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My Ascian Journey - Chapter 42: Emmeroloth in the picture and possible vision about 7.x or 8.0 (Feb 2024)

Writer's picture: Ayane FirebirdAyane Firebird

Updated: Jun 20, 2024

Feb 2nd

Holy shit. Eli is gonna break his record on days staying with me.

From the 20th till the 27th a full week!

There were originally 2 days in these that he originally didn't come over, but I gained an extra day (to choose) because he didn't come into my dreams last month. So with that, I already had 4 days in a row. So I asked if he could trade in a different day. To fill in the last day to make it a week lol. And so we did. Omgggggggg a whole week. I am definitely gonna use that to practice.


Feb 3rd

Ok, so I had a question from a reader about when Eli's birthday is. And explained that Etheirys and Earth don't have matching calendars. So he wouldn't have a standard day for us to celebrate.

The reason the dev team made him Ophiuchus is that he matches it personality-wise. That doesn't mean his actual bday is at the 12 or 13 month of Etheirys. Well, they will do that game-wise if they're gonna add that. But I doubt that lol. Eli said his birth month is the 3rd month on the Etheirys calendar (the day he will check his Akashic records for, he can't remember atm). But the constellations matching the months are different now. And have different names. He will also check on that to tell me which constellation matches that month compared to Earth.

But we came up with an Idea. For his Earthly Bday lol. At first, he wanted to celebrate with me on Dec 16th. As I am technically Ophiuchus as well if you would add it to the zodiac. But then I said what about 12-12. He liked that. It's also when the angel gates are open. Thought it would be fitting ;p

Ah yes, when I told him how many earth years the sundering was ago.

"I feel old now" XD


DM's with TK


Me: can I ask something? might be a question for lahabrea though.

How did Lahabrea come to know about Earth back in the 80's?

TK: I'll ask that question when I can

Me: TY!

(I don’t recall she ever answered it)


(text of the tweet:

The Final Fantasy XIV Planetarium was a magical experience. Here is my detailed review of what G'raha Tia was narrating as well as the different scenes we saw! Highlights: -G’raha Tia meets with you at Ul’dah and says he’s writing a book about Etheirys -This meeting presumably takes place after 6.5 and assumes you completed the Myths of the Realm -G’raha talks about Tural and how there’s so much that is unknown to them -They play the entire full Dawntrail trailer on a gigantic screen -He says he still remembers the promise you made at Ultima Thule about visiting Ishgard, and he hopes you can take him there again soon -He treats you to a drink at the Waking Sands as he regales you with tales of a “mysterious star very much like our own, that is said to watch over us” aka our world, the moon, and our constellations, which share ‘uncanny’ similar traits with the Convocation of Fourteen* ENTIRE SHOW INFO BELOW, BEWARE SPOILERS: The show starts with Hydaelyn’s crystal floating and G’raha Tia welcoming you to the FFXIV collaboration with the Konica planetarium and explaining what exactly is Final Fantasy XIV, an online MMORPG where you can embark on great adventures and explore a vast world with your friends. G'raha Tia (voice only) then greets you at the entrance of Ul’dah and thanks you for meeting with him today. He mentions that Krile is currently working hard at the Baldesion Annex, but so much has happened since the events of Endwalker and the Myths of the Realm that he wants to travel around different places and record the history so that generations can come can look back and see what happened to their beloved star during this time. He wants you to regale him of all of your experiences so he can properly write them down in a history book. You and G’raha then walk around Ul’dah together and head to the marketplace area. He asks if we want to go shopping for weapons or materials, and he admires how you also can craft your own gear if you wanted to lol. G’raha says he wants to check out the Market Board to see if other adventurers have some interesting listings up for sale. He then gets flustered and says "Uhh, I mean I haven’t forgotten our objective, but I was just curious!” He asks you to please then listen to his retelling of the history of Etheirys and afterwards would like for you to also regale him of your adventures. He starts narrating the beginnings of Etheirys and how aether is the center of energy and life force of the world. He explains how the world is comprised of elements such as fire, water, ice, earth, etc. He says areas like Thanalan and Ul’dah represent fire, Coerthas and Ishgard represent ice, and he wonders what kind of elements and experiences await us in Tural, a land that is greatly unknown to them although it is part of one of the great continents of Etheirys. He then talks about the Twelve, and the visuals show the Aglaia. He explains each of the Twelve and what they represented as well as the areas that worship them. The visuals show the character renders for almost every God or Goddess. The ones I don't remember them showing are Halone, Byregot, Rhalgr, and Nald’thal. They showed all other character renders of the Twelve, even the ones that appeared in 6.5 Myths of the Realm (Oschon, Thaliak, and Llymlaen). After the recap of the Twelve, you see a starry sky. G'raha asks you to look up at the stars, and he says he oftentimes enjoys stargazing at night. He then goes on to explain more about Sharlayan astrology and the constellations that you can find at Etheirys. He also talks about how Astrologian cards work as well as how Urianger is an AST. He talks about the Arcanum and how they work. He mentions Ishgard also has a studium entirely dedicated to the study of stars called the Atheneum Astrologicum. G’raha says he really wishes he could visit Ishgard with you again. He recalls the 1,000 Year War with the dragons and how they overcame it and despite the despair they faced, they are now moving forward to a new future with the leadership in place. G’raha says he remembers the promise we made to him at Ultima Thule, that we would take him to Ishgard and all the places that are memorable to us. He wants to travel to all the places we have been to, whether they bring up happy memories or sad ones. During this segment, they show scenery of Coerthas, Ishgard, and Haurchefant’s grave too A sweeping view of a snowy Coerthas is shown after, and G’raha says you can see auroras in Coerthas, which are comprised of rays of aether. You then see a night scenery of Ul’dah, and G’raha apologizes for speaking so much that the sun went down. He says we should go to Quicksand to try out the famous cuisine there. He says since you stayed with him and listened to him speak for such a long time, he wanted to treat you a meal at the Quicksand. He asks you to please regale him with more of your tales. G’raha then addresses all Warriors of Light in the audience and says that our journey will continue, and there are still so many new people to meet! He asks us to embark on our next adventure! The new full trailer for Dawntrail then plays in its entirety on the huge planetarium screen in 4K amazing detail! It was so amazing seeing the trailer up close right in your face on a gigantic theater screen on the roof lol. Crazy experience! After the trailer, G’raha says "Oh you want me to tell you another tale? Well, I guess we can talk here until Momodi kicks us out of the Quicksand” lol. G’raha says he heard rumors of a story regarding a mysterious world, almost like a mirror to Etheirys. It is a world that does not exist in another source or reflection, but perhaps some alternate world? He recalls the Moon of Etheirys and how it was a vessel to save humanity that Hydaelyn created. However, this alternate world also has a very similar Moon, and if you look closely, you can see the shape of a bunny. He then talks about Apollo 13 and how humans actually walked on the moon. He says there's also a satellite nearby, and the name is "Puddingway…Mappingway…Livingway…? Oh I remember, it's called the Gateway!” G’raha then explains about the real Moon's geography and what some areas of the moon are called by scientists. He then says "Hmm, now that you think about it, the rabbit on the Moon actually also looks like a Lopporit too!” lol Afterwards, G’raha talks about the constellations that make up the Convocation of Fourteen and how they share very similar traits with the real world’s Zodiac astrology. For example, Leo shares traits with Hermes and Virgo shares traits with Altima. Flow then starts playing as you gaze upon a starry sky reflected in the Planetarium. G’raha speaks once again and says "Even if it's a coincidence that the other world is so similar to ours, I hope that everyone on that planet can live in happiness. No matter the place, there will always be hardships of course, but this I pray— that the Stars and the Moon I often gaze upon can carry my wishes to them." The End I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING!!!!!!! A silhouette of G’raha then shows up as he says thank you for watching, and you can now take photos and videos of the theater screen, which shows the Astrologian Limit Break lol. G’raha finishes the experience by wishing us the best on our next great adventure! )

Me: Wait what. I just woke up from a half nightmare that it would be -92C.

Graha "Writing a book"

Omfg god, they are DoInG what I did in visa versa in this presentation.

Jesus that's a long tweet

"retelling the history of Etheirys" smirk

I don't know if I have to laugh or cry. But they just did this. They are really doing a visa versa Of my book

He recalls the Moon of Etheirys and how it was a vessel to save humanity that Hydaelyn created. However, this alternate world also has a very similar Moon, and if you look closely, you can see the shape of a bunny. He then talks about Apollo 13 and how humans actually walked on the moon. He says there's also a satellite nearby, and the name is "Puddingway…Mappingway…Livingway…? Oh I remember, it's called the Gateway!” G’raha then explains about the real Moon's geography and what some areas of the moon are called by scientists. He then says "Hmm, now that you think about it, the rabbit on the Moon actually also looks like a Lopporit too!” lol Afterwards, G’raha talks about the constellations that make up the Convocation of Fourteen and how they share very similar traits with the real world’s Zodiac astrology.”

TK: that's why I sent you it lol

Me: Omfg

I gave them ideas. Thank you, god. And the convocation.

But is the story gonna be in the game as well or will it remain a movie outside of it.

I am done reading btw

I don't think foxclon will answer my DM, as he never did before.

I dm'd him once. But no reply. I DM just now if they took inspiration from my books.

According to elidibus, he does read it. But maybe he is fancying my mind.

I will try to go back to sleep.

I want you to verify something with lahabrea. Was the sundering such an impact that Etheirys went farther away from Earth?

Because I see no other reason how in 12000+ Etheirys years to be moved thus far away that the constellations are different now

so I found this on Quora

"Astrology in our solar system is seen from our perspective on Earth. The zodiac or horoscope is a flattened representation of the Sun's apparent path around the earth.* The constellations, planets and stars used in astrology are all within our solar system.


An extraterrestrial from another solar system would have a different major star (sun), constellations and horoscope based on their circumstances."


Yet Elidibus said they have Constellations that look-a-like, like rearranged ones. but Etheirys is too far away from Earth to have the same ones seen in their night sky. could you dig out answers on that one with lahabrea?


I didn’t get any replies on this. but when I started with channelling classes in March I had weekly homework to do, and part of this got answered during an automatic writing session with Lahabrea (and the others for other things but Laha answered the question).


Group post

I just received this from TK


They made a movie of a visa versa of my book.


Jezzah: O.O this is HUGE

Me: ikr Thusfar I really looks like they took inspiration from it, to make a show that is visa versa. I hope I can ask about it 1 day.


Feedback from my mentor Triona


She gave channelled information to each student. Information she received from her guides, and guides from the students etc.

This is what she said about me:

Triona: [my real name] I know you know some of this. but some of this will be a shock to you as well.

First of all, oh my gosh. You are light, you are fun, you are bouncy, but you are here to work, with lots of other star seeds, ET beings, not 1 race, many many many races of all different kinds of planets. You're here almost like a concierge would in a hotel. You are here to concierge all those energies into being able to incarnate and stepping in. There's some energy-density gap between where they come from and planet Earth. It's like it's just too hard and they are saying, that this is what you are working on. you are able to come out of the body during the night, though they say you could during trance state, but you’re not quite there yet. Psychically You go up and you need them and you help their energies down. So you are like the concierge you're the energy bringer. You are working with multiple multiple races. But you do have 1 very very specific team. They are very tall, blue light. They amplify your energy like a battery while you do this work. They know it can be a bit tedious, but you get to know all these different souls and different beings into the world. I also know that they are excited- rubbing their hands- when you completely let go. When you get to that drop. That is what they are saying. And they want to say, they are so Proud of you. so proud with all the work you do. You go above and beyond that they didn’t even expect. They also know you always got that validation from transforming and validated you work with. They always give you the validation of who you are. And that makes you flippant. But actually, they are saying, we work with you. we give you all that validation everything she needs. We want you to remember that a star is beautiful and perfect and endless energy. This is how we see you as that star that watches over many many different things. We want to remind you to have tons of fun [real name] pls have fun in this lifetime. The fun and the energy is going to help.


Feb 5th 6:48pm


so I called my dad to pick up a plushie that was stored in his carpentry. when he picked me up and I prepared the plushie for shipment at his working place. I wondered if I would still be on time delivering it to the package point. and Elidibus replied with "yes". even though all packages will be picked up at 6:30pm from the package point. we arrived at that time and the postman was late. so Eli was right.


Feb 8th

Well, I just had a huge Vision probably. Reincarnated Rosa and Cecil and Rosa was in the Dawntrail trailer apparently. In the dream they were kids. And I made a joke Cecil bought himself a girlfriend. Just so know I know hardly anything about FF4 lore. So when I looked that up it contains 100% truth. Childhood friends and later became a couple. Since the dream itself was about probably 7.x it's a great indication we are going to the 4Th shard in there or working towards it to be a full expansion in 8.0

Further in that dream I was the phoenix and there were other dominants that weren't the standard primals. At the end where I was speaking to one of them and he confirmed that Cecil and Rosa are the reincarnated versions of themselves. I felt a connection with Joshua very clearly in my chest, and right before waking up I somehow wore his clothing somewhat.

I sent Eli forth to ask Aidenin and he indeed connected very shortly. Eli said also they are considering a mix of FF4 with a bit of 16 lore, so the dominants on the 4th shard.

So There is a big chance I will see my shard on the 4th on-screen in the game.

And I just got reminded about the collaboration coming soon.


Feb 11th


Yesterday's channelling. Elidibus's Bday was in the 3rd month of Etheirys on the 26th day

They didn't do the constellation birth signs during that time. But he will research which one was related to the month if any.


Feb 12th

channeling report, Linala invited Emet and Hyth.

In the beginning, I spoke mostly with Hythlodaeus btw, so yes I had both of them alternately. and Emet did not know at first what to say. so Hyth finally began.

I asked Hythlodaeus.

Me: do you also have contact with other people?

hyth: no, you are the first to contact us directly in this way, I have a few clones out.


otherwise, he has only been in my dreams with his real self. Emet also sometimes comes up with clones in my dreams, at least the ones in the past. so the first dream I ever had with the two of them was the real Hyth. But the Emet that changed was a clone that crashed or got a big error.

that I would have had sex with Emet in dreams in the past. For him it had a completely different meaning, so he confirmed that it was true for him a number of times. and then he was scolded by Hyth

Emet: I am being scolded by Hythlodaeus

Me: but Hyth it was a different meaning back then.

Hyth: yeah but still inappropriate.

Emet: it was a gesture that I cared for you when you were my student.


Emet confirmed that I was level with the other Azem.

And when he called me Azem, in the middle of the night of that strange dream last month, he meant what he said.


I had asked about that one dream of that frog

So it was in both cases that the frog had changed its gender and it was not determined what was male or female.

I asked Emet about him and Jezzah.

Emet: that is a clone, I have a lot of clones out for other people.

Me: what do you know about Venat

Emet: she’s only in contact with you

Me: and Amanda?

Emet: yes and also Amanda, but from my knowing, not any others.


I asked about that one dream where Emet was Ascian and Hyth was Ancient and I couldn't remember what that was with Zekrom at the end. Emet said that was him, the real him, but didn't answer why.

Emet: that was me.

and then he stopped.

1 of the 2 said "it was for a reason" but they didn't say what.

Me: is Hythlodaeus your real name?

Hyth: no it's not my real name i will tell you later

(but yeah later can also mean a couple of years, but who knows?)

I asked him about Ericthonios and he had to think for a moment because it might not have been his real name. I said, "he is the son of Lahabrea".

and what about Him in the dreams.

Hyth: no he is re-incarnated on the Source.

Me: what about the shards of him?

Hyth: they are not very aware. but he can come into your dreams when he is asleep. not everyone on Etheirys is equally spiritual, but certainly more advanced than here.


Emet confirmed that there were 2 azem convocation stones

I asked him about the phrase "don't scander it, the legacy I leave you"

he told the 2 timelines interchangeably.

he said when the memory was erased, the original azem also remembered what happened to meteion. so Azem knew about Meteion. and when she told that to emet. Emet thought they (her and venat) were crazy because he couldn't remember it himself, and neither could Hermes. he only knew the existence of Meteion and that it was suddenly no longer there and such, but not what she had done and what was going on. so they didn't believe the truth.

Emet: I declared them crazy and I shouldn't have done that.

he regretted doing that. he tried to hold back from expressing his regret, but I could tell he was sorry.

Emet: I was the one who had forgotten.

Me: what do you think of planet Earth?

Emet: it is not our main cause. we are here to guide drifted-off souls and share our story along with it. we are not here for the cosmic agenda. The New Earth is interesting but not its main cause.


Then the meditation music ended and went to the next track with the Gateway experience. and it starts with those cyber sounds and Emet responded with

Emet: what is that?

and then the track said "this is the next exercise"

Emet: owww

then I said I had to go to sleep, and thanked them for their time and such. and then Hythlodaeus lingered a little longer

Hyth: I just want to say something, if you ever need of us we will be there for you.


and I had to shed a tear for that.

I thanked them, and then they left.


I had a dream that night about Venat and A form of Hydaelyn. And that Amanda was in contact with her. But I had lost details upon waking up.


Feb 13th



with Emet and Hyth 3x


in the first dream, I looked down a flight of stairs to a bench at the bottom of the stairs. and Emet and Hyth just came back from some sort of hunt or something. (yes in ancient robes) they turn around.


and unfortunately, I had a blackout here and forgot everything about that dream.


Dreams 2 and 3

I woke up between these 2 dreams and they were here I asked if they wanted to come into my dreams again to show me again because I had forgotten a lot originally. so this is a combination of the first and second time and yes it was about the same thing.

it started with me talking to Hyth on what looked like WhatsApp but wasn't, and I had to remember something. that they had to calculate something. that was important to the outcome of what came next. In my head there was some kind of algebra that I didn't understand. and it was apparently important and I had to try to remember that. and then I wrote that down as a note "calculation" and that was just written correctly in 1 time in my dream, which is rare, very often the letters start dancing, etc.

Hyth: Good

then I was in my garden. and Hythlodaeus stood there and asked if I had remembered it.

Me: yeah I know I have to remember a calculation.

that they had to calculate that in any case. I didn't have to do that myself. but I had to remember that they had to do that.

here came another little thing that I don't remember and then it was about defeating monsters and such. I was also considered Azem even though they didn't say it, I could feel it. so I went on a lot of ventures with them and defeated monsters. and we had to investigate something that was going on.

so it was some corrupt Clive-like character, they fought that and they had to have his sword originally. (those calculations were to disable the sword.)

and Emet fought him with his dark knight sword. and when the swords clashed, Emet's sword broke. in one way or another.

Clive ran towards Emet and Emet ran away and put an ascian claw finger on his finger. As he ran he cut a scratch from base to point in the center of his sword. this deactivated Clive's sword (don't ask me how) the sword fell from Clive's hands.


originally emet said the line of text below, but the second time I didn't hear him say it anymore, so it may have been something he was thinking instead of saying.

Emet: oh I can hear them already saying that even Estinien would be better now!


that Clive went haywire and started to glow and got wings and I don't know what else.

Clive: you haven't met my RL son.


Clive charged up


and the 2nd time I didn't get that piece of hyth down here anymore, but it does belong at the end.


Hyth: it comes to you now. (said to me) you can do it, collect them all (he meant people) and go. bring them to safety.


it didn't feel like Shards or anything btw but just really different people.


The end


Feb 18th

Dm’s with stormy

(I originally asked her if Emmeroloth could help my sister with her health issues on Jan 24th)


Me: Emmeroloth doesn't engage with others much does she? It seems my sister hasn't received anything from her yet.

Stormy: Hello, apologies I have been well, on and off and all over I rarely check things here tbh or anywhere. As for Lady Em, uhh well that doesn't surprise me too much, I will ask myself to see if she will try. My communication has gotten much better with her. So it's worth a shot.

Getting this helped with calling upon and channelling, just saying. It helped a lot.

Me: Ohh interesting, and obvious lol. Maybe I should give her one as well.

Stormy: Can try it

Me: Is that one from Lootcave?

Stormy: yeah

Me: OK. Let me know what Emm says when you get the chance.

Stormy: I will be warned she is extremely excentric... And kinda cold. but I'll pass the message on.

Me: Oh cold???? I wonder why.

Story: More like detached, analytical in a way. For her she is a healer yes but first and foremost a scientist. She likes seeing how things tick. To some, I'd imagine it could be considered cold or detached. Or even standoffish I suppose.

Me: Ohh :o I see. So she isn't the kind of person to help another out. Or am I wrong?

Stormy: I think it depends on her mood.

Me: oh ok.

Stormy: There have been times I even get ignored so that's all I'm saying.

Me: Ah, the "odd" one of the Convocation I see.

Have you never asked why she ignored you? Or maybe ask what is bothering her if she is being distant? Sometimes you need to pierce through the barriers to get to their true selves.

Stormy: She said "I was busy" was all I got out of her.

Me - Doing what?"

Em- "Things."

Me- "What things?"

Em "Things that is of no consequence to you. Don't pry, you won't like the outcome."

Me- " Fair enough."


That is how that conversation went when I did ask.

I've asked other questions.

Me- "So why have you been looking out for me."

Em- "For reasons."

Me What reasons? And for how long?"

Em- "Reasons that are on a need to know basis and currently you do not need to know, as for the how long? Well since you were six and crossed over the veil."

Me - "I did what?"

Em - "Don't worry about it [real name], it's not something you should concern yourself with."


This is how conversations go with her, she is always so damn cryptic.

And this wasn't horribly long ago.


Me: Is [real name] your real name?

And how old were you again? I need to calculate when she got here.

Stormy: I was 6 I just turned 34 and yes it is

Like on the 15th, I was born in 1990

Bday being on the 15th was a bad birthday this year

Me: Ty!

That's 28 years ago. That still matches the time frame when EW events happened 29 Earth years ago. Then it seems more of them were already here and not just the unsundered.

That might be a nice question to ask how many if not all of the Convocation went towards Earth after EW happenings.

Also which shard is she? The Source piece or a different one? That could matter a lot.

And I am sorry to hear that about your Bday.

Stormy: I have asked about which shard she is and was told a bit of her story.


Em- "After the events of Eureka, where I was banished to the aetherical sea. I was supposedly destroyed, however that is a lie. A falsehood. I infact used my strength to open a portal to the 13th star, the void.  There I took my 13th shard. Unlike some of the other sundered members of the convocation I began..."collecting" my shards.. then I managed to return to the convocation, during the events of HW.  I violated some rules but I did what I had to do. But as the other members. Carried on their task I went....rogue.. to carry on my own research and after the events of Shb. I lost contact with my brethren."


From what I understand even among her peers she was considered more of a loner. She and Emet got along for the most part because she always produced results but she would rather be left alone. She is kinda secretive about what she was doing behind the scenes. But apparently, she isn't unsundered but she has more shards than her other sundered brethren. I dunno how she did that but she said "Every member of the convocation had a talent of some kind. Or a duty, you know I was over restoration and reincarnation. I have my own little trick besides that. Much like how Emet can pluck a soul from the aetherial sea I can do something similar with living beings.. "

Me: Hmmmm interesting.

However something is missing here, and my question mentioned above might shed some light on it. Like if she is a loner what made her decide to follow the Unsundered to Earth?

Stormy: That is something I wonder as well.

Me: Hmmm what about the potential of being a shard from her? I mean Emet should be able to see instantly.

Stormy: 've asked that countless times.

She said and I quote.

"Need to know basis, you don't need to know right now. Just keep practicing what I taught you and then later you will understand everything."

That is what I always get. As for meeting other convocation members.

Me- "Could I potentially meet the other members? I did nearly meet Emet that time before you blocked me out.. why did you do that?"

Em- literally snapping at me "They have their project as I have mine! [real name] just do as I say and it will make sense in the end quit pressing me for answers and DO NOT bother my peers."


The first time I felt her anger so I didn't press forward it's why I don't press too much into things.

Me: She cannot force you to not ask other convocation members.....

If you feel Emet can give better answers. Then go for it.

Also if it's just peers. A certain ex-convocation member does not apply for that. And she loves to chat

I mean Venat. ;)


Stormy: At times I feel like I'm being gatekeeped out of meeting other members. As for what she is teaching me it's, skills to open myself up to her. So she can use my body. Meditation, clearing my mind to the point I dissociate from everything. While also pushing me to pursue my career in Vtubing and voice acting and other aspects of my life. She got me out of very bad relationship. Which is still a blur to me because it was the first big-time she took control of my body. She said that it still wasn't enough and told me to keep practicing. That she wasn't able to remain in control as long as she wanted. I know she intends to make it so she can use my body. I already agreed to it. Just not sure why?

I remember how she took over and she made sure  I would remember the key aspect of it.

My ex screaming at me over my paycheck being cut because I was sick and missed two days of work - "I am done! I'm so done with you and your shit!" Throws a bottle and it smacks me in the head and shattered against it injuring me.


Em- "No more."  Takes over in that moment of shock

Em as me- "The wonderful thing about being done is the fact you are not the only one who can be done..." Walks out of the room and tossed the ring on my finger to the ground. "And now....this is being done."

She saved me. Did what I didn't have the strength to do.

Me: A channeler should be able to connect with every spirit convocation member or whatnot. So it's unfair to only practice with her. You can improve better if you give other members a chance to share information.

Since I did the mentorship program of Triona Sheeran if improved a lot. And can let lahabrea speak through me, even emet and hyth last week! And also venat.

Stormy: Something I'll have to look into for sure.

Me: From the looks of it she wants you to be only attuned to her. Maybe afraid if you contact other members the connection would be lesser? That shouldn't be the case. I am sure of that.

Since Venat is not a member and Hyth isn't either. You can definitely try those 2, though hyth is through emet. Hyth doesn't connect much with people here iirc from what he said.

Stormy: That's a good point, I know she is a bit possessive over me. Because of what happened later on. After the events of the downfall of my relationship. I wouldn't imagine she would have a problem with that. At least I think.

Me: good And sounds obsessive if you ask me. That's not a good thing tbh

Stormy: From what I gather she obsesses over her projects. And I guess I'm a part of her current project.

Me: Apparently she needs to learn things as well. Not to obsess and possess over things.


Hehe, Elidibus had something like that as well, A =  his work. B, stuck in the past, ashamed of it especially toward our mom Venat.

I literally pulled it out of him eventually. And he is fine with Venat now.

Also, he comes over more frequently

Maybe you can teach her not to obsess over things. You aren't a - how do I say this - slave To her? You have free will, remember that.

Stormy: I am aware of that. Well that I'm not a slave or property. I am trying to work with her and communicate more and such. Get her out of her shell though she sidelines me a lot.

Me: Good

Shall I give you screenshots of the one called Corvus in my story, had a talk with Venat twice. It was about me mostly but those are things you might wanna know how to connect with her.

Stormy: Alrighty I'd appreciate it

Also, Em really likes the scent of Lavender and vanilla. That could help in calling her.  Just something that occurred to me


Feb 19th

The conversation went over the next day as it hit 12am for me.


Me: OK be prepared lol it's a lot. I added some of our conversations about it as well to understand what it's about

Stormy: Alright


(me dumping all screenshots)

Me: I hope they appear in the correct order

Also xD I am an Azem title holder so and she brought you towards me lol. Technically you are still talking to another member I will let you read now. I do need to go to sleep btw. It's past 12am. But trying to connect with venat while saying Hear feel think, works wonders for me.


30min later

Stormy: Goodnight! And that was a long read but I get it, it makes me wonder some things. I always thought it was a play on my name, [real name]. But Em frequently calls me her Little Spark or Little Thunderstorm. And I was born during multiple thunderstorms and lightning had actually hit the hospital and the Dr who delivered me had nicknamed me Stormy.

Venat calling you those names reminded me of that.

But another takeaway is the shaping of or willing things into reality. That's a skill Em has been teaching me, how to use my intention to will things into my life. I've noticed some success in controlling that as well.

Anyway get some rest I have to start my day now and I am thinking soon I'll try to contact Venat myself if she is willing to meet me. And if I'm not blocked by Em.


8hours later

Me: Yeah it's called manifesting here. Creation magic in the literal sense is impossible atm. Though the New Earth is happening soon (Earth shifting, well splitting itself from 3D and making a 5D. Eventually when every soul is ready to go cross over the 3D will vanish iirc). It's unknown if we can cast creation Magic in the 5D. I think not tbh, because Etheirys has always been in the 5D even after the sundering. And the sundering caused the lack of power.

Earth originally had Creation magic as well during Lemuria and Atlantis. Those were our "Amaurot times" sorta say.

But the creator put a Veil over us to prevent us from using it ever again. Aside from some chosen ones, like Moses, Enoch and his own son Yeshua (known as Jesus). And probably the Essences as well as they taught Yeshua everything. But that's a thing my ex is digging into. He is more into the actual Truth of Christianity.


But manifesting in the 5D will go faster iirc. And that sudden things come to us, that you KNOW you need to take that chance happens a lot lately.

I mean like, I couldn't attend a certain Pokémon convention as a vendor because they were full. I was saying to them I would definitely be there in May.

I said out loud after sending "I am willing to rent a bus if my dad can't lend his" The next day the director of the con contacted me via WhatsApp if I wouldn't like to attend this edition. As someone was dropping out. I was like wtfffff. So I let them know I was interested and arranged a shit load of things (I knew I had to take that chance). My dad was able to lend his bus under the conditions he didn't need to to care of our son. So we are taking our son with us to a con this time. Eventually, the dropout stayed out and gained a message we were in it. The con is the upcoming weekend. Extra bonus, it's a full moon, people tend to spend more money then and people got their Money. So I am excited to sell a lot, as I have overstock atm.

And during fan fest, being kicked out of Airbnb to eventually land in the same hotel as Yoshi-p to give my books. That was awesome.

However, I am curious did Em ever have children?

It would be unfair if Em would block you though. You have the right to explore to come to know more. Exploring on your own makes you stronger in the end.

Also, the questions I had for her in our conversation yesterday. Would she be more willing to answer if you say those questions come from me?

Sorry for the text bomb lol

Also, Venat loves visitations and loves to chat as you might have read. She most definitely will know I sent you lol. As she watches me frequently lol.

I spoke with Lahabrea a bit, (he is here for my training tonight) though not voice channelling but more emotions and body movements. and he highly encourages you to explore on your own including talking to other members. Lahabrea is willing to receive you as well if you have questions. Emmeroloth won't ditch you if you work on your own, she will keep guiding you. why Emm does this to you is unknown, but it's clear she shouldn't restrict you.


later that day after 10pm

Me: Do you have time to check what I wrote? Sorry it might be a lot.

Stormy: Sorry I just got out of the shower and have skimmed some of it but give me a bit I have to go grocery shopping.

Me: ok


Feb 20th


I had a dream that was about merging souls iirc. And at the end, I said "Aidenin come to me!" We merged and became phoenix but right at that moment of fusing together, I woke up. And spread my arms as if they were wings. The last image I saw before waking was a phoenix on fire. In the pose of my glyph.

He was actually there with me when I woke up. But I was too tired to communicate and said that to him. I thanked him for coming and said goodbye. I fell asleep afterwards.


DM's with Stormy


Stormy: Alright I read everything sorry I got swamped with stuff today, I ended up losing my private house in-game and had to relocate all my housing items into my FC which was a bummer but oh well.


And that actually does help, I'd be willing to speak with Lahabrea. And I do intend to attempt a meeting with Venat. I just have to try and figure out the best method to do it. And oh wow you went to fanfest and a con? That's really cool I was planning to go to the American fanfest but sadly things didn't work out.

I did speak with Em she is willing to answer your questions and has given me a pass on speaking with others but she warned me not to overdo it for my own health. She worries about my heart, she also mentioned she would try to help with your sister's situation if not communication at least using what she knows to improve it somehow.


And as for the children thing I asked but she said.

Em- "Not in a traditional sense like you would. It works differently."


Me- "Could I be your kid?"


Em- "Quit reaching and get back to your studies, if you want to talk to others you need to be more open to things than you are. And frankly I want you to grow for what is to come."


Me- "Well excuse me, look she asked if you had kids and I was just connecting dots okay..."


Em- "No you are reaching for answers and using her inquiry to do so. Raiden, you are not ready... But go on, try and speak with the others. Surely they will also see I am right in my assessment of you not being ready for these truths."


Me- "Sounds like you are setting me up to fail?'


Em- "No, I hope you succeed in contacting Venat or one of the others. But I find it unlikely, you are not as skilled as her." (You)


Me- "Hey I'm trying okay! I just get distracted at times...besides I talk to you don't I? "


Em- "Raiden.....that's because I came to you. But be that as it may, go ahead. Try and reach out, as for her I'll answer her questions. If I can that is."



But that was it basically


Me: Ty for this. She really downgrades you imo. If you can talk to her so easily you are ready to move to the next level. Also, elidibus is here, saying Emm's reactions are weird. Lahabrea yesterday was also like. "what the hell?" When I told them what you wrote.

You indeed need to be empty-minded to receive the correct answers. Often enough your mind can interfere with the answers if not blank enough.

But you should give it a shot. Otherwise, you will not know if you are ready in the first place.

Here is a deep meditation training especially for channeling. It's from my mentor.


Stormy: Yeeahhhh she picks on me a lot. Isn't afraid to call me out either. But she seemed to be in a better mood. The last time she was kinda grumpy but she also said she was annoyed by a situation I had gotten myself into. But that's not important.


And thank you, I think I'll do this shortly after my shower. I have a method of clearing my head completely maybe doing that then this will achieve what I'm hoping for. My method is inducing myself into a hypnosis, clearing my head completely and then meditating, but for this, I want to go further. So I'm thinking maybe bringing myself to that state of empty head as they say then doubling down with this as well should cross my fingers to do it.


And I should clarify what she means by my health problems. I have a heart issue. Which is something she is always concerned with. I won't go into details of it but yeah. That's why I do not do stimulants of any kind unless they lower the heart rate. Which, thankfully meditation and this sorta stuff doesn't raise it. But she still is always on my ass about it.


Me: Good, though 1 other thing. What does she mean by not in the traditional sense with Children? Because the ancients definitely got pregnant like we do. Even have sex like we do

Stormy: Adoption? I am unsure? I'll have to ask next time.

Me: Yeah that's what came to mind as well

Stormy: I know I asked once if she was ever with anyone, like a love interest or partner and apparently she never had much interest in it. I'm guessing in love with her work type.

Me: Eli says she was a nursemaid, is that true?

Stormy: I believe so yes, I haven't asked that but with how she treats me like a kid I'd believe it XD

Me: ikr XD

Stormy: I have a question for Eli now if I may?

It's just a small one nothing big.

Me: yeah

Stormy: It would have been in the year 1996 but that's when I first made contact with Em. When she found me, and started watching over me. Did he or the others know this?

Or did she really keep it to herself? I'm curious.

Me: She kept it for herself. I let Eli ask Lahabrea since Laha was already here in the 80's and even he didn't know. From what I could gather they have known since 2019 or so

The latter half of the year.

Stormy: Wait........that's too on the nose was it because she was furious about something?

If so....... I know why...

I'm a little spooked it was that year and time frame I'm not gonna lie there...

Me: Get a big yes.

Stormy: I was umm......[redacted] assaulted and put into a hospital at that exact time....... Granted I didn't know my guardian angel was Em, but I knew she was there our bond wasn't strong enough then... But after that happened she continued visiting me in dreams nightly and encouraging me to reach out to her...

Me: ohhh

Stormy: It's what caused me to start all this and what eventually led me to you in the first place.

Me: Ohhhhh xD which month did it happen exactly?

Stormy: August

Me: Yes he confirms.

Stormy: God's above and below... She really did get pissed off... Must have really thrown a fit... I am unsure how I feel kinda tearing up a bit...

She is always so stern and protective over me... I guess that is part of why...

Me: Very interesting.

Stormy: What is?

Me: The overprotectiveness

In case you aren't a shard. Maybe you were one of the children she took care of. And yes, she did throw a fit.

Stormy: I thought that too. I'm curious to know how bad it was?  I'd imagine pretty bad. God's the others must have been like what the bloody hell is wrong with you?!

Me: Yes that last line, big yes.

And then she spilt it.

Stormy: But she didn't tell them what I was to her though huh? I'm guessing she said I was a person of interest to her or something. At least from what I know of her, that's what I'd suspect otherwise we would know.

Me: While reading I gained yes to "person of interest"

Stormy: Alright, give Eli my thanks and my thanks to you as well. I am settling in now and going to shower and then attempt my meeting with Venat. Showering because I want to be presentable, it would be rude not to be.

Me: you're welcome!

And good luck!

Stormy: Before I go, anything you want me to pass along if I'm successful?

Me: Oh I probably read this too late. If you reach Venat. If she was the one who sent the meteorite end-of-the-world dream to my sister last night. My sister just told me she had that. While I asked Venat as well to check on her. She just told me every detail of the dream, I don't think it was Venat tbh. It doesn't resonate. Unless it was an attempt that didn't come fully through. However, in that dream, she was watching over children. But some kind of salt hills machine lured the kids in and that killed them.

This salt part doesn't make any sense to me. But when she said she was watching over the children I immediately thought of Emm instead of Venat. But the rest of the dream doesn't really match what we know what happened during the final days. Aside from the meteorites.

how is your daily schedule? because you live in the USA right? but you live like an Australian XD (compared to my time zone). do you do night shifts or something?


Stormy: I do yes, and yeah that sounds more like Em with children aspect. The salt hills part is weird though.

As for my attempt? Failed miserably. I travelled, but I did not end up meeting Venat. I don't think I went deep enough.

I did go somewhere but I dunno, the place was unfamiliar to me. The video did help though so I will be trying again.

Me: oh ok, maybe talk to lahabrea first. maybe Venat is too far away. did you travel toward The edge? I cannot give any direct directions. I know from Elidibus that it is the edge of Etheirys's solar system. but in the astral obviously. but on which exact place I don't know.

Stormy: I am not entirely sure, I just remember this room that honestly kinda looked like a lab of some kind.  There were papers scattered on the wall. There was a figure there as well but couldn't make them out. But when they turned to me I froze and then everything got hazy. And I feel so sore now, my body feels stiff. This was a weird one.

Me: Oh, I suggest taking it easy. Let Searching for Venat rest. And try to reach Lahabrea. They are at least reachable.

Stormy: That would probably be wise.

Me: (thumps up)

Stormy: What is the best method to reach him?


Feb 21st


Dm’s with stormy midnight


Me: hmmmm with astral projection will do most definitely.

As far as my knowledge goes. When out of your body. When you think of someone, you instantly teleport towards them.  If you would try to think of lahabrea. Perhaps you will find yourself in front of him.

I will ask TK as well. But for now, try my advice as TK is very slow in answering.

Stormy: I will try that then, thank you.

Me: Yw! I go to sleep now. Let me know if it worked or not.

Stormy: Okies good night


10h later

Me: Have you had a chance to try?

Stormy: I did not last night I got over busy and then was so tired I just passed out.

Me: ah ok.

Stormy: Tonight I work so probably won't be till tomorrow night or Friday.

Me: ok ty!

Stormy: No problem


Group post Later that day


Ice statue festival. This above was the Bermuda Triangle. But it felt like a portal to Atlantis. I was slightly stunned when I saw this. It really felt like this Bermuda Triangle was/is the gate opening to Atlantis or perhaps Lemuria since Lemuria warped into the 5D at some point.

I showed the pics to my ex. Without context, he also sent me a message he thought the exact same, Atlantis or maybe Lemuria. But also Atlantis was the first thing that popped into his mind.

Eli seems to confirm Atlantis, it seems he dug into it a bit about Atlantis.

However, I wished the 4 lords were there as well because the theme was myths and legends. But alas. No phoenix for me. So that was disappointing.


Tk (via DM): Umm reminds me of Atlantis a bit (I didn’t read the group post)

Me (via dm): exactly my thought. including my ex's first thought. it's the Bermuda triangle. but when I saw I was like. "wait I know this, this is a portal to Atlantis the Bermuda Triangle is a portal to Atlantis"


My mentor replied in Whatsapp with "This is cool"


Feb 22nd


Today we welcomed Stormy in the group.


Feb 24th


Ok, so I had a Pokemon fair today. A fair that is decently known.

Originally it was full and needed to wait until the next edition. But I was contacted through WhatsApp and asked me if I didn't want to come to this edition already because someone cancelled it. So I saw this as a big chance to sell my plushies big time. So after arranging everything and being able to come, I booked the stand.

I asked many times to my guide and elidibus if I would sell well. And they kept saying big yeses. But....

Alas, I didn't earn much money on this one. Why is that?

However, a lady who helped out my ex with parking the trailer in a narrow space in the parking lot earlier today. Offered to do Pokemon fairs with her and she lives decently near my home city!

That way we can share the costs of gas and make it easier to earn back the money we invested.

My ex made the reply to this. As I told him Eli said we would earn good money here.

Ex: isn't it elidibus said you would earn good money so you would go? And that if they told the truth you wouldn't go?

I got a yes to that. This entire con/fair wasn't about earning/gaining money. But gaining a business fair/con partner with it.


Feb 25th

 DM's with Stormy


Stormy: Okay so I was successful, it wasn't a long talk nor did I gain any information really. Laha spent a moment lecturing me about how important the soul is. But other than that. My questions were as follows.


Me- So do you have any idea what Em's purpose is for me?


L- No, we didn't even know about you until a few years ago.


Me- I see, and other than her ranting she didn't mention anything else?


La- She did not, no.


Me- Well speaking to me now do you recognize me at all? Seeing my soul now?


La- I do not no, not at first glance anyway. Emet Selch would be better suited to that task. Souls are usually in his realm of expertise. Hmm, though don't be surprised if you get lectured by him too. A soul is too important of a thing to sign away on a piece of paper. Whether it's legitimate or not. Taking that sort of risk is foolish child.


Me- Hey I know okay, it was meant to be romantic with my partner...


La- While the gesture is sweet, it's also foolish. I am sure Em will have words for you as well.


Me- Okay okay I'll take it more seriously, geez I wasn't expecting to get called out like this.


La -Hmm. Do you have any other questions?


Me Y-Yes did Em ever have a lover?



La- No, well.. not one she ever mentioned. She has children she took care of and did have a female friend but I'm assuming it was just friendship but I could be wrong, she was always a very private person.


Me -I see, well thank you.


La- Are you going now?


Me- Yes


La- You are welcome to call on me if you need to know something else, and I do recommend speaking with Emet and Venat at some point.


Me- Thank you I will try.

And to give context to what he was lecturing about, my boyfriend had me sign a contract that he wrote up, it was in regards to my heart body and soul. Giving him all of it... It was meant to be a romantic gesture but. Laha didn't think a soul is something to play around with like that and called me childish. Sweet and sentimental but childish.

While I'll admit to it being childish if not naive, it was something I didn't expect to get brought up. Laha is rather sharp and I actually felt rather intimidated. But he also seemed really kind and understanding.


Me: That really sounds like him yes.

And yeah I have to say signing a contract like that. Is indeed foolish. It's like the old example parents use for their kids. " If your friend jumped off a bridge (no water underneath) would you follow them?" Indicating you would die. To make their kids realize not to follow their friends everywhere they go or not want them to do dangerous things.


Something more on point.

My mother warned me at the age of 11/12 already about a

Ouijaboard game variant. Literally translated as " turning or spinning glass" the glass you gave a spin was to determine who turn it was to ask a question to that board.

She told me a story about a girl who asked when she would die. The board said "Now" She went completely insane in disbelief and ran on the street without looking. She got hit by a truck.......


This story was insta printed into my brain and mind.


A different thing that just came to mind. Iirc I learned from cartoons not to sign any contracts that could infect/affect my soul. Maybe it was Courage the cowardly dog but not sure. Or maybe power puff girls with that devil guy idk. Or whatever old cartoon network cartoon. I learned a lot from those cartoons because back in those days there were no restrictions yet on what to put into a cartoon.

Nowadays cartoons are full of propaganda which is saddening.


Sorry for my rambling. Just wanted to share how I learned not to fall for traps and contracts.


I hope you can check with emet soon. I would love to know more about you, who you were etc.

Oh 1 more thing. When you speak to Venat in the future. Ask her if Em watched her kids when she was travelling.

Venat had 7 children from 2 marriages. So yeah the first one ended. She had 4 children with the first one and 3 with the second one. Elidibus was the last one of the first father. And I am the first one from the second one.

Aside from this, John is a practitioner who can speak with elidibus as well. In 1 session he said I was raised differently by a caretaker. (Probably when venat was travelling, but EW wasn't there yet to say she was the previous Azem when this info came out)

Sorry, I didn't intend to give you another lecture. It was not my intention to do so. But I do wonder why you thought it was a romantic gesture. It is rather kind of possessive if you ask me.


Feb 26th

Dm’s with stormy


Me: Sorry if I was on the nose......

Stormy: Oh no no you're good! Sorry was playing a game with some friends and hadn't looked at Discord x.x

Me: Oh ok

Stormy: Sorry it's been a hectic day and no about the romantic thing, think of a promise ritual to be together, it was meant to be like a declaration of love basically x.x

Me: :/ it still remains odd to me. And quite sus especially since the relationship got terrible and Emm needed to step in to release you from it.

Stormy: Different relationship, that was my ex. This is with my current boyfriend.

Me: Oh ok. But I take that the current BF is no longer a BF?

Stormy: My ex that Em had to step in with was my gf of like 8 years. The contract is with my bf of like 2 years.

Me: Ohh ok thanks for clarifying

Stormy: No problem

Me: I hope you will remain happy then.......

Stormy: He is one of the first people in my life to actually care about me, and help me take care of myself, and even better myself. Sometimes it feels like a fairytale with him.

I'd say I'm pretty happy

Me: Good to hear. When you get to Venat at some point could you ask her about what I mentioned above?

Stormy: I will ^^

Me: Ty!


Dreams of February


Feb 1st

the subject of the dream was catching a certain train. only I was suddenly as big as an ancient. (I think even bigger!) and I was aware of it.

I was with a group of others and indeed they were as small as an ancient normal human being would look.

me: oh I'm as big as an ancient! Awesome!


I walked a few steps a little slower than usual, but the others had to run to keep up with me.

then I shrank again and later I made myself bigger again. this happened several times until finally, I was no longer than 2.5-3 meters. shortly afterwards I woke up


Feb 8th


I was customizing portraits of at least Eli and I think also the other 2 unsundered so that they fit in their frames.

at the end, Lahabrea took me to a room with portraits on the wall of the convocation in a large hall. the hall had a high ceiling of at least 5 meters high. and they hung almost entirely from the top. I saw them from about 10 meters away.

me: ohhhh I'm there too.

(my current self instead of Ancient, but in robes.)

me: oh I don't have that one yet (as if it was fan art lol)

I saw a group portrait of the unsundered with me in it.

me: I want that on the wall too


then I woke up.


My second dream; about FF4, full version.


the dream was just busy with random stuff

but at one point we had to get away and hold on to a flying cart or something.

I'm not sure, but I think Emet as Solus was also briefly in the picture. he looked at us holding on to the cart.

Then something catastrophic happened where we originally came from.

me: we have to help!

everyone first turned into a mystic Pokemon (ff4/4th shard hint?) my hands became 2 Shaymin sky form, but after flying a few meters -

me: ok this doesn't work.


I turned into the phoenix and I caught up with the rest.

the rest weren't Pokemon anymore either. We rescued some civilians and flew through underground passages to get them to safety. However, at one point I said we couldn't go any further and saw myself flying on like a phoenix. luckily they came back and I was myself as Phoenix again.

I saw cracks in the cave showing light.

me: we can get out of here


While they were still coming towards me, I launched myself and broke through the cave.

here's a random bit. the others were somewhere else and I talked to someone and took a bag of M&M's out of my pocket. this one was from the previous dream, but the packaging was red and called M&M's English which only contained red, orange and yellow M&M's.

me: m&m's English? ok, whatever.

(environment; a city center with a large square)

Then I turned back into a Phoenix and fought a large beast. However, later that thing went away and my last attack Pyro ball didn't hit him anymore. I then became human again and encountered the others. emerging from alleys

they were also kind of Dominants, so to speak. but not from the well-known primals as far as I know.

me: did you find her?

man: Yes, she lives in that house over there.

me: ok let's go.


When we entered there was a young girl with red hair with her parents.

Mother: she is very alone, do you have a companion for her? Her name is Rosa.

Then a teenage boy came along

boy: I want her.

and he gave her parents 200 in money.

me: ok, you just bought yourself a girlfriend. wait, Rosa?? (FF4)


she was apparently in the Dawntrail trailer.

so I asked the boy.

me: what is your name?

boy: Cecil

me: omfg you really bought yourself a girlfriend.


(I have no lore knowledge of FF4, on Cecil himself and Kain a little bit, never played it, and I didn't know anything about shippy content either)


Rosa sat down in the dining room

me: are you the one who auditioned for the Dawntrail trailer?


she was shy and held up a sign with a drawn version of her making the hand gesture that I got it "correct". and she made a confirming hum

me: so you're a re-incarnated Rosa from Final Fantasy 4?, and you (boy) from Cecil.

Cecil: correct.

me: holy shit this is gonna be epic


then I chatted with the other dominants for a while. I don't know exactly what anymore.

me: so said "was that in the Dawntrail trailer"

dominant: yes (and see a lot more but forgot)

As he talked I felt a connection with Joshua (Aidenin) even though he wasn't there.

I felt it very clearly in my chest. then I woke up.


As far as I could look up, Cecil and Rosa are a thing so i.o.w they were childhood friends when they were young and later became a couple. FF4 has the phoenix according to Eli. we are going at least to the 4th Shard in 7. x (patches) I actually hope for full expansion.

the connection with Joshua could be a hint that my shard from the 4th Shard will be visible in the game.


Feb 11th


I had a dream about, very briefly, Hermes. who was sleeping under a towel. and I wanted to take a shower. and I asked if there were any towels left

Hermes: yeah upstairs.

that was the only glimpse of Hermes. the rest of the dream doesn't matter.

so later that day I asked eli a few things.

it seems that Hermes wants to be more included. well, I'm curious.

and he doesn't mind being called Hermes. That wasn't the case at first. he has accepted that - it is not his real name, he initially associated it with that and emotional stuff.

At least he doesn't mind if I call him Hermes if he also looks like Hermes. I guess if he looks like Fandaniel, then I'll call him Fandaniel then I won't call him Hermes, you know.

but I also prefer Hermes to Fandaniel


2nd dream

I left my body several times (Phase state lucid dream) to check if I was out of my body I jumped up and hung in the air. so yes then I know, I'm dreaming.

so I backflip out the window.

I just kept flying, up, up, up, up.

I actually got somewhere. I think in the 5D.

I was in one go in an area with all kinds of people in a very large shopping area. and I tried to look a little for Elidibus.

I was kicked back into my body at least 10 times, and each time I came a little further looking for Elidibus. at one point I ended up in a building. I asked someone where Eli was.

someone: yes, you have to take the stairs down there.

so I take the stairs down.

someone: no that way.

so I ended up back in my body and doing it all again. but the same location, that's unique enough. so I go to the same building and take the correct exit for the right stairs down on the right. I'm going down a little.  silver-haired white-robed people walked down. I could feel that they were important, but not the convocation members. I tried to recognize the convocation members in it, but I couldn't. when they were all lined up downstairs. everything happened all over again.

afterwards, for my purpose was to seek Eli. it is no longer possible to come back. I woke up very briefly. and then I fell asleep again. and then I tried it again, but the environment was different all at once.

those coming down the stairs were guides working for the convocation. so I was close.

so I told this to elidibus. and if I had made it down that last flight of stairs I would have gone higher in dimensions and probably would have found him.



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