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My Ascian Journey - Chapter 38: Everything happens for a reason (Oct 2023)

Writer's picture: Ayane FirebirdAyane Firebird

Oct 3rd

I can't believe I never typed it up in Discord.

but earlier this year, about Jan-Feb I asked if Gaia would make it into the MSQ later in the future and gained yes. I didn't expect it to be this fast!


Oct 7th

When Amanda drops subtle interest in spiritual things on Twitter. she hasn't seen my last comment yet. The wording she uses in her reply to me. says a lot about her knowing about spiritual things.

Amanda Achen @SingingAmanda:

Unpopular opinion:

Aliens are our future selves time traveling.


Me: If you wish to see it that way, Definitely not the only Alien kind. You have Souls that reincarnate here that came from another planet originally. Like me. It's called a star seed or E.T. Also actually aliens look like us, helping people. And inhabited a human body.

Amanda: Love it. How can you tell you are Star-seed? Is it an intuitive knowing? Have you been given this message through meditation or divination perhaps?

Me: It was bombarded to me in a very special dream. And you probably would never expect which planet. I would love to discuss this further in DM's if you want to. My book will also be all about it.


Dm’s with jezzah

Jezzah: Our group is basically just us at this point

Me: and about this.....I wish you could share any experiences with Emet. I feel like I am the only one sharing stuff. feels lonely and doing it for nothing atm

it's not really encouraging if no one replies.....or even shares his/her experiences....sorry it weighs kinda of heavy atm I am the only one.....

Jezzah: I know sweetie

Me: could you share more things you have with Emet? That's the only thing I ask..... things about Etheirys, lore, questions I can ask if I have any for Emet (questions don't occur often for Emet that is).

You don't have to share personal stuff.

Jezzah: Well, we kinda had a date last night. The boy really is a theatre child. Endwalker validated me

Me: Oh nice. How was the date? And how did you do that? Was it in your mind?

Jezzah: yeah, he kinda took over. We went back to the first. It was a really cute date

Me: nice to hear something again. What did you see on your date?  How did you let him take over? Do you have any tips for me to do that with Eli?

Jezzah: we basically just goofed off in the inn room and then had sex. I do love that man

Me: XD. Sex is back? I really notice that your connection gets deeper when you play the game. Though actually, it shouldn't lessen when you don't play, don't you agree?

Do you have any tips on how to let Elidibus take me over? Tell me how you let Emet take over for example. I wanna try with Eli.

Jezzah: The connection is still very very weak

Me: But it goes better? And you still didn't answer my other question.

Jezzah: I don't know how to help you and Eli tbh. Because I feel like it's a personal journey. Our connection to our ancient partners is unique to each and every one of us. You need to be more confident in yourself. I wouldn't be here with Emet if it weren't for you.

Me: :O I thought you already had a connection with him before joining even the previous group.

Jezzah: I believe the Connection with Eli at the beginning was to help guide me to you

Me: he says not directly (since you had earlier dreams of him (iirc)),  but since 5.3 a bit yeah.

So after that, we talked about TK's ignoring behaviour and messaging both of them. They eventually talked to each other again. I send back and forth a lot to TK and jezzah the next day. But I will leave out the details, aside from a channel state talk with Lahabrea.


Oct 9th

Me: playing "Elidibus role" with the 2 of you XD. don't reject if she sends a message to you ok. this is a good lesson for her. and I hope she will remember it now

Jezzah: Yes, exactly, perfectly stated. You've really grown, Aya. Proud of you

Me: Thanks. Let me know if she sent something. I hope she does, fingers crossed

Jezzah: Nothing so far. Just checked our messages. I was the last to reply a year or so ago and nothing. Just ghosted

Me: I cannot do more at this point, I tried 1 more message that you really want a message from her. I really hope you 2 can talk our the rest. We are only a small group that communicates with the Unsundered. We should support each other and not neglect, ignore or ghost. It's past 2am now. Goodnight

Jezzah: hugs Thank you and I appreciate everything you've managed to do with our small group.


Channel state with Lahabrea.

I was doing a sitting in the power meditation, I couldn’t connect to “god" or Venat,

After that meditation, I did one from my mentor Triona. And landed in the channel state.

And I was like “is there anyone of the convocation that wants to talk”?

Someone said “yes”

Me: who is it?

Laha: Lahabrea

So I asked about TK and what I said to her if that even helped. He says it does, but won't say it. So won't admitting

Unfortunately, I didn't immediately recall what info was shared about TK when voice recording this afterwards. So I continued firstly with the things I did remember.

So I asked about the phoenix

Me: Did I use your creation to create my transformation?

Laha: I don’t know how it happened. But it happened.

Me: was it before or after Emet extracted the roaming soul from the Phoenix.

Laha: after

Me: you call me Ayane toward TK. But how do you really call me?

Laha: Azem

I asked him if he could come into my dream to teach me things or learn more about the phoenix that is me. Oh yeah, he also made a new creation after I "stole" it lol. Because his creation was used up sorta by me, so he created a new one after that.

Oh yeah about Igeyorhm

I asked him if Igeyorhm was around his age in ancient times. And he said yes.

And I asked if she ever became his wife. And he said no. Then I asked "girlfriend"?. And he was a little bit like. “Nehhh, nooooo”. (As in not exactly)

( I know what you are thinking but this was 2 months before it was known they are cousins! Stupidly enough I didn't come up with the family member as an option. So following answers might come as strange but if you analyze them better, they will make sense)

Me: you were afraid the thing with Athena would happen again.

Laha: (admittedly) Yes, we kept liking each other from a distance

So yeah he liked Igeyorhm a lot, but he was hesitant to bond again. The word “bond" wasn't used. That's how I take it now I guess. But they both liked each other a lot, but nothing really happened between the 2. So that was their relationship. Liking each other from a distance

(but now we know they are cousins it all makes freaking sense with "from a distance"!)

Then I asked if he could come over for the following training I had on Saturday.

Laha: maybe it is better to ask me with the normal training if Elidibus can't come around.  You can try to ask me. (he meant the in-between practices with classmates)

Then I asked about the Zodiarks shards that are still in the moon of the shards. And why they decided that they are not anymore.

Laha: you know already

Me: so they just wanna wrap the story up.

And he confirmed that

I asked about that puzzle maze dream from last month. (Hermes Pandora's box)

And that was indeed him

I asked him if he noticed or saw if I changed into the phoenix

Laha: I wasn't there, but I did notice, I was staying in the place, checking on things

And that Note Hermes left at the end before we needed to fight

Laha: he just added that for nonsense purposes. it was added just for fun.

Me: so it was random bullshit.

Laha: yes it was random bullshit.


I asked him if it was even beneficial to text TK and that it even doesn’t have to stay 2 weeks silent.

Laha: she blocks me sometimes. But I will try to get through.

I asked him how he felt about the ignoring behaviour of her.

Laha: she is stubborn

I asked about that journal from her. He didn't answer much, but came across as "You can better give up on that"

Then I asked if she even noted everything or that it had been put together into 1 doc.

Laha: she doesn’t note everything, and it’s not one 1 place or 1 document

So in other words it scattered across different files.

Me: that’s not really handy

Laha: I know

He said something like TK has that ignoring behaviour towards some others as well. And that all the people she ignored come at her at once. That this is a lesson for her.

He said this in a similar way. I concluded this myself earlier and he confirmed it by saying it differently.

I asked if he had seen the kids ( from Eli and me)

And yes he has

I also asked about the age I would die. And he said I can postpone it

Me: by watching my diet and such

Laha: yes

I asked him about the physical mafinestion an alien spirit did to 1 of my classmates when she was a child.,

Me: if they can do that, why you just can’t.

There was some hesitation from him. eventually, he said;

Laha: I don't want to get stuck here.

Me: And what about Eli?

He remained silent for a moment

Laha: he wants

But I could feel there was a “but”

Me: but?

(sadly I forgot the answer)

Here some redacted secret info I cannot tell sorry!

Me: ya know I just wanna see any of you with these eyes, even if it’s just a ghostly, I just wanna see… all of you.

And he left a tear with an emotional smile, I think it felt that way.

Well, that was it. Unfortunately, most of the info shared about TK was forgotten alas. Like completely erased.


Oct 10th

Dm’s with jezzah

Jezzah: no messages, nothing

Me: L I had a talk with Lahabrea last night. I sent her this ;

“I had a talk with Lahabrea, about you.

Do you have that ignoring behaviour toward some others too? Because he said that in a similar way. And said that all those people come at once now because of that reason. That this would be a lesson for you. There were a few things he would try to talk to you about this, but I forgot. lirc 1 of the reasons was about sending jezzah a message. I asked if all the criticism I threw at you, you even took seriously. He said something similar to; "in consideration but doesn't show it". I mean I really feel I am talking to you for nothing. That I can't get through to you, to tell you what you do is wrong. Take that consideration to heart pls and change your ways of communicating.

You will only sink deeper if you don't.”

But if it will work idk. She has seen the message now at least but knowing her she ignores it probably.


Oct 12th

Let me know if she sends anything......


Oct 14th

These unsundered Ascians babies thought, on Nov 7th 2020.

I need this to get of my chest here. I couldn't sleep the almost entire night, halfway after i slept for 1 hour. And woke on the time Elidibus get major active. Random thoughts about unsundered ascians baby's came to my mind.”

Was his doing. His piece was planted that night. My piece arrived and merged on March 14th 2021 (18 weeks).  Quilitus was born on July 28th 2021. Total of 37,5 weeks. Quilitus seemed to be a bit early But was ready to go out of the membrane.


Oct 15th

I felt sorrow coming from him with that line. "The world no longer have need of you, Elidibus."


Dm’s with jezzah

Me: Jezzah. TK has probably issues with how to handle a conversation.

Can you perhaps start it? Say" Hi, how are you doing".

I think she needs an example.

Jezzah: sure


( 1 h later)

Me: have you tried? I saw a green mobile icon of the 2 of you at the same time. or was that a coincidence? She did talk to me at least. after that.

Jezzah: Yes, she is talking to me. I sent a hi and she replied

Me: very good.


just ask Eli, to ask my higher self (or otherwise the Akashic record of her) if it is true that I chose to be his sister in ancient times because there weren't any girls born around his age.

it just so happened to be that I wanted to be close to him as soon as possible. and didn't want to wait until we would find each other as lovers at a later age.


This day I also had a reply from Amanda Achen in Discord DM's

I will not directly copy-paste it, to be certain.

But after explaining my home planet's history including the QHHT past live regression. She replied that she finds past life stuff very interesting, and did a past live regression herself once, and lots of oracles saying she was an Atlantean. She was fascinated that my vision is similar to the FFXIV lore in many ways. She finds it very interesting and find it cool I have found others who have the same experiences.

Maybe someday I get permission to copy-paste, but for now, I am telling it in my own words. This should be legal as I participated in the conversation myself.


DM's with TK

Me: Oh did you see the ring of fire yesterday? (Eclipse)  Amanda replied to my spoiler-free version of where I came from.

and yes she accepted my friend request XD

TK: Ring of fire?

Also interesting. I've never had anyone look into stuff about me so never had that before.

Me: there was an eclipse yesterday that the moon went in front of the sun. and looks like a ring of fire. or as ffxiv say dalamud XD . Also, do you mean like Oracle stuff looking into you?

TK: Didn't happen near me, a friend in Texas saw it though and took pics, was more interesting with how the shadows were on the ground. Also yeah

Me: you could if you are interested enough. ask Lahabrea to go with you to the Akashic records. It is a guided meditation:

there you can find a lot on your own. past lives. everything of you will be in your own book, lesson to learn, etc etc.

this meditation is from the same person who is now my mentor atm. it's absolutely worth the try. Let me know if you discovered anything.

secondly. if you have past lives on other planets you can do this one after it:

it's a galactic journey. if you land on Etheirys past or present let me know.

TK: Alright. I can try later tonight. I have not been in quite the right headspace lately because this cold has been throwing me off, though I think I'm at the end of it.


Oct 16th

Eli came over when not feeling well after eating 2-3 baked cookies. My body is just not used to junk ingredients anymore.

It was not my own cookie dough. We received it from an event my son went to yesterday.

He is about to leave now, he stayed for a couple of hours which I appreciate a lot.

Dm’s with jezzah

Me: Don't you have that homesickness for Etheirys once in a while? I just re-watched the Last Emet Scene in EW in Ultima Thule. And I am like................ty Emet for helping me Remember. But I wanna go home now.......

Jezzah: Yeah, I had a big urge to just grab him and kiss him. doll


Oct 18th Before even talking about the sun setting and red colour I asked eli, "Is it white?" and he answered yes. And that’s  the answer in the video


Oct 19th

DM's with Tk and Jezzah (separately)

Me: Did you have a chance to try the meditations? And are you hyped for Fan Fest yet? I mean I will be there XD.

TK: Tried but couldn't really get comfortable enough. Still trying.

Lahabrea is going to be there at the FanFest and not with me during then. He said he may be with you but will also just be around other people that he has connections with.

Me: Eli is there too on both days! I hope to find these other people!

(sadly I didn’t)


Me: Question. Will Emet be at Fan Fest instead of you?

Jezzah didn’t reply until the 21st


Oct 20th - 21st

Dm’s from jezzah

Jezzah: I have no idea tbh

Me: He is xD.


Fan fest hasn't even started yet lol


Jezzah: YOU MET OUR LORD SND SAVIOR YOSHI-P??? I really wanna go to a fan fest one of these days.

D’m with tk

Me: Yoshi! He knows I will be giving him books tomorrow at the end (added pic from above). Amanda wanted me to sign my own books xD. She got them now!

TK: Oh damn you met Yoshi P? Awesome

Me: Yeah very quickly. I was able to tell him I wanna give him books I wrote with FFXIV and spiritual experiences.

If I don't win a meet and greet I can wait for him after the first day.

Tk: I'll be up for the keynotes, 5 am for me but I'll be up  lol

Me: Awesome!


Me: Oh yeah, Lahabrea said hi when the keynote started. He was very clearly present. Both Eli and Lahabrea were behind me.

And also heard the unfortunate news about us being kicked out of the accommodation from Airbnb. Just because we didn't do the dishes last night. The bitch took photos of the "said" mess. But I already rinsed everything off. The sink was clogged before we even entered on Thursday so I couldn't do the dishes further.

I asked for help from Eli and Lahabrea. Directly after the keynote we needed to collect our stuff. Just on time.....while walking towards the bitch we eventually booked 2 nights at Novotel Hotel where every FFXIV celeb is located.

I hope it is worth it to give Yoshi the books this way easier.

TK: Airbnbs at least over here in America are really bad, didn't know they were just as bad over there. Hope you can do that then, maybe it was meant to be.

Me: Omg well lesson learned to never book there again. I hope the signs I am getting today really give me the chance to give Yoshi the books.

Literally every little thing we do here falls into place. It is crazy. I am with the one who made the cover and we constantly say the same things and thoughts.

It's like a twin flame without having one. He is very claircognizant. And his mom even more he told me.

And the fact that I was told I would succeed in giving Amanda the books came true. and it remained positive when I asked about Yoshi. So I am hopeful.

Little Things like. Getting up early and skipped the entire waiting line.

We sneaked through the lines for the merch. We didn't know it was closed. I was able to buy slippers for my sore feet in time before getting huge blisters. At the miner's guide event, we suddenly were teamed up with 2 others from our neighbouring county Belgium. Because 2 other people decided to quit The line.

(more detail on this later)

Tk: Will try the meditation today again.

Me: Awesome. Amanda just said she was meditating the entire day after singing.

(a few hours later)

Me: Waiting for Yoshi. He still needs to come to the hotel. Pls help manifest xD

When I finally caught him I sent her the picture I also posted below.


Oct 22nd

goal accomplished. these days a so weird. high vibrational energy. everything that happens falls exactly into place in how I was able to give him these books.

we were kicked out of our Airbnb because we didn't do the dishes on time. we got reported for that. so in a hurry, we booked the hotel where Naoki Yoshida was staying. I patiently waited while I was waiting for my roommate to return. my roommate arrived directly after Yoshida left.

my roommate is the one who made the cover btw.

Yoshi even remembered me from yesterday and was very grateful I waited for him. I couldn't really understand Japanese but he said: "I am sorry". ..being late or something and thanked me for waiting.

Foxclon was with him and he noticed the secondary title of the second book and he replied with: "Ascian of FFxiv are real existing spirits. :eyes emoji: "oehhhhh interesting. "

(yes including the eyes! he really did the emote with his eyes)


DM's with TK

Me: Story about the pic in the group you might wanna read.

Foxclon found the title very interesting softly said

Yoshi said he would show it to Koji too.

TK: wow. well you got a whole nother day of stuff lol

Me: Ikr xD


 (DM's with jezzah in between posts)

Me: Check the group again you will Scream.

Jezzah: I cursed in front of my future mother-in-law. I read your post and went holy shit out loud



Jezzah: AAAHHH This is huge for us. I really wish I could have been there with you guys. Hades better get pics XD

Me: lol.

(later at the end of the second day)

Me: That dream I had in Jan/Feb that everyone would start waving their arms and hands in the air from left to right at the start of Close in the Distance at Fan Fest.  That happened.

I may not have started it like in the dream. But it happened.

Jezzah: You are very clairvoyant

Me: In my dreams yes xD. Now I want to be that in a waking state xD


Dm’s again

Jezzah: Yoshi-p getting your books is absolutely huge for our group

Me: I was about to tell more yeah. More of how it came to be.

Jezzah: I would love to hear it. Maybe one day the devs will want to meet with all of us.

Me: I was already grammar-checking my chapters intending to make a physical book. So at that very moment, I received fan fest tickets. It was already clearly a sign that it would happen to give Yoshi my book(s) IF I managed to finish it. So while grammar checking I considered buying Grammarly Premium to be more professional. So I did in May. And started like mad to recheck everything I had already done. It was heavily needed the premium I mean. At a certain convention in August I landed on the waiting list earlier, I and later I broke my foot. I landed in a big fight with my ex. Made me so furious that I didn't want to go with him to Fan Fest like at all.  I also cancelled the con in its entirety because well yeah broken foot.

I was able to name-change him to another friend who at least plays FFXIV. And was already hyped to go but never got tickets. (Side note, which I never noted down, during one of the first mushrooms trips in 2022 Elidibus was already Sketchy about me going with my ex to Fanfest he thought it wouldn't be a good idea) .

So the name change happened successfully.

So somewhere near finishing my book. Already being sus about my broken foot and why it happened (and being on the waiting list for that convention). I gained the answer that I needed that extra time to finish my book. And indeed without it, I would still be continuing my normal work in between would not have worked. I would never have finished it on time.

So yeah fate decided it already to happen but in order I needed to survive backdrops like breaking a foot, fights, and whatever whatnot.

Eventually nearing finishing the first one. I asked Jeremy (that friend who I am with Fan Fest now) to make the cover of my book. Then after printing the first piece. I noticed I didn't pay attention to the manuscript and how it was uploaded. So I had to adjust a shit ton to have it perfectly. That took me like 3 or 4 prints. Well, the 3/4th was especially for Amanda with a spoiler warning. She plays so yeah. So I still had 1 month left. So I went for the 2nd book.

I kept asking that month so much, will it happen? Will I be able to give Yoshi my books? I gained a huge yes.

Ok, part 2 coming up.

Jezzah: Oh my gosh that is amazing. You were in Las Vegas?

Me: I have no NA account so no

Also during that month (sep) aside from finishing the second one.

I gained contact with Amanda. Eventually made myself slightly known during her Twitch streams. And helping her in the game. Yes, I was on screen with an alt named the same as my author's name so she would recognize me. Eventually, I landed in her discord group. And I had to try it this month.....I send her a friend request and she freaking accepted. I told her about my home planet and that it shares the story of FFXIV. And she found that very fascinating. So eventually when nearing fan fest like the day before (Friday) I actually had an appointment with her yesterday.

I was surprised nobody else came over to meet her. Because she announced it as an option on her discord as well. But when we arrived at her hotel she messaged the channel she had a headache and needed a nap. And I said I would wait. So while waiting for her I met Jason real quick. Yoshi 40 minutes later and told him I wrote 2 books about FFXIV and my spiritual experiences.

And he suggested we wait for him after the first day. (But yeah that meet-up from just now would never have happened if we weren't kicked out of our Airbnb today and booking the hotel he stays in. I mean he arrived at 10:45pm or so. )

Then finally Amanda showed up and even asked me to sign my own books. She even was so excited to meet up that she forgot her jacket xD.

Anyways while waiting today, Keiko crossed the the corner. And she stiffened, as she didn't want to be recognized. I couldn't directly see it was her though, my eyesight was tired. When she came to the elevator that led to the rooms. I said, "Hi Keiko".

She waved back. I walked up to her to ask about Yoshi. She is really shy my god I didn't ask her for a selfie. She was already glad I was asking about Yoshi instead of her. And she confirmed he still needed to arrive. So I waited.

Oh yeah, a lot of other little helpful things happened. Mostly with my friend. But right after I gave Yoshi my books. someone came to me with 2 pairs of socks that would go well with the Moogle slippers I bought to unburden my sore feet. But pieces of fabric are exactly what I needed to be able to walk on my boots again.. because the inner soul got drowned today and the inside of the boots are just worn out. So my thoughts after leaving Excel were I needed something like fabric to use as innersoles. And that came upon my path. So I happily took it.

Jezzah: Oh my gods that is AMAZING

We need to go to Fan Fest together next year

(she meant next time obviously, as much I would love to, we are continents apart so. If it happens it was meant to be otherwise I am afraid it’s just wishful thinking.)


Extra note on fan fest days themselves

About that Moogle slippers. My boots were worn out as mentioned earlier. The funny thing happened to get them. Originally the line for the SE store was closed. And we just snug through it by opening the separator ribbons real quick and closing them behind us. Nobody gave a 2 damn fucks about it. Then we noticed we needed a check form for what we wanted to buy. So my friend went to the start of the line and said we didn't get any when entering. So we got 2 forms lol. It’s also then we came to know they were originally closed lol.

So I was able to buy the slippers and glow sticks. And saved my feet, I used the same slippers to walk upon the convention floors the next day.

The next day also something nice but random happened. Because on Saturdays the line for the archery guide was extremely long we decided to quit the line. On Sunday we were very early and we walked past the archery guild. I asked if they were already open. They weren’t but the dude running it “Mojo” gave us VIP access for later the day. So when we want to do the archery he would cut us ahead of the line. So yeah we definitely used that.

After that, we going to do the miners guild. We were grouped with 2 others as a group of 4 was needed. But halfway 2 people left. So instead of being grouped with the 2 in front of us. We were grouped with 2 behind us, which happened to be from Belgium. It was nice to speak your own language for a moment after speaking English 90% of the day. Our group name is Benelux. :P Apparently that name isn't known or is not well known in other countries. It is a combination of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. As the one who counted to points from digging up crystals wondered what the name was. Oh yeah during the digging in the sand at the end of it when we needed to stop we often sneak some extra crystals in the basket. Unfortunately, we didn't win though. But it was fun to do regardless.


Oct 27th

DM's with TK

Me: hey, how ya doing?

Tk: Not too bad, how are you?

Me: finally a bit recovered from fan fest XD. Yoshi said he would give the books to Koji. so he will either translate for Yoshi or/and hopefully use the lore content of it for in-game. from Eli, I get a yes for content usage. I surely hope so

TK: That would be nice

Me: IKR XD Did Lahabrea say anything to you when he came back from fan fest?

TK: Just that it went well

Me: Nice. I wonder who the people would be who also have contact with the convocation.

Also, how is your automatic typing going? Can you let Lahabrea type things up now more easily?


Oct 28th

Ahhhhhhhhh aside from the top floof on his hair. He looks like this.


Oct 29th

DM's with TK

TK: getting there. Haven't had too much practice lately

Work has had me really burnt out, and has made it really difficult to practice on stuff.

We talked about her work for a few moments, but nothing relevant to write about.


holy shit Amanda is even more spiritual than we thought


person: How were you able to sing so well with a cold?

Amanda: oh just some basic ritual magic and prayers”


Now I asked her in a DM about this. She said it was a joke. But that wasn’t the only thing she said but I will keep that out for now because personal stuff I think. She is very spiritual and there is truth in that joke but not related to the singing. More I won't say.


Oct 31st

Dm’s with Tk

Me: I asked Amanda if she still has my books. But she only replied with that she was dealing with the Susan Calloway drama.

So I'm feeling kinda down, and afraid she doesn't have them anymore.....

How are your dreams lately? I haven't had any ancient/convocation member dreams this month. This isn't the first time it solely happened in October only.

TK: She has them still, Lahabrea said she still has them.

Me: Tysm! It's funny you sent this right after I received a reply from a mod from Amanda who is gonna ask for me. But tysm for asking Lahabrea on this one.

( the next day I gained a message from the mod, that Amanda still has my books. and she's super grateful for the gift! But she's gonna hold off on reading them for a while, till she gets farther into the game)


Alas no dreams this time!

Next month will take while again to get it done. because of a 7h talk with not only Elidibus, but my higherself, Venat and Aidenin (joshua) included.



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