(since my grammarly premium has expired the grammar won't be that great. Will resub preminum in early 2024 (pobably March) to update everything)
July 1st
So Eli is with me these past 3 days. Today I decided to make pancakes. And Eli in the morning speaking through asked for Cherry jelly for on the pancakes. and he will body join to taste it. it seemed he liked pancakes with cherry jelly from a long time ago. and wanted to taste the Earth ones. and yes pancakes under a different name obviously existed even in Ancient times.
I wasn't sure about the cherry jelly myself. Because I recalled 1 jelly not being so tasteful was either cherry or razz berry. so I would let him choose the jelly to buy, to make sure I would like it as well. And he agreed.
Me: Usually the brand name "hero" has good jellies.
Eli: Good.
So later this day in the supermarket at the jelly department. I couldn't directly find the "hero" one. he firstly agreed with a different one. but I wasn't too fond of the additions of chemical E numbers. Then right at the point I was about to walk away with one. I noticed the "hero" one. Gained a big yes to that one. I checked the back and it looked a lot better, let say a lot cleaner.
So I took that one.
When finally baking pancakes, the first with jam was for us to taste. he body joined and I took a rolled up piece. Omg, so delicious. And he like it too! a lot even!
I even let my ex taste it to share Eli's taste on food.
Ex: Hmmm good stuff.
Me: Ikr!
And when you then taste one with apple syrup you're like ieuuuwwww gross hahaha. cherry jelly is my favorite now too hahha.
Also I asked Elidibus to check upon the records of the oldest ancient.( Pre sundering. ) And that would be 569. Even though she chooses to die. Her body was just too old to continue living a normal way. They could die of old age because they think they are too old to continue living. And even though Elidibus said in the past they wouldn't die of old age because the oldest he knew back then became 120-130 and their duty was fulfilled so he never witnessed one to die from old age. This 569yo was an exception. Though there were more who became that old or close to it. But that was wayyyy before his time.
Ah yes before I forget. He gained the above info while I was asleep. He promised to take me with him when he would search up the oldest ancient. But he couldn't guarantee that I would dream it..
And ofcourse I didn't dream it. BUT. I had a part in a dream I was going insanely fast. Like the speed of sound at the very least. And that lasts like a minimum of 10 sec. I think 15 more likely. And saw the weirdest suns transforming into I dont know what. After that intense trip it was about funding a new glitch in pokemon GSC about the new gimmick of the next gen(10) "cracked" skarmory and "cracked" jynx popped up on the screen. It was like perhaps mega evos but with holding a giant stone with cracks and iirc they were cracked themselves as well. Yeah I know no logic.
After that I woke up.
And asked if he had the information. And I gained a yes.
Then a bit later when he spoke through me and I mentioned the intense speed in the dream. He replied it was a manifestation of the subconscious to the brain on what was happening. We were traveling through a black hole that worked as a portal. While our journey was just a few seconds. I experienced quite a bit longer in the dream but also at a lesser speed.
Jul 3rd
ok since I cant play FF16 being to intense for me. so I watched the ending cutscenes with battles. now started to watch the story explanation. first 5:30 min of this video https://youtu.be/A9DrFitidUo
made me scream so fucking loud the entire neighborhood could hear me. (same volume when said Venat was previous Azem). anyways "ancient race that has long since forgotten".
Spoiler Warning from here:
Ultima at the end must have been Lahabrea or a creation of him in this case ( I haven’t verified this yet with TK, hopefully she will answer 1 day). Making this The 2nd Shard story as have claimed in the beginning. not sure if defeating Ultima really happened since the 2nd Shard is Rejoined. but considering there is no magic in the world anymore after the credits. I rather think that latter part is not true. so he may got defeated and Clive died at the end, but caused a rejoining as a result. also the real Lahabrea definitely survived obviously lol.
(after watching the vid)
ok I finished the video. and I think Ultima is some twisted form of Lahabrea. since well ishikawa didn''t wrote this story otherwise it would have been Lahabrea for sure HAHAHAH. until it either further confirmed or said otherwise by Lahabrea himself. I take it, it was a reference to him for now. but Elidibus was definitely right when saying it was a story of the 2nd Shard. I mean what the hell. and when seeing grown Joshua, I saw myself. I had that haircut but longer at that exact age. so i.o.w Themis haircut but caramel/strawberry Blond. and the most ironic part of today. this night I transformed into a phoenix again looking like Ho-oh from pokemon. without thinking I decided to watch the whole thing of FF16 seeing the Phoenix also had green wings feathers like Ho-oh has. and when Clive gained Joshua's wings in the form of Aether I saw what I wasn't able to see in that dream. the wings that bursted out of Clives back. man when Joshua died I had a slight choking sensation. pretty much how he died in his own blood. kinda mind destroying if you see yourself, well part of yourself die. Jesus......
ah yes I completely forgot to add the following. iirc a dream I had in 2021. where I changed into the Phoenix battling some kind of alien Sephiroth like character with 6 dark wings in space. him and me being bigger then Earth itself. but when I saw Ultima with 6 wings in these vids I was like "NO WAY" and the fact battling in space remembered me the dream I had.
Ok so my ex want my home to be exorcised but also him and our son just in case.
Unfortunately the date these people can only come over at the 8th or the 29th. At the 30 or 29th my dad hold his 65 bday. So that one falls off.
But I so afraid they will affect Eli in someway and he will be with me this weekend on the 8,9&10th
I alerted Linala to forward this issue to Elidibus. I was waiting for the standard reply (pushing down while sitting with eyes closed) that she had received an answer but instead I felt an instant heavy energy coming into me and my head. Answering with my voice: “don't worry. I will be fine”.
Me: Ty cries so the 8th is fine? Sniff
Eli: yes
Me: is this you Eli?
Eli: yes
Me: Linala is this really Eli? (Gained a yes)
Me: ty Eli!
I didn't know exactly anymore in what order things were said. Because explaining the situation removed a lot very quickly while typing this up
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 4th
Dm’s with Birdy
Birdy: I'm sorry if it's late for you (it's surprisingly late for me), but I just woke up and I need to tell you about what happened last night. I did the guided meditation before bed like I've done every night, and usually everything follows the way she guides it, but last night something changed. I was being pulled out of the akashic records (I'm not sure how it works for you but for me it feels like a strong wind blowing me out of the library) when Emet appeared. When he appeared, I started fighting the wind to try to reach him. He watched me struggle against the wind for a bit before he said "don't you want to know the truth?" and all I could feel is that I did. I did want to know the truth. His words inspired me to fight harder against the wind pushing me out of the library. I managed to gain my footing and was able to push my way towards him, but I couldn't reach him before I passed out (I'm not sure if I fell unconscious or asleep).
While I was out of body, I had a dream, or more accurately, I think I saw one of my memories. I was walking through the Words of Halmarut with my hands clasped in front of me, like I was holding something. I was looking for someone close to me, but the dream didn't reveal who (the feelings were heavily platonic, so maybe he was a close friend or a family member?). I eventually found him, he was tending some flowers (I don't know how I knew the figure was male before he spoke, his features were obscured to me behind his mask and hood). I called out to him, ran up to him, and opened my hands, freeing whatever I was holding. It was some kind of small winged creature (I couldn't tell if it was some kind of insect, or maybe a bird or a bat or even something not from earth) that started flying around the flowers he was tending. We started having a conversation, but I couldn't understand what we were saying, it sounded like the sounds the Ancients make in Amaurot in-game in ffxiv.
I couldn't make out anything we were saying until he said something that stood out from everything else, like this word resonated in my soul. He said "Skoros". I don't know what it means, but it held such a power over me when he said it that it must be important to who I was, who I am. The dream/memory ended after that, but when I woke up, I was left with that and the vision of the number 12 in an icy blue color. I'm not sure what that means either but it must also be important if it was unlocked by such a powerful vision.
I've never had a vision like this with such clarity and yet so many details left out, is there a reason some things could have gotten left out? Is it just because I'm still developing my spiritual abilities?
Me: Amazing. Thanks for the update!
It could be things are left out. It's hard to say. But keep practicing!
Unfortunately I am not in a really good condition to write more detailed answers. I had a seizure today. And broke my foot.
Birdy: Oh my god I'm so sorry! I hope your recovery is swift.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 6th
Dm’s with Birdy
Me: Which of the 3 trainings did you got that result with?
Birdy: The first one, I haven't tried the other two yet.
Me: Aside from the last event did you witnessed other things. Like your past lives or anything.
Birdy: No. Whenever I'm searching for symbols I keep seeing the number 12 in that blue font I mentioned but I haven't seen anything else memory-wise
I've been trying to focus on that scene I saw in my meditations the last few nights but nothing new has been revealed yet.
Me: Try the second one now. It's similar. But with the second half about cutting cords/tweaking soul contracts. People that no longer serve you, you can cut contact with the way.
After this 2nd one do the third one maybe you will see something then on Etheirys herself.
Birdy: I'll start using the second one tonight, should I do both it and the first one?
Me: That will be very long though. I tried that once and fell asleep. Just solely the 2nd one.
Birdy: I'll do that then.
Me: You could when you have listened to the 3rd one a few times. You could do 1 and 3.
Then you could go from the Earth records to the Etheirys records maybe
Let me know if you get anything with the 2nd or 3rd.
Birdy: Will do
Unfortunately I haven’t spoken with Birdy since then. I did tried a few times but no reply.
July 9th
So I did the 3rd Akashic records galactic travel training.
It was not astral projection. But rather my mind was at certain places including Etheirys on the source and the First. And as third the planet where Joshua of FF16 is reincarnated his name is Aidenin at the moment.
So the first the Source I didn't really know what to do I wasn't really prepared I would get a claircognizant travel session. Somehow I was wearing Ascians robes but didn't want that I didn't want to startle anyone. So I Changed to sophist robes. eventually decided to visit Estinien. He did remembered me vaguely from the last time in the last day of 2021. He was wearing the ponytail hairstyle atm.
So I told him I am Elidibus's wife now and we got even 2 kids, well astral kids.
Estinien: So like spirit kids?
Estinien: Amazing.
Then I had a random question due to Estinien being like 60 in Earth years. (Forgot for the moment he is 55ish)
I asked what the retirement age was for people on Etheirys.
Estinien: We don't really have any.
Me: So it up to you when you decide to quit or cannot go on anymore.
Estinien: Pretty much.
Me: Is it correct the WoL is a few years younger than you are.
Estinien: Yes.
I believe here I said I gonna visit the First
Me: To check upon Thancreds adopted daughter Ryne.
Estinien: You can just do that?
Me: I think I can, but we will see.
Waved goodbye and asked Eli to help me to the First.
I landed on the First. I didn't see any environmental things. Quickly I saw Ryne. She didn't became much taller. But she became more broader in muscle. Shoulders mostly. I introduced myself and Explaining where I came from.
Me: Everything of Etheirys and her shards is a video game on my Planet. (She looked questionary) a computer game. And pictured a bit of the magictek screens to explain and then a digital game on the screens).
She jaw dropped.
Ryne: no way.
Me: i suppose we got the Convocation to thank for that, for telling the developers of the game the story through the mind.
I believe somewhere here I asked for Gaia. Ryne called her and instantly she was there.
I jaw dropped, because she looked 1o 1 with her looks she had as Loghrif.
Me: you look 1o1 as you did once as Loghrif.
Gaia: I do?
Me: yeah. Make me wonder have you ever tried to travel to the Source with your Ascian powers?
Gaia: no I haven't.
Me: don't you wanna try?
Gaia: I suppose I can try.
Then I came with the sudden idea to use the portal in the CT. The same one the WoL used.
Me: and then you get there you go back and everytime you stay a bit longer so Ryne doesn't need to worry.
Ryne: (giggles) oh no I am not like that anymore. I can look after myself.
Me: oh.
Here I forgot a bit, she is wielding the gunblade.
Then we said goodbyes and I traveled to the last planet where Joshua would reside.
He is more or less an energy body over there. And does remember his life a Joshua.
I found him quickly. We had a longer chat that the previous time. And he remembered me.
Now typing this all up made me forget half of this part damn.
His soul didn't rejoined to the Source after the 2nd shard got rejoined and drifted off. He also confirmed he is mostly likely a Shard of mine.
At some point I suggested to merge to see if we learn new info about eachother. Well not so much new info was gained but rather an experience. As the phoenix flames activated on my hand. Just like in the FF16 cutscenes. And the purple crystalized chest like thing he had was on mine now too.
Me: not many shards do have these right?
Josh: no I believe not. I believe I am the only one.
Me: shall we transform into the phoenix to see what happens?
Josh: sure
And so we did. I really felt having a beak for a short moment. I felt magnificent and my arms were changed to wings. After this I asked if I can still can him Joshua. He said that was not his name anymore.
I said I know him by the name Joshua. He was fine with it. Though he didn't have this name now. his current name is now Aidenin. Probably written different but this is literally how you pronounce it.
Near the end I couldn't promise when I would come over again. As this spontaneously happens.
He understood. And we waved goodbye.
Then I asked Eli to bring me back.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 10th
The 4th akashic records training is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_DLhUsulWPN01GZEPn5kaPoIN8vIJ5qg/view?usp=drivesdk
I didn't sign up on this one. But received it as a gift for signing up on the mentor program of 6 months.
It’s free available so I think she wouldn’t mind sharing a link here.
July 11th
Dm’s with Corvus!
Umm, hi! I'm here! I'm back. A lot has happened. Like, a LOT a lot. Regardless, I'm safe, I'm back, all is well, you didn't do or say anything weird or wrong or bad, lmao I've just been on a journey of self-discovery that lasted a couple months and was immediately followed up by a ton of real life nonsense. ^^;;;
But no omg I'm so incredibly sorry for all the silence!!
Me: What the hells did you do that took so long. I mean self discovery of what exactly? Also did Aeneas came back? if yes when? was it spiritual self discovery or others things? can you tell me more about it? was it needed to cut contact for it? sorry, I got questions. I mean 3 months isn't a tiny bit or anything ya know. its quite something. I actually NEED to know because I need to check if what was told being correct or not.
(continues on the 12th)
July 12th
Me: Dez????I got a bit of anxiety issues now of people not replying......(TK is also guilty to that alas, mostly only talks to me when a patch drops). sorry that I messaged so much..-_-
Corvus: Ok ok. So, back in April, I started digging, searching for answers as to if my astral self was out there, who or what exactly it was, and how they could help. I also at that time had no clue whatsoever where Aeneas was and why he'd been gone for so long.
To help facilitate this, since I have a hard time drifting from my physical form for long periods of time when this body is awake, I underwent a study program to sleep for a month. (Made some okay money out of it too.) In that time not only did I find that there was indeed a part of myself that was separate from me, but there was more than one. FAR more than one. Six in total, seven including my self at the time. So I tracked them all down. I spent a great deal of time wandering in the lanes between chasing signatures that felt familiar and eventually, one by one, found the fragments of who I am, each one making the search progressively easier. One by one, we became whole. At this point, now, my true self is with me, complete, here.
During the search, it became easier and easier to detect and find traces of Aeneas'e movements. He had done a lot of moving himself, supposedly working on his own specific project that he was unwilling to share details about. More and more it became clear that guiding me was not only not a priority for him any longer, but wasn't an assignment he was enthusiastic about in the first place. Eventually, Emet confirmed this. Aeneas was essentially intending to abandon his post with me. I found Aeneas and confronted him directly, and we went our separate ways. Elidibus oversaw the exchange and reduced tensions by stating that both Aeneas and I had much to gain personally from separating, and that it was beneficial to cut ties. His journey would take him in his direction, mine would take me in a different one.
Me: Omg I was afraid you landed into a coma by an accident or something. even though Elidibus said you were ok. I couldn't figure out what you were doing. I guess my claircognizant wasn't far of with a "coma". but it was willingly. how is this study called? can I do it to in Netherlands? XD. but go on continue typing.
Corvus: From there, I recollected with my completed self and looked on my memories from above. My past makes far more sense to me now, as well as why it has been so hard to access from here. I eventually woke from the sleep study and started relaying what I'd found with my wife here. Turns out that those truths and experiences connect with and make sense of much of her own. We are all of us fragmented, separated, and within the nature and context of this earth, isolated as well. We spent a great deal of time making more sense of everything and bringing context to what we can do here on Earth with this knowledge.
All of that got set aside for a while though, as the disaster in the kitchen of my home got repeated with one of the bathrooms and a massive fundamental issue with the plumbing came to light. More and more housework needed to be done and we had to spend more and more time away. We also had a distant family member lose their home in a storm to the northeast of America and spent even more weeks helping them get back on their feet.
Then more problems came with my sister being hospitalized over a severe mental and emotional breakdown, and I spent almost a month in the hospital with her while she recovered. Even she, as isolated as she is from the astral, can feel this world becoming more and more unstable every year. I'm still helping her make sense of things today, but she's functional enough to be safely back at home.
My sister came back home about a week and a half ago, and I apologize for not immediately answering then, but I did take that time to myself to breathe after back to back disasters, as well as just try to calm down and adjust to this still new feeling of having several minds looking through my eyes, yet all those minds are me.
Me: Omg.
what was the name of that study? I want to see Elidibus too T-T
also which robes was he wearing? XD.
Corvus: The sleep study was a clinical trial program nearby that was hosted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. I have no clue if there's organizations like that near you, but it's worth looking into!
As for the confrontation with Aeneas, when Elidibus appeared, I feel like I recall white robes, but ultimately it wasn't what I saw that made it clear. Astral sight is interesting, it's less seeing physical attributes and more perceiving and witnessing their energy, their aether, their signature, and knowing it's them. I guess imagine that you were greeted by a silhouette of a person and you could sorta see features in that silhouette, but more importantly it's their presence and aura that resonates and vibrates within your eyes and mind that who you're perceiving is exactly this person.
Me: ah ok. were you kept artificially asleep? and about those fragments. were those shards? or that sort of Light bodies John mentioned once earlier this year to me.
and your wife joined with this study too?
Corvus: Basically yeah it's artificial sleep. I was in a sort of pod and hooked up to machines that administered the chemicals that kept me asleep as well as kept sustenance in my body throughout the sleep.
And while the worlds are fragmented into the Shards, people themselves are fragmented as well into individual incomplete selves that are often scattered about the Shards. Each has its own experience of incompleteness.
And no, unfortunately wife couldn't also take the study. For one, the sleep serums would conflict with her existing medications and could cause awful side effects, but also there's just no way she'd be able to get that time away from work.
Me:Well fock, me being still 1/14 T-T though it heavily suggest FF16 is the story of the 2nd shard before the rejoining and Joshua possibly a Shard of mine. I say possibly because I need more info coming from other people if this info is answered in my favor or not.
do you recall the color of Emet's robes per any chance? because I went down a list of what they are wearing nowadays last year. and Emet and lahabrea would have blue robes. funny enough I met someone who is a possibl;e shard of Emmeroloth. and she met her too. emm had purple robes according to her. and when I checked my gained list. she was correct. and she didn't read that chapter yet.
were you able to ask questions to Elidibus or Emet, aside from the Aeneas dealings.
Corvus: I recall perceiving Emet in a deep purple, almost indigo color, yeah. I wasn't able to ask much though. My mind was focused on resolving the conflict with Aeneas and connecting with my selves, and both Emet and Eli were just fulfilling their roles. Emet was simply there out of responsibility as Aeneas's supervisor and Elidibus was simply there out of responsibility as the Overseer. Like I likely could reach out to them with any necessary inquiries, but that moment wasn't the time. ^^;;
Me: like this? But from what I understand is that the soul shards upon the Shard themselves are fragmented again?
Corvus: Sorta yeah? Like a tiny bit more bluish I think.
Lmao sorry, that was a few months ago now, and my perception of them was less visual and more aetheric.
And yeah, the Shards are fragmented worlds filled with fragmented people. Some shards are in states of such chaos and instability that some souls are split into pieces within the same world, but they often don't find each other.
In the case of this earth, the aetheric density is so poor that there are likely people here whose fragments already exist somewhere else on this earth, but their ability to perceive the connection has dulled completely.
Me:So technically your a complete 1/14 now.
and your were probably in the 7 dimension or higher. as the 5D is still quite visual from what I have understood perceiving of clothing is still quite normal to see in the 5D. Eli did told me once he is often working/residing in the 7D mostly sometimes higher.
Corvus: It's a matter of peeling back the layers of a person. Once you reach a state (which for us is temporary due to earth physics) where you move beyond the physical, beyond the mental, beyond the aetheric, all there is left to perceive is life essence. We stop seeing people for their face or their appearance or even their energy, but simply the signature of their existence. It's like a footprint of how their life moves the world, but more obvious because they're right there.
Me: yeah correct, but when you are only energy and noting else of appearance is there. your are in the 9D iirc (higher is the source/god from what I understood). you still saw someting even though it were tiny bits. so thats why I think you were in the 7D.
so my understanding you are a complete shard so 1/14 now, is correct?
Corvus: I am complete, yeah. My selves have come together. The rejoining isn't perfect since this shard doesn't have the aetheric density to sustain so many perspectives in one body, but nonetheless we're all here.
Me: Ok I just asked Linala to ask Eli and emet. that what John said to me those "light bodies" as he called them were coming to me. were in fact the same that you have done yourself. so I also asked if the Source shards have this same issue. and gain a yes. I am not sure I am already rejoined any source pieces. do you feel any change in paranormal abilities or something. of maybe astral traveling better out of your own maybe? anything?
Corvus: I certainly have more free and natural control over projection, yeah.
Me: damn. I struggle so hard with that. what ever I try. not even the Hemi sync method works on me.
Corvus: The best advice I can give is that since density is so bad here, this world is constantly trying to keep you from reaching too far. As such, it's much more achievable with help. In your attempts to reach out, it'll help a lot to have someone reaching back that can help pull you along.
Also, just don't be afraid. The physics of this world will always drag you back eventually. As you reach further, parts of you will go numb, but you'll regain feeling when you return. There's nothing to fear.
Me: that latter part is not the problem. I am not afraid. I just cannot get it done. unfortunately the help costs a shit ton of money here. as there would be literally regression therapy. I do gonna go follow a online psychic classes starting in september to develop clairvoyance (hopefully) or any other abilities. I can only hope to manage astral projection though. but got a hard head onto it.
Corvus: Ouch. I certainly wish you the best of luck! I do want to note a difference though. While clairvoyance might help, clairvoyance is more about staying rooted here and being able to see and influence farther away. It's like staying in your chair and being able to grab the controller from across the room. It might help you get out of the chair eventually, but it's not the focus of study, ya? I hope it helps for sure, but I also really don't want you to spend a bunch on clairvoyance teaching and have it not help you... u.u
Me: T-T I hope it will with anything. if you come across any advice for astral projection then pls share.
though, are you able to communicate directly with emet now per any chance?
also is there a possibility you can ask the clinic if there is a study of this in the Netherlands too? because thusfar google is not my friend alas
did you ever came to know why Lahabrea had anything against Aeneas? was it because he was temporarily?
Also how is your wife with the spiritual stuff you are busy with. does she knows?
sorry I keep up getting things in my head to ask you. will you do more astral projection on your own now? can I ask maybe some question via you to the unsundered? Infindox doesn;t reply to me anymore you see.....i got no one else to verify things.
Oh another thing, sorry. When did you woke up out of your sleep trial? On what date?
(Continues the next day)
July 13th
Me:I guess you lost a lot of weight too while being asleep for a month?
also how did you managed to stay away a month from school though.
Corvus: Omg sorry! I dunno what's up, but discord just isn't notifying me when I get messages... Like, unless I have my phone open at that moment, I have no idea... :/
Anywho, I guess I might have lost weight? Lmao I haven't looked. Scales are depressing.
And as for school, I finished all my semester final exams before starting the study. Won't have any school to worry about again until late August.
Me:Oh nice. but I had some other questions too. maybe discord isn;t sending any because your stats is offline?
Corvus: Oh okay whoops I just scrolled up lol one sec.
As far as astral projection, I think the best advice I can give is just clearing any fear or hesitation. Most of the pull is going to come from the outside since energy is so sparse here. Separation from the physical is kinda difficult on this Shard, so someone or something almost has to pull you out to counteract this world pulling you back in.
And I suppose I could ask the AASM if they know of similar studies in the Netherlands, yeah!
And as far as I could gather from Eli and Emet, Lahabrea's issue with Aeneas was his false attitude and lack of focus. He was preoccupied and trying to half-ass both his private projects and his duties as a guide, so his work was lackluster on both counts. Basically the same issue that led to us splitting, Lahabrea was just more outwardly annoyed by it.
And yeah, my wife is in the loop.
I can and will make inquiries of the Convocation as time allows, yeah. As far as I understand, they'll welcome any curiosity with meaningful purpose.
And I had to check my discharge paperwork to confirm the date, I woke and finished the sleep study on June 19th.
Me:yeah I keep trying to astral project. I just can't get out. I don't have any fear or hesitation. so I don't understand why I can't. binaural beats aren't working either. I am just immune to it. sigh....
but um does your wife also know about the Convocation?
is it ok, if I forward any questions I originally had for TK to you?
and I thought you said you started in April with the study??????? or were you busy with school from april to may?
also funny though. Elidibus originally said end of june around the 20th to me. when you would be available again. until that passed .....then you landed in the bathroom problem I see.
but you started the study on May 19th then?
because Elidibus said to me once Aeneas would return on May 9th. did that happenen?
or something else happened on that date
Corvus: i'm guessing you never found any sensory deprivation tanks over there either? Because that would be a great place to start too.
And yup! Wife also knows.
And sure! I'll absolutely see if I can pass along any questions as I can!
In April I was still in classes. Finals finished up the second week of May, so I couldn't start the study before then. My induction date was May 22nd. The actual time spent asleep was 4 complete weeks, then I spent two days there to actually eat, move my muscles and readjust, and of course finish paperwork.
And no actually, I didn't hear anything from Aeneas before tracking him down myself, so idk what was supposed to happen in early May.
Me:ah ty for this. I guess it was an estimate. but I guess it was Aeneas who lacked it to get back. but I guess that date you would come back was accurate at first! thats good to read. does your wife also have connections with any of the convocation? I will look up the questions now.
question 1 (more wil come): how tall is lahabrea for real? I dont think the real one is THAT tall right? or I am wrong? let me know pls.
To me was said 607cm and igeyorhm 549cm (picture next page)
Question 2 and 3: According to Eli, lahabrea didn't age much after rejoining his other half. Maybe a few wrinkles more until the sundering. But if you can give confirmation or debunk about this then pls do.
What is also interesting that as Ascian lahabrea actually was tanned and not white. But was his younger self with the red hair. The developers just made him white with blond. Can you check this with him too?
Question 4: lahabrea ever said to you (TK) that the 3 of them will return later in the story. but in what form.....i hope not re-incarnated because that would be incorrect. do you have more info on that?
ok question 5 is 6.4 did you played the lastest patch? I will mark it as spoiler text something occurred to me. since there are now 2 pandaemonium time lines. in the original (the one eric talks about in his memory crystal hologram), pandaemonium was unfinished while azem's familiar was with them. could it be lahabrea's merged with his other self later in the original time line, when it was needed to become "Ascians"? could I still be right on that front?
Because when the WoL went to the past everything happened a lot quicker after that. as Venat immediately became Hydaelyn after Zodiark forstalled the final days and Eli came out of it. and did not wait until years later when the "new life" has sprung forward (i.o.w childeren that were born).
can you ask lahabrea what happened in the original time line? pls
Question 6 is the last one also 6.4 pandaemonium spoilers: Elidibus ever said they only sended the WOL to the past to show past events, while it was originally Azem's familiar in her likeness. How this event in the future really happened. Was that current WoL gained an echo remember who they were. Or let's say what happened in pandaemonium. Then he told he was Azem reincarnated and then the clones we like. "Wait, that was your familiar?" Or something like that, that made them realize the WoL was Azem at that time.
At the end the WoL didn't went back to the past. This was again the familiar checking upon things. They just said goodbye at the end, and Eli clone telling things. Well as we know him locked up didn't happen.
Let me know what lahabrea says about this. I know the rest fully happened. Including all Eric deeds.
(Remember not everything is the exact same, what I just wrote is just the tiny difference we got)
And another thing. Eli cone said "unburned with regret". But that is actually currently from all things thanks to me he said. He says no if that was just to please me. So well I am not sure lahabrea can verify that. But let me know about the first part atleast.
Corvus: Ok ok, some of these I'll need to inquire about, but others I can answer myself already.
1) Exact measurements are difficult since Elpis didn't use the same units we do on earth, but yes the world itself and its inhabitants were all a great deal larger than earth humans.
2) Will ask.
3) Will ask, though I don't know how far I'll get. The seat of Lahabrea and the coils he's jumped between have been numerous, so I'm curious if the memory is even significant to him.
4) Not only do I know the answer to this from them, but also from an Earth contact that works with SQEX, and yes they definitely have more roles in upcoming story. I won't say too much more though.
5) Will ask, but I also don't know how much of the Pandaemonium story reflects truth.
6) I think this more examines who exactly is carrying the seat at each point in time. I can ask for further clarity, but I think it's more so who carries the seat and title of Azem and of Elidibus at each generation.
Me:Wait you know a contact here on Earth that works for SQEX?!!!!!!! and told you that?!!!
and the titles didn't chance after they became the seat holder. the Elidibus we know is the one in Elpis too. he just joined there. at the time of panda.
does this contact also "knows" if you know what I am referring to.
also ancient size is 3x of normal humans. that's what I know
But lahabrea would hit the 640.8cm which would be 213.6cm for a normal human. but sound a bit too much imo.
Corvus: Yeah I have a buddy from back in high school that ended up as a contract software engineer for SQEX America. Obviously he can't break NDA too hard, and I'm certainly not about to leak further and potentially get him in trouble, but yeah I knew a handful of cool things about XVI before its release as well as some cool stuff about 7.0 and beyond.
Oh and uhh, no. No I doubt he has any clue about the truth of any of it. Lmao he's just an average dude. Not a guy I would talk about this with.
Me: holy shit well you do not have to tell who he is I completely understand. but having this confirmed is such big news. any idea if that would be 7.0 when they return or 8.0
what do you know about FF16? is it based on a story of the 2nd Shard of FFXIV before the rejoining?
since that shard was Fire element.
Corvus: 8.0 is too far off for him to know much about it, so yeah expect to see those characters soon.
I haven't taken the time to do a deep analysis of everything in 16 yet to see the connections and parallels, I just knew what all Eikons and such were in the game and when you get them far before the game released.
Me: ohhhhhhhhhh so 7.0 it will ! holy shit yes!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so happy about this. I thought it would be end 7.0 or more likely 8.0 but this is so awesome!!!!!!!!
also does your wife also have connections with any of the convocation?
Corvus: Of that I'm not sure. So far she knows of her home Shard, she has connections with the fragments of her whole self, and she knows of the original unsundered world, but as for what place she had in it we don't know yet.
Me:Which shard is she from? same as you?
Corvus: From the Eighth it seems.
Me: The 8th is still there though.
Corvus: As are many others, yet the sundering still sent the shattered people's souls themselves careening off to various places.
Me: ah then I wonder even more where my shards are. and I mean the full shards. I guess I have more to collect than just 13 others. but pieces of them too
i wonder if I even can. to me was told the coming to earth repaired my soul. and so I wouldn't be able to rejoin any shards I would come across. because they became individuals. but this would count only for the complete shards then? I dunno. but if those light bodies that were pieces of myself (where John spoke about in a session) that were coming back. are pieces of the Source. then perhaps those I can still rejoin with. but yeah what about the rest......could you ask this too perhaps?
Corvus: Every fragment of myself that I collected across my journey was an individual.
They were all people, all with developed minds, voices, and identities. It's simply that when we discovered each other, we immediately felt as if we were puzzle pieces that were meant to be one whole.
Me:thats beautiful. but as I said mine was repaired here. I don't know how. perhaps just being here since the sundering did that. so yeah if any of the unsundered could give me more info about it. if it is even possible with me then pls ask.
was your soul still damaged? before you found the other pieces.
Corvus: Likely so, yeah, but I've kinda always been a spiritual person. My godmother taught me a ton when I was younger, and she had done several sessions to repair irregularities in my aura and signature through reiki healing, so likely I was less damaged before going on this journey.
From what I understand though, souls, essences, and aether in general all behave like rainwater. It may split and separate and fall in small pieces, but they'll always flow back together. I'll ask them, but my initial thought is just to give it time.
Me:ya know. it has come to my attention lately. that I am helping people to get on the spiritual path but sharing with what I know including the trainings I have done, they advance so quick, but I can’t seem to progress myself further. it really hurts. and you are now even further then I am. I feel so stagnated. most of the things don't work even I keep trying. I don;t wanna remain left behind.......
visualizing is a pain in the ass sorta say. I just can't even though I keep trying. astral projection never succeeded. have been trying since 2020.
many people I give a handhold are doing it just like that. and I am here like.......sigh * talking to above* ; what about me? sorry I just needed to say this to someone....
Corvus: It's okay! I understand. Just know it's not hopeless, ya? You'll get there. You've spent a lot of time helping others. It might be nigh time you're the one receiving help. Like I said, reaching out is hard from Earth.
Besides, you're not falling behind. How many people can say they're raising the children of the Convocation? I have my whole self and more free astral movement, but you have identity history with a seat and a family with Eli. Progress looks different for each person. You're eons ahead of me in bringing contact from above down to here. Don't lose heart, okay?
Me: TY
But if you could ask about how it works with my shards. and I mean that actual full shards. (for example, those ones the WoL is rejoined with). then pls do. also if your wife gets any update about her journey. or a connection with any of the convocation members (doesn;t nesserarily need to be the unsundered, there are people who have a connection to for example Halmarut or Emmeroloth) then pls share!
I sent him many more messages over time but he never replied back. Not even today on August 31st (or later) when post this). I don’t know whats going on. according to Elidibus he went firstly on a holiday/vacation and would return and reply 1 week before he needed to start school again. But that didn’t happen. And now it’s school stress. We will see I guess. I hope he replies again soon.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 14th
I shared a tweet here from someone
“My sharp eyed friend pointed out that the JP version of new xiv lore book included an extra line that was not in the English version’s preview—that the word "Etheirys" apparently means "sparkling sky" in ancient language”
When I read the main tweet above. About that Etheirys means sparkling sky. I didn't see the comment I post a screenshot of below.
So I asked Elidibus if "sparkling" had to do with or is Aether. And gained a big yes.
Now I see that comment. I am like WTF xD
The comment (originally as screenshot): “Actually, they did explain this in English in-game. "sparkling sky" would mean "aether." The word is Homeric Greek for "clear sky," and when it's first mentioned they confirm that the planet was named for its aether.”
July 19th
i asked Linala to ask Emet how old Etheirys is, the planet itself and humanity in comparision of Earth. because I came across a old Dolores vid where she explains Earth would be the only one with Free will. While Etheirys has it too. emet is looking into it. but I will receive an answer later.
(sometime later)
ok so Etheirys itself is older than older then Earth. but humanity is younger (yes ancients calculated with it). about 8000years later then Earth modern human form existed on Etheirys.
did I quick google search on Earth that''s 200.000 years of modern human form. Etheirys would have 192.000 years of modern (ancient) human form.
yet google has a slight mistake in civilizations are only 6000 years old. as Atlantis was 12.000BC-10.000BC iirc.
But Earth being the first with free will is still possible (but definitely not the only one). but I don't believe everything like the human race is seeded here by Et's. maybe we are not directly evolved from apes. but perhaps a special kind that was able to evolve into us. that creature could have been seeded. but not the Neanderthal himself. I mean technically for the religious variants. (their) "God" is the ET in that story lol.
July 22nd
Dm’s with Stormy (now on discord)
Stormy: (on weblog), Omg finally!! I have been locked out of this email for weeks! My old phone got destroyed and I didn't remember my password for my email... Sadly I have yet to play it. But I will ask! Also my discord is [redacted] feel free to add me! As for updates mostly been asking about other convocation members myself and about the aspect of being Shadowless such as the shadowless man who was in 1.0 of xiv. No new information though. I gotta also work toward getting the lore book from xiv vol 3.
Me:(on discord) hi there. I didn't slept very well unfortunately. I do have some questions regarding what you said on the blog about being "shadowless"
have you thought of Gaia? she is a reincarnated Loghrif shard . still has a shadow because she is born into that body (just like you). And because she is able to cast magic, she could train to get her powers back. alas for us we will never be able to, to do it like on Etheirys in this 3D world.
Though we can train ourselves to do other stuff here like psychic abilities.
Is it btw already confirmed if you are a Shard of Emmeroloth? if so which shard? it can even be from a shard that still exists. Since Corvus's wife is from the 8th which I recently came to know.
Stormy: Much the same on the sleep thing, I have considered that too, also went and did research into my own family's background through different ancestry charts. I have druid ancestry which is something I suppose. Explains a few things I guess.
As for it being 100% confirmed, no. More like 75% as it's been once suspected I could be one of the shards of Igeyorhm as well. But Lahabrea was quick to dismiss this.
I was told I need to do more meditation, delve deeper into my subconscious.
I am curious what your thoughts were on the finale of the 8 man raids was.
Me: Ah ok ty. well a LOT had been confirmed of what we already knew in the 8 man raid XD. included "memory" clones hahaha.
Stormy: I saw that yes, but that scene at the end with Elidibus, what was your interpretation of that?
Me: Right. It was really his soul but just not his body. His memories were at first very muddled by Athena. most were restored after the battle ( most of it). He also said that he remembered wayyy more than just the CT battle originally. He said he also remembered what he did as Ascian.
Stormy: I see that is interesting, what are your thoughts on Athena?
Me: i don't really care much XD, did you had thoughts of it?
i mean she is psychotic bitch
Stormy: She is an interesting one, as one with a scientific mind myself I get it, but she had a major god complex and her methods were as you so aptly put psychotic.
Though it's made me curious to see the conclusion to the 24man raids. I have my own theories regarding the twelve as well as my own regarding the gods of the Azim steppe.
Ancients probably, if not creations of some kind. I do not truly believe they are God's. But who is to say, mayhaps I'll be surprised.
Me: The twelve are the ones who were with Venat before she sacrificed herself. and the 13th is the Watcher on the moon
Stormy: That was my suspicion as well which just leaves Nhaama and Azim then.
Me: But Nhaama and Azim are like renamed existing ones. it's like God and Alah, because Alah means "God" in fact its the same entity. just to name an example, . Its just a different name in a different culture and language. in Asia its Buddha. Egypt it's Ra. but every culture has their own stories with it. And will most likely refuse to accept it's the same. "but if you would dig a little deeper" ;)
Stormy: That makes a lot of sense, I am in a xeala (though raen here) community and this is something that was discussed a lot recently.
Me: Yeah I bet Ishikawa did her homework on how that works, haha.
Stormy: Oh most definitely.
As for myself I have been having to come to terms with certain realizations. Existing as someone who can be both genders and such.
But as Emet so aptly put.
"Can you not just be you? Regardless of what your mortal shell is? You over think it friend. And it matters not as much as you think."
And he is right, because in the end of it all I am simply myself first, last, and always.
It was the last I spoke with him. Though being called friend was nice.
Me:i am so happy to hear this from a transgender. because so many are so focused on how they feel. and they aren't themselves anymore. and becoming hypocrite special snowflaxes.
i am glad you listened to him.
Stormy: To be honest though the entire conversation made me wonder something but I am not sure I want to voice it, but mayhaps I am not the shard of who I think. Emet doesn't just call anyone friend....
And my hair is pink.....(dyed but natural blonde)
And correct that is something I have realized about the community as well and another reason I do not involve myself with it. I'm a very keep to myself kinda person.
Me: very good.
why don't you ask Emet what he meant with Friend. because he could have said it just like that ya know. or well maybe a friend during ancient times, or accepted you now. i'm curious.
Stormy: If it comes to light I am a the new old friend. It wouldn't be overly surprising to me, out of all characters Hythlodaeus is one I related to a lot. More so than any of the other seen ancients but it over confused me because well trans female.
What brought the conversation on between Emet and I, who has been somewhat guiding me is when I said. "Obviously whoever I was must have been a woman."
That is what prompted Emet into saying that.
And ever since then I have wondered.
While I relate to Emmerololth, I am no healer. More often then not besides taking care of another's physical wounds I am useless with emotional wounds, can't even heal my own. So it's been brought up to question my identity. Though if I am his shard it would explain why Emet Selch communicates with me when I do reach out, or in my "dreams"
Me: You can't be hyth. he was only released 28 years ago from Zodiark prison.
Stormy: Exactly. Which is why I said Id rather not voice that thought. Because in the end it was a thought.
Me: yeah ok.
Stormy: Either way, I'll figure it out at some point. For the moment sleep is calling my name. X.x rarely slept again.
Me: i need to go to bed now too XD it 22:16 here
Here we said goodnights to each other
July 23rd
i decided to listen to something else for meditation (mostly is Triona or hemi sync). the first one someone else recommended. but the voice that woman had was hard to follow so I knocked it off in 30min. then I searched random through my save list on YT and came across this one https://youtu.be/Ps2MS8dqjVY . So I tried. I don't know what the fock happened. but I felt heart ache coming out from my ancient live. and cried. I alerted to Linala to get Eli for me and so she did. I was rambling freaking ancient language (while crying), I first thought it was japanese, as it looked very much the same or atleast any Asian language. I didn't understood a thing of what I was saying. (Echo would be handy ffs). sometimes it looked like a mixture of japanese and english. it was even hard to speak English to try to figure out what I was saying. yet I did managed to ask Elidibus what was going on, he asked my higher self and he passed down the words to me. it seem the song triggered some moments of my ancient live from right before the sundering. right before Elidibus and co escaped to the rift, which it witnessed I sundered apart into 14 fragments. and he saw that too. and some more ancient language after that. I swear I don't know what I said. the next day I tried to fine any matching with words. since I asked the meaning of one. "ino" would mean "I know". even written in many different ways there is no language that translates that to "i know" (i used google translate). you would say it's just english if you split it in to "I no". but there was no "I". the was “i” from the name ino for example from Naruto.
i just searched it again but now on my pc and ino is a abbreviation of "I know"...... I didn't even know this lol. but then again the pronounce of the letter "i" was different. also it was a short "o"
July 24th
Dm’s with Stormy
Me: hello, I was thinking. because you lost the file of her glyph. maybe you remember hers by looking at this one. if so. can you edit the parts that were in her glyph to red?
Stormy:That's what I remember it being but inverted if that makes sense.
Me: So the white parts in it were red?
Stormy: Something like that if I recall correctly. I also noticed in one part of the glyph there is an elephant.
Me:Isn't that the majority part of it or I am looking to big lol
Stormy: Most of the base yes lol. Under the elephant at the very bottom hanging off looks like talismans or some such.That's just what I see though lol.
Me:I think I am looking too difficult lol. Because it would have 2 trunks?
Me: Yeah, I wasn't sure lol
Stormy: Then eight talismans to mark 8th seat?
Me: But there is a vase in it too. is she also the 8 seat then?
Stormy: I think so, and the vase to mark the constellation of aquarius. The water bearer
Me: Ah ofcourse.
Stormy: I'm gonna have to high light individual things with different colors then write out what I see and my hypothesis for what they mean.
Me: Omg wait a minute. it really gives off an indian style right? the elefant, the vase. I dreamt Halmarut being a indian man. but without turban. thought in his glyph there is a indian man with turban on it. what if those 2 were a couple once (got debunked by Eli later)
Me: This is also his glyph
Stormy: There is also a scarab in this one
Me: Where are the wings then?
Stormy: That one part center to the bottom looks like some kinda beetle. Hmm but the top definitely is like Eastern man with a turban.
Me: Yeah exactly. That bottom half of Halmarut looks like a plant though.
Stormy: I could see plant too. At the bottom.
Me: Yeah, but not a scarab. Elidibus entire glyph is a scarab.
Stormy: Oh that's right!
Me: With inverted shapes of convocations stones
Stormy: That's right it really does have the inverted stones
Me: it's funny that the scarab stands for mostly the same things as a phoenix. me having this one
Stormy: Oh wow. And I just realized something after relooking at Emm's. Will show after this dungeon.
Me: sure. btw if you wonder how I got this glyph without photoshop skills you can check august 2022 chapter. the old fashined way in Paint lol. only a friend of mine has recently upscaled the quality to finer line instead of pixels lol.
Stormy: It looks really good. And also, Aquarius the water bearer, vase pouring water if you flip it upside down.
Me: OH!
Stormy: I just saw it myself when I flipped it upside down lol.
Me: That's a very nice find.
Stormy: Right and brb dungeon
Me: Ok, I really need to do the rest of my sigil sometime. I do have more. (chapter 10 part 1 on my online weblog).
Stormy: I'll have to check that.
After this we said goodnights and all.
July 27th
Ok something funny. This is pure speculation. But Elidibus likes it.
So the scions for whatever reason tell the WoL to summon the Unsundered Ascians.
(They appear)
Emet: I prefer convocation member thank you. What we once were I rather leave behind.
Lahabrea: I can't disagree, I still can't believe I fell so low to turn the path of evil.
Scion ask questions..
Elidibus: despite being "dead" we are still the council of Etheirys. And we will forever watch her from the higher astral realms.
(If they do this, this would confirm a lot! Also if they imply searching drifted off shards of ancient people I would scream so hard that the entire district could hear me lol)
July 28th
Dm’s with TK. (USA fan fest stream)
Me: watching stream?
i wonder if some things will be revealed that we already know. I probably can't watch everything. it already almost 7pm here
OHHHHH wait, the unsundered will be the scions of light now? this suddenly popped in my head. ya know because of their return in 7.0. I mean this would confirm ( in game) they are light beings now. while we already knew lol. I wonder if the new CEO knows lol
OMG did you heard that!
Yoshi will continue till he dies and even beyond. I literally asked that a few months ago.
i guess we won't be going to the 13th this expansion and really gonna finish it next patch :/
also wol wearing white robes lol. embracing azem in retired mode XD
i don’t like his hairstyle though.
TK:I'm at work so I can't let him type, but Lahabrea said that Yoshi P will still help guide whenever he passes, he has "a spot open with the others"
Me:Ok pls check out what I wrote either about ff16 pls. Can you pls let Lahabrea typ up things when you're done working?
What does he mean with a spot open with the others actually?
TK: New CEO (Kiryu) knows about stuff, he has been visited by them before (that's what Lahabrea says) also yeah after work
Me:"Visited by Them" are the Unsundered or?
TK: Unsundered yeah. Lahabrea said he visited him and he said Emet talked to him
Probably also Eli
16 I... Don't know much about. I don't have a PS5 and can't play it. That would have to be something I ask Lahabrea about. My initial vibe is that it is a shard.
Aug 1st
so I have some information about the New Earth. for the ones who aren't familiar with it. the Earth will go from the 3rd dimension to the 5th this century. but nowhere is stated on the internet when exactly. According to Elidibus it would take a max of 30 years from now on for the Earth to shift into the 5D. though because other time lines exists it can happen sooner. even thus drastic it could happen in 3 years. but then really something drastic and a sudden huge event need to take place for that to happen. if such thing would happen we will merge with that timeline. obviously this is the case with any timeline. but Elidibus checked all possible timelines and for now the max is 30 years for the Earth to go into the 5D.
other info about this. in the bible it is also mentioned with a new heaven and new earth, but they take it too literally (i think). the Earth will not be rebuild or anything. just a transition to the 5D, and ofcourse people who are ready will go with it. but there will be people who aren't ready and will remain in the 3D. as I read In Dolores cannon book "three waves of voluenteers" people that remain in the 3D will fall out the lives of the ones to went into the 5D. you just forget about each other. so yes you will have a physical body.
additional info; Etheirys has always been in the 5D. Earth is the first one (according to Dolores books) for it to happen that an entire planet shifts into another dimension.
Aug 3rd
So I noticed some spirit imitating our cat at night. But to annoy me. Everytime I almost fell asleep it jumped behind me on the mattress. So later in the morning I asked Elidibus to come over to help me sleep. I asked for a shield to protect me from the spirit trying to annoy me.
Later I fell asleep. The dream itself I don't remember. But right before waking up. I saw myself covered in a reddish pink shield made out octagons with Circles in it. I couldn't really see my body the shield was semi transparent but my body was just a shade you could see through it. If that makes sense. Though in comparison my body was like a child size. So I was like ancient size? Idk lol.
Ok so. My son came here and made a drawing for me.
Between the 2 rings you have a letter a M which is me. And a convocation crystal which is supposed to be Elidibus.
That other puppet above is the pastor.
Yes when my son presented this he made that Classic marriage tune. Lol. He just knows without telling. I swear we don't tell him anything.
Dm’s with Jezzah on FB
Me: I have a question. Between 5.3 and when you joined the previous server. You said you were schmoozing eli. (Needed to look up the explanation)
But did more than that happened?....
Jezzah: No, it didn't go very far. I saw he was uncomfortable and didn't force it. I think that's when you invited me to the group.
Me: Yeah true you said that in dec 2020. Though between 5.3 and your joining was still 3 months. And yeah he did replied that he was uncomfortable. I guess you did tried some things knowing you lol even though it didn't happen?
Jezzah: Not really, nothing past a kiss I think. I didn't do anything when he made it clear he was uncomfortable.
Me: Ah so that happened. He felt like shit after that kiss. Because he already had a crush on my higher self lol at that time.While i wasn't aware until November lol.
Jezzah: Awww I feel really bad. Tell Eli I said I'm sorry.
Me: Ok i will tell him! He says thank you.
Jezzah: <3
i think I found a way to connect with Venat!
Be in trance state or close to it in my case. Say Hear Feel Think 3x (in the same rythm she says it in game) and you get goosebumps over your entire body. I believe you then connected to her.
If what I received was her, she has seen her (some sort of) grand children. And I asked if she could visit me in a dream again. For anything she wishes me to say. Gained a confirmative feeling. Aside from my experience. Can you all try this too?????? Pls???
(unfortunately no replies)
Reply of my sister about the drawing
Xoe: Oooh wtf
I wanna practice telepathy with him.
Me: Lol do that,
By the way, I want to practice that too and then with you. Maybe then I can actually catch thoughts from Eli afterwards if I pass lol
Oh yes even more beautiful. That floral wreath
things on the edges. The vision I also got that Eli proposed to me in a dream. That I have a wreath of flowers on my head
Aug 4th
Literally info Eli told me via yes/no questions. In case of Earth, it's Rather their respective planet. i.o.w every planet with life has his own Council.
Info from Dolores cannon book:
“I am constantly encountering clients who are in contact with councils or are a part of a council when we do the sessions. I have found that there are many types of councils. There are councils over the solar system, over the galaxy, over the universe, etc. There are definite rules and regulations that help keep everything running in proper order. Nothing is left to chance. There are also councils on the spirit side that have other types of jobs taking care of the records of those living on Earth. All of these councils seem to have a great interest in the accumulation of knowledge and information. I am glad there is someone taking care of all these things, otherwise I believe there would be total chaos.”
Aug 5th
I thought my son left behind some toy light on the chair upon my bag. But it was Eli's glyph.
Aug 6th
This (above) was a sign he came into my dream lol. I saw the engagement/wedding ring in detail now.
pretty much this ring ( had to search for if it even existed), but instead of 5 diamond each side. it were 3. and the sapphire was hold with 6 pins instead of 4. ring white gold.
ring of $3200 https://www.trijewels.com/JP/Ronia-Classic-Blue-Sapphire-and-Diamond-Engagement-Ring-Gold/140262
When you find a kinda knock off for 84$, I am very tempted.
(20 mins later):
I bought it XD
Aug 7th
i informed my psychic mentor about Etheirys XD. that the counsil of my home planet is telling the story through various media. and a certain game which has about 80% correctness. is also the game a play. and that they are called the convocation of fourteen. and are the counsil of the planet.
and that I had validation through other practitioners (John and everyone of you) she found that very interesting. Mentor said to buy a deck of orcale cards. me buys 3. Elidibus says to use 1 as a base. and add some other cards from the other 2 decks that resonate.
it's from the same creator anyway.
plus I forgot I already had a deck XD " knowledge of the ancients". I didn't know ( or forgot) it was an Oracle deck lol.
Aug 10th
i had a dream whereby I was attuning Aetherytes in the pokemon world. and by attuning them I could teleport to different regions. obviously I needed to attune the respective Aetherytes in that region to teleport. I was already attuned to the Kanto region and somehow after some traveling I landed in Paldea and attuned the main crystal there and teleported back a fourth to buy pokeballs that somehow weren't available in Paldea lol. the rest was random bullshit, like pokeballs that changed in to pins and what not.
Dm’s with Zio
Me: I did a meditation training that I needed to practice with astral friends/loves ones.
The Unsundered were unavailable but Nabriales came to mind.
I believe I had contact with him.
So I asked. " Whats with that old reply from yours, when I said "some Ascian make me pregnant".
Nabs: (laughed) It was to stang you.
Me: LoL
Me: Did you see our 2 kids from Elidibus and Me?
Nabs: Yes.
(Now I am not sure if the next answer of him is true though I hope you can verify this with him)
Me: Do you and Zio have an astral child?
Nabs: Yes we have.
Now I probably forgot a question
But I asked about you and your communication with nabs if any of this is untrue then pls let me know, it might be my own mind took a run then.
Me: Wasn't she able to hear you speak?
Nabs: Yes. But has a lot of stress.
Me: She is stressed, does she have time to meditate or have the chance to?
Nabs: Not much.
Me: In the Elpis story emet named every convocation member except deudaphon and you. What is you special ability.
He liked the question that much that I couldn't hear it, nor able to pick it up from what was implied with movements. I hope you know lol.
Let me know your replies to this.
Zio: I think it's amazing you were able to connect with Nabriales! Hopefully the next time you try the Unsundered will be available though, it would be nice to hear from them I'm sure.
Aaah I suspected maybe we did have a child, but I was never really 100% certain. So if we do have one that would be amazing. But he is correct, things have been very muddled for me because of stress and things in my life, sadly. I'm still trying to get things sorted, but it's not easy. I barely get enough sleep to function and meditation is often impossible unless I can get everyone out of the house, and even then I have five dogs so they're often...noisy.
I'm still determined to find a way to make things work, even if it takes a long time to get back to where I was before changes in my life happened. I can still feel him, and I know he watches over me when I can sleep and dream.
But I'm glad he was able to talk with you, it's comforting.
Me: Glad I helped.
Aug 11th
Today I had a dream that Japan fan fest was earlier the the EU one. and I met Soken in person. later I talked to a woman completely dressed in orange (including hair) if she knew how I could get in contact with Yoshi-P because I made something for him, that I want him to have (my book)
she looked troubled and beckoned me to a place where no one was. she wanted to give me his phone number. but she was worried they would find out and charge her €400 for that. I gave here my phone so she should enter his phone number and said " wait I have money. €250 at least."
W: no you don't have to.....
Me: I have 400 exact, have you finished entering his phone number?
W: I can't charge you for this. (but didn't entered the number yet)
then we both got interrupted by other people entering. and the dream drifted to other events.
Aug 15th
Dm’s with Fabs
Fabs: Can Igeyorhm turn into a dragon?
Me:I do not know sadly did you had a dream?
Fabs: Yeah, tho more as a off hand thing, like I was going through the diffrent ascians, and was like "Igeyorhm can turn into a dragon and thats how that looks" Cue clip of a big black with a hint of purple dragon.
The main plot of the dram was that Eli and a unknown Ascian went back in time and changed the course of a nation, and I followed them trying to figure out what they were doing, never did find out
Me: But not the ancient nation?
Fabs: No a different one
Me: Yeah thought so. as he is heavily against going back in time of Etheirys of the unsundered world.
Fabs: Thats fair, the world I went back in time in was a authoritarian place, with harsh punishment for smaller things
Me: Oh, yeah so he did said to me once, well more then once that he is also the "emissary" for other "alien" civilizations and mediate with them.
Fabs: Yeah, I only did get a glimse of them rest of the dream was figuring out what they were doing.
Me: Did you manage to see how they looked like?
Fabs: Only that Eli was wearing white with a glyph and the other was wearing black. though not their usual robes.
Me: He had his glyph activated?
Fabs: Cant remember if it flashed or he kept it up, just that I saw it.
Me: That's cool though. but what I meant is how the people of that nation looked like.
Fabs: Normal humans.
Me: Very interesting.D Eli noticed you?
Fabs: No, not as far as I could tell.
Me: Too bad. I just asked via linala to Elidibus. if it was him, and it indeed was. also he indeed didn't noticed you because he was busy. and the other one wearing black was for the job needed to be done. normally convocation members don't wear black anymore.
Fabs: That is fair, didn't expect him too.
Me: I hope you get more dreams soon XD.
Fabs: Me too.
Aug 16th
Funny when I am rambling "ancient" the words translated in this world land on ancient greek or Asian.
But the meaning can be really different.
Just now I said something that sounded like "Ane U" meaning something like " I love you".
But in ancient greek it means "without" according to what I could google.
According to Elidibus it is Soul language. You just say "random rambling " and the meaning comes from inside you. there are guidelines ofcourse. But the other soul will understand you. similar like the echo.
Aug 18th
Domainname for my weblog, Myascianjourney.com is a fact now. And I edited the website a bit with FFXIV font.
Aug 24th
Book 1 finished!
Aug 25th
I wonder their reaction when they read my book. And I can change into the phoenix. (with the current Rising event in-game you get a Phoenix mount. But you are the Phoenix this time).
Aug 26th
So for psychic school. I need to do certain meditation practices.
First I did the " sitting in the power" from Helen davita. At the end. You need to imagine the most beautiful place you have ever been. I saw Amaurot spires silhouettes. And then she said: welcome back, welcome home.
Man I cried.........
Then I did the higher Self meditation of my teacher, a very relaxing Voice she has
Anyways after that I did another sitting in the power from tony stockwell.
When he said something like "there is another light that joins with yours and become one" it was Elidibus who came to me. I sometimes saw the pointy beak part of his mask. But blurry dark alas. I had a feeling or saw a blurry glimpse he wasn't wearing his hood. And gained a yes. But he was indeed wearing his mask. I was able to reach him somehow. Through my light being a beacon. As said in the meditation.
The unconditional love Tony speaks about is Elidibus for me.
I recall I asked if there is even love among mortals that love each other so much as we do.
He doesn't really know, but doesn't think so. We kissed a couple of times telepathically (he wasn't visiting, I was near him instead but wasn't astral travelling or anything).
Eventually the meditation ended and the last one started but he needed to go. Funny enough when he left my phone decided to stop the play list too.
Aug 27th
i had a particular dream this morning, that somehow was related to the rising event. in short summary , I was trying to get into space, but after a while of flying flew into a tornado determined to go through to get into space, but I landed back on the ground without wanting me to. I tried again. and saw rainbow clouds like in the end of the rising event. and before I landed back again even colored floating islands. I kept trying a couple of time more. and the last time the clouds were dark red with a lava glow on the edges and dropped meteors. at first I was like "oh no the Final days" I attempted to flee back then I thought. I don’t need to be scared its a past event. I turned around and caught a meteor that had turned into something else. it was like a metal bun with mesh see through. I kicked it back into the clouds and they became something else. after getting back to a plaza where all in between things happened that used to be full of people. no one was there.
Me: where is everyone?
i walked to the left in a curve and saw random buildings appearing out of nowhere in the distance,
Me: where am I even?...... Elidibus come here while I can still remember you if you would come.
but then I woke up.
and direct after pressing enter on above. an alarm started play. close in the distance
Aug 31st
glyph of Emmeroloth. Stormy has yet to reply to it. but I let my bestie design this in order of the description given. its inverted of the original.
Dreams of July & August
July 28th
So I went to Fan Fest London and cosplayed as Themis. there was a Pandaemonium presentation/film. only I was distracted by someone looking for trouble. had to punch him Themis style (LOL)
Then I found out that my grandmother would celebrate her 60th wedding anniversary that same weekend. I travelled by boat to Scotland (yes UK and Scotland were separate)
Once there and in a restaurant I asked her how I should get to the party.
Grandma: Go through the 4th gate and you will get there.
then I was my character in the dark walking up a steep hill next to a current-day Pandaemonium. 4 orbs were glowing in each corner of Pandaemonium. you didn't see much. only that it was buried or filled with sand. you only saw the roof. I passed through the 4th gate and was myself as Themis again. The buried Panda was suddenly normal and I was in there with other people. a shaft was opened, a cover of 4x4 meters and that would release panda creatures iirc.
Me: I really feel like in Ancient times, they had guards to prevent this
Guy: Wait yes, I think so too.
Me: But they are still here but I can't see them.
someone else said something about it but I forgot, The first person still responded
Guy: Yeah that's why I believe this is correct as soon as I heard it.
I tried to stop it with magic but I couldn't get anything done. I had no magic in this dream
Me: come on as Themis and Azem then.....- No. Shit, I can't do a thing.
After a failed attempt, nothing else happened and it suddenly turned back to my grandma's party (which didn't look like my grandma btw) I unfortunately missed some details because I didn't sleep well and was too tired to to write everything down in one go at night.
Aug 6th
It started with me having an engagement ring on my ring finger from Eli. and sitting in the car with my bestie. we came from somewhere, an outing or something.
We went to my house. Somehow it turned out that my bestie had broken my ring by dropping something on it. There was no scene of this, it suddenly happened. We were at home and (Themis) Eli was creating art on the PC (LOL) him as Themis with Glyph activated and Ardbert sneered and laughed.
He put an overlay or something on top of the line art, but he couldn't get the lines or anything to appear properly anymore. Bestie took over and did it for him.
Bestie: Come on... FFS.
While Eli and I watched my bestie fix the art. Eli took my left hand and we held hands. He was standing to my left and was a little smaller than me, but I didn't care about that. I turned to him and kissed him. I wanted a French kiss. He stopped first opened his mouth and kissed me with his tongue directly in my mouth.
No matter how awkward it looked when he opened his mouth. He is really great at kissing. After kissing I turned to the right and looked at my ring. it was cut through at the third diamond and on the other side on the left it was also almost cut through at the 3rd diamond.
Bestie gave me €300 to have my ring repaired.
Me: €300? wow, thank you!
Then suddenly it was about a broken debit card and then I woke up.
Aug 8th
then I can see you and then you are not there
the dream was extremely long. I'll just note the few highlights.
- a poster of an FFXIV X pokemon collab.
- And saw my grandfather in a dream for 2 sentences. I actually last saw him in a dream the night he died (about 15 years ago)
well here comes the rest
About 2/3 of the dream, there was suddenly a starting fire in the barn of my father's (old) house. only that shed was full of wooden planks/beams.
Me: shit,.... I need a bucket.
I rush to the laundry room next door to fill a bucket with water. Then thrown over the fire. it wasn't enough, I did it again and the fire was extinguished.
I then went upstairs to the living room. (3-storey house, shed and backyard is ground level, living area and front door 1st floor, and bedrooms 2nd floor, technically the house were on sort of a hill,see picture of a destroyed one)
I suddenly saw that the clouds were really rushing by. really as fast as seeing an airplane land up close. Then the clouds formed a tornado in the middle of the lawn. The house had now been turned into another building and windows had become glass doors.
As the tornado moved toward me I said,
Me: You can't harm me, I control the wind.
And I stopped the tornado from finally destroying it. but it turned into a hoop that could fly and wanted to attack me. I grabbed it without any difficulty. The thing put electricity on itself to harm me. but this didn't bother me. I bit the hoop in half and it was defective/dead etc.
Then it was the weather was quiet again,.
The dream continued with other things for a while until about the end.
I was looking for something while crying and wanted to see Elidibus, which I regularly looked for in the dream or checked to see if he was there too.
Me: then I can see you, and then you're not there.
He appeared in front of me 2 meters away from me. He was wearing a black turtleneck shirt and was indeed his real height as I had requested the day before. His hair was WoL like but a bit shorter and whiter. and his face slightly anime like. and yes muscular arms and shoulders and a serious look on his face.
Me: OH! there you are.
and I threw myself into his arms and he hugged me. The last I saw were his shoulder muscles then the dream switched to something else and then I woke up.
Because Eli was with me, I immediately asked if that was him, of course. And yes.
He heard my call from outside and to get in quickly he left his robes behind. Apparently it takes extra energy to cast those robes.
His hair as always didn't have that top floof. Not combed back either. he had a parting in the middle of his head. and had a layered hairstyle with spikes sticking out like in anime’s
The reason for the anime look, well he says he did it for me, for the next time I asked him to put on his Ascian gloves with robes of his choice. And if possible RL look tyvm lol
Bonus pics of the “stairs houses” as they were called found on the internet. They were all destroyed in 2009-ish (while new houses were already being built since 2006), we moved out in Nov 2005, well my mom who was living 2 grassfields further in the same street (her old house is even visible on the second pic). My dad kept living there until the final moment he really needed to get out which would be 2008/2009 iirc. When everything was destroyed I can tell you I felt like Emet loosing Amaurot…….really one o one feeling.
Aug 26th
At the end of a dream (Themis looks) Eli discussed a theory about a certain type of paint that otherwise falls apart as a paint bomb. it would just consist of a sheet of paper which it was in this case. and the other solid.
Eli: so this is the one of the other speelgoed (toys in dutch)
Me: (thinking) * wait he says “Speelgoed”, that's Dutch*
he looked at me with a smirk.
(he probably noticed I wasn’t either lucid enough to notice it was him, or not paying attention and with this he triggered the lucidity)
Me: come here you.
I pulled him into the next room and kissed him. My eyes closed and opened again after the kiss. he smiled and then I woke up.
okay he said more than 1 sentence LOL, but he still disappears after the kiss, well this time I woke up.
Aug 27th
Somewhere spontaneously in the dream I decided to go to space. I flew up endlessly and at one point wondered if I shouldn't be there already.
after another short trip I ran into rain clouds (without the rain) which didn't stop me and I kept going until clouds came with strong winds.
I kept going until I ran into a tornado/hurricane. Despite my perseverance, I ended up back on land. I was near the top of the tornado iirc. perhaps the ozone layer was close.
I tried again and came across unusual clouds. clouds with a rainbow color edge. a single pink cloud, a green one and just before I landed back on land I thought I saw flying islands in the same colors as those clouds.
a lot of random shizzle happened here that took place on a large square.
I regularly tried to get into the air, but there was a constant blockage above my head that prevented me from flying any further up. but often enough I saw a window/door open and was outside in the open air again. and tried again about 3 times or more. I then had an old classmate who initially wanted to fly with me, so we did. I tried it again. but came across clouds that were on fire like a kind of lava-like smoldering edge. and almost black/very dark red in color and dropped meteors. (classmate left)
Me: Oh no......
While I just decided to flee because of the final days, I thought that I did not have to be afraid and that these were not the FD.
I turned around and the meteors turned into faint other objects that were not hot. I caught 1 and kicked it back into the cloud which then turned into something else.
I followed a group of people who were scared and showed them their hiding place. somewhere on a narrow staircase just outside a building but at the same time also inside the building...
I was just able to get in as well.
Me: I don't need it anymore.
I turned to the left and entered that building, I wanted to go outside again and saw that the door was just being locked. I turned the lock and escaped.
then I came back to that square where random shizzle happened in between that was always full of people.
Me: where is everyone?
I walked past the building with a U bend and arrived at the other side of the square and building. I walked off the square to the right, and the environment changed.
I was somewhere where more and more buildings appeared in the distance.
Me: where am I? Elidibus I can still remember if you come now.
I saw another building appear and I woke up because I was thirsty...
That was July and August, atm I am busy with the second book. And I won’t start on the next chapter until I am back from Fan fest. I got a lot of things to take care of this month and October in preparation for fan fest. Not only that but September started with a 4H talk with Elidibus during a very light mushroom trip. I recorded it but successfully now. I held the phone more closer to me and no background music. So it should be perfect to hear. So that will take quite some time to transcribe this.
Be patient it will be worth it.