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My Ascian Journey Chapter 44: Channel practices and tiny lore dumps. (April 2024)

April 3rd


Before the breakout group happened for practice we had a meditation.

I gained a bit of back info when Lahabrea came to earth

Laha: a couple of years before FF1"

me: how many?

Laha: about 5

me: so 1982?

Laha: yes,... about that.

Me: but you didn't immediately go for FF1 then right? What did you do on earth?

Laha: to see what I could do on Earth in using my powers despite the limitations. And so FF happened later.


So I asked Venat when she came here to find me.

Venat: I was curious where you went. And followed your trace and it ended on Earth. You weren't born yet. (but my bio mom was pregnant) since then I watched over you despite me being the mother crystal


This was a practice session with Filip from my channelling classes, and somehow I was expecting to get him as a practice partner well, I asked Venat who was with me. Because we were chosen randomly by our teacher there is no way to say which one I would get. So when I got I was like. “give me Filip" and I got him.

You see fillip is very interested in the FFXIV story but has no time to play video games in general, he is a music teacher at a school and a QHHT practitioner iirc. So I bombarded some lore vids iirc and the best songs like Flow, close in the Distance and To the Edge earlier in March but he didn't watch the music vids until after classes.

Me: hahaha I was like "Give me filip" and I got Filip

Filip: I forgot to tell you at the beginning. I was so overwhelmed by the cord-cutting, I will get to the music I promise. I am actually excited for it, the whole fantasy thing. And plus we match.

(held up a printed Angemon and Angewoman  from Digimon, which he showed earlier in class)

Me: yes I thought I was like, hmmm I found another one.

Filip: Yeah.

Me: just a different anime, but ok.

Filip: I had a feeling, I swear I had a feeling.

Me: hmm let's say my mother from ancient times so from my home planet. She is with me here now too. And some months ago I asked her "What about Pokemon” ya know.

Filip widened his eyes and grabbed a pillow behind him with a Pokemon print from 1999 on it.

Filip: OMG!

Me: hahahhaha, it isn’t an existing planet but an alternate dimension of Earth created by the fans.

Filip: wow

Me: and it came into existence. So that might be the case of Digimon as well.

Filip: wow I am getting chills

Me: because it’s true

Filip: that’s amazing, that’s wonderful. Ok, let's do this who wants to go first? I will let you decide.

Me: you

Filip: I will go first? In the way of like channelling?

Me: yes

Filip: okay. (huge smile of "omg how" hands covering his mouth lol), okay but bear with me.

Here he started also to record this session on his phone.

At the moment Filip started and had his eyes closed. The teacher Triona peeked in, to check how we were doing. XD but left after  1 minute while Filip was still getting into it.

Filip: they are standing behind me, let see what they wanna say. May sound blatant or, okay I am just gonna say it. We want you to chill we want you to be relaxed and also right now, everyone into the zone as well we want you to take deep breaths right now. We want you to be comfortable in this realm, in this costume, in this play. We want you to be safe, we want to remind you that you are. We want you to chill in the light. We want you to remember how you were as a kid, we want you to feel into that headspace right now in life, and we want you to keep writing. We want you to sing. I am seeing you dance, like a lot of dancing, when you dance you get ideas. I am sensing somebody else kind of, maybe it’s the mother, getting emotional.

Venat via Filip: I want you to remember that you will always be my baby, that you are your own baby to cradle yourself as you would your Pokemon.


Filip: we want you that In case there is any doubt, we all want you to chill. When you feel hot inside we want you to turn to the sea, but like the sea inside yourself. I am asking how. By spreading your wings, so not only to visualize the circle around you which is like electric. So not just the circle but the wings made out of light they are almost like metal. Just reminding you that how powerful they are, nothing can touch you. Not even yourself. In a sense those anxious episodes. In a sense like little waves. We want you to visualize a white sea. I feel like you are getting a lot of healing tools. If you do feel anxious calm the waves because you are the sea. We want you to relax into the sea, of the sea of yourself. We want you to write about the sea, you see? I see letters, "you" and "Sea”, maybe that will mean something later. I don't know when it was the last time you were bathing in the sea, but you should definitely do that, to take a trip just for yourself. By yourself you will get new chapters, not just chapters for the book, but chapters of your life. There is much more coming like a lot of light, books. Omg, you are really powerful. Again you, me, all of us, yumi, I am shaking. … when you are shaking bath in the sea of yourself all is well. I am getting a message I should share the mantra that I am using, basically on a daily basis. I will write it down later; The light of love surrounds me. The light and love enfold me. The power of love protects me. The presence of love watches over me wherever I am love is, and all is well 3x. That is the sea you see? You and me, yumi. That is definitely the end, and now they are clapping for us.

So here we talked about what he channelled I thought it was also things for himself that were mixed. In. he explained the yumi (you, me) thing. The message is for both of us as we have some synchronies going on. And he asked me if I would go on a trip with the sea. I must tell him how that goes.

Filip: I saw you writing there, so you were writing on a beach

Me: maybe later, type in Venat in Google.

Filip:  I see, I definitely felt it had long hair

And he explained how his visuals work, he isn’t very sure if he “saw” her appearance but more or less felt it.

Now it was my turn, despite not getting that much as he did. Venat forwarded that he need to take some for himself aside from his work. And well try playing FFXIV. She was very positive he would like that.

Filip: I don’t make time to play games, so yeah, I should

Me: I will check if I can get some more

Laha: yes, hi, I am Lahabrea, the other one who is with her right now. I agree with venat that you should make time to do the things you want to do or try, in this case, to play Final Fantasy. I will let Emet-selch check if you are from Etheirys, to see to make certain Venat isn't jesting.

Me: TY

Laha: you’re welcome. It’s important to take time aside for yourself. Not just to play video games but also for yourself. That is important for you. Do not lose track of yourself by your work or music. Something else that you really wanted to do all this time, that’s my message for you.

Filip: that does resonate, it definitely resonates, and I am working on it, kind of. For sure, I am building the energy for it. To make the energetic space to go into that timeline. So this is like a teaser, like a push in the right direction, so thank you.

Me: haha you’re welcome

After the training he send me the recording of this session and listen to all the music and such I send him over the previous days.

Filip: I just finished. The music videos are so great, it definitely does feel like FINAL FANTASY lol kinda of made me nostalgic for childhood too. The piano (which is my instrument) is amazing, the opera singing and all.. so nicely put together and perfect before sleep (11pm almost lol) so dreamy, I love the vibes, thanks for sharing. No wonder it resonates with so many.. the views and subscribers are very telling

Me: hahah wonderful i knew you would like it.

Filip: The sea that I mentioned resonated with this lol

Me: owwwwwwwwwww the eternal sea


April 5th

Channel practice session with Lahabrea

I asked him about the phoenix and such. And I merged with his creation, and he made a new one after. And with the new one, the merged roaming soul happened from the "Through his eyes" story.

I asked him for a memory he has from me being his student at an early age before Emet. And he made a fireball in his hands and I tried to copy it I was like 6yo or something. He teaches me how to use fire magic. 

What I gonna say now, I don't know if this is true what he told me but technically transforming physically into the phoenix as in FF16 is possible. But my body will die as a result.  And I would remain a phoenix and won't be visible to others. But it uses such an enormous power that I do not hold within my body right now. And probably will not get there either. So if you have the power it should be possible in this world, but the power needed is unimaginably large to do so. So technically with that power, you would be breaking all the veils. That's what I got on this. I would remain a phoenix if I choose to I can stay in phoenix mode, but if I want to go back to normal I can't, to die and pass on I would need to turn myself to ash and choose not to rise again. But I will remain human in spirit but my shape would be phoenix then. But yeah I want to go with Elidibus.

I said I want to go phoenix mode and throw over the governments and shit and free mankind kind.

He was a little bit silent for a moment

Laha: like every Azem

I also asked about the 24h physical manifestation spirits and especially E.T. souls can do. They prefer not to do that, they are afraid it will create some havoc or fear from the person even if they trust a certain person. The world is not ready for them to see physically. To manifest themselves they need to use a huge amount of energy to do so. And they are afraid it goes wrong.

Lahabrea said that Elidibus will try to do a 24h manifestation once but he is not certain IF he really is gonna do that or if that was just an idea.

I asked if he could awaken the phoenix inside of me, but he said the phoenix was sleeping. So nothing happened lol. Later tried again while doing Sitting in the power mediation. I felt some power coming up not nothing big, very subtle.

I asked about TK and the distant world tickets she still hadn’t paid me for yet. He didn’t say much about it. But he will help me sell the tickets to other people. And he told me she needs to practice more by contacting to other members like I do with him now. 

And there was 1 more thing, but I flatly forgot what it was about.


7 April recording channel practice

Me: yes. Good go ahead Eli. have a message for me?

Elidibus: aye, let me get something. (pause) All right yes this is time-limited. You will always be azem, always.

You know already so much I don't really have any messages right now

I cannot tell what I want to tell because I don't want others to know. You know that.

Me: I know.

Eli: Keep on the Keto like you're doing now, the intermittent fasting.

Works good for you to keep doing that, yes.

You need to walk outside more. But you know that already.


I made a "neh neh" sound and he laughed.


Eli: it will be better at channelling me and the others just like Julia (in thoughts I answered "Really?"), yes. Not in hearing but imprinting thoughts and speaking through the ability right now. Yes, you will be better at it. I'll try to contact Filip. If he's ready. he doesn't need to play Final Fantasy 14 for that.

If he's willing to receive me I can do that. Though I am not always available, you know that. (Unfortunately, Fillip wasn't interested in that I came to know later )

Me: I know.

Eli: that he does resonate a lot. I can channel through him if he wants to.

Watch your money with the Pokemon cards, please. It's been good now you have spent already enough and stop doing it.

There was an interruption of loud noises my Ex created.


Me: that was annoying. You there honey?

Eli: Yes. I got disrupted by the noise

Me: Why is he making so much noise

Eli: well you're getting distracted over that, that's the whole problem

Me: do you have further messages for me pls. or the world.

Eli: don't let the politics get crazy to your head. Don't make you go crazy like your ex does.

Me: I know

Eli: Good

Me: I love you.

Eli: I love you too. I am not sure if my whispering gets recorded.

Me: we will see. Do you want me to do another training after this one?

Eli: depends on what then maybe yes. Maybe.


Here I asked something with thoughts, but I don't recall what.


Eli: for all the others who will read this

Me: but do they already know? I'm not sure if everybody read those documents. (referred to the story of Etheirys doc I shared in the WhatsApp group once)

Eli: No only a few. For what to say what I was about to say. Not many would understand.

Me: Believe it's only through your notes, listening to that,

Eli: true, reading in this case.

Me: yeah

Eli: you can do this without having music in the background. You're improving gradually.

Me: Thank you any other convocation members want to say anything?

Eli: I can ask.

Me: please do.

Eli: they're busy. They don't have time right now. Sorry.

Me: hytholodeus then. Or mom.

Eli: no. No, not available. you did well,

Me: thank you.

Eli: You should practice this more Yes. You can do this perfectly on your own.

Well, now I'm here for a full day or longer. Please do this every evening when I'm over so we can talk.

Me: good I will unless I go to bed late.

Eli: then you need to go to bed earlier

Me: you're right.


Eli laughs.


Eli: leave it at this honey, this is fine. This is good enough. Yes, it's good enough.

Me: Okay,


April 12th


Unpacked an ETB with Eli just now.

The top 2 were yes to ultra rare.

Middle maybes

Bottom no's


He is good xD



A Twitter post from someone


"Sorry to FFVII on a FFXIV account but it's related I swear.


With Calamity being involved in [Rebirth things], Rejoining  is absolutely on the table for the third game's subtitle.”


My reply: “7th umbral calamity from the other side incoming!”


And slowly we get confirmation of what we already knew. The other ff games are shards.

Funny shoebill is considered from another planet. I asked eli but a shoebill exists on Etheirys as well. So do we have our answers on that one?



April 13th

Interestingly, due to a tweet from Alisaie's VA, I left a comment they should do a time skip with the twins having kids.

I just asked eli and they actually have kids on their own. Since they are 42ish on Etheirys (in Etheirys years counted)

But also with a secondary thought about the future game engine. Like ffxiv-2 that will involve a huge timeskip making almost the time linear to where they are now on Etheirys, maybe with some years off. And with that time skip they can make a second ffxiv on the new engine.

Funny because elidibus confirmed this would happen in 12-13 years.

But while making the follow-up ffxiv story they keep the old story in as well so you don't need to double-sub. Because the world remains the same.


April 14th

Training with Sarah M

After some things, she picked up from my childhood.

Sarah: I see you as someone who can be very inspiring for those who are different. I think you can give a lot of hope by saying it’s ok to be different, it’s ok to express who you are, it’s ok to be lonely, it’s ok to say what you think. It’s a lot of high vibrational souls coming through, they are different. These are star seeds that look for guidance trying to adapt to the (fingerquote) “normal”. And they're getting that's not why they are here for. They getting sucked in the low vibrational density, like Instagram, TikTok, etc. I feel you can be a beacon of hope to so many people, let them explore more who they actually are, and that’s why they are here. And they need guidance and you can do that.

Me: it's very funny you say that because when I write about my home planet that is related to the game I play. I have various readers and they don't contact me, but keep reading. And a few I did have conversations with, and they were very happy they found my journal. Because those are either or from my home planet or close to it or anything related.

Sarah: yeah those are star seeds they are from another planet. But there are a lot of people that are lost and they don't know where to turn to. And you can be that person. You will be that person.

She showed me a picture on her phone saying “Be you, the world will adjust”

Sarah: I think you know, but just embrace your uniqueness cause people who are star seeds will in a unique way gravitate towards you. Because you are so unique.

Me: nice :D

She also mentioned that I need to go to the forest more, literally everyone saying that. Including my sleep doctor to sleep better lol

Then it was my turn

I was able to get some things correct about her. She searched long for guidance before she got to Triona. She liked school as a kid/teenager and as a child, she was always in her own world etc. though I wasn't able to get a lot like she did with me. She said that even Triona had trouble reading her. So yeah she is hard to read. I named a couple of things about her childhood but she couldn't remember. Eventually, the time ran out for the Zoom call (only free for sessions of 40min)


Me: ahhhhh a sister of mine is going to play FFXIV now. (not the one who channelled elidibus, that one needs a correct X box first)

Jezzah: I 100% firmly believe the Shoebill that follows us in SHB is Emet

He's keeping an eye on us

Also, my fiancé and hopefully my BFF are also getting into FFXIV. I just need a new laptop. I've been playing Star Wars the Old Republic lately.

The Plasma place where I'm moving apparently pays more per donation so, because I don't have to struggle, I can save up a few hundred for a decent modern gaming setup.

Also, getting the Digital Collector's Edition of Dawntrail


I left a voice message that we were busy for 3h to figure out the controls of PS5. Since I am a pc player I couldn't help out much.


April  17 & 18th

Dm's with TK on Twitter

Me: hey TK, I had a small talk with lahabrea during my channel practice at a meditation we were doing. Is it true you are so busy with things that you forget to practice? And I mean not just talking to Lahabrea, but actual practice like meditation, automatic typing etc. he is a bit disappointed you don't take time to practice.

TK: I have been practicing. I have a friend who makes necklaces with materials in them to be used for meditation, I have been working on using those to see if they have helped. I have honestly been trying to meditate during crafting in Xiv.

Me: Maybe he meant more actual practices like I do with my training? In this case automatic writing/typing for you. How is that going? And maybe he also meant trying to connect with other convocation members. Did you manage to do that? Let me know if those are the cases or not, or if he meant something else.

TK: Writing and typing is fine. I haven't been able to do the other thing.

Me: Ok I guess it was the latter.


April 21st

Fabs: been trying some new things while leveling my bard

Me: Nice. Did you have had any dreams lately?

Fabs: no sadly

Me: Too bad

Jezzah: The amount of disappointment I feel coming off this comment

Me: he can't help it that he doesn't get dreams. I don't have them that much either anymore.

I dream more about other things lately involving myself. Last night I dreamed about Amanda, me asking if she still has my books.

She answered yes. And then I asked if she would read them when she could.

And she answered, "ofcourse, it's really interesting".


I can only hope it was her higher self  <3


However, I forgot a question to ask her, namely if she wants a 3rd book from me of 2023. But when I tried to look for her, the dream strangely warped. People pretending to be her and said no. Eventually, I thought to had found her, but when I asked she changed to a young boy. Saying yes to everything of my questions. All I know is that if people change in dreams they aren't the real ones.


April 22nd


Me: Amaurot doormat

(The garlemald logo is present in Elpis in case you don't know)

Elidibus confirms that Azys la is where once Elpis was.


April 24th


Triona says some things about me. At the beginning and end of the practice session

First one

Triona: I quite like there is a big white beautiful pillar of light coming down, I like your power is very stable, so it’s nice but I also know you are not doing “in your power” I know that. Okay come on

Me: indeed I didn't do it in the last 2 weeks or so, I have been quite busy

Triona: I feel your power is stable and solid because you’re doing a lot of meditation and connecting a lot. But I still want you to do “in your power”

Then she continued the lessons about in your power etc.


The second one at the end

Triona: you are a transmission of light. No idea what it means, I heard these words. I also know you are going to do that and they said art, drawing and writing. Now I know you do, do you do that already or you really don’t?

Me: writing? Yes. Well yeah digital.

Triona: Art, writing and drawing, little symbols and galactic symbols this kind of stuff. So remember you are a transmission of light. So when you’re drawing you’re writing. You are not just drawing and writing, you will have an activation of memories and thoughts. Beautiful.

So yeah that were the 2 cents from Triona.


April 26th


Jezzah: I'm becoming more in touch with FFXIV and I realized that Emet and I are at a point where we're just going our separate ways right now. He says it's essential for growth. I guess my growth but eventually, I hope he comes back honestly. I need to focus on things in the physical realm before coming back to the spirit. With that said, I'm passing the f*ck out. He's right. I have too much going on right now. Massive changes are coming and I can't push forward until this massive change has concluded.

By passing out I mean bed, I'm going to bed. It's 3 in the fucking am.


Me: Owh, why don't you ask him if he will come back later...

And pls don't leave the group for this T-T

(30min later)

I had Venat over originally to help me sleep. So I asked her to ask Emet

This is pretty much what he said" She needs to work on herself in the physical realm, as soon as she gets everything on track again in her life I will come back"

Jezzah: Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I got. I'm not leaving the group at all. You can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with me now.

No refunds



April 29th


After activating the recording

Me: Eli are you still here.

ElI: yes I am still here

Me: let’s talk about the Twelve

Eli: yes, the constellations have nothing to do with them or vice versa, the symbols they have, have nothing to do with that.

Me: hmmm hmmm

Eli: they added that in the game to resemble the constellation of Earth, but that isn’t the case for Etheirys


ElI: no the watcher was a friend of Venat, it was never a lover, not one of our dad’s. Your phoenix comes from your side of the family, so your father.

Me: owhhhh what about Louisoix

Eli: oh right that was just an arcane entity, that wasn’t THE phoenix or a primal. It was bombarded in the game as a primal it was just his own arcane entity he created himself together with the tupsimati.

Me: ohhh

Eli: it’s not like, that you would change into the phoenix. That is something completely different on this one. He is not related to any of our families in ancient times.

Me: oh? Ok, did Emet-selch say that?

Eli: I just know, louisoix is not a family member from ancient times

Me: are you certain?

Eli: yes.

Me:  hmmm thought it would be funny and would declare a lot of the Leveilleur dreams.

Eli: no they have nothing to do with us. Not even their past lives

Me: but it's disappointing though, I thought it would be funny if Louisoix was actually a reincarnated grandpa from us or something.

Eli: hmmmm deceased maybe that I never knew of

Me: could you look into the records so far of family trees of ancient times?

Eli: yes I can do that, but I won't know during this session

Me: I will ask later then

Eli: at least it's not someone I knew. So yeah that. Maybe a deceased family member re-incarnated could be, but I do know that the phoenix he summoned was more an arcane entity than actually becoming the primal. As that is different from the game.

Me: ahhhhh

Eli: but it could be a family member ofcourse, father back family member, it is a possibility, yes. But so you know, the phoenix he became is not the primal as you are the one that is the Phoenix.

(In all honesty, I forgot to ask later, I just did now and a big no, he wasn't a family member)

Me: ahh thank you for that. Aidenin was busy?

Eli: yes, dealing with stuff, energy stuff

Me: you couldn’t get an object through me? (was the whole purpose of this training lol)

Eli: no sorry

Me: I am glad you can speak now

Eli: heheh. Hmm yeah that took a time, you need to meditate more, you have been lacking the past few weeks.

Me: I knowwww, I know.

Eli: (small laugh) You are doing well now at least. Took a little while, but yeah.

Me: what’s with the dynamic of Alphinaud being more likely you instead of Lahabrea

Eli: hahahahah yes they are like the counterparts of us and yet at the same time the same but in modern times

Me: do you have any info about that dream I had, which I told you that “playfull forchenaut”

Eli: I have no idea, seriously, maybe you were crawling into the skin of a family member of theirs some way or another and that was shown, that I all I can guess right now.

Me: hmmm yeah it's very odd. Can living characters accidentally go to Earth.

Eli: yes they can, in the dream world they can arrive yes

Me: willingly or accidentally?

Eli: both, because both our worlds are intertwined right now because of the game and we can exchange information with one another, just like that ya know. I mean it happens subconsciously and the characters you know from the game that are still alive can enter people's thoughts in the dream world or make them show visible. They don’t do much as the former like we do (the thoughts) it’s more in the dream world because they are still alive and they can’t influence that much. They are strictly limited to the dream world. It would be very rare for them to be ya know willingly astral travelling consciously to earth and do stuff. That’s very rare to happen. Though it happened a few times. y'shtola did it once and Ryne, not that I know any of it. 2 times.

Me: Was it Ryne that was with me?

Eli: no that was your higherself that answered in your favor. It was your higherself who pulled that card for moonie.

Me: ahhhhh so it was not Ryne

Eli: no ofcourse not, she did it once but that was after that.

Me: ohhh

Eli: And Yshtola did it once, and the rest I all via the dream world

Me: was Etheirys closer to Earth long long ago.

Eli: yes

Me: just yes?

Eli: well even further back than the 12000 Etheirys years ago. It goes wayyyyyy back, and was very close to the solar system of Earth. But due to the heavy impact of comic events got faster launched away and so the constellations were re-arranged, so yeah the constellations on the convocation stones were originally different ( so not the ones we have on Earth)

Me: ahhhh

Eli: but yeah still recognizable but some stars are in different places because the planet moved. That's what I read in the historical records of Etheirys.;

Me: ahhh, but the constellations were different shown from the game

Eli: yes slightly different (he meant some of them, not all)

Me: you said earlier, like a couple of months ago, that some constellations were left out

Eli: yes and no, some are like completely re-arranged, not recognizable as the old ones but still considered that one but it's not recognizable anymore, so in that manner, we have the same constellations but some are just re-arranged and some are completely different. Yet it comes down to the same fact of, while you have 12 constellations, 13 yes. Yeah, we also have 13. we have 13 months

Me: you said they weren’t linked to the birth months even months at all

Eli: correct we didn't base our calendar on where the sun is in the constellations, just the amount of days in a season and a month and not the constellations

Me: heh?

Eli: Haha, I will explain another time, or maybe just read back of the automatic writing, maybe then you will remember.

Me: ah yeah I think. My brain is getting overloaded, let me take a minute

Eli: Sure

In the last few minutes, we talked about the secret subject that I will not transcribe.

Eli: go to sleep honey, it’s bedtime

Me: ok.

Eli: sorry for the no symbols

Me: I did see stained glass, but that was not you?

Eli: no. Was it pretty?

Me: I don’t know what it was but uh I guess?

Eli: hahaha

Me: thank you I love you.

Eli: I love you too

Then we kissed and I stopped the recording.


April 30th


Stormy: So little update. I met Emet, and he was uhhh well annoyed it took so long xD but we talked though it was very brief, he said I need to train my mind more. I need to open myself up more. That I've become lazy in my spiritual practices. And lazy about my own growth. That I wouldn't get any answers until I start taking things a bit more seriously. So I started meditating more, started opening myself up more. I've been having Emmerololth help me but uhhhh well one weird coincidence happened.

I took on another partner romantically right? We have been talking for a few weeks and a kidnap just happened and this is where it got weird for me. She goes by Em as's short for Emily... But like. I don't have the heart to tell her that calling her Em is a bit strange for me lol meanwhile when Emmerololth found out she did nothing but laugh and tease me for it. -_-

But that's all that's new with me, just practicing on deepening my own connections and opening myself up to more.

Me: Ah ty for your update! But maybe call your new partner Emi instead? I mean that would work, right?


Me: XD


Dreams of April

April 4th

so I don't know how to describe this. At one point I was in a room with a restaurant, but also tables for work etc. I thought I was on Etheirys. At one point someone from Earth came right through the wall. He had luminous lifelines on his hands so I could see that he was from Earth, other people's lines I shouldn't be able to see. he was up to no good. It was some government leader.

Me: wait he's from my world, no that's not good.

I ran after him but then people came through a door. Eli in normal clothes, but a white shirt and quite muscular. Lahabrea was there too but in ascian robes and mask. I didn't pay attention to emet if he was there. I was soon focused on Eli and sitting next to him. he sat on a corner of a table so I couldn't sit next to him at first. He moved up a spot. First, an Emo version of Ino (naruto) tried to piss me off by sitting in that spot next to him.

Me: yeah I don't think so.


I grabbed her, I don't remember where. and Eli also helped push her off the stool. Then I sat next to him. he was doing some paperwork and I read a note on the table.


"if ever 1 of us gets dark, we will notice who they are as we once were dark as well."


Lahabrea sat across from us in ascian robes and mask.

Laha: it is true though.

Me: Ty lahabrea.


I stood up and didn't remember what I was going to do first. But later I checked lifelines that I called Laylines on people. But I could just see them. I walked to Eli.

Me: can I see your hand lay lines? I need to check something.

With a questioning look, he showed them.

 Me: huh I can see them, then what I saw before doesn't say anything. I can see my own as well. Normally you can't see them in dreams.

Eli smiled.

We kissed each other and then I woke up.


April 13th


So I was lying in a lounge chair somewhere in my dad's old house. And I saw stuff from Etheirys pre-sundering. Like a part of Etheirys was completely covered in light

me: huh? Pre-sundering. I really need to ask Eli if that's true.


I also saw Eli briefly putting on his glyph. And then it was about Pandaemonium. Monsters/creations were fought and there were more Ancients who helped with fighting. (possibly keywards) 1 of them was a dude with red hair and a goaty. Possibly related to Lahabrea/Eric. He had some kind of hunting sword with a curve in it.

I saw them go from one monster to another. The monsters were different than in-game. There were trees in Panda. After this part, I was in the story myself. First, it was about something random like selling my mother's scooter and other stuff. She needed money. Someone bought it but it turned out to be only 100€ more than what she expected. Then a tsunami came if I remember correctly. I was spontaneously in ancient robes from that point on. I held on to a railing to avoid being swept away by the water that receded after the tsunami to a certain extent. Then I came to a place where there was a dried-up lake and where there used to be a mansion. (it was called a castle)

the only thing that was left of that house was a staircase that later disappeared. Then I ended up in its past. It mixed a bit with earthly things like cars but I was younger, about 8 years old or so, and with 2 others who had also gone to the past. All 3 of us in ancient robes.

They went to that "castle" that strangely enough was next to a highway. (ignore that).

Those 2 others went first.

Me: if they can do it then I can do it too.

I climbed up from something, a hill with obstacles it seemed. I came to the highway and ignored the traffic lights because no cars were coming. Well 1 but that one went the other way. I arrived at that house and big stone balls rolled down from that house. The other 2 went up and I followed.

The house suddenly started sailing and we were stuck. Somehow I got locked out of the other 2 by the driver. I got Pokemon plushies from somewhere to give to those 2 but apparently, that wasn't allowed. I had to wait until we got to our destination. I cried and ate a candy stick or something.

Then the driver disappeared and we went outside.

Me: well this is the same place as before so this will all dry up later.

Ancient girl: yeah

me: but this is a swimming pool and those houses, look how old they are.

Girl: but we survived this.

Me: how? I assume when we were old enough we could hunt for food.

girl: confirming hum

then we went sailing to hunt. We sailed off that pool in a small boat and ended up in a river that was just as crystal clear as the pool.

Me: oh look fish.

We sailed towards the fish and I grabbed one with my hands right out of the water.

Me: can you eat this like that?

Boy: no idea.


I took a bite of the fish. The scales were crispy only the meat was a bit bitter.

Me: oh the scale is crunchy which is nice, but it's a bit bitter but doable.

I spit out the bite and then I woke up.


According to eli the extreme light pre-sundering + other nature elements that matched calamities elements were already present on Etheirys before the final days. But this was just normal and local and not literally like calamities. But it looked damn much like Lakeland from what I saw. So it must have been partly like that. (eli says yes) the Ancient that helped was a cousin of Eric. So Lahabrea had siblings (I get a yes). That cousin was older somewhere in his 30s or so. That girl ancient had chestnut brown hair, so slightly red with brown. I also related to Lahabrea.

That boy had black hair further, not a convocation family member.


April 25th


so there was a party going on and Estinien (with ponytail and Falkner's shirt) picked me up for the kitchen. I was apparently my character.

Esti: can you bake these burgers i can't get my head around this stove.

It was a gas stove. I didn't think about whether it was the real Estinien. He acted like it lol. estinien not knowing how those works was pretty logical XD.

I was apparently his ex-girlfriend here. I saw his head from the side for a moment, it didn't occur to me that his ears weren't visible because his hair fell over them. (are their ears really not that big?)

me: sure

somehow it was suddenly the gas stove on. A little boy with red curly hair wanted to stick his finger in the fire.

Me: oh no don't do that.

I picked him up and put his hands under the tap. And let water flow over it. Strangely enough that was apparently my son, not from Estinien lol, but it wasn't Quilitus either, very strange.

There was something else about the Ascians iirc. But I can't remember anything about it.


Anyway, it would explain a lot that the elezen ears are not wide and not so big that hair can still cover them. Because the twins' ears are also often covered with hair or just the tip covered because they always seem to have normal ears. linala said that this is correct, that the ears are not so wide and are smaller (the tip). But I'm going to ask others


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