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My Ascian Journey - Chapter 43: Julia Cannon agrees and lots of Channelling (March 2024)

I was pretty inspirationless this time for a title until this one popped up instantly when I asked XD.


March 1st


So I had a channel session with Venat. I asked about Corvus. And she said a relative is sick and causing friction in the family. (now I don't know if this is true, as he still hasn't contacted me till today, I rather think he has a mental episode again from his rejoined shards)

I asked about the secret Elidibus is working on. She said he is a bit nitpicky, he wants it to be perfect.

I said I didn't mind some imperfections as long they weren't big ones.

Venat: don’t worry

And she hugged me.

so I asked when Amanda would be playing Endwalker. And Venat said next year because she is very busy. (well tbh I think a year after so that’s like the end of 2026, (atm of writing August 2024 she is almost playing a year now and she just finished 3.0. She hasn't played for a while because of Fan fests and Distant worlds, I can only hope she will have more time later)

then I asked about Corvus again when I would get a reply, and she said this month. ( but in all honesty, Venat isn't very good at time indications sadly this isn't the first time she has been wrong about it alas)

Venat: if not I stand corrected

Then we talked about my sister, (the one with the neck issues) and she said she will be taken seriously eventually and will get the proper medication for it.

(well I have to comment on this she had an MRI scan of her brain in April and they couldn't find anything so she received an epidural… extra update received on August 21st iirc. She has too much fluid in her brain that needs to be drained, the fluid created pressure on her brain causing her head/neck issues.)


I also asked  Venat if she was able to contact her in her dreams. But Venat said my sis is laying behind with her skills so it’s harder to communicate with her.

And that was about it for this channel session.


March 2nd


Me: So I woke up, like 30 minutes ago. To be greeted instantly with Elidibus arriving early, 4 hours early. That is new lol. So I asked him about Corvus.

It seems his Granddad is suffering from dementia and getting worse. Corvus's mom is creating tension, overly worried. And provoke everyone near her.

But the validation of this I don't know. I need to hear from Corvus himself what's going on. He promised to tell me if something was going on again before getting silent. To notify me. And he didn't......

Stormy: No clue what is going on but hope nothing horrible has happened that you haven't already mentioned above.

Me: Yeah

(Stormy via dm’s)

Me: I really looking forward when you get the chance to talk to Emet. When do you think you gonna try again?

Stormy: No clue probably this weekend.

Me: cool


March 7th


watch this video.

9 signs that you are chosen


March 8th

ok, Eli is here and I'm logging in with my Eli alt. I did Pandaemonium yesterday. well, the first 2 rounds. so I logged out there. on the log-in screen when he saw "at gates of pandaemonium" he made a "DOH" movement XD. but he likes it.


Lol, my son's school name is translated to English "the Firebird" This is the logo.


March 9th


Stormy replied to the Firebird School name


Stormy: That's great!

Me: XD

Stormy: Ironic actually

Me: Yeah that lol

Stormy: It's kinda funny because as we know Em was referring to as the holy Queen, my daughter's school translated from the Irish word of the school it's Bright Heights

Bright and holy are both associated with light xD

Me: lol

Stormy: But firebird that's very on the nose for you. Like very on the nose.

Me: Ikr

Considering the convocation helped get my son a proper school last year.

You might wanna read that chapter.

Stormy: What is funny so much in my life has been associated with light but I try to portray a dark edgy look lol

For example, my dead name also meant light or shining.

The school my daughter is going to? I went to it when I was younger also named after Light and it's atop a mountain some of the architecture they look they went for was kinda of Greek-ish looking.

I was born during lightning storms.

My chosen name is based off on lightning.

When people speak to me or when I have had my aura read I've been told it's very bright, with a feeling of longing or sadness behind it.

And there were instances when I was younger and masc presenting when I helped people or spoke to them then they would say you give me angelic vibes. Or maybe fae-like vibes. My personality draws people in. Then there was a time I helped this older lady and my mom was with me and I left and the lady was like who...was that? And my mom was like that's my oldest kid. And the lady said she thought I was an angel, that I looked angelic. Weirdly, this keeps coming up, and what makes me think about it today someone called me an angel and I couldn't help but think about that.

I just realized I rambled in general chat my mistake y'all xD

Me: No prob, we ancients often are mistaken for angels. I had the same in 2020 after patch 5.3 a medium said I was a reincarnated angel.

Stormy: That sounds legit, it's been angel or fae for me. And yeah I didn't realize I was talking in general chat, haha I'm slightly embarrassed now.

Me: No don't be. It's not that extremely personal. I think.

Stormy: I know!!! I'm just umm kinda shy, Public speaking makes me nervous is all.

Me: When I needed to write the first nsfw of me when Eli bonded. That was embarrassing lol

But I did grow out of my shy shell that way

Stormy: I'm more shy with my spiritual stuff than my degenerate stuff lol

Me: XD

Well, here you don't have to be shy. It is a spiritual group, to begin with

Venat has some unique ways to come in people's dreams.

Yesterday night in a dream she was singing a song (emotional level of flow) through a radio. I don't remember the text, even though I sang along.

At the end, she copied the rhythm of the Titanic.

Me: but that's the titanic

And she laughed through the radio lol. She heard me


Stormy: Lmao. I love her. Her sense of humour is outstanding

Me: It is xD She visited me that night when I woke up from the dream

Stormy: I met a girl today and she is a spiritual person but a demonologist. At first, her views seemed based but then well... They became worrisome I guess? Claiming to have made deals and pacts with incubi for degenerate purposes and such. My interest in the conversation quickly began to fail I'll be honest.

Me: I can understand that! Jesus Christ.

Stormy: Oh you have no idea. That's the tame part

Me: Oh god. Yeah, you can better watch out for those people.

Stormy: Said she could have these demonic entities attack or haunt people who wronged her. And other things I'd rather not repeat just bad news all around. And I quickly washed my hands of the conversation.

Me: Oh Jesus. I would take an entire shower

Stormy: Ironically I did later on

Me: Lol good.

Stormy: I think it angered Em or disgusted her because the constellation stone around my neck got kinda hot.

Me: Seriously? Wow.

Stormy: Yeah and I started feeling very annoyed very quickly and I'm normally more relaxed. But I was getting bad vibes all around from her.

Me: Yeah I would have the same definitely.

Stormy: Yeah

Me: Good luck on trying tonight! If you haven't already! (conversation from dm’s?)


March 11th


Fascinated at a younger age already by phoenix creatures in this case ho-oh from Pokemon. Omg, I am so happy I kept a crystal ho-oh (the one on the right). It's near mint with a tiny white dot on the back. Most definitely a PSA 9 at least.


DM’s with Stormy


Me: And??

Stormy: Oh heya and eh I made an attempt and failed I think I was too worked up and couldn't concentrate.. my RL partner kept me busy all day and yeah

Playing XIV to get my mind off stuff.

Me: Ah ok too bad

Stormy: But it will be soon because I have been getting a nagging feeling to do it, almost as if Emet is getting impatient lol or that could just be my own anxiety I dunno.

Me: Ohh but Emet getting impatient might be a thing though. As I heard from Elidibus when Emet awakened me. Emet was growing impatient with me still not yet discovering I was one of them and I still hated them at that point until he just bombarded the first dream to me to realize lol.

Stormy: Oh so that might be legit... O.O welp I better try and do this soon before I get lectured for making him wait lol

Me: XD

Stormy: Actually.. I have nothing left to do tonight and I don't have to be out tomorrow till noon... Guess I'll give it another shot, I can use the rest of my stuff to help with it.

Me: Good! And good luck!

Stormy: Yep yep thankies ^^



Unfortunately, Stormy had many things in between like every weekend or got sick, and eventually, I forgot about it as well. Oops.


March 13th


Omg, Eli's first sex attempt in a dream. It didn't work out much. But omg he is so beautiful. And his skin is sooooo soft.

Eli had some trouble doing the act within the dream. Some way or another.

ok so somewhere halfway through the dream. I was in a bed with eli. but somewhere else, so not at home. it was outside.

we kissed a lot and caressed. I often had my eyes closed in pleasure but still, there were clear moments that I wanted to see him. very light blond hair because of the sun shining on his hair. so it was

actually white because a hairpiece under the covers was silver-white/greyish like Themis in Pandaemonium. his skin is very soft and he kisses wonderfully. well, eventually sex attempt.


NSFW (18+) warning

he first asked me if I wanted to put his dick in myself, but he wasn't hard enough yet and it doesn't work.

Me: I'm not that good at it, can you do it?

Eli: Sure.

only it didn't go in all the way.

Me: ok, now up and down.

Eli: yeah.

he had some trouble with it

(the first time in a dream was difficult and different for him)

Then I turned on my side. maybe that position will work.

he did stay halfway inside me with his dick, only he didn't make the movement but kept stroking.

End of NSFW

in any case sex itself didn't work.

he threw the covers over his head. I took them off and Eli was gone. but someone else was suddenly lying there.

Me: who are you?

he turned his head and said

WoL: Azem

Me: what?!

he stood up in armour and all well leather clothes armour stuff.

I stood up and walked after him (yes I had my clothes back on)

Me: wait you are the warrior of light?

WoL: that's how they know me yes.

he walked further up a staircase.

Me: wait where are we all going? (I was referring to ffxiv future expansions)

WoL: what do you mean?

Me: do you know the story of Etheirys is portrayed in a video game here?

WoL: no I don't

Me: well now you know, and the story is for 80% correct of what happened on Etheirys

WoL: hmmmm (impressive hum)

Me: without someone from Etheirys -

here he started to fade and change to someone else.

Me: - to tell the story.

then he was gone


I turned around and walked down the stairs and slope.

Me: I couldn't ask him.....

and then I slowly woke up.


Eli confirmed it was him. But was surprised WoL took his place when he left. Eli didn't want to ask him the wol himself if it was really him. I asked if he could ask Emet for that. And Emet agreed. But tomorrow. Etheirys's tomorrow that is. It's night now apparently.

Eli hasn't been in my dreams for 6 months. Actually 7......

I'm glad it was such a sensual experience with him. Really made it worth the wait. But man it took so long. And yes he was with me this time when I had this dream. So he listened to try to come into my dreams when he was visiting. I am glad it worked this time. Usually, it doesn't.


Later that day in the evening during channel classes


I needed to write a little bio before meditating.

“I am a council member of my home planet, I am the 14th member. I have connections with the other members sharing the story of our planet.”


The meditation

I was firstly in the first room Triona said I would be in. It happened to be the convocation's meeting room. The door I needed to go through to meet my higher self. Should have led me to a room for me and my higher self. But by going through the door I saw her as a big orb of light and followed her on the way I saw many light sparkles. I couldn’t picture the room at all. my higher self gave me my convocation stone as the symbol that Triona said she would give. I originally saw the outline of the stone given by her but didn’t see any colour.

Then I lost connection for a little bit, and I asked Lahabrea to help me out. he shook my head “no”.


 Then the meditation suddenly went silent and Triona put on some music. Which got me out of it a bit. I couldn’t get back in. I asked Lahabrea to help to get me back in it again, and shortly after he talked through me something that sounded like Japanese, (but it wasn't actually Japanese. I didn’t understand anything of it.

after that, I finally got back in and merged with my higher self.

I asked her to show the constellation, and indeed it was like the one I saw in the first dream I ever had. The constellation on the one I got commissioned is very similar, it's rather missing a line or 2  then something is wrong.

Near the end, I merged with the phoenix again, which took the quick route of taking the shape of Ho-oh from Pokemon. And it created a huge power increase. And then I got out of it, as it was ordered to do so.


after everyone shares their experiences. Triona wanted us to picture the symbol and take it to the solar plexus. I saw it was bright orange with darker lines. I rarely see color but this time I did!

the meaning we needed to discover what it means and such: I am still Azem

oh yeah bonus I learned today Clairaudience is very rare! like only 1% of the people who have clairs. @Zio


Zio: Oh really? I  wasn't aware of that.

Me: I wasn't either. Triona told us.

Stormy: Why does Athena theme have to slap so hard. I hate her but dang... Her song is good.

Me: I know it's a song that sticks in your her in Lahabrea's soon as you realize this the song is deleted from your head.

Stormy: True! Xiv music is so good, conveys so much with its lyrics and is just gahh so good. Sorry, I gush over the music.


The conversation went about other irrelevant things.


March 14th


Me: @jezzah didn't you say long ago Eli's skin is very soft?

Jezzah: I think so???

Me: I believe you did lol

20min later

Me: Yes you did lol. In the old group


Quotes from Jezzah 3 years ago (Dec 1st 2020)

“psst Eli’s skin is as soft as Pashtarot’s hair Which is super soft btw”

"Ask Eli to give you one of his famous soft snuggles"


I screenshotted that originally and showed that to her.


Jezzah: Soffffft


12H later


Me: So I asked Eli why Lahabrea is stronger in taking over body parts. Then I was like; oh wait, that is the answer lol. I said to Eli if it was because he did it more often. And gained a yes. XD


I found 2 Lost origin pre-release boxes (Pokemon TCG). I asked Eli which one contained a secret rare. But in each booster (4) were super, ultra and hyper rares!


Asked if the second box was an utter fail. Gained a no. So the 3rd pack had this one. So he was right, not a total fail lol

oh well it seems rainbow rares are sort of secret rares as well lol


March 20th


So I had a dream a long one where I searched for any of the Convocation. But came across Hythlodaeus instead. Since he usually is always with Emet. But this time I couldn't find Emet with him. I take a guess it went like this before Hythlodaeus Entered my dream

Hyth: awww she is looking for any of you, why don't we go?

Emet: Why is she looking for us?

Hyth: just a chat

Emet: I don't have time for idle chitchat.

Hyth: ah come on, it won't be that bad.

Emet: you can go yourself if you want to.

Hyth: you know I will never leave you behind.

Emet: Deep sigh Fine but I won't interact.

Hyth: sure.


 According to Eli who asked Emet, it went like that.

Ok, the dream.

To skip the most nonsense. Firstly I noticed their presence in a Cinema and later I came across Hythlodaeus finally. Somehow we thought swapping bodies would be fun.

So we did, my soul went into his body. But I still felt my connection to my own body and could feel he was in there. This is probably the silver cord many speak about.

When I entered his body

Me: omg I feel so broad (on my shoulders)

This was with my own voice, I didn't gain his.

He giggled.

Then we went somewhere but I don't think I was long inside his body. I made a few steps and then swapped back without realizing it.


Somewhere later in the dream I had to fill in a form, thinking of a name for a new park in the city.

I asked Hythlodaeus.

Me: what is the name of the park in Amaurot? (I wanted to be named after that)

I don't really recall what he said, but I do remember it wasn't what I wrote down.

Me: neh, Amaurot square.

I wrote down Amaurot very clearly on the form. And Square became messy like because I was thrown out of the dream because my mouth went dry.

When making my mouth moist again with my salvia I fell asleep again but it went about other random stuff.


Emet was just watching and hiding it seems I never found him.


Later I did a reading on Corvus’s tree unfortunately he never replied to it.

You have 7 branches that split into different directions, the same as your shattered shard pieces. But together you make it as a whole being the tree you are now.

The crow in your tree looks like a fear or anxiety you are carrying with you. let it go and the egg in the nest will hatch, giving you the most benefits of life.

The 10 flowers in the tree say You have many different abilities and/or skills that can be used or trained to gain something of it.

I can only hope he reads this...... @Corvus ????

(he is still remaining silent atm of writing, Aug 2024, sigh, I hope he will come back someday)


March 24th


so I had a channel session with Elidibus. And he said that I was improving (originally started this session the night before, so I was finished after midnight)

Eli: you’re getting better honey

We talked about our kids and I said it has been 2 years since I saw Quilitus in a dream. And Eli will arrange that. At least at the end of this summer, it should have happened or else he gets angry at Quilitus.

The next spiritual pregnancy (that will happen in 2025) he knows when his part will arrive in July 2024. (since that date is already past at the time of writing this. It will arrive in early August 2025, and my piece will arrive in December 2025)

We talked about the automatic writing session that I will be doing the next day evening, so the Unsundered will come over, Fandaniel, Mitron & Loghrif and Nabriales. so those are 7, they will talk about themselves and about 1 other. Elidibus will talk about Altima, Lahabrea about Igeyorhm. Emet-selch about Azem (defector). Mitron about Halmarut, Loghrif about Pashtarot, Fandaniel about Deudaplon and Nabriales about Emmeroloth. If it somehow doesn't work out we will try the next day and then it has to be done. And we will see if we can get new information about the convocation crystals this way. Lahabrea may take the lead for writing unless the other are just a strong. (gained a yes)

About the sex with him (Eli), it's not that he needs it (unlike some living men to de-stress and such) but he does like it. And he doesn't mind if I am not in the mood, or no time etc. he would like to have sex after work lol, but it’s not that he needs it like a living person to de-stress. I really like this. because I often had I would disappoint him. (gets a no)

And we talked about, I will lose weight if I keep myself on the intermittent fasting diet. ( and yes I lost a couple of Kilos but the summer is being an ass, standing still)




2h long sort of Automatic writing session with 7 members of the convocation (unsundered, mitron, loghrif, nabriales and fandaniel). Automatic writing is not my strongest. Perceiving info through the mind is stronger tbh. It was homework I had for my channelling classes xD. Each member will tell a bit of a member that isn’t present.

Here is the information they shared:


Convocation stones

What I know so far. They are used to preserve memories and every convocation member has one.


Does anyone here want to share more?

Laha: they were first introduced when I was younger, before (current) Elidibus. Eric was already born.

Constellations came later

We were notified that we could store memories in tiny crystals, much like the concept crystals. We didn't use them much in the beginning, that wasn't until later. Mine was blue but made a red one for Hesphaistos at the moment I crystallized him. Which I later destroyed to become my whole self again.

After I stored memories of the final days in it, and who I was before. Yet the memories of Pandaemonium were also in there. I read those back after the sundering, causing me to go insane. I lost it.

Eric was given one from me to send forward his message to the possible future if there was any.


Me: what about igeyorhm?


Laha: she is my cousin yes, she kept me in check when I split myself. Bickering about what I did was dangerous etc. Memories of who she was pre-sundering were stored in hers during the final days. Igeyorhm was around my age, a family soul bond we had. Often we looked like a married couple yes.

Emet: Azem stones were unique like every azem. I created yours before the defector left. I kept the defector one for when she would return, but alas. I couldn’t give you her’s. she was special to me and wasn’t ready to pass the crystal to you. So the one I gave you early on, became your convocation crystal.

the previous Emet-selch didn't use the stone. I was the first to actually use it for memories.

Eli: Altima was very creative in arts, music, singing, and culture. She made the most beautiful paintings. Leader of festivities when they were held.

my stone I preserved memories before I sacrificed myself. Memories of my youth, so I could remember my name. after the sundering, I was blinded by temperance from Zodiark that I didn't want to confront the memories again to be forgotten later on. So I refused to take a peek at the result forgetting my name. Memories of you were also in there, hence why I also forgot about you in the first place after we couldn't find you back

Nabriales: ability to control the flow of time, making it faster or slower. Quite handy for some projects that require time to develop, like hatching an egg for example. I couldn’t do big events like the final days. Just minor things like letting a chick hatch from his egg. But this ability wasn’t why I was holding the seat. I was a martial champion in fighting with bare hands and magic.

Emmeroloth was a friend, well love interest at first, but she didn’t wanna. She was very upon herself and busy being the doctor and nanny of the convocation, very obsessed with her work.


( I forgot to ask but I take it Zio came later in his ancient life ;) )


Mitron: I was a woman yes, the guy in SHB was my last incarnation before becoming an ascian. So yes Loghrif and I were what you call a lesbian couple.

A yes halmarut, the very fanatic authority of plant life. Creating the most complicated design for plants, but much more diverse than all the shark concepts people made haha. He tended the land by hand, and everyone declared him crazy for not using magic. Yet this brought him into the convocation. Being a hard worker and having knowledge of plant life.

Loghrif: Gaia is not my real name, I am the Source shard you speak with. Gaia in the game is still alive. As you know I am an authority on animal life, well creations that are approved. I was often found in Elpis to set out approved animals in the world and to keep their track for a while to be sure they would survive. Mitron does not talk much, mitron debates with people on how to deal with sea creatures and how to pass their territory per boot without problems. And disputes between sea/aqua creations when arguing.

Pashtarot, aye more or less the lawyer of the convocation but more likely as a police officer who makes sure you stick to the rules on laws that have been written. He is reasonable and willing to debate if you don’t agree with certain rules. Also willing to help if you are uncertain about what to do with laws or rules that are unclear in your situation.

Fandaniel: thank you for having me. As Amon as proud as I was…. made also grief mistakes. And I see them now well after I got defeated. Meteion was a mistake in the end. I didn't know and I should have known when she turned black. But I was desperate to know more about alien life forms so I ignored that completely. I'm not as I was in ancient times. Unlike the others of the Convocation, I changed a lot. Being overseer of life at Elpis wasn’t easy as you saw in Endwalker. And it destroyed me deep inside when a creation needed to be unmade. Pandaemonium was for way more ferocious beasts than the ones on Elpis that were not fit for the wildlife.

Deudaplon was the architect of housing, the late amaurot as you see in-game was designed by her. The spires were designed in such a way of creating electricity. She also invented a lot of other things.

When you merged with the phoenix from Lahabrea I wasn’t a member yet. I heard it from you when you became 1 of us. I found that fascinating.

Laha: constellations were an invention. These were different from what you see in the game. Yes, simply re-arranged Earth constellations as Etheirys was closer to Earth Long ago. Constellations on the stones came to be when my son was a teen. roughly 15 years, before Pandaemonium events. Yes, you were just born at that time. Constellations were determined on the number of the Seat in the order of the months of Etheirys. It has nothing to do with whether we were born in that month or not.

Eli: aye, the 13th is the moon as well, the 14th sun. so I had only 1 predecessor. Before him, the Elidibus seat didn’t exist. So”I” was added later and became the 13th seat. Same with Azem, Venat was the first Azem. I was referred as the moon rather than Ophiuchus. And so Azem became the sun. The 13th month of Etheirys had 2 constellations, we just picked 1 of them that was suitable for the seat.



March 27th


Hehehe. Julia Cannon is visiting our classes today! She is the daughter of Dolores Cannon.

We are allowed to ask questions so I gonna ask this:


Me: I have a question for Julia Cannon. What is her view on certain fantasy stories that can be from another planet? And that spirits from that planet imprint into the developer's mind to produce a game story, movie, series or other media.

lirc in a Dolores book a client said the Star Wars story was from a distant galaxy. Just to name one outside my own.

Triona: That will be an interesting answer Remember this is focusing on channelling though

Me: Well it is about channelling the information from those spirits right? Even though the developers might be not conscious know where they got the inspiration from.

Triona: Go for it!



Jeannie was the one mentioning all the questions to Julia about what people asked for. So here is the transcribe of the relevant pieces.


 (My real name will be edited to Ayane)


Jeannie: so we got some questions and Ayane was very excited about this question. So it will be a very funny response I think. She wanted to know if certain fantasy stories could be from another planet and that spirits from that planet imprint it in or somehow they get it in, like for instance Star Wars. Is there truth behind some of these fantasies and are they from other Worlds?


(Julia nodded during the whole question)


Julia: I totally believe so. That's why if you look at the first Convoluted Universe book. Mom’s book. If you look at that book, what she first discovered “I have access to this information" didn't know what it was, or how it related to every person. But it's like "Here is this wealth of all this information" and so she was like "What do you wanna know” ok, “I guess I wanna know everything”. So that when she started looking into things, like myths and theology, she loved all that stuff. So she is asking about all these soul stories and divine "Was there truth behind them" and every single one of them, Yes.  and over the years they were shifting and changing but if you look at the very basis of it, there is truth. So I look at these things and say yes. Because I got a little background story of some of them like Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, he was the writer the creator. In the very beginning when my mother was on a speaking tour circuit. She knew there was a famous channeler - can't remember her name - she would go under full trance channelling and that she completely doesn't remember anything. He was renting a room for her, ya know laid back she was during this and so He was getting all this information and he later came out with the Star Trek series and all these different things and that was the stuff she was channelling, Ok. she got upset later because she didn’t get credited for, but that will give you an idea these things are based in something they based on real things. And when you look at some of these things, it’s like come on that not for a stretch anymore of the imagination to think that these things could be happening, could happen sometime in the future or are already happening. I mean I am watching the whole Marvel Universe stuff right now. And that’s amazing to me, that – I mean some of that I am like, it has got to be, they read my mother's books or they know of it something. because there are a lot of things in there ya know. When you watch some of these, look at them, they are like, they get their information from somewhere. Ok so you may think well, that futuristic, that's fantastic or whatever. Fantasy….who are we to say ya know. That's 1 of the reason we do sessions to find these things that are real. (nodded). It’s history, not the truth we were taught but it's a history.

Me: may I say something?

Julia: (nodded) yes

Me: yes? Um well I asked this because I am experiencing this with a certain game

Julia: ok

Me:  called Final Fantasy 14, that story is for 76% correct on what happened on my home planet

(Julia keeps nodding)

Me: it’s a massive story and I gained information that is not even in the game. Certain events that are not being spoken or details, anything and I already got 2 books about it.

Julia: there you go. Ya know, they wanna say, to sell it as fantasy and that’s the correct way to do it, because then they can get it through. There are some books that authors couldn’t get published as long they held it as a true story, the only way to get it published was to say it was fiction. Just know that some publishers just couldn’t deal with the information, they are like; no, the public will never buy it. So they had to sell out. ya know they got the information that was the main thing, the only way they could do it was to say it was fiction. So bear that in mind.

Me: yeah yeah I see. I was able to give my books to the creator of the game during an event in October and I was super excited I managed to do that.

Julia:  yeah that’s fantastic, really cool. So that there tells you a lot right there doesn’t it?

Me: yes

Julia: I feel like, the games especially. the movies and the games they are preparing us. They are showing it to us that, ya know we will be better to be able to accept different things as they are happening. That these are real. because otherwise we like it's just make belief. But we have been exposed to it, just like the E.T. movie. We are exposed to it so it won't be such a foreign concept when it's actually happening. It's like go yeah it's just like the movie, just like the show. Ofcourse it is. We get sensitized to the idea that it could happen. It’s just ya know, they have to do things for flavour and for ya know shizzle. So that's where they get the draw amount of all those different things in there, but that's up for each and every one of us how we want to create that for ourselves

(Julia and I nodding)

Julia: yeah really cool.

Jeannie: really amazing she thought to receive some information of her home planet, and I think it's really cool that it came in and opened in this lifetime for her

Julia: Absolutely


March 30th


so far watching the Pokemon anime. Amethio (yes the Pokemon version of a teenage Emet) cooperated with a battle against shiny rayquaza. afterwards, Liko thanked him, with a somewhat begging to stay with them when he was about to leave, he gave a grump and left anyway. yup, I called it earlier in the chat with TK. He will definitely join the good side. like Emet did in Shadowbringers. and eventually entering "paradise/Rakua" (what they are searching for) together > Amaurot lol.

also, the top-level bad guy where Amet works for, the one who shows himself as a purple crystal ( cough zodiark cough) was shown. guy with white hair and a shiny Zygarde 10% as his side


remember that fanart from Elidibus has shiny zygarde ultimate form?

I swear Pokemon used that, I am certain of it.

My reply to the Twitter post

Pokemon must have seen this art. as with the lastest episode (45) they showed the main villian, (which every Explorer works for) with white hair and a shiny Zygarde 10%”


so we have found Zodiark/Elidibus in Pokemon now finally lol. no face reveal yet, only hair from the side of the face. like at the end of EW with Themis.

ah yes, he mentioned Lucius as that the adventure isn't over yet. Lucius is the ancient adventurer and a heavy hint to Azem. (I have a feeling Liko is the re-incarnated Lucius)


Themis and Azem went on adventures in the past yup.

Jezzah: That's actually pretty cool tbh.

Me: Ikr!


(well yeah later this guy made a cameo again but he is apparently the grandpa of Amethio. I get a twisted mindfuck of that. So Amethio is like Teen Emet and at the same time Varis? While the “grandpa" has power over that huge purple crystal??? Zodiark? I am so confused here lol, we will see what brings in the future!

though an interview with Yoshi happened at Gamescom talking about a multiverse AU where Emet could have the Elidibus role and he was the one to be Zodiarks core. OMFG Pokemon still made sense?!)


Another chit-chat with Venat.

I asked her if she was the one who reacted to the Flow song I shared in my practice group. And she was. And I asked if she could get back into my dream and bring along our children from Elidibus and me. And she said she could do that. (thus nothing happened yet alas)

 Or let’s say at least try.

I also asked what I was like as kiddy Ancient and I was very free-spirited she said, always tried to fly.

I asked if I ever played with Meteion, and got a no at that. I haven’t been to Elpis before I was a convocation member. I only got there when I was a member


then I asked, when I ask linala to get you to help me sleep I usually get the answer she is busy, but this she is really busy with stuff. So I asked with what.

Venat: it’s too difficult for a human brain to understand

Me: something with protection maybe?

Venat: yes protection. 

I left it at that.


Dreams of march

Some have extra info or explanations


March 8th


so at the end of the dream, there was some kind of performance and Venat was singing through a speaker. a small radio it seemed. it was a song that was emotionally quite similar to Flow. but some of the lyrics of the song were addressed to me.

I sang along with the song because I apparently knew the lyrics. softly so that the people behind me who were doing the background music were not disturbed.

but anyway at the end of the song she changed the rhythm to a part of the Titanic. when she was done:

Me: that's the titanic.

Venat (through the radio, she heard me) laughed.

I think it was about Etherys in any case.

the dream continued for a little while. Apparently, I was suddenly home and repeated what had happened to my ex. and was emotionally devastated because there were things in the song directed at me. what he said I don't remember.

then I woke up


March 9th


it was a weird dream. something about st. Nicolas and making cake, and an earthquake that supposedly happened in the past.

somewhere on a boat, there was supposed to be Lahabrea and I asked invisible Eli if that was the real one when I saw him.

Me: is that the real Lahabrea?

Eli pushed me down as in "no"

I walk towards him.

Me: are you the real Lahabrea?

Laha: yes.

Me: Elidibus says no.


he got angry and disappeared.

here came a weird part about grabbing a note from the water and the boat that was moving weirdly. In the end, I didn't get the note. when I gave up I was off the boat shortly after, well it stopped acting weird. I went to the front and saw Lahabrea in ascian robes standing at the bow of the boat.

Me: is that the real one?

Eli said yes.

Me: Lahabrea, Elidibus says you are the real one. Laha: (in his actual voice) Thank you.


he had a glyph on but my dream world distorted it into a different shape of what it was supposed to be. (but I didn't know that until I woke up and asked Laha).

I asked Laha in the dream if I could see the glyph so I could remember what it looked like. somehow it ended up on a piece of fabric but deformed again.

then he was gone.

I came ashore and woke up.


I spoke to Eli first about this, and this time it was he who answered. Until now that has not been the case.

he wasn't sure if the first one was Lahabrea or not, but the 2nd encounter was.

later I asked if Lahabrea could come for further details. the last one was him, the first one wasn't. he noticed an imposter and then came into my dream (even though he was working). the glyph was a distortion of the dream realm. Glyphs are still pretty much the same as in-game.

details about the ascian robes he was wearing. the armour was black, wings and shoulder armour were missing, and markings on the back were missing or were so dark that I could not see them. circle between the wings was also missing.

Eli says that the markings on the back of the robes of the others are gone, but he (eli) still has them as an emissary.


March 19th

Playful Fourchenault


this dream went from my ex, my mother and me to Fourchenault’s childhood memory.


my ex drove around the block, the original intention was to run after him.

Me: yeah no, I'm not going to do that in my pajamas.

but he drove on.

mom: I wouldn't do that either, shouldn't he be back already?

Me: last time he also went all the way around (around the entire neighbourhood)

Mom: oh yeah, that's way too far.


then suddenly I was with a bunch of kids and we were going to prank my ex. As soon as he came, we signalled to each other by turning the lights on and off. (it was dark) . I mentioned his license plate to someone who wrote it down.

after that I signaled again with someone on the other side that a car was coming

kid: was that him?


I looked after the car and saw a different license plate.

Me: no it's a different one


then suddenly I had a toy cart full of marshmallow-like cakes. the intention was to throw them at my ex, but the subject of using them changed immediately. it would be that Fourchenault was very mischievous as a child and liked to tease but in a nice way. and was popular with the children he would play with at the time.

while someone was pulling the cart I was also in it and had become a child myself, about 8 years old I think. I kneaded the cakes, I didn't realize that they were actually too hard, too dense so to speak. the person pulling the cart walked around the corner to the left and everyone shouted "playful Fourchenault" several times. as a childhood reminder of him.

then he came outside.

F: none of these are all wrong, they are like moulted volcanoes.

Alisaie came walking with better marshmallow cake.

Alisaie: maybe this one is alright?

hers was indeed a lot stickier, which was the intention. I took it from her.

Fourchenault was on his knees on the ground and I stood next to him and grabbed some mallow and put it in his face.

Alisaie did the same I think. Ameliance was also there on the left side of him. My piece fell off his face and the kids screamed again "Playful Fourchenault!"

I grabbed a new piece and put it between his eyes.

he looked stunned.

F: EH?!

alisaie wanted to stick something on me now too but her piece turned into chocolate. which she almost fed me. I opened my mouth so she couldn't smear it on my face but then I woke up.


strange I asked my higher self for a memory of pre-sundering and got this.

what turned out is that throwing marshmallows is something he often did as a child with a large group of children, this was reenacted.

I don't know if this has anything to do with him as an ancient or the current him or if it has anything to do with ancient life at all. maybe it has nothing to do with what I asked. but interesting such a random character and what he did as a child. he, ameliance and alisaie also didn't change appearances, so maybe it was an event that really happened? make Fourchenault's childhood memories come alive? will we ever find out in-game (or side story)? that would be nice.


March 22nd


Now I gonna say this upfront. Everything Yoshi does/says in this dream was probably to jest me with things. Despite the shocking thing he says near the end it is not meant serious in the slightest even though I will redact to be sure. So don't think of weird things that are not there tyvm.


I was with my ex at a game presentation, not sure if it was FFXIV but I think so. while watching my ex got some food. a delicious Japanese kind of small poke bowl with salmon. it tasted like different salmon sushi together and was delicious.

after the presentation, I wanted another one, but it would mess up my eating rhythm for intermittent fasting.

Me: well, screw that for 1 time.

I walk to the bar, and Yoshi walks out of the kitchen.

Me: oh Yoshi!


but unlike the other times, he spoke completely Japanese. and I didn't understand a word of it. he did try to speak a little English.

Me: I'm sorry I don't understand Japanese.

yoshi: no Nihongo? (or something like that, that indicates "Japanese" language).


(I swear I had to look up Nihongo, for typing this out, but that was pretty much the word he used or similar, something with Nihon at least).


Me: no only English.

Yoshi: (something in Japanese) inglish?

Me: yes, wait translation app exists.

Yoshi: Japanese apps.

Me: yes let me grab my phone.

somehow my phone was on a table behind me. I picked it up and downloaded the app. Once done, Yoshi had fun saying some random things.

it translated to: to create a hole, the melee DPS bear smacked down the other Melee bear.

Me: XD Oh it doesn't translate the other way around (so only English to Japanese).

Yoshi: no?

Me: no I don't see how.


suddenly he kissed me, just a short one, but it landed on my lips as I turned my head. O-o.

Me: Yoshi omg what are you doing!


he laughed and said something in Japanese.

it probably doesn't mean anything of what it normally means.

I looked at him with big eyes like WTF you got a wife.


he was obviously having fun with it.

and did it again.

Me: Yoshi you got a wife

then suddenly we were on a riding chair next to each other he held my he.

Yoshi: [redacted] wife?

Me: WHAT?!!!!

Yoshi: hahaha


he was jesting me, I am sure of it.

the riding chair drove further into the room and then I woke up.

he felt like a friend, but no affection or anything. he was clearly teasing me lol.


If it was really him, he certainly had fun with it, since it was already daylight in Japan, perhaps his higher self? but considering that could also mean I'll talk to him again in the future and Gamescom still exists ;) yeah, I think this was just a message that I will speak with him again. And game presentations? Yeah, that screams Gamescom.


Funnily enough, I tried to go with a friend to Gamescom (while I completely forgot this dream already) but most tickets were already sold out. And by the time my friend knew he could come. The last evening tickets were sold out. But there is still next year! Which will be better since then I will most likely have the next books ready to give to Yoshi. Since I want to give those to Julia Cannon as well 1 month before Gamescom already ;) yes gonna meet her in person including my mentor and fellow practitioners on an Iceland retreat cruise :P (and yes that cost me a lot of money)





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