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Writer's pictureAyane Firebird

My Ascian Journey – Chapter 33: The Convocation Helping out. (Feb & Mar 2023)

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

Feb 2nd

Me: Elidibus

Me: Had a dream last night about the Twelve. They weren't the real ones. But Nald Thal judged my cosplay, and it was approved, lol


Feb 5th

Me: When you hit the scale, and it says 111.1 xD


Feb 7th

Me: so Elidibus is with me the entire day.

and he was able to speak through me again in the morning.

with a sudden thought, I asked if I traveled as Azem,

Eli: yes, but not as much as the defector.

Me: ok.

Eli: I didn't want you to go as much I couldn't protect you when you were away.

Me: that is so sweet, Ty.

the sundering and the final days came across my head.

Me: were you still my personal protector when you released yourself from Zodiark?

Eli: yes, I was.

Me: did I survive the sundering? (even though I knew I didn't I just had to ask another time)

Eli: no, you did not, I was torn apart not seeing you back afterward.

Me: I am sorry (starting to feel his pain) *cries*

Eli: it's okay.

Me: did you forget about me afterward? (because of the primal influences)

Eli: sadly, I did. but I am here now.

Me: I know, *cries* Ty.

after some moments, I asked another thing.

Me: did you never take a girlfriend because you were my personal protector?

Eli: it was my work, honestly.

Me: really?

Eli: yeah, having a personal protector was normal in those days, it was accepted even if you had a relationship with someone else.

Me: oh, did you ever have a crush on someone?

Eli: no, it didn't even cross my mind with my work.

later this day, he helped with the treasure hunt Elpis maps RNG. we reached the 5th invocation a lot but never made it. also, a lot of fake-outs he said that would happen, did happen. only a few he was wrong at. so mostly he was right. we did like 26~28 maps in total. sadly no Emet or Hyth minion

I also asked about some other things this morning. like what he was doing when he was a month away from May 2021 till June 10th iirc.

Eli: something dangerous, it was very important.

Me: is that the reason you gave me the ability (or awakened) to telepathically communicate with you? because you were away for so long.

Eli: yes. I couldn't bare to have this happen another time. I missed you a lot.

Me: why didn't you give me this ability sooner when I really needed it (earlier that year with all those imposters)

Eli: I wasn't ready myself, I hardly knew anything about relationships.

Me: it's ok.

Eli: Ty.

Me: can you pick up my emotions when you are not here?

Eli: not always, mostly very intense once I can pick up.

Me: like utter despair or sadness.

Eli: yes......

Me: what about extremely happy or excited?

Eli: that didn't happen often now, did you?

Me: no, I don't even remember.

Eli: but I think I can.

Me: nice

Then we talked about what he can help with regarding healing. he can not remove body tissue. I have this tooth gums hanging a bit loose after extracting, and I asked if he could help remove it, but he couldn't. but he named some examples when he can help. things that are on a mental level. and help to relieve pain and help to cure things faster like a broken arm.

because he was talking through me for quite some time. I asked about that date, and John mentioned “Before March 11th he will speak through you fully”. The only implication I received is that it sounds like Elidibus will be able to do it more often or better even when I am out of bed.

but he won't say it, otherwise, I depend on it, and it won't happen.

but he encouraged me to make another appointment with John on March 11th.

so I said it costs a lot of money.

Eli: I will help you sell things better (he meant with my web store) so you will have enough money. Is there anything, in particular, you want me to help with?

Me: yeah, the Regi poke dolls.

Eli: right.....if I can't find enough, I will encourage people to buy whatever they like.

Me: Ty...... what about if the Volcarona fit plushie gets back in stock?

he was hesitant at first. then I calculated and he said,

Eli: no, that's too much, otherwise you will not have enough money for John. also, watch your spending a week before the date.

Me: ok


Feb 9th

Here I shared a screenshot of the conversation with my ex on WhatsApp, but in Dutch. Though, after re-reading the summary in English, I already posted. I decided not to translate it. But for the ones who can read Dutch, go ahead and read it.

In short, I asked Elidibus to come over for only 15 min, he was keeping an eye out on something, and it happened to be he was watching my son (which I asked). So I sent him back as soon as I knew he was watching. You see multiple convocation members, including the Unsundered, are helping my son to get into a proper school. They are helping him to behave, so he won't get rejected (which has happened already a lot since he moved to my ex's parents' place, my ex lives there too because he works for his brother). Now my son gets tested for how far he is. His previous school didn't educate him properly, he is at the level of a 3rd grader while he was in 6th grade!

So I am praying this goes well, we are running out of options for schools!

Me: funny, when Elidibus actually talks through me, there are somehow no grammar mistakes when I type it up XD. only spelling errors from my side,


Feb 10th

Me: OMG, my son got accepted to that school he was trying. prayers have been heard!


Feb 12th

Me: My first intuition went straight to Zeke But TK has Star also in her Twitter name......and she hasn't talked to me since about patch day.......

Then again. I didn't take the “visiting an old friend” literally. Because it was meant as a comparison.

Until the last message.

“Thank you for everything, and I am sorry”.

It feels hurts….like goodbye forever. Not that I hoped upon it to speak with them again. But I always wondered why they blocked me a second time right after sharing the April chapter in May 2022.

After checking the name Ouranos, which is a Greek sky god. I am almost definitely sure it was Zeke….

I asked others, and Zio replied but didn't know who it was either. But later I noticed Zeke had locked their Twitter account again right after this. While yesterday, it was still viewable. Some weeks later, I tried to contact them, and their account was unlocked. But when they finally read it, they locked the account again. So the behavior matches. I'm most definitely sure it was Zeke.


Me: I asked Elidibus today. To help to sell the lvl 80 gathering set.

This just happened.

1 more set to go, and I am free xD (aside from a few necklaces). Never going to sell gathering gear again, it sells so poorly. XD


Feb 14th

Having a chillax Valentine's Day with Eli… Did some cleaning. Dragging my bestie through the Ruby Sea for aether currents.

Finally, have news regarding my son's school. He is officially signed in now.

Oh, yes, Eli spoke through me this morning. And I will be able to let him speak through me more often without shrooms. I just need to try at least every time he visits me.

Funny enough, I know how it feels now when he wants to speak. It feels like something is (stuck) in your throat. He used the throat chakra and the vocal cords to communicate.

Ways of speaking are linked to the person being used. So, yes, he sometimes swears too, lol.

I bought this rose for him. He really likes it.


Feb 20th

(I had only 2 dreams in Feb, so I post them in between the rest)

Emet was present in this dream for quite a long time.

However, I don't know everything anymore. what I can still remember was that I walked in my underwear to impress someone, while the rest walked in ancient robes. the person in question was not there. I lay down raunchy next to Emet in a sexy position on my side.

he didn't like it (I thought) then after what else I sat next to him on his left side and leaned against him. (still in my underwear)

he allowed it, but I think he was ashamed to death. XD

after some other things in between that, I forgot. it looked like we were going out for dinner. I decided to put on my robes anyway. I just cast them on, and only the lower part remained blue from my regular dress underneath. I tried again. I think that was when the color mixed with my robes because when I arrived at Emet, the fabric reflected a dark royal blue when the light shone on it.

me: so, is this fine? (arms folded)

Emet: yes, as you should have, you should always wear your robes.

Then I woke up


Feb 24th

I had a dream about a golden-like spaceship. At first, it was a replica of an existing one. And in the end, it was the real one. Asked to beam me up and then I woke up. The whole dream I will type up later.

When I described the spaceship to Elidibus, who is still with me. He recognized the ship. It appears that the ship belongs to friends of the convocation. Human alien friends. So aliens but like humans like you and me.

The full dream:

The dream was about an Alien spaceship that was used as a traveling attraction and consisted of several disks (see above).

It started at a convention or something or an event. Apparently, I was wearing nice clothes instead of a cosplay. Someone picked me up, he was wearing a cosplay.

Man: come on, I have to show you something.

Me: what is it? I'll have to change my clothes before we start fighting, though. I can't fight in these clothes,

Man: that's fine.

He brought me to the aforementioned spaceship that was still standing on the ground.

Me: Holy shit.

Man: isn't it great? It can really fly and people can fit in it.

we got on board and that thing went up in the air. but did not fly away. and more people came to visit the ship as an amusement park attraction. They went up the ladder to get into it.

Later, it turned out that the ship was in Disneyland, well… floating.

Me: It's so cool that this one can actually fly.

Man: yeah, I know right.

Me: You practically never see that from replicas.

When the people left, the ship flew to a village to introduce people there – or in this case, amuse them with a spaceship for them to visit. During the trip, I flew next to it 1x and saw the side. When we got there, I was back inside. We spoke to a member of staff who made the visit possible.

Man: How's it going here.

Young man: not so great, low attendance

Me: but at the other location in Disneyland, it was right?

Young man: yes, it was.

Then I went outside I apparently had some kind of PVP match but with myself against others but sometimes in between I also controlled it as a character. A white mage started casting, and I did a swift cast and Leg sweep. I had a quick attack that way that stunned and canceled her casting. There were 2 others who attacked her. I was like a BLM Dragoon, so as a DRG I had access to black magic.

After my attack, I jumped back to where I was before. Then I was the Character myself for a second and attacked someone, but missed. Then I was instructed to do nothing for a while, I looked at my own character who spoke through my thoughts. She cast a black magic orb.

Team member: I said don't attack.

Me/She: I'm not doing anything, I'm doing this for fun.

Then the scene went to something else. The ship flew above me, and although I thought it was still a replica, I also wished it was the real one.

I kept staring at the middle section, hoping an opening would open.

Me: open, please.

Then it opened, and a bright light came out.

Me: take me with you.

Then 12 orbs came out in sets of 2 but floating above each other, they were blue.

Me: 12? Then first the 2 top ones went back into the ship and then the rest. the ship seemed to have shifted a few paces because the light was no longer directly above me. I took those steps and stood right under the light again.

Me: beam me up, please.

The light grew brighter but saw no ray. then I woke up.

since Elidibus stayed all night, I told him this first before I wrote it down. after some questions, it came down to that, that these were friends of theirs. They are the Alien friends from the convocation. They are just people like you and me. According to Eli, that last part with the light was the real ship.

Eli also says that they would have drawn me to them in the dream. they were on Earth but in the Astral.


Feb 27th

He helped to sell gathering and crafting Materia the past few days.


March 4th

I keep forgetting to update on small things between me and Elidibus.

Just now I wondered if he would come over for a quicky. Linala immediately asked him. And that was a big yes xD. It was really a quicky, though he needed to go afterward. Ah, well tomorrow we will catch it up lol.

After 2 months of hardly feeling anything (aside from the breastfeeding urge at the end of Jan). The little one became more active again. And responds again when I touch my belly.


March 5th

Things he helped with. (Not the coral formation)

He said he likes helping with Materia. Because it is easier to let people buy more than they need xD. Subconsciously influencing them that they can better buy a bit more to be certain. And then they land on the amount I asked for, lol. As I am not really undercutting all that much. He and I just wait until someone goes pentamelding and then bam, lol.

Ok so while Elidibus is here atm. I asked if he could help with items on my alt. “yes, with the brooms, the one close to 1500” he said.

I checked. And I was stunned. See pic.

He immediately said to lower others to that amount and 1998 gil, and he will help more.

Also ordered to have the remaining at the Estinien alt to transfer over to the Eli alt to sell it there.

When I got back to my main. 27 gripgel were finally sold. He said to put up more, so I did. Instead of 13500, I listed them for 15999.

While someone is selling for, 12000 but 99 pieces.

I listed what I can miss.

While removing some items, he said to remove the Chondrite ingot. When I checked, the price dropped from 2k to 800 gil. So yeah, I removed that.

~A few hours later~

Wow! Materia that I need to list or change price/amount/ got sold without undercutting or being even close to the cheapest price.

Pic 1: those 8000 gil ones we on it before.

Pic 2:the ones that are sold. The 12499 is mine.

The 8000 ones just got flat-out skipped.

Gained confirmation, and he helped as he said he would.


March 8th, dm’s with TK

She was already ignoring me for 2 months. Sadly, after this, she kept ignoring….

Me: Hey, I have a serious question......

What am I to you?

To me, you are a friend, but you don't treat me like one. You shouldn't ignore friends. So what am I to you?

You have been ignoring me for 2 full months now. And I didn't “bug” you with continuous, repetitive questions. So what did I do to deserve this?!

If you ignore this still, then I will just give up, I think. I cannot remain in contact with you if you keep doing this. It only hurts me more.

One other thing. Do you even still believe? .......even if you aren't, I want to know what happened.

You are (or were) the only one with an active connection to the Ascians. Jezzah and Zio are both disconnected from all. You were the only one I could talk to, to get questions answered. I feel kinda lonely atm

TK: I do believe still, but when I try to say something, you either say no about it or say something is wrong. I'm also just trying to deal with stuff, atm. Still at work right now.

Me: (I referred to the year 2004/2005 wow question, when they started helping with WoW)

Is this what you meant? You said 2005. But I only asked if it could be the end of 2004. Because I gained the answer later that Eli started helping at END 2004. Like Nov/Dec 2004. It's really 1 or 2 months difference for 2 answers. (Yours and mine)

I just looked up if the end of 2004 had to do anything with WoW. from warcraft III to WOW was the end of 2004. Nov 23rd to be exact.

So let me ask this then. Was it early, Like January 2005 that lahabrea meant per any chance? Because then the answers would overlap.

Before WoW, Eli helped with FFXII in 2001. Eli came to Earth in the year 2000.

If it was something else than what I mentioned above, then I seriously don't remember what I could have disagreed with. Then again, I am not disagreeing by default, I am mostly asking to verify if I get other answers than you do. Maybe lahabrea overlooked something or perhaps forgot a detail. You never know, right?

Let's just talk this out, ok, instead of ignoring it. Ignoring doesn't solve anything.


March 10th

Dm's with TK

TK: I genuinely do not care about the stuff with wow, but you keep pushing that one. I'm just interested in Xiv. Lahabrea won't answer anything with that because he knows I don't care about it.

Me: Ok, too bad. Sad to hear that, if you don't care, you will not help. .....

And with wow, fine, I will stop asking about WoW.

But I had questions in the past that were FFXIV only. I o.t lore of their home planet or anything regarding the convocation, and you never answered. (I need to look up which ones).

But can he answer the question if he was tempered or not when he first came to Earth? Last time he didn't say anything, and we both agreed that he could be embarrassed to admit it. You said you would ask again, telling him he doesn't need to be ashamed of it. It's ok.

TK: Not that I won't help, it's that he won't give me a correct answer if I ask. He knows I only want answers about what's correct within the game, and what they do here in the present.

Yes, he was tempered still.

Me: Though, it's strange that if you don't care, you get wrong answers. I asked what they do. And when. The details of wow I don't even care about, I don't need to know WHAT they were able to implement in there.

But my question was toward them. When and which games they helped with, that's all. And wow came to the surface.

Ty for answering that particular question and I hope you will be able to get tickets still. On March 15th the EU ticket codes with be released. So I hope to get one.

TK: No, you read that wrong. I don't want wrong answers.

Me: Ok, but it remains strange that if you don't care, you get wrong answers.

I sound like, because you don't care, you block yourself from the answer

Resulting in the wrong one

I think you read mine wrong, lol.

Maybe I already corrected what I said. But what I said is. You get wrong answers because you don't care. And that is strange. Do I make more sense now?

TK: Don't know why. I do get the right answers for everything else.

Me: Hmmm ok. Well, can you let me know if I ask something and it's something you don't care about, immediately?

Though, it is something to work on. Are you still meditating or grounding yourself? What also might help is that, don't care that you don't care, lol. Be more open to receiving the answer about something you don't like.

Can I at least look up old questions that never got answered and are still relevant?

(sadly no replies. She only left a short reply about the Twelve at the end of the month, in between, and since then she kept ignoring me with whatever I shared. Even when I asked for help for Corvus this day, she kept ignoring……)


Dm's with Corvus

Me: Hi there, I was wondering. If you could ask Aeneas something?

He probably needs to ask lahabrea about this one.

TK says she doesn't care about WoW, and so lahabrea won't answer her because she doesn't care.

My question was about the following. Last Dec, she said they (Eli and Laha) started to help with wow involvement in 2005. But from Eli, I gained the end of 2004.

So I asked her, to ask lahabrea if he maybe meant January 2005, because then it would still match, right?

She just says this: “Not that I won't help, it's that he won't give me a correct answer if I ask. He knows I only want answers about what's correct within the game, and what they do here in the present.”

So I was wondering if you would be able to help out on this one?

When did lahabrea and elidibus start on WoW? End 2004? Or later in the year 2005?

Corvus: Hi! Sorry about the late reply! I had to forward this question to Aeneas and have him look into it. Naturally, he didn't get incredibly direct answers, but he gave me a sort of summary of everything he heard and his conclusion.

Aeneas (paraphrased): So I went to Lahabrea first and was turned away immediately. He seems quite apprehensive about answering questions to a quote, “messenger boy”. My ability to ask Elidibus about nearly anything at all is severely limited, so I tried reaching out to Emet-Selch. While he gave no real answer either, he did erupt into ramblings on his fatigue with these questions as well as his disappointment with the inefficiency of this star's humans and the boldness to attribute the contributions of the Unsundered to said inefficiency.

What this means to me is that the end result of their contributions may have been actually implemented throughout early 2005 due to the inefficiency that Emet ranted about, but that very likely their contributions ended in 2004. Note though that this is simply my analysis of context clues. Almost more importantly, though, it seems that the lot of us grow tired of these questions. Or, at least, they tire of my asking. At any rate, it seems likely that I will not be able to glean anything further.

Me: Strange. From what I heard, they stopped with WoW around the time of ARR.

From what I know, they started to help on WoW either in 2005 or end of 2004.

And it wasn't like they ended their contribution at the end of 2004. So this is really weird and all.

Corvus: Ahh, that might be my fault. I might have misunderstood the question when relaying it to Aeneas.

At any rate, it seems like the only helpful thing he got was Emet's reaction, and his thought is that the confusion over 05 vs 04 comes from people being inefficient and delaying in implementing things based on the contributions of Eli and Laha.

So, correction, I think the proper conclusion is that they started in 2004.

So Aeneas's idea seems to be that they started helping in 04 even if the actual people they were helping didn't get those things they helped with into code until early 05.

Me: Ah, that makes more sense indeed

But what did you ask so much that they won't answer you anymore xD

Corvus: It was actually just that! T-T

Though now I'm even more curious, because it almost sounds like Lahabrea dislikes Aeneas, and I have no clue why, and either Aeneas doesn't know either, or won't tell me…

Me: Oof. I was about to say if Aeneas interrupted them while working or something.

I don't have this problem with Linala towards Elidibus.

I can even send her out to lahabrea and Emet, for a simple question if there were in my dreams or not. Or for help if needed.

I never really thought guides appointed by the Unsundered could like, dislike some of them.

Well, if we can have lahabrea admitting he was tempered when he first came here. (He remained silent at first, but he was embarrassed to admit it, but TK and I said it's ok, and he admitted) then we can make Aeneas talk too lol

Corvus: Between Lahabrea and Aeneas, if there's some sort of issue between the two, one of them should certainly talk at some point. If for no other purpose than just the pursuit of knowledge, we deserve to know what's going on.

Me: Yeah. It's not like lahabrea to withhold information.

Corvus: Well, it's also troubling in Aeneas's case, too. At this point, I have gotten used to him just saying he doesn't know to answer questions. Usually, he'll make an effort to find an answer, but still, now I'm worried. How many times has “I don't know” actually been true? I don't want to distrust him, especially given how helpful he's been, but I can't help but be suspicious of him.

Me: :/

Could it be that Aeneas is afraid or embarrassed to ask lahabrea or elidibus for questions?

Like he only knows how to deal with Emet?

Corvus: Maybe? All he said about Eli was that his ability to ask him anything at all was “severely limited”. How? I have no clue.

Me: That's odd as well. Because elidibus definitely knows about this.

It is not that it was erased from his memory or something.

Corvus: Yeah, I don't doubt that he knows, Aeneas just made it sound like he can't even approach Eli with a question at all. But like, why? I mean, I know I can't, but why can't he? I'm confused.

Me: That's indeed strange. Can Aeneas ask this to Emet, why this is the case?

Corvus: I can certainly ask him to. I guess that would be an indicator of who's hiding what.

Me: indeed. let me know when you got an answer.


ah, yes, before I forget. I had a dream about Elidibus, we were sitting on the bed. and some cuddles. he was in ascian robes, but without purple patterns or armor. Alas, I don't remember much of it aside from some cuddles. before that, he was also there for a swift moment. but that I have completely forgotten.

last Monday, I asked when he would come into my dreams again, which would be this month. well, he kept his word. but I don't remember much of it. so I hope he is willing to try again (he mostly does).


March 11th

Dm's with Corvus

Me: Got any news?

Meanwhile, while waiting for an answer, I asked elidibus for things in the meantime. And sent this to Corvus:

Ok, there is indeed something going on with Aeneas towards the Unsundered. Elidibus seems hesitant toward him. He is clearly telling quite a bit, but I can't fully make out what he is saying. As of what I could, is that Aeneas may be appointed as a guide by Emet-selch. But he is low-ranked. He is a beginner guide. You aren't the first one to guide. But he has a lot to learn as a guide. It's up to Emet to teach him.

Ask Aeneas if this is true.

Also, I gained a big confirmation about your conclusion of the time frame of WoW. They started end of 2004, but it didn't appear in the game until 2005.

I got permission to give Aeneas a small little quest. That Elidibus will answer him.

Aeneas needs to ask Elidibus how much he loves me.

I came up with the question, and it's not to know for myself because I know he loves me endlessly. But more to see if the message gets across well. And I like to read it with words * grin *

Elidibus is ok with it.

Corvus replied the next day


So I went to John today.

I had only a few questions. But the main reason to go was that he said in the previous session that before March 11th Elidibus would speak through me fully. Well, that didn't happen.

When I said this, he already understood he had work to do, haha.

About halfway, the treatment too threw open my channels. He saw I was an oracle during Atlantis.

I said that Atlantis was my first life on Earth.

He said I had a few lives in Atlantis.

1 tiny moment later, I asked if he could tell me more about my Oracle life.

In the last life of Atlantis, I was humiliated as Oracle because I didn't say the things the people wanted to hear. So I blocked myself and never did any divination again.

I gained my future sight from the stars.

When he said that, the whole Azem being the shepherd of the stars rang through my head. Getting a bit emotional about it.

And I had trouble understanding the people who wear lesser gifted. Questioning myself about what they were even doing on Earth.

(I must say I have this in a different form now because I often question myself why people can be so blind and stupid not to know while the answer is laying on the table before their eyes, but then again accept they are just ignorant, and I let it go)

A couple of my past lives after the Oracle one. I often tried divination, but then decided not to do that anymore. The risk was too great.

(Funny enough, when I tried divination in this life, tarot, or other cards, I lose interest very quickly. It doesn't stick, nor do I have an interest in so doing. So now I know why it comes from without asking him)

Then I asked some other things first.

I first told John that my bestie was playing host for Elidibus. And I wondered how much control he had.

But Elidibus refused to answer that one. Too personal, probably.

Then I asked about the name of our second child.

John asked what I knew myself.

I said that I knew it would be a girl. but not the name yet

John: Sa, something with Sa.

He named a name, but that wasn't correct, he said. Probably have trouble pronouncing it.

John: how long I still needed to go before it gets born, 1 or 2 months?

Me: yes, about halfway through April.

So yeah, he was correct on that one.

John: it's coming along already, getting bigger. Is she getting 3 names?

Me: I don't know. * Questions Eli * yes, I gained confirmation from Eli.

Later I asked about that humiliation again as Oracle and named the online Witch hunt drama from this life in a very short summary, and that I didn't give up on my spiritual journey because of that. And wondered if that was a victory.

He confirmed that.

Then I mentioned that if bad things happen in past lives, you need to learn from them in the next ones. So I asked if I had overcome the drama, so to speak, to stay true to myself and not to give up.

John: what does your feeling tell you?

Me: yes.

John: well done! That's how you do it.

Then he named an example of a case, what he experienced during spiritual classes. And of the 49 other people telling the story. He was the only one that was correct. But before he knew that, he was doubting himself a lot if he had the correct answers when he heard the other's stories. But he remained true to himself, and then the teacher said that he was the only one that was correct.

Some other things he said were, if you are more open to receiving info, you will get the right answers.

Immediately TK came to mind because of the wow subject and made mental note of that. So, in this way, TK be more open.

There we some other things about me. Light body pieces of my soul a slowly getting back from their journeys. At first, I thought he was talking about shards. But that wasn't the case. Though, the concept is the same. They are making my soul more complete.

Despite those weren't shards, I could not refrain from the idea of a soul rejoining.

But the thought of why this is happening, probably that I will go home after this life, wasn't excluded from my thoughts. And felt correct.


March 12th

Corvus: Ok hold on, this might take me a minute to transcribe

Me: ok

Corvus: So via Aeneas, the answer he got was as follows:

“A meaningful question. One that begets an answer. To summarize, in all my travels of the cosmos, all my quests into the depths of the mind, and all my dives into the complexity of the soul, I have not discovered words to accurately encompass the intensity and magnitude of my emotion. This attachment introduces me to new dimensions of contemplation, new worlds of experience. The bliss and serenity of it cannot be understated.

Do you learn from this inquiry, Aeneas? If so, in the future, contemplate what is to be gained from any inquiry before pursuing it. Such true pursuit of discovery is paramount to who we are and why we exist.”

Me: Funny, I was meditating if you just received that answer.

I stopped and saw you left a message.

Eli is still here. He confirms he said that.

What did Aeneas say in reply to this?

Corvus: Not much, I guess. He simply came back to report what he'd heard. Seems like he has some things to think about.

Me: Did he say anything about being a rookie?

Corvus: Oh yeah, no, he's definitely a guide. We figured that much out way back when I learned his name and confirmed that the person speaking to me wasn't an Unsundered.

Me: Yes, he is a guide, I know. But is it true he still has a lot to learn?

Corvus: Oh, of course. I mean, from what I've heard of conversations with Emet, even the Unsundered claim they have a lot to learn, but yeah, Aeneas is much earlier in his journey than they are. Still much further along than someone like me, so I still have much to gain from him, but as compared to the Unsundered? Yeah, a rookie is accurate.

Me: Ok Ty. So I was right on that one.

Corvus: I still don't have any idea what the deal is between him and Lahabrea, though. He hasn't said a word about it, and I don't really have too many other routes for other people to ask.

Me: I can try to ask TK. But she hardly replies..... (a few minutes later) I asked. But, well, I don't expect an answer. I don't know what issues she has with me asking things.

If she hasn't replied by tomorrow. Maybe you can try to get in contact with her yourself? I hope she hasn't blocked you or anything. According to Fabs, he couldn't send her a message......if that happens, I can try a group dm instead.

Corvus: I doubt this person even knows who I am, lmao

Me: Lol, actually she should know. You are a member of the same group. And I shared screenshots back and forth between you 2 about the ascian involvement in the WoW thing at the end of Dec

Corvus: Okay, yeah, then maybe they're at least aware of me.

Me: Yes exactly

Corvus: But no, I haven't ever actually exchanged words directly with anyone but you about this stuff

Me: Yeah, I understand. But even she said to me, she loves to help people. So I hope she will be open to helping you out as well.

Corvus: Would you mind being a bridge of sorts to contacting her? I would feel invasive and awkward if I were to just shove questions at a stranger uninvited.

Me: I will try.

Corvus: Thanks so much for your help!

Me: YW!

~21h later~

Me: I am afraid she is not going to reply. I don't know what that is with her.

Corvus: No worries. I don't want to impose.

Me: Ok.

Did you hear any other info of Aeneas?

(as mentioned earlier, TK never replied, not even when I dumped the 3 of us into a group dm).


March 15th

Eli helped so much with selling items for me the past week, it's ridiculous. All my gripgel sold for huge amounts. Low-grade Materia for huge amounts of gil.

Here is an example of the Materia.

~later that day at 18:23~

Me: I got my access code for fan fest!

I asked later, Eli helped with this, or let's say in how far he could.


Dm's with Corvus

Originally, this first message was on the 14th, but the conversation started the day after

Me: Hey, I asked Elidibus if he has more info about my phoenix transformation. And Aeneas is allowed to ask him, to forward it to me.

As for now, I know the ancients decided what they transform into. But I have something to do with lahabrea's creation. I merged with it according to him. (Or 1 of them). But it seems elidibus has more to tell about it than just that. So I want to know what he has to tell.

Me: Let me know if he/you want to try to ask this. He said Aeneas was allowed to. hey, did you have any contact with TK via dm perhaps?

Corvus: Nope, not a word

None from Aeneas either

Me: ow, double too bad.

maybe it was a too complex subject for Aeneas? I don't know

Corvus: Either that or he has something going on

I don't know, he sorta disappears randomly sometimes

Me: maybe ask him when he gets back, what he was doing.


March 17th

Dm's with Corvus, continuation

Me: If the Phoenix question isn't reachable for Aeneas. Then I got a different question for Emet-selch.

I asked via Linala firstly if it was ok to ask, so there won't be annoying faces.

I asked for some things via Linala and want to verify these via Aeneas to Emet.

I asked how come Elpis has the same name as the mythology place here on Earth? She told me a lot of things, but I was able to figure out that we actually borrowed the name from Etheirys via a reincarnated Ancient here on Earth.

I asked if she knows this via Emet, and gained a yes.

I also asked if this was the case with Amaurot and the writer being a reincarnated Ancient. Gained a yes, too. At first, I thought she was shitting me because this was already a while in my mind. But she kept confirming.

So I want to know if the names that share the origin with Etheirys are true. And that reincarnated Ancients on Earth gave the names.

Corvus: I'm not sure about reincarnated Ancients, but I do know that throughout all of human history, people have created edifices, inventions, civilizations, languages, gods, laws, and all other aspects of society based on messages and teachings from beyond. Basically, a lot of human history is filled with borrowed ideas. Whether those ideas came from actual reincarnations or just people speaking for an ethereal mentor, I don't know.

Me: getting info from “above” sorta say is also a thing. but the convocation was still tempered, so long ago. so where would the info come from then.

Corvus: That, I don't know because my understanding of the timeline is incomplete. I'm not sure what state the worlds were in at various points in Earth's history.

Me: Hmmm :/

did you hear anything from Aeneas at all these past few days?

Corvus: No real contact, just a vague but somehow confident feeling that he's gone to Emet. Like, for some reason I can't truly explain, I am 100% confident he's with Emet.

Me: ok good. maybe he will come back later with answers, hopefully

and otherwise, well I tried.

Corvus: In the meantime, the best I can do is share what I know about transformations from the inscriptions in my dreams of the Seventh.

Me: oeh yes, pray tell.

Corvus: From the writings in their temples, the act of transforming into a higher or more potent state of being is a natural part of the progression for any ever-persevering soul. It is a sort of refining of that soul's potential. It seems like the personal journey to transformation lies in discovering answers to various questions:

What is the final shape of the transformation?

How is my existence enhanced by the change?

What do I lack now that I gained then?

How does my impact on the world change after doing so?

Will my shape need to change permanently or temporarily?

Is the change causal or paracausal?

Is my understanding of the world causal or paracausal?

Is the image of myself clear?

Do I have the power to actualize that image?

For some, the power needed came from specific tools or methods. For others, it simply came from a level of understanding or a proper perspective. The difference seemed to align with the elements. Ultimately, though, the idea behind it was to achieve a better, more complete, more impactful version of your present self.

Me: what is paracausal?

Corvus: Beyond the boundaries of mortal flesh and above the restrictions of physical laws. Some are even able to bend those laws.

Magic, for instance, is a paracausal force.

Me: oh interesting

Corvus: Some oracles of the Seventh transformed from simple farmers and builders to lives as scholars and casters that could wield magic in temporary moments to bend the fabric of the world. Some went further to become beings that no longer required magic, for their wills were ascended far enough to weave that fabric naturally.

Me: wow

Corvus: Consider it like the difference between a citizen of Etheirys casting spells to create new forces or objects

Versus an Unsundered that naturally does so with their very thoughts. The citizen is a causal being that is capable of using paracausal forces. The Unsundered are actual paracausal beings.

Me: Hmmm interesting, and indeed true

oh! well. let's see if Aeneas comes back with info about my Phoenix transformation.


March 19th

Well, thanks to Elidibus, I know how the actual Etheirys is spelled in the real world. Aetherys.

Dm's with Corvus

Me: You are still awake? (for him, it was link 3 or 4 am)

Corvus: Nightmares…

Me: Oof.

Wanna talk about it?

If not, it's ok.

Corvus: It just seems like I'm more terrified of all this uncertainty than I thought. I keep having awful dreams of Aeneas abandoning me, or of coming to you with answers that are deemed wrong and being labeled a phony and losing you as a friend and mentor, or other people finding out I'm Corvus and sending me to an asylum or something.

Me: Well, this made me sit up in bed. (Waiting for Eli in 35 min)

Ok, I don't think people will discover you are Corvus. Especially since no traitors are in the current group. But be careful you don't tell anyone just like that what you believe in. For example, my son happens to spill his mouth about it to my mom. Somehow my mom did some research, should I call it research? She doesn't take the spiritual side into account. But somehow she accepted I would have an imaginary relationship because of the stress it had gone through. I tried to say it was an actual spirit, but she didn't believe me. I left it at that. I know he is real, and my sisters too. So I was in a short period of doubt, despite I knew they were real. Ya know what helped? Thinking back on All the info I gained from others. This gave me confidence that what I experience is true. Just be careful what you are saying, even family. If you don't spill anything, then no one would discover.

Now about Aeneas. Have you ever asked yourself why he would be abandoning you? tell him these nightmares. And see his reply. Tell him the things you struggle with, it will make the bond with him closer.

About the answers given to me. Well, I will be honest, I had them regularly when I asked the Phoenix and place names question to you, “What if he says something completely different or something that doesn't match” But don't let it take over your head, otherwise you WILL get wrong answers. Find a distraction that will you stop from thinking about it. Wait until Aeneas is back and see what he has to say. Be neutral in your judgment, otherwise, you influence the answers. Strangely, it works that way.

Corvus: Yeah! All of that makes sense. It's just difficult to not be scared, ya know? Anything I have that's important to me becomes something I'm scared to lose.

Lmao, anxiety disorder sucks. XD T-T

Me: I hope this helped, what I said. Now go back to sleep. I hope you will get a peaceful dream now.

Corvus: Fingers crossed. Thanks, Ayane.

Me: YW! Goodnight

Even though he was asleep, I still sent some messages, but he replied 2 days later.

Me: According to Elidibus, Aeneas hasn't asked him about the Phoenix question yet (as of when I write this). But I asked him about the origin of names that come from Etheirys.

For so long ago. If people were able to astral travel/projection. So literally visit Etheirys in their astral bodies. They have landed on Etheirys (even pre-sundering) and adopted the names.

how are you doing now?


March 21st

Me: Asked Linala to pull a card for me. Well, I went through the cards upside down and asked, “This one?” And gained yes or no.

This one was a yes. And it's screaming to work on my journal XD.

I did a session for others as well

Tk's pull, I must say, it matches.

Sadly, no reply….


Dm’s with Corvus

Corvus: Hey, hey! Sorry, yesterday just wasn't a great mental health day. I didn't really get a lot done, I just sorta rested, I guess. Still, though, today is better. I feel better, and my mood has improved.

Yet and still, though, I've heard nothing from Aeneas. I've tried reaching out, too, and still, there's the familiar feeling when he isn't there.

Me: Good to know you are doing better now.

And I hope Aeneas returns soon.

I wonder, on Wednesday and Thursday elidibus will be with me. Maybe Aeneas comes back too?

The last time Aeneas asked Elidibus how much he loved me was done while I was meditating, ironically. And Elidibus was with me the entire day.

Or if not, I suppose he is learning from Emet I guess?

Corvus: Hopefully that's it. I'm not sure.

Me: Since I was busy anyway. I drew a card for you. I hope it matches a bit for your day today.

t the end of the day (close to midnight) I asked again.

Me: How was your day, for now, today? Since I pulled a card and such. If it didn't match, let me know, too. The “dismiss negativity> good news arrives.” That is actually what I said on Sunday lol but in a different way.

Corvus: Not sure yet, since my day basically just started. I went to uni today and most of that was just sitting through lectures, so I'm only just now free.

Still, though, thank you very much for your reading!

Me: Oh my well, I hope the rest of your evening will be ok.

Maybe Aeneas will come back? I don't know. Let me know if he does!


Dm's with Fabs

Me: While I am busy pulling cards anyway. Do you want one?

Fabs: Yeah, go ahead

Me: I find it matching with the message you need to meditate :p

Let me know your reaction, I think a lot more is matching.

Fabs: Yeah, if only my head wasn't such a mess, also wonder if any of it has something to do with demons and ghosts I have been fighting in my dreams.

Me: Have you ever tried to look it up? Dream meanings of fighting demons and ghosts?

Because I have been fighting aliens with bad intentions from time to time.

But mine are too realistic.

Fabs: Well last time dream I had with the ghost I was helping them, and usually for demons I'm in a team that fights them, also find it interesting how little I care

but I will say soon things may improve.

Me: Here are several meanings with demons in dreams

The conclusion of the dream is important.


March 23rd

For those who ever remembered the vision I once saw (the decision-making on how to deal with the final days, and they come up with Zodiark and Elidibus offering himself as the heart). This is very similar. But mine was at a large meeting table.


According to Eli, my guess for the date of 6.4 would be May 23rd but even more the 30th, which is very great.

Vote Elidibus for me pls.

I asked Elidibus to let him win, though officially there wasn't said what it was for. But I am definitely sure about the next actual crystal convocation stone. I asked Eli to keep the vote amount around 50% to make sure he will win. he did 2 days straight. He eventually won.


March 24th

Yesterday evening in bed. I had a sad moment with Elidibus about that I can't see him. And he isn't coming up in dreams either, or hardly. It's at least nothing compared to 2 years ago.

When I countered with, “What if it was the other way around”

He was shocked and imagined me being invisible to him. He Finally fully understood the urge to see him.

Me: but what about the times before when I asked to come over in dreams more because I wanted to see you.

Eli: I got occupied with work, and….

Me: you forgot.

Eli: yes.......but I understand now, I am sorry.

I was too tired to write everything down immediately. But he said another couple of times that he was sorry. And that he will promise me to come more in my dreams.

I really hope he doesn't get distracted again.

About the poll, since I asked him to help himself win.

Eli: I am at it, don't worry.

Me: really?

Eli: yes (with a huge confirmative hug feeling)

He is still around the 50% and 1 day and 7,5h remain.


Dm's with Jezzah on FB

Me: how is the connection with Emet going, btw?

Jezzah: It's stable, but he's been busy and so have I.

Me: do you know what he is doing, atm?

Jezzah: It's confidential, I'm getting maybe something to do with my next life.

Me: ow. So nothing to share for in the journal?

Jezzah: Not at the moment

Me: Too bad. can you ask him things that are allowed to be shared?

Jezzah: We're both pretty busy.

Me: Hmmm, interesting, though. Aeneas, the guide from Corvus who works for Emet, has been absent from Corvus for 2 weeks or so.

Jezzah: He pops in every now and then for mushy gushy stuff.

Me: :P

Jezzah: :3 But those deeds are private. I promised I wouldn't kiss and tell.

Me: just call it sex :P

Jezzah: Not sex

Me: no?

Jezzah: nope, no sex, It's 100% pg13.

Me: why that all of a sudden?

Jezzah: because

Me: because what?

Jezzah: just because.

Me: do you live with other people, then?

Jezzah: I promised Emet I wouldn't spill details of our life

Me: why not, though? you used to tell me most of it.

Jezzah: we've decided to stay quiet about things, easier for the both of us to focus on each other.

Me: You see, TK hardly shares anything, because she ignores me a lot. Zio is disconnected from everything. aside from Corvus, I got no one left who shares their things. it doesn't need to be your love life, Jezzah. just general things, questions about Etheirys for instance, the unsundered world. Any knowledge of the past. I am starting to feel alone in all of this.......

Jezzah: Right now I got to focus on the here and now, he and I are both busy.

Me: promise me that if you got something, you can share. then post it on Discord for me. pls......

Jezzah: I promise if I get some juicy info, I will share. But my love life with Emet stays between him and me.

Me: that's fine, I guess, I can't force you, ofcourse. it's just disappointing to hear you won't share that anymore. ….


March 25th

Me: He won xD. He was very positive and sure about it all the time. He actually did it.

Now waiting for the convocation stone announcement xD.


March 26th

Emet in Pokémon


March 27th

Me: Ok, so Eli is here and I asked some things.

Firstly, I asked (after him saying I am still Azem) if I have a shared title with the WoL.

He said that he mostly will reincarnate immediately again. So he is like the living one on Etheirys. But then I asked, I am here living too.

Eli: but without your powers.

Me: so I will be Azem in the Astral when I leave Earth.

Eli: yes.

Then I asked if the WoL would die from old age or anything, if he would visit us.

Eli: .....I don't know, it hasn't happened before yet.

Me: will this happen any time soon?

Eli: he is too young to die. (of age)

Me: how old is he then?

Eli: a bit younger than Estinien.

Me: wait, Estinien is like 60

(I wanted to say that isn't THAT young) but he interrupted me.

Eli: in Earth years.

Me: wait, right iirc he was 54 when I met him or calculated it. Is the WoL like 50?

Eli: yes.

Me: or a bit younger?

I don't remember exactly how the sentence went, but Eli confirmed 48. (But that was when I met Estinien in that vision because I had 54 in my mind)

So I started calculating with 1.0 in mind. If that were true. Started with minfillia somehow because of the time skips. Eli confirmed that those 10 years were an echo vision (even though I am a legacy player, I never could do the story due to a stupid bug)

And Wol didn't age when warped to the Future, while others did, ofcourse.

Eli said as well that the events of 1.0 happened in about 2 years (1,5) but on the Real Etheirys. In the game, it was like 6 months.

Eli also said the WoL original started earlier than when you start to play in 1.0

Everything together he started at 18yo to be an adventurer. But he was about 20/21 at the event of the game in 1.0 started.

So he was 21 before he warped to the future. And Eli confirmed that Estinien was 27. Before the warp.

So yeah, WoL is 6 years younger than Estinien.

After mentioning that the calculations were originally from Dec 31st, 2021. They are probably at least a year older now. And he confirmed that Estinien is 55 now

And WoL 49


Dm's with TK

Me: something is incorrect with the timeline of the side quests in Elpis. the ancient version of Althyk (Alkaios) is like a young man in those quests equals to a 30y if not younger! while Althyk is literally a grandpa. his daughters Azeyma and Menphina.

Azeyma has daughters too, Nophica and Llymlaen

Nophica and Llymlaen are granddaughters of Althyk

and these are all Venat's faction? something is terribly incorrect here.

The final days didn't happen THAT long after the Elpis events. each faction member was a grown adult ancient. so something is completely wrong here.

delving into the myth/tales of them, and how they were “created” according to the people of Etheirys. the only thing I can come up with is that they were originally not that much related to each other. Brother and sisters, yes. maybe an older child/teenager from a couple, yes. but not grandchildren. what do you think?

ok, when reading “Menphina is the daughter of Althyk and Nymeia” I am like. no, incest was NOT a thing back then. I guess the “being related” stories are made up. but if you have a word about this, pls let me hear yours. or lahabrea's

TK: The game already explained that they were shaped by Dynamis from people on the Source worshipping them. It's possible that the family connections were formed from this.

Me: Hmmm, I know their shape and appearance from Dynamis, yes. But family connections? Althyk and Nymeia were brother and sister in ancient times too, ya know. Can you ask lahabrea about this?

(never replied, but I got my answer on April 16th ;) though not from her. But from Elidibus)


March 31st

Me: Never thought to find a pic back on where our sun is located. Only they put the sun underneath the circle here. As I always said, Etheirys is at 1/3 of the circle. I asked Linala and marked where it was.

On this day, the patch 6.4 date was announced as “late May”

I called it. :P


I had no decent dreams in March sadly.

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