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My Ascian Journey Chapter 4: Dreams continuation

Writer's picture: Ayane FirebirdAyane Firebird

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Visiting Emet-Selch as Solus (cloned body)

The dream started with a show with something FFXIV-related. A lot of people were there, and it ended with Lahabrea appearing and floating in the air showing off his powers over the entire hall. I felt attracted to it and ran up front. My ascian cloak appeared, and I was standing with my arm raised upwards. Something like an apprising stance or something. I tried to fly upwards but didn’t work. And tried to jump what usually works but also failed. I was asking my ex “what's going on?” but he didn’t know either.

Lahabrea left and Emet held an ending speech. Before I left I checked Emet once more.

We were walking out of the hall. We went up a huge staircase on the left side. When upstairs we discovered we were in the imperial palace. But looked quite modern and fancy at the same time. (Not as much of what we have seen in-game) then I told my ex I wanted to visit Emet. His reply to that: you're sure? Otherwise, he'll kill you.

Me: what? No why would he do that?

I went downstairs on the same one we just went up. I stand at the door opening. I noticed the hall was turned into a meeting room. I saw Emet sitting at the head of the table. I looked at my feet and asked if I could come in.

Emet: you do not need to ask that.

When I walked towards Emet he said: how old are you, you look like 12.

Me: well thank you (sarcasm), I am actually 20 years older than that. I'm 32.

Emet: how is it possible that you can also look as youthful as me? (a reference to the endless clones)

Me: runs the family I guess, my mom also looks at least 10 years younger than her age.

Then I looked at the back of me and saw my son run into the hall. He tried to bump into me on purpose, but before he hit me, I feint to the side.

My ex told me (while standing at the entrance) that we needed to go.

Me: ow but I wanted to ask something.

But I needed to leave, so I did but gave one last look to Emet.

He smiled at me, a very kind one.

When at home I wanted to send him a valentine’s present, but I didn’t know the exact address. But in 1 way or another, I was able to enter Garlemald for the delivery address at the checkout on the website. Some blurry text appeared and sent him a present. But I don’t know what.

Elidibus challenge:

This dream was about the time I still didn’t fully trust Elidibus, I kinda hated him sometimes but more as the annoying brother variant.

Elidibus challenged me with something. I summoned a star shower with a fingersnap.

He wanted me on his side. (even though I joined later but whatever)

I laughed and said: no, I still hate you, even though you are my brother. Just give me a chance to seduce Emet.

Elidibus: “seduce Emet?” he laughed loudly. “Very well I give you the chance, but you need to find him yourself”

Me: ok!

Sadly it didn’t continue, I was in the in-between state of dreaming and awake and fully woke up shortly after saying ok. Elidibus’s appearances are often very short in dreams, while Emet's usually last longer.

Finding the real Elidibus.

It started with Elidibus in ascian robes and Elidibert (somehow)

I started to wonder who the real one was. Some cutscene lines were said like he was talking to himself.

I needed to find out who was the real one.

I entered a big hall with different kinds of activities. Some flying contest and to catch Mewtwo. I did both. But I was apparently in a group that was falling apart, the reason I don’t know. Elidibus probably caused this, because I gained an image in my head that the one in ascian robes was the real one.

Finding Emet:

The start was mostly nonsense even though Emet appeared in it. The end ended with I needed to take a picture of some lines he said as proof he would return and will be untempered. I made the pic and woke up. (looks like the 5.3 trial scene the returning and untempered) this dream was about April 15th, 2020

April 17th

From now on I kept the dates of the nights the dreams happened.

This dream started with random stuff but halfway it turned interesting.

I walked out of a huge house to go for a walk. After walking for a bit I entered an area where Ardbert was supposed to live and his comrades. Thunderparkzea was it called or something?

Ardbert welcomed me, and said something about Elidibus and that he needed to be destroyed. I agreed with that.

Then Elidibus appeared at a small distance further away from us. Suddenly I was there too. And he appeared above my head. It was a big grass field with trees on the sides and a big lake. He wore black ascian robes to fool me. But I knew it was him no doubt.

Elidibus: come and get me.

I launched some dark attacks and he left. I went on my bicycle and drove toward the other side of the city where Cid resides. I walked into his house or his ironworks place whatever it was. And asked Cid if he could help me to track down Elidibus. On 1 monitor we noticed he was back again at the same place where he was before. “That is where Ardbert lives,” I said.

Then I walked out and talked to 3 kids that were supposed to be the next-gen WOL’s when they grow up. After I told them something I learned from the Dolores books I read about a Soul walk-in. They were amazed and then they disappeared.

When I returned to the place again Ardbert was waiting for me.

Ardbert: he is over here!

Me: ok!

Suddenly a friend of mine appeared also (who had red curled short hair btw all although in RL dark brown or black), and we started to fight Elidibus with the 3 of us.

I fired some dark attacks I explained to my friend: “dark is just an element it doesn’t have to do with being evil”

Elidibus flew away again. Ardbert wasn’t able to hit him because he couldn’t fly, so he watched us fight. Even though he tried attacking Elidibus.

My friend cast a crystallization attack upon Elidibus. Elidibus gained a husk of purple crystal around his legs and lower body. It was meant to crash him, but that didn’t work. Though Elidibus had some trouble with flying he skimmed over the water. We chased him. Then all of a sudden I was on my bicycle again driving through that park. After a short time, I realized I was battling before with Elidibus and turned around. Then I was back into the fight again. sadly I can't remember how the battle ended. At the end of the dream, Ardbert thanked me and said he probably won't return soon.

April 27th, 2020

Even though the vivid dreams continue not everything was worthwhile writing down. 2 days ago (April 25th) I had a dream about Elidibus again. I was messing with him. I was wearing white robes this time that looked a bit like Fandaniel had. (back then unknown name) I walked away repositioned my hood and did some randomly crazy acting.

April 30th, 2020

Asking Elidibus to put off his mask to show his face. It was funny I was jesting at him. He didn’t do it though, but when I asked I gained an image in front of my eyes, that he had silver hair and a pretty boy face.

I kept repeating 3x “please don’t look hot” because he is my brother. I closed my eyes and then woke up.

May 17th, 2020

I was in a building looking for Elidibus, also Emet but that would be a bonus. Then I saw Elidibus somewhere, and he left towards the Chrysalis dimension. So I went searching within that building for hidden portals. And asked a lot of people if they had seen any that Elidibus had used.

I noticed the building was used for a cosplay contest and at the end of the day people sold their costumes. In 1 way or another, I thought to find Eli’s robes between the others, but ofcourse, it wasn’t there.

Some weird happenings with possessed elevators in between. A blonde girl helped to get out of it.

I asked her if she had seen Elidibus. She went thinking for a sec. and suddenly we were back in the hall and pointed upwards. There was a portal in the ceiling! My head fitted through but not the rest. I asked her to support me so that I could get the hole wider. And she did. After some pushing, I gained a wider opening and went through.

Once through it, I suddenly was wearing a garbage bag. I tore it apart, so it would look like a cheap-ass robe. I noticed a quick flash of Elidibus, and he teleported away. I continued searching, and I turned the corner towards the stairs. And a man was sitting. I asked If he had seen Elidibus or Emet. He said something, but it was unclear what he said. Then I noticed Elidibus’s robes hanging on the stair post. I wanted to get towards the robes. But then I noticed I was waking up.

But instead of waking up, I landed in a different dream. It had to do with was just happened something the man could have said but still couldn’t understand him. Then I landed on the west side of my country at the coast. Me: “what the hell am I doing here at the sea? I need to return where Elidibus is!”

I gained a message through he would be at the petting zoo (even though that was that building and not an actual petting zoo)

Me: but that’s far away from here, that’s going to be a lot of flying. How did I even get here in the first place?!”

Then I woke up.

May 18th, 2020

At first, I didn’t want to write this one down because it contains the Exarch BUT Read it. I will skip the middle part though since that is a lot of personal info about me and others.

I was at a fair and was holding some balloons and went home. Then I encountered the Exarch he was hurt somehow I believe it had to do with his arm. (Obviously, this came from the ending scene of 5.2, but it was way more severe as it would be like 5.3 but without the crystal on his arms). He was in severe pain. I let the balloons float off somewhere and healed him.

Skip cutscene of 10 min…..

All of a sudden I was at a mini-convention, and some unwanted people walked through the tables, and tables were standing crisscrossed on the path. So I went to align the tables and put them where they suppose to be standing. The Exarch was there too, and help me a bit. A short while after, he sat down on a chair with spread legs blocking the path for unwanted visitors. When I was finished I gained pain in my right hand. I collapsed on my knees in pain and saw my hand cramp and lose its color. The exarch went by my side. His right arm wasn’t crystallized anymore. So he squatted towards me with one knee on the ground and hugged me, and said:

Exarch: thank you for healing me let me help you now.

Later he said “come” but then I woke up.

My right hand was pinched off, I had been laying on it the whole time and this was reflected in my dream eventually. Maybe the “Come” was to come to wake up. I don't know.

May 20th, 2020

Some dream searching for Emet in an in-between dimension. I was able to travel dimensions etc.

May 26th, 2020

First, it started with a dream that I was using my powers and a lot of flying through the air.

Then I landed in a dream and gained a message that Amaurot was fading, I was wearing ascian robes. Only I was not there to witness it. I was with another ascian, I don’t know which one it was. He was fading away.

Me: NO, NO, NO!

With a desperate voice, I clung to him. His robes were falling off his body like he was already dead/gone. He was very tall and bulky. (roe?)

My neck couldn’t stretch far enough to see his head.

He disappeared and his robes remained. I cuddled the robes out of loss and sorrow.

Then I woke up because the alarm clock went off, the Tomorrow and Tomorrow song were playing and when I opened my eyes it was singing “stand tall” that hit double.

The dream seemed to have happened during the sundering.

May 27th, 2020

A short one, I gained my shoulder plates and the armor on my right arm on my ascian cloak.

I cannot remember what happened after that.

May 28th, 2020

2 smaller dreams

I was walking in an ascian cloak down the stairs. In the hallway, there was another ascian sitting on the ground leaning against the wall. His arms and head were resting on his knees and tried to sleep. It was dark.

He looked like a young adult, like a younger Nabriales or something. I didn’t see his face, but his hair color reminded me of Nabriales. I sat down with him.

Me: I am also gonna try to sleep.

He said something, but I can't recall what anymore.

Then the dream shifted to something else. With Elidibus, I had to laugh at something in front of him, further some happy things and moments between us but can't recall what it was.

May 30th, 2020

The dream started when I was tending the garden with my ex. I lost my hairpin I tried to find it.

Later I was picked up and dropped somewhere. I then was wearing my ascian cloak. I was waiting for the other ascians at a bus stop (hahahahah) when this “bus” arrived I went inside intending to heal them. At least that is what I thought I needed to do. But when I entered it changed spontaneously to a house. Lahabrea was sitting at a desk watching me. Instead of healing, I prepared food for them. Elidibus was there too at Lahabrea’s side.

Then I woke up

May 31st, 2020

I was walking together with Igeyorhm on the streets. What we talked about I can't remember.

I do remember I said something in my own language, but she understood me and answered in English. Later we arrived somewhere, almost the entire group of ascians was complete, Hades excluded, Eli wasn’t there either nor Lahabrea. Then Igeyorhm went sitting on a fancy chair overwatching the others doing tricks, magic and physical. I wanted to do a handstand, but it didn’t work in 1 way or another. I walked away, but a holy light orb appeared where I did my handstand. It was gorgeous. I rather looked more like a holy portal or something than just an orb.

But then I woke up.

June 3rd,2020

I had a dream which is too long to write for that small part that contained Emet.

Insert skip cutscene joke…..

I was chased by government agencies where rebels stole money from. Which I had nothing to do with. But somehow they were after me. I hide in my dad’s old house (which had 3 floors btw) and the suitcase of money (which I apparently had) I went to the upper floor to hide it away. I went halfway 1 stair down to make myself ready to fight if needed. And there he stood Emet-selch at the end of the stairs where I got down. He waved his hand in an unusual way it was a hand gesture to tell me something. From what I understood was: “should they come upstairs, you go upstairs quietly and wait for them there” (the first stairs, I was on the second one). He had a concerned look on his face. Then Emet went down to wait for those guys. Those guys were smart they pretended to rent a room to get in.

I heard Emet talking: “come let us go to this room over here”.

1 of the guys: yeah that’s ok.

Emet eventually led them away from the house.

And it was safe.

Then some other things still happened my dad explained something about renting on a business level, but Emet wasn’t in there anymore. The dream even continued after waking up and falling asleep again. But no ascians so I skip that one.

June 4th, 2020

Well, then this one. 3 F’íng calamities to prevent from escalating.

It started with the planet being threatened with a magma Flood during the night. (similar to the flood of light but then magma). I stood with a lot of people on the roof of a high apartment building on the watch, I was wearing ascian robes. I couldn’t let this happen. The flood of light was ringing in my ears.

Me: no I can’t let this happen, I have to at least try to stop it!

I walked to one end so that there was no apartment area around me anymore.

After a lot of focusing, I sent the magma away, it was hard because of the amount but eventually, I gained control over it. I sent it away but kept waiting to make sure it was enough of what I did. But it returned. I tried again, and then it vaporized, all of it.

Then I was flying during the daytime across different locations with huge round holes in the ground. Where remnants of magma were coming out.

Me: no you don’t …. Wait these are perfectly round holes, these are man-made!

I sent the magma back into the hole. And it stayed away.

Later that night a normal magma wave happened.

I was on the ground. People were terrified, but I wasn’t. I took control of the magma and send it back where it came from. After, I went to the top of the building where I was standing before.

Then another element appeared to threaten the planet a huge tidal wave. But this one was easy to counter.

Then another elemental calamity happened, lightning and wind together. Tornadoes and thunderbolts struck everywhere. Huge chaos. Threatening to destroy everything.

Me: so after fire/earth and water now lightning and wind?

I focused on the lightning and made it stop, sending anti-clockwise-turning tornadoes toward the ones that were turning clockwise, and the tornadoes canceled out each other.

I save the world again.

Me: is this what Minfillia did with the Flood of Light?

Then something else happened, like a summary of what had happened but with pictures laying on the ground in a park.

Then I woke up.

There were a lot of details missing in between like how I cast the magic to counter everything. But that was too vague to remember.

(I just looked up (Oct 2022) the elements of the rejoinings. Not in the exact order but only ice and darkness are missing and those were the last 2, meaning I have witnessed the first 5, or are these Shard memories???......)

June 8th, 2020

“I will join you to the path of light”

I had a dream where I was searching for Elidibus. I found an amulet that belonged to him. It was laying on a grassy hill. I picked it up and yelled: “Elidibus! I got something that belongs to you! Please show yourself!” (and said some other things I can't remember)

So I continued searching for him, and I was walking away further on the grass field. But then I noticed my hand were empty.

Me: Ah no!

I walked back, and it was laying in the same spot. I picked it up and said something to Elidibus even though he wasn’t there. After a while of searching, he appeared spontaneously, but his face wasn’t visible only the point beak part of his mask. The rest was dark. I walked slowly towards him like he would disappear if I would walk normally or run. When I arrived to give the amulet he shape-shifted to a Nu Mou where I had to buy cupcakes from. I gave the amulet as payment. Then I found myself from a distance from him again, he was himself again as well while holding the amulet.

And he said: “tomorrow I will join you to the path of light”.

After another random scene, I woke up.

The path of light has a high spiritual meaning. At that time I never heard of it, so I went on the internet searching for what it meant. Though you won't find an exact answer if you would search for it. Most are courses to practice that lead to spiritual enlightenment and abilities. But that’s what it is, It typically means high spiritual development in many different ways including the awakening of the soul. And he will join me he said and definitely did and still does.


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