Sept 2nd
Dm’s with TK
TK: I did the meditation/writing with Lahabrea; however, I need to type it up. Could not do it until last night/some this morning because of stuff around here (he doesn't really like being here when my friend's MiL is, not entirely sure why)
The situation with my one friend (the one who seemingly has to take care of her mom because no one else will, even though her mom verbally and sometimes physically abuses her) got worse, I was playing a game last night and missed that she was going to someone else's house for who knows how long. They don't have Internet (who the fuck in 2024 doesn't have Internet), and I guess her phone service doesn't work there????? I have no contact with her. Currently, Lahabrea is trying to help me with moving (I don't have anything set in stone yet, but he has been insistent that doing this will be beneficial if I can get where I want to go). Still, part of my plan was to help her move out so we could help each other with everything. But now there's no contact at all. Some of my other friends are acting like this is okay, but I really don't see what's okay with being cut from your support groups (her friends)
I will not type up everything from info from her friends, etc, so a lot of the conversation will be skipped.
Me: Do you have an idea why Lahabrea doesn’t want to be with your friends' MiL. Is she anti-spiritual, perhaps? Or maybe super-religious people think spiritual things are witchcraft?
TK: She's super religious. My friend's wife couldn't decorate at all for Halloween when we were living with her kind of type, lol.
Me: awwww, those people are very tiring. And they aren't open to change, sadly. Funnily enough, religion has levels. And she being like all of that, then she is the lowest level. Christianity, for instance, originally had meditation, past lives knowledge, reincarnation, light beings, and all the spiritual stuff we know today.
TK: yep
Me: hahahahh. Typing a lot......delete "yep" XD.
TK: I was going to say something about a protection necklace I got from another friend, and she didn't like it, lol
Tk: The one that I showed you, the phoenix necklace they made
Me: ohhhh
Tk: Someone bought that, but I can always ask them to make something specifically, lol
Me: I do not wear much jewelry, especially not during warm weather, then my neck hates necklaces, haha. I have one expansive necklace: a full-silver Eli convocation stone pendant with a parrot-proof necklace.
TK: I don't wear much either, but I'm okay with necklaces.
Me: yeah, I do wear my 2 rings that are technically from Eli lol. XD
The first one 1 bought on Aliexpress when he showed it to me in a dream a couple of years ago. And the other one last year in a dream that I bought from Amazon and got the money back because it was too late. XD.
TK: Lol
Me: so yeah, indirectly, he gave it to me. XD
TK: On where I want to go, it's some town near here, very tourist-heavy because there's an amusement park and other such things. It also has a few psychics and other spiritual people because that area has a lot of ties with supernatural occurrences (we have a lot of ghost stuff because of Civil War-era fights and such)
Me: oehhhh sounds nice
TK: Mainly because there are actual jobs there as well, and it's a pretty nice community.
Me: sounds good
did Lahabrea said anything about the job you meant to have?
TK: He didn't say anything other then he thinks that if I get to move. To that area I could possibly find it.
Me: hmmmm, interesting.
I definitely agree with him, haha.
TK: I want to go to the one Renn faire here if I can, lol. Here in the US, they are kinda like big events where local artists and such can sell things, but also, a lot of spiritual people come to do readings and sell wares.
If you pay the price to get in, everything else is free, lol.
Me: how do you sell wares if you need to give them away XD
TK: No, no, I meant the reading and such
Me: ah, yes XD
TK: The other people sell stuff lol
Me: I figured XD
TK: Also, those people there are more willing to talk to you if you have questions
Me: sounds good
do you have time to type up everything now?
TK: After I get lunch XD
After talking about how much Twitter sucks, I asked about typing up the session.
TK: I'm getting to. May not get before you have to go to bed cause I have to type a lot
Me: That's no problem. Maybe I will read it after meditating or the next morning. Just send it when ready.
I just realized an older dream I had that a customer made an order on my webstore of 1700€. guess what happened 2 days ago. this customer is collecting every sitting cutie, correction, wants to have every Pokemon in plush form, and buys 95% from me, lol XD.
TK: damn
A few hours later, I asked again how it was going.
Me: How is typing up going? I understand it is not finished yet. I'm just asking how it goes.
TK: going well
Me: good :D
Unfortunately, she became silent again after this.
Sept 4th
watch at 1:00:20
Bashar made a prediction that pretty much matches what Eli told via that practitioner in May this year. 2027 again. Though the Convocation will come a few years later.
I really wonder if Etheiryans will come over. XD omg, what if we go to another planet in the next expansion? And then suddenly, the real wol came here in 2027-30 even though 60+ years old XD (probably still healthy, hahaha). That would be mind-blowing, so hard for people they jump off a cliff XD., and ofcourse he will be mistaken for Jesus XD.
Follow-up info stream he also speaks of 5 years
so watching this 2nd one. From 2027, in the start, we will be introduced to aliens. This does make it for the Convocation a lot easier, though, around 2029-30. I really wonder what people's reaction will be when the Unsundered are here XD.
Sept 7th
In the first dream at the end (2nd one will be in the dream section).
Emet was present as Ancient and Hyth too. They were sitting at a table, and I walked up.
Me: oh, Emet! (looked to the left) and Hyth! How nice!
Hyth greeted me with a big smile. I'm not really sure, but I think Lahabrea was drinking a cup of coffee on the right side of the table. But after Hyth's greeting, I woke up already.
Before the dream I couldn't sleep well at first. And when I almost fell asleep, I got an itch on my nose. I opened my eyes and saw a small Emet glyph on the candle next to me on my bedside table, which faded to 1 that looked like Lahabrea's. But Lahabrea's was gone really fast, really, like half a second or something. It's been a long time since I saw a glyph.
Sept 8th
Jezzah: @everyone, The graphics update for Dawntrail has put my laptop out of commission regarding ffxiv. I will not be able to play it at all.
Me: Yeah, well, at least you tried. My old game PC was still able to handle DT, but I have to move to my new one for FF16. I hope you can get a new one someday.
Jezzah: Just sad my connections will whither without playing, so I'm not gonna be active in here as I should be.
Me: I understand it is harder to do. but if you would take the time to connect with meditation (I have very good ones!), then I am sure you can connect with Emet without playing.
the deep meditation is especially for connecting with guides; in this case, Emet.
Sept 16th
Interesting, my ex thought about Elidibus while driving, about how Eli may speak through him. He felt a sudden connection. Eli confirmed, though telepathically from a distance and the connection was weak, he said.
Sept 17th
I don't know how, but my Eli body pillow smells like Oreo creme. And I don't eat in the bedroom, I don't use any fragrance, etc. Eli smells like Oreo vanilla creme, confirmed. What I also found funny yesterday was that I came across 2 Dutchies in the game with my Eli alt.
One of them: Elidibus is dutch confirmed.
He will be for real, ya know. XD.
By the way, about DT, those regulators. When a new soul is supplied when the former dies, it shouldn't be the same person.
As this is pretty much a forced soul walk-in. So that's a thing that is incorrect though.
Sept 18th
seriously, watch the latest Japanese episode from Pokemon Horizons:
as I said, Amet is gonna join up with the raising volteccers. He got betrayed by his own group for helping Liko out of a cave where both Amet and her were locked up. So he was kicked out. And yes, both Liko and Amet share the same goal to go to Rakua (paradise), so their goals align. I see so much Shadowbringers dynamic in this. Aside from the kicking out of his own group, many things match so hard lol.
Sept 19th
I want to play FFXVI, but I need to prepare for the convention. So I rather do not play, knowing myself I will lose sense of time. And yet I am here on the pc doing other work stuff that is not important. XD.
Sept 22nd
Something funny crossed my mind for when Elidibus finally is here on Earth.
Someone Notices Eli thinking he is an ffxiv player.
Someone: you do perhaps play ffxiv?
Eli: I don't play it; I lived it.
Someone: hold on...
Emet walks in
Emet: and I still remember most of it
Someone: wait. ....
Lahabrea walks up from the back of the person.
Laha: ty for playing the story of our home planet.
Someone: "faints" or "screams."
Sept 23rd
For anyone who comes across this. That was scrapped because it was inaccurate and too much based on Earth.

Dreams of September
Sept 6th
This dream started with playing an MMO called Besor. But you were really your character. Mine looked a bit like Ardbert, but I was myself at the same time. I leveled up very quickly by typing skills, not even shooting monsters.
I went into a dungeon and met my dad's ex-girlfriend as a mage.
I don't remember what she said, unfortunately.
I walked back and forth a bit, and then I was suddenly back. I tried a few things, but nothing happened. Then the environment became an apartment building, and we were on a floor that only had 1 oblong room. But (the old) Ancient Lahabrea was suddenly sitting there at a desk arranging some things for that MMO, I think. I just don't remember what he said. and he was indeed 210cm+ tall; his red mask was something different; it looked more like a bird; in fact, it looked like mine????? after some messing around with that MMO, Lahabrea left for a while. he had to do something. Then the space became a home and what the next day. Friday because my mother was coming over, I woke up very early in that dream. Like 04:45-5:45am, something like that, and I went to the toilet. But had left the door open.
At the moment I was going to wipe my ass and get toilet paper Lahabrea came in.
I was like, "awkwarddddd" ......I held my shirt in front of my front between my legs.
He didn't give 2 fucks about it.
He bent down and picked something up from the floor.
Laha: you still have to clean up this and that.
And he pointed to things that were on the floor.
I followed his finger to where he pointed. I was apparently done with the toilet and was standing next to it (pants up).
Laha: and that there too.
And pointed to a small oven glove in the toilet????
Me: how did that get there?
Laha: I have no idea, but I have to go now. I'll see you tonight. (Then the area became my own home.) He walked down the stairs.
Me: will you come by in between? (with the idea of meeting my mother)
Laha: (from downstairs) I'll see if I have time for that.
Me: that would be nice!
He went out the door. Then, I went to my son's room, which looked very different. It had normal white walls instead of rust brown with gold. My son had also already left for school (he left himself), so he was considerably older, I think, in this case, but he had left his TV on.
Me: I might as well stay up and tidy up
I walked past an extra bed with a blanket, baby toys on it and a baby ringneck parrot, which was uber cute. He raised his wings because he was happy to see me. And screamed a few times. (possibly kept as a fledgling from future couple Griffo and Ysayle)
me: yes!!! I'm here. The other 2 were apparently next to my son's bed.
I couldn't turn the TV off somehow.
Me: I can't turn it off.
Ex: (from another (4th) bedroom) Leave it alone.
Me: no, it's annoying. I don't want that on my mind.
Then I woke up.
PS. I only have 3 bedrooms, and one of those is a small dump room for stuff we don't use. So when exactly is this? Am I still going to move houses in 5-10 years???? And it would be 1000% odd if Lahabrea stayed over instead of Elidibus. I think this dream was meant to have Eli in it, but Lahabrea got faster access, it seems, or Eli was busy as usual, and Lahabrea took his place, but on a platonic level.
Sept 7th
2nd dream, I was my own Chocobo XD, but I also often stepped out to see her. She was white (instead of raptor blue in the game), and something was going on, something like a mating season or something. She laid quite a few eggs. But she kept getting chased away (flying) or had to leave the spot because others wanted to take them. Eventually, I found a spot where she could stay, but not forever; she laid 6 or 7 eggs or something, really ostrich-sized, too.
Then, I merged with her and started brooding on the eggs. Unfortunately, shortly after that, I had to go myself, Chocobo stayed there. I went to the people and we had to go.
Me: Why is this aera so small? Can't they add 1 more? (ffxiv game logic)
Someone: Haha, that would be nice.
Me: yeah, man, you flew through it in no time. And you can't even get to that spot (a corner that was perfect for a nest).
Then we had to go.
Me: how do we get out?
Someone pointed out the exit.
I went through it.
Me: ah, now I can get to that spot, so it was on the other side.
I went to look at the spot, but no sunlight came in, which was important for the eggs when she wasn't sitting on them for a while.
Me: no, that's not handy.
I left that corner and walked to the opposite corner, on the other side.
I saw a banana box with dried grass that was still green. (Don't ask me how) I felt if it was soft material.
Me: perfect, I'll take that with me.
So I went to the corner between some flowerbeds in someone's garden. In the afternoon, there was sunlight.
me: nice
I tried to call my Chocobo, but I can't whistle with my fingers (not in RL either), so the first time, nothing came out of me in terms of sound, and the second time, very softly. I had hoped she had heard that, but no, she didn't appear.
then I woke up.
Sept 12th
very briefly the Unsundered were on Earth, physically. And there was a show going on that they were presenting themselves. First, Eli is without a shirt. Had a look on his face like, "Must I really do this?".
He did a sexy pose but with his back to the audience.
Announcer: and now Emet-Selch will take the stage.
Emet (as solus like) walked in also without a shirt. He had the Hades crown on. While he was walking to the stage, he turned around and the crown was gone. He did a sexy pose with his arms in the air that crossed at the wrists. And the audience went wild XD
announcer: and now Lahabrea will take the stage.
I thought "omg, what would he look like?".
Lahabrea walked in robes, his old ancient self. But he had something big under his robes.
me: huh, what does he have under his robes?
Then the dream changed, and I saw a drawing of Lahabrea and his wife (not Athena but the one on Earth, apparently) who was apparently under his robes. She put her head through the same head opening of the robes.
Me: oh, so his wife was under the robes.
Then, it was about something else for a moment, and I woke up.
Sept 19th
The first dream was a bit vague.
Emet in ascian robes with Solus's hair was in it. Well, on a screen. (no hood or mask)
I was in some kind of survival simulation. Eventually, I got out or something, and I completed it
. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about it.
2nd dream, consecutively without waking up
In this dream, Venat, Emet and Hyth were in my dreams—Venat in white robes and Emet and Hyth as ancient in black robes. There was something we had to get out of something to solve it, so we were throwing ideas around. Eventually, I came up with the solution (I thought), and Venat said something about "good thinking."
What happened after that, I don't remember.
I had a third dream in which Emet appeared briefly, but unfortunately, I don't remember anything about that.
Oct 1st
Channeling Aidenin
Those diseases do indeed come from the Phoenix, and probably because of his inbred.
I asked if it was correct that he was an inbred. And it really was.
So I talked to him about the ending;
everyone died. Because, look, in the game, you have a future scenario, and blah blah blah, but that never happened. Because after the fight with Ultima, he also said, "everyone died because the Shard Rejoined."
I talked about using Phoenix powers here on Earth, even if it would only be the healing powers to save people from unnecessary death. He said that I better not do that because it would drain my body very much and that it would not benefit me. He said that it is better that I let the Phoenix sleep here on Earth and that I can use it in my dreams, where I do not have a physical body, and then it does not drain me either.
I asked him about the FFXVI sequel.
Aidenin: maybe they will pull off an Alternate Universe where we remain alive, but then all will be inaccurate because nobody survived originally.
I also asked about those mother crystal things because, yes, FFXVI was the second Shard/reflection of FFXIV before it rejoined. So I was wondering if every Shard doesn't have Hydaelyn in it. But those mother crystals were made by Ultima.
small disclaimer because I hadn’t finished the game yet. I was halfway or so or maybe 2/3, so I wasn't at the part where Ultima said he made the mother crystals, Nor did I read this on Wiki; I did see the last cutscenes of the ending etc, but that wasn't mentioned on there either
Hydaelyn’s mother crystal so the real one is just like the Source in the core of the planet/shard part (or close to it, at least deep underground like in EW). But he said I had to discuss this further with Venat, who knows more about it. Because he did not know how it all worked. He will look for me in the Akashic record of Etheirys to see if he can find anything about the Shard. He said that the records of the Shard no longer exist. So, they probably went to the Source.
But anyway, the mothercrystals that Ultima made have nothing to do with Hydaelyn in any case.
Aidenin said that he did not channel that much to get info into the game (like the Convocation does with FFXIV) but that it mainly came from Convocation members who had conversations with Meteor/WoL with the Clive Shard of him in the dream world. And that is how they set up the story. So, let's say a secondhand story.
We had another merge together that did not really work at first because he was too subtle with his energy. I told him to just keep pushing, and then he would get there. And then it worked, so that was nice.
One more little thing about Joshua writing the book at the end of the game.
Aidenin: Game-lore-wise, it should have been Clive then, using my name, just like he did with Cid.
Game lore wise so, but still inaccurate because everyone died.
Aidenin: Everyone rejoined with their Source shard, aside from the Alien souls (from other planets) and, of course, the ones who couldn't rejoin like me. Those shards went to other planets and the alien souls to where they came from.
Oct 2nd
Here, he answers regarding how that works with the mothercrystals and Hydaelyn, etc.
My first question, because I just shot Bahamut in FFXVI if they can breathe in space, and they have no problem with that (as primals)
Hydaelyn was never sundered, but there was a part of her in the shards in the core of the planet/shard. But Ultima corrupted that and created those other mother crystals that were eventually destroyed. And the one outside the stratosphere, that red star in FFXVI, is where Ultima originally lived. The Ultima project was a project of the Ascians that got out of hand. They also did not want it to cause the rejoining in that way. So, the Ultima core comes from somewhere else than this star. When Ultima was defeated, the planet was "engulfed in Fire Aether burning everything on its path and then got rejoined with the Source." And on the Source were those forest fires and stuff or whatever it says in the encyclopedia.
I had asked him if there was a possibility to come here physically and become Phoenix, and I would see him, or he would come to me. And he said, "Yes."
I actually forgot to ask why those monsters were called Akashic. Akashic isn't a bad thing, you know. Of course, it could be that it's just a developer thing that they chose that, but I don't know why.
I had asked him if I could connect to that Shard of mine that is on its way here in 2027.
Aidenin: try to connect with it via your higherself but then a side branch of it. Then try to locate her and connect with her to let her come here earlier so she can find you.
I asked if she had come across other shards.
Aidenin: not at the moment.
And that was about it.
So playing ffxvi the past couple of days. And I see more and more resembles of me and Joshua (Aidenin).
Things that are said to him, like "you should be in bed."
It is like when I slept poorly, and my ex or Eli says that in concern of my health, not getting a seizure of exhaustion.
For the past two days, the Phoenix's power outburst has come in the night. Luckily, I am not sleep-deprived. And well, I cannot transform here; more often than not, it feels like it.
Also, a stronger connection has occurred with Aidenin. Without being in the slightest trance, I was able to reach him and channel him two nights in a row.
So I can see Jezzah's concern about hardly being able to connect with Emet if jezzah doesn't play XIV. As it indeed helps the connection.
Though even if I finish FF16, I will try to remain connected with Aidenin to keep the connection strong.
Oct 11th
The last 2 nights were again full of phoenix power outbursts during the night (also played the past 2 days again) after waking up from a dream about transforming into one for the zillion times. It has an after-effect of doing it in the waking world. But no success, obviously. Eli says it's an astral thing. It really feels like sprouting wings and phoenix tail and last night even felt like my face changed into that of a bird, but it was all energetic. Luckily, after such power outbursts, feeling like transforming, I fall asleep again with no issues. Luckily, because I already had too much sleeping problems in the past.
In case you are wondering where I am at in 16, I am about to go to the Ash continent. So, I had Joshua's semi-priming scene yesterday.
here some pics
Oct 14th
Okay, I finished FFXVI and the DLCs. I feel whole and empty at the same time—whole as in a better connection to Aidenin and the Phoenix—and empty because I finished the story.
And I killed Ultima without using healing potions; only 1 strength tonic was used. But yeah, I was lvl 50 already instead of 46. DLCs made me jump 3-4 levels, and I did those beforehand. And then Hunt S Ranks are a piece of cake, lol.
Bashar Predicts MASSIVE Shifts in Consciousness & OPEN ET Contact
It might be interesting to watch.
Dream of October
Oct 8th
many dreams merge into each other, but I skip the unnecessary things.
I was locked in a framework of steel pipes. All small squares as a framework.
I did not let myself be locked in. and created fire from my hands on the place where my hands were on the fence.
The part I touched came loose, and I was able to pass through. However, there was an even bigger fence around the first, and that went on a few times.
eventually, I was free.
Then, I had a dream that someone could cast fire in the "real" world.
Me: oh, so it is possible in the real world.
And I imitated it and played with the energy that became fire.
later Aidenin came into my dreams
(unfortunately not the real one, but!)
He lay on me, and we merged. This part was not the real one; however, the scene after that was. We had merged as Phoenix, and I practiced fireballs from my mouth. Yes, I didn't see a beak, even though it felt like having one. I looked at my wings every now and then. They were more like arms with feathers and not even close to full wings. I think some kind of semi-priming.
I woke up and still felt the merge, some kind of after-effect, I think.
Oct 30th
This dream started with a failed Pokemon battle. And finally something came up that my Ex fought a beast that looked like Zoraal Ja with Zarude and Zygarde mixed (Pokemon). Some alien creature. So they had to fight in some kind of tournament match of who was the strongest. And the two of them were the last ones left, so the finals, so to speak. It was in a big hall, and people came in.
Me: it's a sparring match between my ex and (I forgot the name).
And my ex's mother said, "a sparring match?"
I walked on. And more people came in and they went to watch.
Suddenly, my ex and his opponent were one floor down, and at the top, people were watching. Within 2 seconds, the whole room was full like teleported. My son was there too, but not smaller, so really his current height and, therefore, just as big as me (often he is smaller in my dreams, about the size of when he was 10, that is about a 20cm difference). And then I finally went to watch too. But then, it was not my ex who was standing there. But (ancient) Emet with Lahabrea against each other. And it was no longer a physical fight but a heated exchange of words of discussion alm, ost to the point that Emet wanted to throw a punch. He was already standing with a raised fist. And Hyth in the background behind Emet-Selch.
Hyth: why can’t we just love each other one another.
The entire crowd, including myself, "HYTH”! “HYTH”! “HYTH”! “HYTH”! “HYTH”! “HYTH”!
So, he actually won the discussion. Emet looked very surprised, like, wtfffffffff huh???????
Someone above in the crowd kind of presenter and was also considerably taller than the rest.
And said: “okay that's it, discussion is decided the crowd has chosen now you can all go.”
And then everyone slowly started to walk away.
Then that same person said, "are these all followers of Lahabrea?”
Nobody reacted to that, and we all slowly walked away. I didn’t even realize I was walking in Ancient robes
I saw someone walking in front of me who looked like Venat but wasn’t the real one. (asked afterward)
Me: wouldn’t it be fun to have a performance with them? (I referred to the voice actors cosplayed as ancients)
The person in front of me let out a deep sigh. And then I woke up.