabrea (and I) said Merry Christmas, lol.
Me: Hmm, but as far as I came to know they had an elidibus-like character that started before FFXIV. Did you read that conversation I posted on the server?
And also merry Christmas from us.
Also. Didn't they want to tell their story in as much media as possible?
Extra screenshots after the one I posted
Me: Ok nvm. I had to let ask Linala, the creator (god) for the truth.
Eli didn't help. He came to Earth in 2014. He just apologized. He really went along with what I was thinking, it seems.
Too bad, I thought I had found another source of their story.
(this was influenced by my own thinking, this above info that he didn’t help and came to earth in 2014 was false)
The only question I have left is when lahabrea came to Earth.
Pls, help me out with that.
TK: they do, but Lahabrea says the team over there is very corrupt now, not possible to get any message to them. (this is probably true, Blizzard has been very shit lately with all those allegations). He says getting people to play xiv with all the “wow refugees” is the best way, lol.
he didn't answer me on that one
me: So they did help on early wow? And with “they” are that lahabrea or elidibus or both or lahabrea and Emet or all 3. what or who? And until which point did they help?
What was the time frame they helped? Because elidibus didn't seem to have helped? Or was that false info too?
If you help me out on this, then I can close the subject too.
I only need to know which of the unsundered helped and in which time frame (from the year they began to the year they ended)
Or just the year when they stopped trying.
I guess it will be lahabrea first and then Emet when they tried wow?
She didn’t reply until I came with another subject 2 days later.
Dec 27th
Me: Could be possible that blizzard is still working out the things they got through so long ago? See screenshot.

TK: The people there on the team now are not the same people that were there before (this isn't something I needed to ask, I know it). Pretty much everything over there has lost the “soul” the project would have had. I think the head of WoW has been there, but they couldn't care less about players and shit.
Me: yeah, but, despite having lost it. they work with a storyboard set up from the beginning. so there should be a remaining visible, considering only currently the story of the death knights matches with the ancients. if lahabrea has any input on this pls tell
Dec 28th
Me: Wow conversation update. He says wow has “stolen” rather than other elements of the story. And he knows 12 other types of characters with the same backstory. So I really wonder which ones.
TK: Well, two different things with it. They are slightly right about other characters, like Elidibus (Themis Eli was supposedly based off of the one character from Evangelion). However, I think they are confusing what the writers have done with the characters to make them more likable to how Eli really was (not saying that he isn't likable normally lmao, Just saying writers have put their own embellishments in).
I just don't like how this person is about defending WoW as much as they are, lol. It is true that Yoshi-P based a lot of the structure of xiv from things he liked from WoW, but as you can see, XIV improved on what WoW started and WoW went off the deep end.
They just legitimately do not care anymore about the message.
Which Lahabrea got mad about the person lol.
Me: But what about the unsundered involvement in wow. When did they (either all 3 or just lahabrea or with Emet) stop trying to tell their story through wow?
Which year I mean.
TK: Emet never did, I don't think, though Lahabrea didn't answer me fully with that one. He won't tell me the year. He did say he stopped though but Eli stayed a little longer but then also left around 2013, around the time ARR was going to start.
Me: Oh, so Eli did work on it.
Is lahabrea able to tell when they started with wow? Was that in the early beginning like 1994 or like Warcraft 3 released in 2002, Or even later? Because from what I know, is that lahabrea came to Earth first (possibly still when tempered, but not certain), then Emet (after EW), and then elidibus.
And the events from EW happened 28 earth years ago. This is just info, it doesn't answer the question, but hopefully, it can be answered. This makes me wonder how far the first Final Fantasy games were influenced. Were they influenced to begin with? If they were. Then I presume It's either someone's past life of a shard or tempered lahabrea.
I wonder if he got a reply on this.
Dm’s with Corvus
Me: I had elidibus over for 3 full days during Christmas. though he slipped off when I was asleep on the 3rd night but came back quickly when I woke up in the night and I noticed he wasn't there. well, I send Linala after him lol.
what did you learn from your Guide Aeneas?
Corvus: From what I understand about the Seventh, it seems people even then understood there to be a separation between the corporeal body and the ethereal life given to the body by the world. Earth's modern understanding of the body and soul comes from long before the Sundering. Aeneas tells me that this reflects Etheirys understanding of life, spirit, and energy as well, and that magic is simply borrowed strength from the world, which itself comprises the spirits of people yet to be born and people long since passed. He tells me that the Ascians themselves never thought of themselves as especially powerful, rather that they had the knowledge to use power already present in the world.
Me: very interesting!
Corvus: What I find interesting about it too is that this corresponds to the way many religions and cultures practice ritual and prayer on our Earth. Reaching out to spirits from beyond for blessings of health or harvest or fortune, or whatever else. All of it is based on the principles of magic on Etheirys. All of it is just communication between the corporeal and the ethereal.
Me: that's a very good explanation. if you got more to share, then pls do!
Dec 29th
Me: The person replied with a list of characters. But when I read Vanilla of 13 I laughed. Even though I never played 13. I am like whut?! But it seems he just went with appearance?
Me: Ok, he just explained everything about each character. There are a few that are questionable since it's just sacrificed to become a god-like being. But some others are quite interesting. Pls, take a moment to read all.
Very old ones like transformers can also be based upon actual myths from Earth
As well. But I definitely Wonder which of these have ascian involvement.
(use the arrow on the right to read the rest, or swipe it)
TK didn’t reply until the next day, not so much about the characters, but with the other things.
Dec 30th
Dm’s with Corvus
Me: I got a question for Aeneas.
At my first Magic mushroom trip, elidibus told me that their real names are magically inclined, so they won't tell them. And that your guide Aeneas probably isn't his real name either. But you can still call him that.
Is this true?
Corvus: Yeah. I asked him about it and this was basically his reply:
“So you, Corvus, have a Social Security number, yes? That nine-digit code follows you everywhere you go, documenting most of your life's decisions, as well as your connection to your family, your family's decisions, and so on and so forth. That number is a gateway to your entire living legacy. Despite this, you would never wear that number as a name tag, would you? No. Numbers are not names. The two are incoherent. Our true names are similar. They are inscribed upon the world's energy that comprises our souls. They define our makeup, our form, our function, and our legacy. To communicate with those names would be an exchange of the spirit. Speaking the name in normal speech would be incoherent. Just as well, you become more vulnerable to others that know your Social Security number, yes? Someone could steal your life from you if they had the will and knowledge to do so. Our names are similar. If one were so magically inclined and knew my true name, the inscription that defined the arrangement of energy that makes up my being, that person could theoretically unwind those energies, or perhaps spin forces in my name. For the sake of simplicity, as well as safety, it makes far more sense to use an alias, just as you do.”
Me: Well, that was a long answer, but that's a big yes. Also, I thank him for the explanation as well.
Also, I got a totally different question. As far as I could get TK interested, we talked about Ascian's influence on WoW. She managed to ask when they stopped with it, because of the corruption and messages not coming through anymore. As far as I came to know, elidibus stopped in 2013 when FFXIV arr came out. But lahabrea stopped earlier. And didn't want to say the year he stopped himself. Well, I got my answer of elidibus with it.
But now I wonder when they started with WoW since It's pretty old and all.
Also, lahabrea said Emet never worked on WoW.
And ofcourse, the events of EW happened 28 earth years ago. In the old info I gained in 2021/2020 lahabrea visited earth way earlier while he was still tempered. But I am not very certain because my method wasn't always trustable back then. I know at least for sure that Emet and elidibus were untempered when they came here. But iirc, they didn't immediately travel to earth when EW had passed.
So my question is, when did lahabrea come to Earth? (If he was indeed earlier and still tempered) and when did lahabrea and elidibus start to help with WoW? If lahabrea was first and elidibus helped later, I would like to know both.
I wonder if you can figure this one out.
Also, bonus question. When did elidibus come to Earth? I am not very certain if the date was correct that he mentioned (2001) because I wasn't clear-minded enough and had wow in my head based on what I read from that person on Tumblr. So the answer could be wrong.
Corvus: So I asked Aeneas about this, and got the typical sort of answer I get whenever asking about the Unsundered. Usually, he just says something vague and evasive.
In this case, he just pointed me to the development cycle of the Warcraft games, where their periods of influence come from, and thus where the timestamps are. WoW, was meant to follow up an expansion to Warcraft 3, which was set 4 years after prior events. That expansion began development in 2002, so the referenced events would have been rooted in 1998.
That timeframe, 1998, also makes sense as development for WoW likely began in 1999. If the events of Endwalker took place around 1994, then Lahabrea landing here in 1998 would make some sense. That's just my speculation, though. Aeneas isn't offering any concrete confirmation.
Warcraft tends to portray the world in a much more primal state, with the various factions and races all pursuing war with one another constantly. All remnants of civilized society have broken down in favor of bloody battles. If Lahabrea was indeed tempered when arriving and assisting with WoW, then this would make sense, as his worldviews would have been heightened to a fever pitch. So again, the timeframe seems to make sense.
So yeah, I'm basically guessing here, but I would think Lahabrea would have arrived around 1998. If Elidibus arrived later, closer to 2001, that would explain the bigger focus in things like The Burning Crusade on order, society, law, and civilization in general. The tone in the writing has changed over time, which would imply different perspectives assisting in that writing.
So Elidibus appearing in 2001 would make sense, along with Lahabrea appearing before that, in 1998.
Me: Hmmm. Interesting. but if lahabrea came here in 1998 then he was already untempered. So yeah. Also. I wonder how much the older FF games are influenced. The very first 3 or 4.
But if Aeneas refers you to the Warcraft game's origin, and you sought it out. Wouldn't he answer more clearly when you do?
Corvus: You would think he would, yeah? Lmao, Aeneas is weird sometimes. He jumps back and forth between being incredibly helpful and not helpful at all, from being a guide to just being an ass. XD
Me: Lol sounds like Emet lol
Also, in that conversation I had on Tumblr that person said warcraft originally started in 1994?
Corvus: Yeah, the very first Warcraft game was in 1994, but it wasn't until Warcraft 3 and the expansions to that game that the writing gained more structure.
Me: Ah because I have some screenshots here of the conversation. (shared the same screenshots shared with TK). This guy I very pro wow. But just ignore that lol, He explained all those characters as well, but that's a different subject
Let me know your thoughts on this
Corvus: Wow, yeah, they're VERY pro-WoW. Like, to a fault.
Anyway, they said a few things that aren't true. To say that WoW is based on Warhammer is not accurate. Sure, WoW borrows a lot of concepts from Warhammer, like orcs and goblins and art designs, but the writing is not.
Also, many of the characters they listed fit the archetype of “self-sacrifice”, but aren't at all like Elidibus. Belaf, Miralupa, Vanille, Caius Ballad, Uther the Lightbringer, Altair, and Kuja all have radically different personalities and writing.
They also contradict themselves. They say that the writing is set in the lore all along, but then they say the story is done “in an episodic fashion where there's no like a huge overarching story, but every expansion is its own-contained thing”. Those two things don't make sense together.
Me: Yeah, thanks for clarifying that. I mean, the only MMORPG I have ever played is FFXIV. And well I know they got the overall story thought out, or let's say where it would end, like the defeat of Zodiark and Hydaelyn. But considering Ishikawa joined as a story writer for SHB, I take a lot had changed with the setup. Iirc, they wanted originally Garlemald as a separate expansion. So things change due to time or let's say the details within.
Corvus: Yeah, for sure! For me, it definitely seems like somebody has been helping at Square for a very long time, much longer than perhaps even Elidibus or Lahabrea. Sakaguchi created the very first FF back in 1987. He's said that he made the game “based on his personal feelings” and that it would be his last attempt at making anything in the game industry. Given how much can be traced back to that very first installment, I assume someone had to have been there in the background, even back in the 80s. But who? I'm not sure.
Me: OMG, seriously personal feelings. It could be very well himself, even. Being from Etheirys or a shard piece like you, and he doesn't even realize it!
Like past life events, even for the first games.
Corvus: That's possible, too. Creative direction passed off to Yoshinori Kitase after FF V, so many of the parallels between some games in the late 90s and what we know about the shards can be attributed to him as well. I guess I'm curious just how many people at SQEX are connected in the way we are?
Me: I am very curious, too. Especially in how much and if they know it.
Dm’s with TK
From the replies above I made a screenshot and send that to TK
Me: Btw Corvus had a nice reply to all those characters, (and I showed a screenshot of the replies he made and the personal feelings part of Sakaguchi)
TK: I said they were very pro-wow. They came up strongly XD
Me: XD I know, though, while you are here right now. Could you answer that question I asked earlier?
TK: Lahabrea said that they were helping before back then with Sakaguchi and the others, but not very strongly (like just sending ideas for the game)
Me: Well that would be lahabrea only then Emet and elidibus came here untempered
And those 2 didn't immediately go to earth at the end of EW 28 years ago.
TK: Lahabrea said for your question they started after the mmo was out and was popular for a bit (so like 2005) but Lahabrea reminds that they were not nearly as active in it as they are with xiv.
Me: Also I received earlier something with 2004 that they started helping with WoW, could that be it then? And he said “they” were helping with ff1. But Emet and Eli weren't there yet. So how is that?
TK: I think that he meant along the entire series. Like he was the only one back then and then when the others came they started helping.
Me: Could you verify this with him, perhaps?
TK: Yeah when I can, I am busy doing some other stuff and can't really like focus to ask, but I will
Me: Though, was he still tempered back then? Because that very long time ago
And ty
So I shared her replies back to Corvus.
Me: Got an update from TK (and shared a screenshot)
Corvus: Ahh, so they were helping back in the 80s! So it seems like, whether they were actually present here on Earth or not, they've had influence here for far longer than we thought!
Me: Yeah, lahabrea at least. Because Emet and Eli were untempered when they came here. So that wasn't earlier than perhaps 1997?
1997 is just a guess since they did not immediately go to earth.
Dec 31st
How I wear my hair for occasions.
Me: Hey, I want to add something about their names.
I think the reply that their names are similar to the in-game ones is meant to what they do or stand for. Because I get a big no if they're having even similar names of the Greek gods
Corvus: Yeah definitely. Names are just tools people use to identify each other in context, so someone like Emet could just as well be called “Bobby” for all it mattered, so long as the meaning was the same, and we knew exactly who we were talking about. As long as the subject and meaning are clear, the actual name, or alias in this case, is arbitrary.
Dreams of December
Dec 13th
I was in the neighborhood where I grew up as a child. It was completely cloudy. Someone told me about aliens and a rope that reaches far into the sky./heaven. Then he disappeared.
I turned around, and a thick black rope was planted dead straight in the ground and stretches endlessly into the air.
Me: so they're stuck with that.
I started pulling on that rope, but the beginning wasn't easy. Because it was almost as stiff as a steel cable, but with a diameter of about 30 cm, braided like a rope and black.
At first, I pulled it down slightly by pulling straight down. After finally some slack, I started pulling the rope with all my might. Something slowly came down with it. After some pulling, a complete mother ship emerged. I kept pulling. It went a little easier, but still heavy and took a lot of energy. Not so much physically, but more to keep in mind that your dream would not end prematurely.
I pulled and pulled until the ship finally crashed in the distance.
Me: come on, crash.
The thing crashed down with a big explosion. Then I pulled the whole ship (wherever it was miles away) towards me with that same rope.
You would think the entire ship would have been destroyed, but that is not true. The explosion was only for all the equipment on the inside, but the outside remains intact. So, in any case, it could not and never fly again.
Once the ship was near me, I opened a door and took out a jellyfish-like alien with wispy hair that resembled flat spaghetti that ended in spikes. In terms of color, it was completely light purple, bluish, and lilac color.
Me: gross
(he was slightly slimy)
I let go. He was half dead and couldn't go far. I put my arm in the ship and pulled out a few more.
Me: OK, come on out, you guys.
Then suddenly the ship was a bit smaller but still big. Say as big as 3 trucks next to each other, but round. I flipped the ship over with the door down, and they all rolled out. Including their leader, who was at least 10x their size. From then on, I stood from a distance and launched fire blasts their way. To destroy them. Many died, but a few escaped. I thought the Leader was dead, at least I didn't see him flee.
I'm missing a vague part here: I became half insane because they tried to mind-control me. I don't know how. But I soon got the better of it and tried to electrocute them all.
Then I went to look for the aliens that ran away.
Here it was about some random shit at first, but the goal was still to find those aliens. I had a fun time at first before I continued. I let myself slide over a ribbon stretched between poles. And then stand up straight and slide my feet over the ribbon.
a boy thought it was cool what I did. I don't remember what I said, and slid back. Then an older man came up to me.
Man: You know they're looking for you because you posed as a villain. They now think you're the bad one.
(he was referring to the insane part)
me: unlike them, I know I acted
man: watch out, anyway.
Then I saw another rope planted in the earth, and I was reminded of what I was doing. But first I went with a girl to look for the Ascians (for help?)
We went looking for hints if they were around. We briefly went our separate ways until she came back.
Girl: come on, I might have found something.
She took me to the shopping street. And we stopped at a store that had red Glyphic things on the windows. I thought I saw Emet's at 1, but it was just the outline of the thing.
Me: oh, I thought it was Emet's, but it's different.
Girl: yes, that's what I thought too, but I wanted you to take a look at it too.
Me: yes, this is not Emet.
I looked at it again. It looked like 2 blunderbusses crossed with a tricorne above.
Me: hmm, let's move on.
Soon after, I came to a crowd and this alien who had enthralled a group of people appeared.
But the people who were on my side haven't yet.
This time you saw the bottom of that round body, and you saw 2 round eyes. I didn't see the rest of his face (if he had any at all).
I had a knife in a leather sheath. I stabbed the scabbard in my left hand with my right.
Me: well, who's taking the honor?!
With a sadistic grin (it had to die)
me: nobody? Then I will.
The scene switched to me stabbing the alien and lying on the ground. I saw that it was still linked to its ship and trying to call for help. That ship was attached to the earth with a beam of light. I cut it somehow and it became a rope. With this rope, I pulled the ship towards me. It was round like a ball. The ship was about a meter in diameter. I stabbed my knife into that thing.
The outside didn't break, but the inside did.
The thing gave electric sparks because it broke and went off permanently.
Me: so another one less.
The people who had been brainwashed were freed, then I woke up.
Dec 30th
in this dream, my bestie became as big as an ancient, but also in robes and a mask on.
Suddenly, I was in a scene where we went after our crafting classes together. But I was a child ancient there. That's how I behaved a bit, too. But still slightly aware of what I found interesting, including his mask.

somewhere out in a park/woodland area with a hill on the right side with trees on it, I was waiting on the walking path and saw my Bestie walking up.
I was my normal height (163 cm) and was kind of a child ancient. He came closer.
Me: oh, can I see your mask? (child's voice)
I stretched my hands in the air, and he handed it to me.
Me: oh how beautiful that is.
Then I turned around, and we were in a very big building where everything was made. My bestie went to his carpenter job.
And I was going to practice a crafting class for the first time and had chosen armorer or smiting.
Spontaneously, I was a little older because I was suddenly a lot bigger. My head came to my bestie's chest, so almost adult height, what I had as ancient. I was still looking for the ARM or BSM classes.
Me: now we have to find the armorer classes or the blacksmith, that's fine too.
I saw all ancients with gray masks. Too many variations to remember, also unclear because a lot were at a distance. I remember the one from 1, but it was pretty much the same as my bestie's.
Me: oh, maybe he knows where I need to be.
I walked towards the ancient.
Me: excuse me, do you know where the armorer and blacksmith classes are?
Ancient: no, sorry, maybe someone else can help you.
Then my mother (the one of this life) appeared.
Me: mom, what are you doing here? Do you know where the ARM and BSM classes are?
Mom: yes, I know.
(she wasn't wearing any ancient robes, by the way)
mom: oh yes, it's 1.2 meters instead of 1.26
me: 1.2? The minimum length of an ancient? (to perform the professions)
mom: no
me: then what?
She took my arm and seemed to measure me iirc, then I woke up.
i hope you liked the chapter! Januray will be a mind blowing month.
i love ur stuff