I will start with the sessions and info etc since allot has been said and the dreams will be mentioned at the end, some are very beautiful btw.
September 1st:
me: I saw dark clouds in the sky i thought there would be a thunderstorm coming. I asked if he could give a sign he is hearing me (Elidibus) to show a thunderstorm with beautiful lightning striking down. Well, it didn't happen outside. A while later i checked my phone and my sister had shared an image on FB. Does that count? It contained indeed what I wished for….

Mysi***: Ahahaha~ awesome! A pic is probably easier for them to conjure up, instead of having to move around clouds into place really fast, they just have to find someone in a storm and inspire them to send you the pic~ I mean, a physical storm wouldn't have been aimed at anyone either. But you saw beautiful lightning just like you asked for!
me: I did a automatic writing session myself op September 3rd. yet it was my first time and possibily had Emet-selch. Though I had questions ofcourse: I was indeed his student, elidibus’s sister and the 2nd 14th convocation member. Yet I had in-game questions where the story shall go to in 6.0 BUT this lays in the future these answers iam about to tell could be changed since these are answer gained in September 2020 1 year before Endwalker. Future predictions can still be changed and bent.
Here goes: Emet-selch would join us/scions and Elidibus will be freed of the CT. though we already had the emet-selch narration in the trailer of Endwalker, I really hope what he said is coming true.
September 5th
Session shared by M***ie from her shaman friend contacting Eldibus:
M***ie (copy pasted text of her friend): Welp, she wont be excited with the answers Hanged man managed to come up in every reading about contacting him, her ties, where he is. Then I asked what comes if she doesn't listen, and got the fool and tower I also asked about the game stuff and got a very clear, "Does she believe we are so bound by the story we told those who create the fantasy?" Then I asked, cuz I was nosy, is she his sister? And the answer was "The truth of our history is hers to discover. If she chooses to continue wallowing in self-doubt, however, I will simply occupy my time with those who are willing to perform their studies more diligently. This seeking to have information handed to her instead of earning the insight and understanding is a challenge she faces in several aspects of her life. Until she overcomes it, there is nothing more to be done. She will either grow or remain stunted. Knowledge is a thing earned, not a right. “
And that was straight from him, so by that point I was like, okay, all done here. Thanked him for his time and he headed out.
From a teacher, just me speaking here: When a character is started, there arent many skills. The new character can't wear impressive armor, complete truly difficult tasks, or do insane damage. To them, a high level character is almost a god in comparison. It takes time, practice, grinding, and effort to learn to play well and reach the higher levels. Mistakes get made, lessons are learned, and eventually the character advances. The same is true of anything in life. We dont finish college and become a CEO. We start lower, learn and develop into higher levels. And it applies to spiritual matters as well. As above, so below.
After this is started to doubt myself.
me: I tried to contact Eldibus, it felt like he didn’t noticed it. I was unsure about the legitimacy of the automatic writing with emet-selch. They both said I needed to trust my own methods and this:
M***ie: He definitely notices or he wouldn't take time to coach you like this both through me and through my friend!
When I read this sentence back it hurt me, why? She left on Nov 7th…..she was so supportive in the beginning I can’t believe it ended just like that. when I needed help for a urgent spiritual situation to make sure it wasn’t a spirit using me. And in an urgent situation if you really NEED someone’s help you tend to become pushy right? So did i. . … but then she left when I needed her the most……I will explain more of this when I arrived at this point in the story.
After m***ie’s reply Mysi*** said this: I told Lahabrea for the umpteenth time that I was sorry I didn't listen to a word he said in Prae and eventually he actually???? turned around and THANKED me for listening NOW.He appreciates that.
(This is a nice confirmation of our member TK, who had dream recently about lahabrea he thanked her for listening to me (YES to me!! I felt so honored). Details of the dream will be post later when we hit January/February 2021.)
Some sentences later
M***ie: That's been the hardest thing to learn. To trust. Because we all have those moments of "can this really be happening?" So I 1000% understand wanting outside confirmation. But even with the spirits I knew before this through my friend, disbelieving made them unhappy. Now with the Ascians, they said specifically they see it as a societal duty to learn on your own (though with help and guidance is find- obviously they had teachers too!) and to understand yourself.
Mysi*** shared a story: When I was 20, I bought this beautiful piece of labradorite at an occult shop. It was supposed to induce dreams and visions.
I followed all the instructions I had, put it under my pillow and asked it to show me something important. I was so unspecific about what it would show me, I really just wanted to see if it worked.
What I saw... made absolutely no sense, it was completely meaningless to me, I thought it was just my subconscious making up random stuff.
In subsequent years, one of the arguments my inner skeptic loved to pop up with was, "Remember that stone? It was magical if anything was, but it did absolutely nothing. You wanted something important and got meaningless junk" So that was when I was 20 and you'd think it wouldn't take this many years
But what it showed me was what it called "the apocalypse" and it was a burning city
it looked like Amaurot
M***Ie: Yeah, none of us are above any of the others here. We're all just seekers and we'll have different experiences. You've got the bravery to tell the world about what you know to be true, right there in your Twitter profile. I don't have that. I mean, when I tried to talk to you initially, I had no intention of confessing my own beliefs. It was more like "here's some resources that might help, bye!" -runs away-
Me: I must say, the GMV i made. That part when sung " we watched our world fall apart" it gives my anxiety at watching the merge second of the sundering.
M***ie: That's something right there. Think about how you feel when you see these scenes. How Amaurot makes you feel. How thinking about them makes you feel. That matters.
Mysi***: Yeah!! I was mostly only confident enough to talk to you knowing that I probably already look like a new age weirdo on Twitter with as much as I mention astrology and stuff. Which... I only started doing in the first place after having a big talk with myself about how it's too important of a part of me not to put out there.
M***ie: Hehe. I'm very secretive about it, and yet always internally really wanting to talk.
Mysi***: Same, my goal has been to be less secretive so that I can find people to talk to... so I guess it worked! :D I think just the fact that you feel so much about them says a LOT of good things that they would approve of.
Why did I shared this? Most of the people on twitter know who these 2 are anyway and somehow people accept they believe in the same as I do. But me? I am being witch hunted…..blaming for starting a cult while group hasn’t changed since the beginning. While I was the one who brought them together……
The conversation went on however
Mysi***: Yeah ;D and as you can see, it's taken us decades of attempts to talk to spirits, I was working with that labradorite piece when I was 20 and I really wanted something out of it, but it was still a long time before I was able to find the right group. Perhaps I had to learn to really trust and believe things on my own before I could have teachers. Or just had to learn life lessons first. It could be lots of reasons, I guess.
Me: Did you needed to figure out the life lessons by yourself?
Mysi***: Yeah, pretty much.... in fact the year I did find and join my group, the first thing I did was take a 3 month trip to Japan, saying I'd start working on it after I got home. It... took a little while longer than that for me to actually buckle down to reading books, learning techniques and correspondences, and so on. I had to learn to do astrology and lots of other things. What I did do immediately when I returned from Japan was let my friend talk me into trying ffxiv 2.0 which was just released. ;P I did get kind of sucked into the game and it delayed my studies a bit, which is something I've had to work on. At the time I thought, "I have to balance fun and work in my free time." So one of my lessons might even have been learning to do that. And then it turns out that time wasn't a waste at all, it set everything up for the Ascians to talk to me But I didn't know until this year. Or... maybe last year, I suppose. December I think around Christmas was the first time
Me: Well mine was January 24th, so that literally 1 month apart
Mysi***: Yep! Perhaps they came looking for people who were willing to listen and they found us
Some sentences later:
Me: I think this long conversation this early morning was worth it. I gained the most beautiful dream that started harsh but ended beautifully. Before falling asleep i made my apologies to all of the convocation for not believing them in the past( even the once we dont know or hardly about) ( i must confess i was against them before.....)
(I will post this dreams later)
Me: Wait wait wait "Does she believe we are so bound by the story we told those who create the fantasy?" Did he just confirmed that they told the story writer to tell the story? But the story writer added his own fantasy with it? Let me know what your friend is thinking about this analysis!
M***ie: That makes sense to me! what a fun dream! I think it is amazing that you can recall the questions so important to you while you are asleep!! You should look into lucid dreaming. I know I'm trying to. I actually dreamt about Lahabrea again, though it was a fun and silly little dream. I'm not sure why we were both at a school assembly. Everyone else was dressed in modern clothing but he was wearing the Allagan Tunic of Casting (one of my faves). I didn't expect the brown parts of it to feel like polyester instead of leather. He looked so nice in it And invited me to sit next to him. I can't remember what we talked about, but now I want to take a screenshot of him in game wearing that tunic.
me: I forgot to mention this.
This appeared before my eyes right before waking up from that dream.
Its represents an eagle. In ancient drawing style?

me: It recalled me thinking that mitron had communication with sea creatures, and Halmarut with plants or something like that .
I do love birds especially birds of prey and parrots.
Could it be my thing like mitron and Halmarut?
m***ie: It's too crazy at work for me to really look at this, but my brain says see if anything here makes a connection for you

me: I think those are quite personal, I think i had a Elidibus chat in the main time you posted this, He confirmed it was my glyph, i asked he could draw a bit more of it. He couldn't remember all of it. And 1 of my abilities was to talk with birds

Oh yeah i asked whats different from their history and of what we know in game. The Exarch doesn't exist xD. The WoD came to know the problems in the first through Hydaelyn. And Cid used the crystal tower to get the WoD into the first. Scions were not in the first! Battle between Hades and WoD happend. Ardbert existed and, Elidibus did used his body. Elidibus also battled the WoD, but the WoD used Azem's memory crystal to untemper Elidibus. So he also was never locked up (because the Exarch didn't/doesn't exsist). Other info. Elidibus took possession of the First WoL's body
Oh yeah most people (so characters) do look alike as in the game. And the WoD is indeed a guy, but looks different of what we know from the trailer. Also when i asked if he is/was Zodiarks heart he first didn't wanted to answer that at first, i wasn't allowed to know. But when i said i dont matter the outcome i mean i know you were in game so. Then he said he Was Zodiarks heart but got untempered by woD/Azem. Somehow i felt slight embarrassment from him when i asked about zodiark lol. He isn't to fond of it he did that i guess?
September 6th
M***ie: Interesting stuff!! So you weren't seeing part of someone else's glyph, but it was related to a glyph. This makes me happy to hear
mysi***: You know, I wonder if there are timelines that are close to theirs, but with something slightly different happening in history, like... branching down different paths into multiple possibilities. I'm sure there have been people who /could/ time travel and cause changes in the past Even if the Exarch wasn't there, someone else might.
( this is correct I questioned this wayyyyy later like in early November, when I completely forgot Mysi*** ever said that.)
Mysi***: Oh yes, Ayane, I attempted to ask questions last night.
Here was the first part; they weren't terribly thrilled with my asking. This is what I got. I stopped recording my half, as you can see, when it was just them reacting to my actual reactions, which I hadn't even put into words or directed at them intentionally. But they tried to let me down in a sort of amusing way? Like there I was wondering if any of the other Convocation members had anything to add and I didn't expect the pile-on that I got.
Fandaniel's talking about a comment I saw on twitter recently that he would probably beat the shit out of his Source shard for the way he's behaving

Mysi***: After all this, I was like, wow, you all really don't like my asking things... and then-- and as I've mentioned, this is rare-- I got writing from Lahabrea.

M***ie: This is highly validating to see, as I worried it was just my own mental block stopping me from being able to get answers like that. Knowledge is earned, not given, so they say. It also fits in with the readings I've done
Mysi***: Yeah. If I ask them questions like "what do I do about [thing]" they usually give me at least a lead on instructions, but they don't just want to tell me information except when they just come out with it themselves unexpectedly. They were kind of amusing, though. "I was a little busy". Halmarut was responding to my asking, would he give me advice if I tried raising plants (my partner and I were thinking about starting some gardening). he was like "you need to start that first and have actual questions". So specific questions, I take it, aren't bad, they just have to be things they want to answer ;D but I think they're fine with giving general support, like Nabs with my spider thing, they just don't want to hand me Answers (tm) on a silver platter
m***ie: That makes sense. And that's good too, because it makes us better for learning and we can ask better questions. Like trying to teach gardening from scratch without knowing what you plan to grow or why etc would be daunting and unproductive probably. But helping with little problems and questions that come up through the learning process is another thing entirely. And I get the overall feeling that they revel in the learning process as a joy on its own and a collective way to lift up everyone (hitting the rambling point again, alas)
Mysi***:flipping through pages It looks like they did give me a little bit!
(Rambling is good though! I think sometimes it helps incomplete thoughts find their way out, which happens so much with this kind of stuff) Apparently the opening is a memory of the Sundering. Hydaelyn just grabbing Azem out of the way
m***ie: Good point. Slightly less filtered brain is not a bad thing in good company. I just get shy sometimes for various reasons
Mysi***: "the Convocation were the only ones who trusted each other enough to survive very long" "Hydaelyn's attempt to stand in between Azem and Lahabrea, preventing them from being saved" "it is held up but-- if you could get out of the way!-- that's the tale. And yes, there is a Martyr, and a Knight, and a Queen, and all of the usual players. But moreover it was a wedge between us that Hydaelyn placed."
Emet knew Hydaelyn's champion would arise in Eorzea and planned to annihilate it, fostering things like the Meteor project and the invasion, in order to get rid of said champion. Then he discovered who the champion was, and suddenly tried to withdraw to change strategy, but it was too late and Dalamud was still falling and so on, but that's why there was such a fizzled-out weak Calamity.
That's about all I have that's clear
I love how this is basically... first the giant lecture when I asked specific questions, then some other unrelated stuff meant just for me, and then "oh by the way here's some stuff we DO feel like telling you about the story"
it isn't that the story is being withheld, it's that I'm not supposed to try to be in control of what they talk to me about
M***ie: I love this. I had actually been a bit curious as to why this calamity was only mildly calamitous, but I hadn't thought about that since going through the first Encyclopedia Eorzea and reading about the prior ones
Mysi***Yeah~ Part of it was Louisoix of course, but it's not like the other Calamities didn't have powerful mages trying to shield them as well. It was just Emet going "oh wait not yet I need to see if I can-- ah too late"
M***ie: I sort of mentally looked to him upon reading that and got -arms crossed, frowns and looks away "hrrmf"-
mysi***: LMAO oh, Emet.
m***ie: He's a delight
me: I got questions! You seem to have actually sentences on paper. I only got a few words. Did it started with you also like mine when you started doing this? Also do i understand Fandaniel is not like in the game? So not insane xD Since they watch over you while you are on social media. I am definitely gonna ask about how they feel about my Ex bf's thoughts and some mean jokes about them. So what i am getting straight here is that, you need to grow more powerful in your powers to know what's gonna happen in the future.
mysi***: Actually, it didn't start the same way when I started doing this, as it started for a totally different purpose. I wasn't looking for questions and answers. I never sat down and decided, "I'm going to try automatic writing." For a lot of people that's how they start, but in my case, I was trying to do something else, and what ended up happening was entities just starting to talk through me. It wasn't the Ascians at first, unless I just didn't recognize them.... various other spirits I've talked to. I am sure you can develop with practice, but for me it wasn't like short answers -> long sentences; it was nonsense -> meaningful and accurate predictions. It took time to learn to be /coherent/ and make any sense. So my development was different.
me: oh?
Mysi***: Yours makes sense right off the bat, that's something I didn't have
me: Uhhhh what is?
mysi***: Ok rephrasing that... Your channelings make sense, even though you've just started. When I was a beginner, I couldn't make sense.
me: Ohhh that
mysi: It's probably better to follow instructions from a book or the web, since my beginning was so abnormal that I can't make good suggestions.
me: Oh ok,On internet they say your handwriting might change. When i do see some differences lol.But i had other questions about your session
mysi: The Fandaniel I spoke to isn't the one in the game, but (possibly from the past or future??) a restored Convocation shard with proper memories and much more similarity to his original self, that seems to be what I'm talking to in most cases
me: Ahh i thought so!
mysi: And as for social media, I'm sure they do watch over me at many times but it's just that the thought crossed my mind. And yeah, it's been suggested for me that I work on my future-sensing powers and try to get them more useful..
me: Future sensing as in hearing their future? Future sensing as in hearing their future?
mysi: It's that I'm supposed to be working on how to predict the future with my own senses.
me: But the future might be predicted but can be bent on certain actions taken
mysi: It's one of the skills I seem to be developing a little bit of-- Well, yes. As it is I never get enough information to actually avoid the thing happening, just enough to be confusing.
me: hmmm
mysi: I mean, this is something I'm working on with my teachers' help, they know more than I do about this
me: Interesting! At least you got a teacher
mysi: Yeah, I am extremely lucky to have found them. ;;
me: Indeed very lucky xD But what if you asked them to whats different of the story we know from the game.I really wonder what you get out of that. Ignore me in your head please when asking that , i dont want them to think i cant ask on my own. I only want to know what they would share to you on what actually happened.
mysi: If I do, I'll probably just get lectured again.
me: But you had once they told you about the 7th calamity
mysi: Yep, they told me that when I wasn't asking!
me: oh?
mysi: Yeah. When I asked questions I just got those responses above. But when I was not pushing for it, PAGES later, after talking about other things, they were like, by the way, here's why it fizzled. They don't mind telling me, but they don't like it when I decide on the topic. They don't like me to sit down and be like "here's stuff I want to know", they like to choose to tell me what they want, when they want.
me: That's annoying
mysi: No, they're right. In my current circumstances I should know better.
me: how come?
mysi: I can't talk about that, I'm really sorry. I'm sworn to secrecy.
mysi: I'm sorry if that's disappointing, but I am bound by various oaths of secrecy and... that's that.
me: Oh too bad :(
mysi: Yeah. Sorry!! Oh but I thought of another reason why I should know better. And this one, I can share. It's simply that I should respect their hierarchy being above me, and not expect to be in control.
me: Why would they think you would be in control of it? Or is that something you can't tell :/
mysi: It would be controlling of me to sit down and try to steer the session into talking about what topics I wanted, when I've been told not to do that. They didn't tell me it would be controlling. I myself know that it would be.
me: ohhhh
mysi: Out of respect for them, I'm not going to keep pestering when they told me no. They know what's best, and I don't.
me: Somehow it works differently for me? I try to let my hand do the writing on it own without me stearing it. Maybe that why i got short answers?
mysi: I do the same, but I think you just got short answers due to being a normal beginner and not... some aetherically oversensitive ritual practitioner with a lot of lessons to learn on deadline. My case is not normal and you can't really expect to match it, my situation and conditions are affected by my ritual work in various ways
me: oh ok,….. wait deadline?
mysi: So I think whatever you find on the web or in books will be better for comparing your progress than trying to match it with mine. Yes, it has nothing to do with this. Don't worry about it.
me: So it has nothing to do with the Ascians?
mysi: Basically
me: ok
later that day:
me: I was throwing away trash. And i need to walk a 100 meters to get there for the underground garbage container. I needed to walk 4x back and forth because of all the garbage i collected yesterday from cleaning the attic.
The sun was shining but dark clouds came up.
With the second round i noticed the clouds we covering the sun.
I snapped my fingers with the implication of letting the sun come through again. It worked half a minute later but didn't last long. At 3rd round the sun dissappeard and started to rain softly only a few drops, the way back of the 3rd round i snapped my fingers again to delay the rain of getting worse for another 5 minutes until i am done. It worked at some extent.
When i walked back home at the forth and last round. I said when i snap my fingers when i am inside you can rain all you want.
So i did. It took a minute or 2 but started more rain to fall. And another couple of minutes allot more rain well.
Now its dry again.
Coincidence? Or real?
M***ie: It is certainly not impossible! The one overt thing I've ever done involved weather many years ago. Clouds are pretty malleable, I think!
September 7th
mysi: I've never tried doing anything with weather (ironically, since it's my WoL's whole childhood thing) but it certainly sounds possible to me, too!
I shared a piece of a Dolores cannon book which mentions the warriors of light after mysi shared things from books aswell,
Me: I know you would love Dolores cannon books. Start with the convoluted universe books. Creation magic existed on this very planet . And so much more that once was even in line with the ffxiv world. During Atlantis.
The (counsil of) 12 exist also in our world including warriors of light.
Piece of the book session early 2000’s IIRC, if earlier I will adjust it later:
Dolores: “what do you mean by “the Great experiment”
L: there is a great test of wills battling on Planet Earth at this time. there is much disease, much unrest, much civil strife, much combat. She is 1 of the emissaries (she is the person speaking technically, only the subconscious is speaking right now) who has come here to bring peace and harmony and wholeness to this planet, by working with the people with whom she comes into contact. By dedicating her love, she strikes that chord and activates beings to get in touch with that light. As the light continues to grow on the planet, the forces will come into greater balance or harmony. There are a great many Warrior or soldiers of light, who are battling this balance this triumphant scale of justice.
Well there you have it Warriors of light. I will look up the council of twelve later, (also known as The Twelve in these books!) I got to many big pill books of Dolores and they are mentioned many times.
me: Now that i think of it, since my first life was at the beginning of atlantis (and they could become 100's of years old so) , and the ffxiv lies in the future of the story we know.
It does line up.
Ehhh i might have witnessed 2x a world's end. But the second one was the entire continent not the entire world. But the happenings were the same. "The land bucked, the cities burned" of lava coming out. And the entire continent we know as the Atlantic Ocean sank to the sea. Which gave the result other parts of the world rose above.
Also this, but you probably would already know this.
When i read this the first time, i was pretty much certain that Elidibus could be my actual brother.

( with that statement “it doesn’t have to be biology”is that there is no such thing as incest among souls. and as a soul you can love romantically someone of you own soul group. )
m***ie: Oh, I love that concept. A soul family. That's beautiful. Great finds, both of you! I love this.
September 8th
Me: Well then i keep getting this sigil in my dreams (while searching for my own) and finally got a clearer picture of what i could remember. Surprisingly it looks of a combination of the previous (before 5.3) predicted azem sigil look alike (because azem's is way different) , 1 litte part of Elidibus's sigil, little part of Hades and a small part of Pashtarot! The examinations are made when i woke up. And also it helped me remember the parts when looking at the other sigils of what the rest could look like so i could draw it properly.

Me: Now i only wonder, where is that eagle in it? Perhaps this is a part of it? Or lets say the most, but the eagle is somewhere on the side or something outside of what i saw. I mean the other sigil's are very big compared to mine lol. This might be the core i think.
(I was correct on that point. halfway of September I had the full sigil.)
M***ie’s reply: That sigil is interesting. The chaos magic part of my mind wonders if one could combine parts of different glyphs to form usable sigils for magic. I will check with them first though to make sure that isn't insulting or a problem in anyway.
the rest of the conversation was about making a tarot deck online on a website. and I as making a ffxiv one based on the convocation. yet it came never to fruitation. I still got all the screenshots here they are:

these are just concepts and the actual tarot meaning might be out of place. but that’s what the whole conversation was about, making the pictures + names match the meaning of the cards.
September 9th
Dreamt about the bottom part of my sigil. Outer lines. Since eagle is not on the bottom. I think its on top then above the crown.

Mysi*** who is a big fan of tempering shared a description of a tarot card: “the title of the card, Temperance may also be considered in the sense of the tempering of souls, as with metals, to make them fit to be used as tools in the Great works of God.
M***ie: "The tempering of souls" I think it was a book on alchemy I read that talked about going through the process of improving yourself and used metallurgical metaphors... Like being heated in a crucible and worked on until there were no more impurities, making you a perfect mirror for the divine. Tempering increases the strength and elasticity of a metal... Sounds like a positive to me.
I thought the term in game was strange but I feel like that bit you posted is a likely influence. The process molds you into what the primal needs.
I can't wait until we learn more about the primals. I already see them a bit like I see the gods of various cultures. It is difficult for the human mind to understand God/The All so we subconsciously break down the concept into smaller pieces. We do the same with science. A God of This Particular River is a comfortable way to interact with he divine and begin to understand it. Something like that...
Later I had a random perv thought "some ascian make me pregnant and i will raise it in the source so it can cast magic"(i had actually Hades in my head of course) Then i heard Nabriales saying (his voice in my head) " some Ascian you say?" I was like : *oh shit i said some ascian" felt uncomfortable embarrassed, eventually i said " i actually meant Hades" Nabriales : ahh to bad then.
Like what?! How did he popped in my head xD the perv he is xD
M***ie: Lololol
September 10th side story dropped
Me: Have you read the new side story?! They say youth of small gesture. Youth is between 14 and 18. Since he kept his adult voice his was atleast 16! Somehow i knew this since i wrote him 16 in my fanfic at that time. EDIT: And in Japanese they use a word to describe him that means young adult. Also, they confirmed their personalities (of all the members particularly ) are different before the sundering. This gave reasons to our ascian contacts of having calmer persona. The most beautiful thing about the story that the memory crystals we suppose to be left behind for the ones who would pick up the title after they "died". Are they recruiting us by training us in our powers?????? I would love too xD
(add, i asked wayy earlier to my higher self which age he joined he was 18, so this would match both descriptions)
TK: That one actually stuck to me the most, about the crystals being left behind for the "next batch". Also kinda was thinking about how i wonder if Lahabrea was ever annoyed about the Amaljaa making his once creation not a girl lol.
mysi: Traditional attributions of the zodiac signs to tarot cards:
Aries / Loghrif - The Emperor
Taurus / Mitron - The Hierophant
Gemini / Emet-Selch - The Lovers
Cancer / Pashtarot - The Chariot
Leo / Fandaniel - Strength
Virgo / Altima - The Hermit
Libra / Halmarut - Justice
Scorpio / Nabriales - Death
Sagittarius / Igeyorhm - Temperance
Capricorn / Deudalaphon - The Devil
Aquarius / Emmerololth - The Star
Pisces / Lahabrea - The Moon
Sun / Azem - The Sun (lol)
In case that gives you any ideas! Some of them seemed weird to me (Sagittarius?) but I looked into them a lot so now I think I can explain them. Sorry to say, Ophiuchus is not in there.
me: something different. lesser ascians, chalice, staff, sword and Pentacle. is the same as the tarot cups, wands, sword and Pentacle. the irony. all of those contain 14 cards each. 14 ;) . what shall i do with all those? we got only 4 lesser ascians. what could the others be for the characters?
mysi: Perhaps... themes? Values? Like... "shadowless" or "Ascension" or "history" or "creation"
September 13th
M***ie shared some info from a book about ancients and stuff
m***ie: No particular plans but some parts of this book caught my eye

Me: Yeah even ancients of our world had creation magic in the literal sense of ffxiv. And those ancients are atlantians. They wore robes and masks as well. Source: Dolores cannon book: convoluted universe 1, chapter atlantis. Dolores cannon was a past life regressionist, and digged in peoples past lives. Some could even tab in the spiritual records of ancient history. Since the atlantian souls original came from elsewhere. I think drifting souls of the sundering came here and decided to stay because it looked familiar.
M***ie: That's weird- you answered a question I was pondering earlier regarding how the Ancients were not from Earth, yet had a connection with Atlantis.
September 14th
There is a link with making apologies before sleeping to the Convocation that your were wrong in the beginning (i was against them first). And having sex with emet as a result in a dream.
Oeh yeah i gonna make more apologies XD
September 15th
Possible spoilers questions I asked my higher self : Elidibus will be freed from the crystal tower by g'raha tia himself in 6.0 After we defeat zenos who became zodiark in 6.0 we will going to a different planet in 7.0 where the dragons originally come from.
The dragon planet isn't a reference to planet earth(asked just in case). Its a solely existing planet.
Remember this lays into the future and can still change, though I wouldn’t be surprised if I asked these questions again they will be invalid. Yet I am not gonna do that. Lets see if I am right of wrong ;)
( in addition to this, G’raha is in the source now. I think personally it will be Ryne since she is still on the First)
On the same channel M***ie posted this:
M***ie: So I had a sudden intense urge to write, and the part of my soul/my higher self, told me her story. I'm going to have to leave some bits out because it is personal and I'm not yet ready to share her name, but I'll post some here:
She held certainty in her heart that by sampling and working with the aether of the world in locations other than her home, she could greatly expand upon the knowledge of the magics of creation for the heritors of Amaurot. Thus she begged her way into traveling with Azem at times.
I see a great field much like the Azim Steppe, a sea of pale green grasses. Stone obelisks at intervals, seemingly random, hold aloft banners of a multitude of colors. Here they traveled, carefree and curious, though (name) was quiet as ever. Azem understood her ways and was always happy to be the face, to speak to new peoples and hear of their plights.
Though this day, none were happy. (name) felt it first. Rather, she heard it, coursing through her bones, pulsing in her blood with a nonsensical cadence that made her heart tremble out of sync with itself. “Azem! Something is dreadfully wrong here. Do you feel it?”
There was silence between them as they listened. “You’re right. We must find the peoples of this land and see what they know.” In the distance, they caught a curl of smoke climbing up into a sky that huddled into itself. Clouds clung together as though they sought shelter from something beyond them, but did not dare to make a rumble of thunder or weep their rain.
Over the next rise, they spied a village. Stone walls encircled it, a five sided structure of strange shape. From the smoke, our travelers had expected chaos and panic, but the people here seemed to be going about whatever their daily business ones. One or two here and there stopped to look up at the growing storm.
“Azem… I fear what we may find there,” she whispered, though she could hardly tell why. Somehow that place was the locus of great import, here, in the middle of nowhere, as far from the great spires of Amaurot as one could surely be.
For she was suddenly sure that this would be her grave.
“Truly, you worry too much. There is no fear to be had short of having to dry your robes after the storm. Come.”
(name) followed her friend, if she could call her that, so little of herself did she give to Azem. She watched as the Traveler engaged in pleasant conversation, but she heard nothing but the arrhythmic thrumming of her heart. She bristled with growing fear, catching shadows out of the corner of her eyes. The impression that struck her was of a six legged beast catching and dragging off one of the children here, biting into it, laving it’s entrails with it’s long and twining tongues.
She opened her mouth to call to Azem, but it was too late. She was alone in the midst of the village as a haunted strain of mockery of music slid along the cracks in the earth, through doors left ajar to let in the fragrant air, through the open mouths of the villagers as they strained to cry out. One by one they split apart, bursting from within with all the terrors and secret fears that twist through the hearts of men untamed. They glowed with a sickly light as the sky too split open, spilling down fire - hellish meteors rent homes asunder, splashing molten death on once lush earth.
“Forgive me! I must tell the others! I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you!”
This was the last she heard before the beasts descended upon her.
M***ie: Now that I've read what you wrote here, I'll ask about it sometime. I'm at a stage where I'm easing myself back into the work, this time without fretting first which path to take. That information will open to me as I go, as I learn. This time I was told I'm finally doing it right, so I thank you for starting this Discord as it's helped force me to take things seriously again. I've gotten the message in no uncertain terms that I need to believe in these things I think I hear and sense, that too much skepticism would be downfall.
me: Oh wow. I wish i could "see" those visions in front of my eyes.
Because it really sounds like it you saw it happening.
Somehow i cant see it, and only know... Like a fragmented memory...............
Though we were both originally born female in that time.
Even though i got no gender issues sorta say. I have been more Male in my lives then woman after that life. So i was wondering aren't you allowed to share her name or what is the reason you dont wanna share yet? Maybe it will trigger memories of my own…. And i am very curious about ancient names. Also another question. Did you started this as a automatic writing session?
M***ie: I can't say it's exactly automatic writing, more like I heard her in my mind say she was going to tell me her story and I typed it out as she dictated. I could see it pretty clearly as we went through it (Though I mostly only see things in black and white in my mind's eye). Sometimes I wanted to pause to write something a different way and she was like "no, that was correct. Keep going." Names are a big deal magically so I want to think on it a bit more before I share. But the name sounds Greek maybe and isn't one I get any results with when I search on Google and it starts with an H.
me: you perhaps can ask her if there is no problem sharing it?
me: owkayyyyy a random name popped in my mind when i asked for my higher self's name. i am allowed to share it, but mine sounds japanese its Ayantano. (is this the reason i use the name AYANE xD?)
me thoughts stopped at the point ayan ( so I didn’t spoke my entire nickname) and were filled with tano. Ayantano it is.
M***ie: Huh! I like that. It sounds Japanese but it also sounds like it could have other origins too. It feels like a very old name.
me: thanks for clarifying that xD but now i wonder, is our higher selfs an extention of our soul (so just us) or a different entity guiding us ? i think the second one then? since she was telling "her" story. hey if you just ever get the chance to ask for YOUR story. then i would gladly hear it.
m***ie: She was pretty clear in that I'm her - no clarification beyond that as far as the mechanics of it (descendant/some kind of soul transference/past life).
me: ohhh hmmm interesting then. hey ask your higher self some things about the convocation. what does she know? she might give answers you wouldn't get from the unsundered.
M***ie: We will get additional information together over time. The interesting thing is I strongly sense that the event above happened well before the cataclysm. Like, it was the first location that where things happened (the Sound, meteors, monsters). It might have been been a different Azem by the point where the events of the game happened.
me: it definitely sounded like the sundering. i mean splitting apart?
M***ie: She wasn't part of the Convocation but she worked close enough with them to be granted leave to travel with Azem. Not the sundering - this was the start of the events that led up to them having to summon Zodiark to stop the end of the world, just well before all that. People splitting open and turning into monsters - ick
me: owwww but then it could still be the original azem, the one that defected later on.
m***ie: It could be. I didn't get an answer on that one way or another, just the feeling. that many years passed between that event and the history we know about from the game.
me: also after re-reading the last part, did she died after that or lived?
M***ie: “Timeline: My story above -> Years pass -> Amaurot is struck by meteors/monsters -> Zodiark is summoned -> (probably years do pass here, because there was a second sacrifice to repair the planet, then new life flourished, and it's here that they were going to sacrifice new life to Zodiark to bring back those who had been sacrificed) -> Hydaelyn's summoning -> The Sundering.”
me: though i must add this. we got confirmation on both our higher selfs that Azem was a Woman
Additional analysis notes per 17feb 2021: I wonder if that is possible though, a certain time ofcourse but the final days years after her story? Sounds a bit unlogical to me. But I did got the confirmation she was re-incarnated firstly and witnessed the sundering as a kid. I asked my higher self and Elidibus yes him too. Yet my higher self said less then a year between hers and the final days. But Elidibus gave her correct on this event or let’s say that there were indeed years in between more like 3 years. So I questioned further of how this could happen. It started slowly at random places and short moments at first, and through these 3 years before the actual final days, it happened more often on more places until it was at a point the entire world at once was affected and didn’t go away anymore thus the Final Days. It is correct that years do pass after the final days were averted about 7 years until the sundering happened.
me: did she died after this story?
m***ie: yes
me: ah. aren't you curious what happend then? i would xD did she travel to planet earth then? or was she brought back or something. just naming things. because, if she first got back in some way she would be sundered later on. though if her soul set adrift directly to Earth then this means you are a unsundered soul?
M**ie: Of course I'm curious XD I just don't know yet.
me: according to my HS, she got reborn first in amaurot. and witnessed the sundering as a kid. well amaurotine kid that is.
m**ie: Oh no! Poor thing, to witness that as a kid
me: well pray mind that an amaurotine kid is way older then a human/hyur. but yeah. i wonder the accuracy of this. if you ever get these answers please tell them to me. mine said you will get the answers. and something to add about myself. i was a taller (but still on the short side) then elidibus. so i asked "so he was my little big brother". i felt a laughtering full push forward (forward is Yes).
M**ie: Little big brother <3 That's super adorable.
me: yeah IKR XD
M**ie: like "new old friend" hee
me: ah yes indeed. also interesting fact to share about my Ex BF, he is from the Source as well. but not from amaurot. he is from a gridania like environment. and he was presumable a woman back then, and a traveler/fighting buddy with azem as well. i did some question on this way back in march, and then i got answers he was a companion of the first woL (our character sorta say so not elidibus lol) well thats azem we know now. but he(then she) and me didn't know each other back then. so but now i wonder since you traveled with azem, if you maybe know "her" in this case. he is a guy now so yeah. but if you dont not feel inclined to know this part i understand.
( I must add this. that this info that my ex is also from the Source can be answered in my favor nonetheless. even though I asked later again when I came to know that answering in your favor was a thing)
September 17th
a reply from about last message:
M**ie: Interesting! I'll ask if she traveled with anyone else. I feel like she only went with Azem a few times - like 2-3, but I'm not 100% on that yet.
September 18th
I had my complete sigil, I decided via automatic writing to let anyone who knows how it looked like to finish the design.
me: I decided to let my sigil finish by let anywho who know how it looks like by giving my images in my head in where to draw what. It ended in this.

M**ie: I like this Feels very energetic, energy flowing upward, flight, Phoenix...
September 20th
I was at the Only outdoor convention that was able to be held during this covid year. Its was a grant success I heard later. No one absolutely no one got infected while there were 4000 visitors a day (instead of the 12k normally). And saw only 10 people walking with masks on. Anyway:
So i did a random question if Elidibus was here with me (while on the convention behind my booth) i was pushed forward (yes). When i asked him to come for some questions just tiny things. How he feels about how my ex BF reacts to the Ascians. When he entered my body, i felt a huge difference in heaviness. Compared with my Higher self. I hardly could get my knees straight after bending them when he entered. (like being pressed down). After the questions he didn't left, he stayed awhile. He seemed to enjoy the senses a psychical body has. Like feeling the wind and sunshine.

Its was a beautiful after summer day. Ah yes when he stayed i caught myself smirking to the other corner of my mouth. For myself i always lift the right side of my mouth for a smirk. But this time it was the left side xD like here:

also for some short moments i had the idea of double sight. Not as in double vision when you got tired eyes. But like 1 side was my own and the other his.
Mysi*** shared some info for me today
Mysi***: Ayane, this reminds me of what Emmerololth said about you and Elidibus: your relationship with him in present incarnations is more important than blood relation.
Piece of text of the book she posted:
It is linked with the Spirit. but as, with the evolutionary development of man, spirit becomes more easily consciously linked with matter, so does the need for the activities of the Bloody entity lessen. As has been long realised in the east, the relationships of the various personalities of subquent reincarnations are more important than hereditary relationships.
Me: Isn't it a soul relation by default? I know i don't carry the body of his sister buy my soul is. Or am i getting this wrong?
Mysi***: You're not getting it wrong. The idea is that no matter how you may be related to someone, what matters more is your relationship with them.
M***ie: That makes sense entirely
September 23rd
me: Ah yes,
I tried again and succeeded. His spirit is indeed allot heavier which means more powerful. Sadly he cant use his powers here. Because magic as he knows it doesn't work here. So taking full control of my body he simply cant. He was about 18 (compared in human years because immortality and different development like elezen) when he joined the convocation. And about 7 years later he became Zodiarks heart.
The remembering image i saw when i first time saw those constellation crystals in game. Me drawing those, shapes into the sand as a kid. Was indeed during amaurot.
M***ie: Oooh!!! Interesting stuff! I'm so glad you are finding ways to work with and communicate with him. Seriously, good job. This is what they were hoping from you. There's another spirit I have worked with who I would allow to share my body so they could try different foods. It is always a nice experience.
me: All though i wished i could hear him speak ya know
September 24th’
M***ie: I feel like my dreams are slowly swinging back to interesting instead of entirely nonsense. Emet-Selch was in one of mine last night but it was a modern AU, heh. Last two nights my dream involved joining a group for the purposes of learning magic. I would share more detail but the rest seemed like nonsense primarily
Me: huh? i had such a dream as well few weeks ago. But Emet-selch wasn't in it. But i was already 1 of the advanced people.
September 25th
TK had a interesting dream:
TK: I had like a really terrifying apocalyptic dream last night, head still spinning a bit from it tbh because it was one of those dream that felt real, waking up from it was like feeling relief but somewhat terror. The first bit of the dream was like a pretty normal one I have, which usually is exploring whatever area I end up in. But the whole thing was people that I was hanging with or doing business with were all discussing that some weird stuff was going on (can't quite remember all of what was said). Then the dream kicked into overdrive and the apocalyptic stuff started happening(I remember some riots and things) and then got to a point that I remember a BIG meteor thing being in the sky and dropping. At this point I was too close to where this thing was going to land so when the shockwave from the impact came I just closed my eyes, hiding behind some structure there and waited...
Why I'm posting this here is because of what happens next with this. When I open my eyes again I'm in the same place, but a lot is different. The area feels like it already has been through the events that just happened and the atmosphere is all the dust and a mist and cold is around everywhere. The area also feels similar but also different, like I'm in a mirror reflection almost. I feel like I'm in some sort of robe-like attire, no hood or mask on. Hear someone say something like "let's go, not much
more we can find today" and end up going towards what looks like a house complex where people are gathering nearby in a park area. (I don't really see the person who talked or if I did I do not remember). Unlike the rest of the dream where I was just another person, to these people I can sense that they have fear towards me, but felt like I was a reason that they were still okay atm. One group tries to talk to me and I question why they are out here with the people who don't have a home in this area and they say that someone is going around looting and killing people and they felt safer "in this area you people made". I then put something on my face (felt like a mask, though not sure) and went looking around for this killer in the houses. Remember running into a room, someone was in there and they thought I was an intruder like them and almost got hurt , but they saw me when they used a light source and just wished me success. (Think they were hiding) Found the person in this attic and I just remember using some sort of magic to restrain them, take them out and essicentally threw them to the group outside and said "do what you want". They pretty much bluggoned the guy in a bloody mess with whatever was around them.
The other person that was with me earlier (who now I can tell also has a similar outfit to mine on) asks what's going on and I say what happened only to get scoffed at and why I didn't take them out myself, which I responded with that I felt they deserved the satisfaction of taking the person out themselves. Person then just sighs and says they aren't cleaning it up (lol) and then changes topic to saying he overhears some people trying to leave the area and go out on their own, which "is pointless, becuase outside a lot of towns there's nothing but death and cold" and asks if I'm doing okay lately. I wake up around this time unfortunately. -_-
M***ie: Interesting dream, TK! It almost sounds like the world after Zodiark was summoned but before the land was restored. Or not long after the sundering maybe.
September 29th
m***ie: I love when I hear a song or run into some other form of media and I get that strong feeling that its capital I Inspired. I never realized that with FFXIV until Shadowbringers
me: Yeah, also the fact that Elidibus technically confirmed the story writer being told unknowingly what to write on story. But still lets the story writer(s) add there own things.
mysi: Yeah! I love it too~
me: My tactical acting stupidity ( I can fake being dumb sort said), gave answers. I believed first that everything would be the same as in game , but secretly i knew it wasn't. He fell for it sorta say i got answers on that front haha.
Mysi: Yeah, it's sooooo tempting to just want it all to be true. We get attached to any version of it we first hear... but the real version is likely much better. I mean for one thing, the story writers gave Elidibus such a sad ending, it's better to know that it's not real in the end (even if i still get sad about the game, lol)
me: IKR!
mysi: I feel awful for game Eli but.... yeah
me: Yeah, i hope he will return somehow.
M(((ie: Another thing- The concept of the Scions of Light and their associated constellations first appeared in XII, released in 2006. In turn, this same chart, these names, their glyphs returned. Almost as though they were asking for their story to be told then but it didn't come through for whatever reason until XIV.
Another thing I think of often is that the same constellations we're used to on Earth were present and important to the Ancients before the sundering (which my phone keeps correcting to 'suffering'). But now, Eorzean constellations are different. We could say different people find different meaning in the same stars but that doesn't feel like the answer.
Just needed to get those post-meditation-pre-sleep thoughts down. G'nite!
me: G’nite!
mysi: Yeah, I wonder about the constellations too... I wonder if Hydaelyn specifically guided the Sundered away from knowing the true attributions...?
Sleep well!
me: Oh interesting theory
M***ie: Thank you! I could see that- A veil to disguise the truth
mysi: The Light blinding them to the truth, Yes
me: Also would this mean the source was first near Earth then? And somehow got blasted away after the sundering?
mysi: In some dimension it'd be positionally similar perhaps. Or else blasted away, but... I suspect the same constellations are present and just nobody in Eorzea recognizes the same pictures in them? Since the Ascians still draw such meaning from them. It could be that in other worlds it occupies the same or similar space..
me: *thinking emoti*
m***ie: Brain please, I must sleep.
I could also be an intentional meta signal to the player. Here are these fantasy constellations that mean nothing. But here is the truth, and this is where we see the familiar, the meaningful
mysi: Oh true!
me: good point
mysi: We should let you sleep, lol xd Rest well~
me: goodnight
m***ie: You are fine- I had my phone put away and everything, but my brain would not hush
me: We can talk about this further later today. Um for you tomorrow lol
mysi; I know the feel XD
Well that was everything from September except for the rest of my dreams.
September 2nd:
Ok then, 1 thing they all spoke my own language in my dream so i have to translate that. Here goes: Its started with something vague that i was cycling with my EX BF.
Me: where are we going?
Him: to Germany.
Me: what?! On a bicycle? That several hours cycling! No i am not going (turns around) i see you tomorrow somewhere. (xD)
He mumbled something i couldn't hear anymore because i was on my way back. When cycling back, i came through a street of a village. I noticed i took the wrong turn in needed to going up the hill that was besides it. But when i turned around, the environment changed to a warehouse like building with activities in it. After walking around a bit someone was whistling a particular song i couldn't catch the name of. I needed to go up a some sort of slope/slide thing to go to the upper level, on the upper level i might see how to get out. But before i went on that thing, the girl whistling started to let out a few words it was the Let it Go from frozen. I thanked her for letting me remind which song it was. So i sung along. After climbing up the slide i entered the upper floor with more activities. And there where small stalls to buy things from. When i went to the cash register to pay for something, i noticed i didnt paid for some other things i suddenly got with me.
So i am at the cash register, and apparently it was very logical that Lahabrea was behind the register xD. (in amaurot cloak btw, not ascian) I was about to pay, and he asked : did you also paid fir those?
Me: huh ( looking at the things i didnt know anymore) oh sorry i probably forgot, i will pay them now. I hope you can forgive me.
Laha: it has been forgiven and gave a gentle smile.
I paid turned around and thought he is so kind But so i was going to do some activities, like sliding with my feet over some slippery floor, i need to keep my balance. After that i slided into a different part. There were allot of people doing stuff in that part. I asked someone how to get out from this building. Someone notified me about some chakra colored gen stones that needed to be used at the exit.
Me: where is the exit?
Boy : in the garage where your bike is.
Then i saw haurchefant sitting on the floor checking his bag and i noticed some big chakra colored gem stones in the shape of a rectangle with on both ends a point. Then he left for the exit I thought i already had some chakra stones with me, but for just in case i took a round transparent box with the stones in it. And pulled of the price tag (yes i technically stole it xD) When walking towards the garage exit. I saw haurchefant again. While walking towards him i said
me: i already had these in my bag but i always kept them inside the box. He smiled. Then we weren't able to figure out how the exit worked. Then lahabrea came at us. But to help us. Apparently i bought a black electronic device that was needed. When i gave it him it him, the device seemed broken, the battery was overheated and smelled burned. Laha: there is something wrong with the battery, can you go pick up another one, then i will try to fix this one in the main time. I walked away with the thought (omg he is so nice, i really gained respect for him). I felt warm and fuzzy, then i woke up.
Another dream which followed this one, but playing it as a game. After bringing the entire convocation(without elidibus sadly, they wore amaurot robes) to the location i was in the previous dream. I was very excited to notice that this was the place i was in the last dream. I took pictures of that hill with slope/slide thing. But the handeling was a screenshot xD
But after taking 4 screenshots i turned around to look for lahabrea. Then this event went into game mode. And i was controlling my pokemon trainer xD (wtf). I found lahabrea between a mass amount of people. And a slope thingy behind him. I talked to him. He had huge text bars in black background and yellow text. Somehow i was clicking too fast for the next bar to read. So i talked to him again i took screenshots of it the text. Then i noticed he was talking i could get my own ascian robes if i completed some tasks. But he didn't told me what. I screamed of joy, yes finally ascian robes for my character in game ! But i wanted to know what the tasked were, so i went up the slope to talk with him again.
Then he said if i was ready to take on the tasks. Then i found myself flying on a random unknown pokemon on a wild sea. With a speedboat at my tail. The speedboat was important not to loose sight of me. I was searching on my screen for what my tasks are i found: Purify 1 dragonite Task completed 0/8. I thought i might needed to catch one on dragonite Island. But after a while of flying-surfing i came across a shadow dragonite flying over the wild sea waves. I thought i needed to fly into him to encounter and catch him and then purifying it, as it suppose to go. But instead i pressed a button and i attacked him. Apparently that was needed, so i kept attacking him he rolled over a few times in the air and then he was purified. Task completed 1/8. When i tried to look for the next task of what to do, the dream ended.
September 5th
I started vaguely when asking emet several times about my origin. But he always got blocked of speaking somehow and remained silent. Then i was at a random house, my mom came at me asking if everything was alright.
Me: i dont know.
I went to bed of disappointment in my unfinished ascian cosplay. Even though it was fake leather it felt comfy. I fell asleep i think. Then i found myself discussing with Emet again on my attic. Same subject....
Me: why wont you tell me! *crying * He said nothing.
Me: ( i calmed down a bit) i am sorry then i asked so much questions. I left towards the stairs saying: i wanna know where i came from, where my origin lies. I walked down halfway the stairs but still able to see him. He stared at the attic window ignoring me.
Me: i wanna remember. I was hoping by calling the word " remember" from remember that we once lived. That he would react. And he did. His eyes when instantly to the corner of his eyes at the direction where i was. (the weren't yellow btw,, rather brown i think?, he was also wearing that fan art piece clothing of scion emet but without the emperor part) I walked down and hoped it worked. And it did he went towards me at almost the bottom of the stairs.
He went so close from my face it was kissing distance and said.
Emet : you said the right thing now, now you know how to tease me (he meant triggering i believe) And he gave me a short kiss. He went back upstairs i believe, not sure. I went to a empty bedroom with only a bed in it. I sat down in my long black robe jacket and let myself fall on my back of emotional exhaustion. I heard emet coming down the stairs. I quickly pulled my leggings more up to hide my chubby belly. he entered the bedroom with a big grin in his face implying for make up sex for being so distant. I liked that obviously (lol). I turned my body with my head to the feet end of the bed. He went laying above me holding himself up with his arms. And allot of horny kissing started. Then he wanted i pulled off my pants
Me: oh? You want it xD?
So i did. Then he did the same with his pants bit not entirely off, only halfway his upper legs. But after that he changed to some random African guy.
Me: ho wait your are not emet.
Guy: yeah no.
Me: was emet even here before?
Guy: i think so.
Me: so emet was here before you? (i asked that to make sure i didn't made that almost sex scene up)
Guy: yeah
out Of disappointment i put on my pants and went out of the room. Finding emet in the bedroom next to it about to changing a kids diaper while the kid was old enough to be potty trained even toilet i think the kid was 6?
Me: what are you doing here?
Emet: he peed.
Me: why are you changing him, did he peed in his pants or something? Emet had a diaper in his hands.
Me: he is to old fir a diaper. I saw another older kid crawling on the floor on hands and feet with also a diaper on his ass. (The kid was a boy with blond spiky hear. Both kids were boys.) I shook my head, and walked away and face palmed. Then i went into the car i didn't know who drive me, but the car resembled the one of my ex, so presumably him as well. He dropped me off at a small distance of my house so not at the door. Which is strange since the attic before was also my house. I picked up the sewing machine from the back of the car. And took a few steps. The car drove away.
And somehow my phone was on the ground with music playing. I started to dance. Then a theme song of Pokemon "born to be a winner" played. And i started to sing along but with the first few sentences of my own text regarding emet and me wanted to know so much and that i am sorry in 3 or 4 sentences that were rhyming. Sentences 3 and 4:” i hope you are not putting me to blame for wanting to know what actually happened outside the game” Something like that. And the 2 line before that were about the love i think, not sure. Cant recall it. Then continued dancing and singing along on the street towards home. I noticed i left my phone on the ground. From a distance standing i used telekinesis to let the phone floating into my hand. I continued dancing and hopping on the beat. Somehow my phone changed into a keyboard of some sorts with still able to play my music. Then i noticed that was a backyard sale in the other houses which i passed by. One with the annoying kid on the corner was selling dvd's. As i walked from that point and turned around the corner i noticed not everyone was completing for the backyard sales.
When i almost home, a friend arrives on a bicycle (which i dont know i RL, unless it matches anyone here on discord haha) She was riding towards my house, she had round glasses and a bit longer then shoulder length brown hair. We greeted each other.
Me: is Emet coming (with a sad voice)
Girl: yes he will come he said. I opened the door and softly smiled when i went inside. Somehow the sewing machine changed into something else. Wen I putted it down it opened and it looked like a wedding theme decor with Christmas theme/stall? And when you hold in on its handle it closes. So i didnt know before i putted it down. Then emet arrived holding a similar thing, he putted it down and there were weddings clothed dolls inside.. He was proposing me but without the words.
Emet : do you like it? It matches with yours? I gained a soft smile.
Me: yes i like it. I went towards him, but while waking up at that moment i remember hugging him. The end.
Short analysis: he didn’t proposed me to marriage. No, it was a promise to help me remember. I asked this later.
Had a image in front of my eyes of a simplified Elidibus and lahabrea glyph before waking up
September 6th
Had a small dream where these ancient one plushies that are on my bag came to life and walked everywhere
Every time I got unknown glyphs in front of my eyes before waking up. I cannot draw them on paper sadly, but since they are with so many I think everyone had one and is not limited to the convocation. (this was later on confirmed)
September 7th
I had a vid on my mobile phone that was about the government and something was being said in code-language. I wanted my mom and my youngest sister to watch it. Only this was in the middle of the road. So we went something upon a bicycle or scooter . later in a park they were gonna watch it, I gave them the phone and told them Elidibus was in it at the end or something. Then I saw a alien monster thing that wanted to attack us. I ran away but my mom and sis remained standing and watching at that vid. If they wouldn’t move the monster wouldn’t attack them. So I yelled them towards them. They were surprised but began to look around wildly.
Me: oh no he will see them this way.
I went closer towards them near the nearest tree where they were standing and stretched my arm. They grabbed my arm.
Me: come on teleport!
This was the first time that I teleported others, I had some difficulty with it but succeeded.
We arrived at my moms home (even though it looked completely different) there was something with my ascian cosplay, something not finished, broken or missing? I don’t know for sure.
I was sad about it, but them my mom came towards me with a silvery Elidibus robe.
Me: oh it not white but I do appreciate it very much.
She made that for me. I turned emotional of it. All armor pieces were made of fabric. I took it, hugged it and hung it on a coat hanger on a door.
Then spontaneously we were somewhere else. we were at a holiday outing and there was a play from a magical creature that needed to be defeated but you could play the hero. Only this wasn;t a “play”it was real. I took the role of something who couldn’t defeat the monster. My mom said something.
Me: no, this is not for [redacted name of my son] either
(even though my kid would have liked it, but to dangerous)
I grabbed a magic staff which you could use and attacked the creature with it. The creature could speak and had a big mouth of foul language but he couldn’t defeat me and decided to go toward my moms home to destroy everything over there. I teleported after that thing en saw him near the Elidibus robes my mom made for me.
Me: if you touch that I tear you apart in pieces!!!!
I don’t know what happened after that, I believe he left. Sadly I forgot most of the end. Something with I gained claws on my fingers and elidibus showed himself. But he didn’t said anything. But I know for sure that he was there!.
September 8th I was dreaming about founding my possible sigil on a stone wall but the eagle wasn’t there in it. At first I mistook it for the Hades one because of the tail end. After examine it allot I looked away while holding my finger on the wall, when I looked back my finger went of my hand. I tried to put it on again xD but didn’t work. I decided to reverse time while keeping the memories. Some fingers weren’t the right size, like index and middle were the same length, but didn’t bother it.
The person that was with me found it very impressive. Then I went outside the cave. I was in my old neighbourhood where I grew up as a child. I saw some kids playing. I noticed that my shade had ascian robes with a WoL cape(mr. FF cape). The kids wanted to interact with me, asking what I was. I got started and left. They are not suppose to know what I am. They didn’t chased me. At that moment I saw myself running in white robes but with that yellow 1st WoL cape waving in the wind, then it went back to first person mode view.
Then the dream went about something else not worth noting.
Sept 11th
I dreamt I was about to ask lahabrea something while waking up. And I said the question while getting awake. I don’t know what my ex said but he was laughing in my face of what I said. I can only remember that I was about to ask something lol. After that some random lahabrea appearances but not a story to tell or forgotten.
Sept 12th
I dreamt that I was traveling for a very long period of time. I flew everywhere, through things, endlessly nature trees flowers whatever you can come up with “nature”. After a long time of descending I was suddenly back into my home town again.
Me: oh we are back in [home town name].
With huge house number plates upon the roofs. Number 13 $ 14 is what I saw.
Then I noticed lahabrea in the distance, I wanted to grab this chance to ask him something and walked toward him. But instead of asking something of value I asked something non relevant >.<
Lahabrea happened to be in a body of a old man with grey hair.
Me: are you my dream guide? (seriously why did I asked that?!)
He walked away shook No with his head.
Me: if you are not it, then who is it?
He pointed to some random old guys
Laha: maybe those.
I stood still and laha left. I was flabbergasted 3 old man were staring at me. But I never saw them before.
Me: nope, they aren’t
Then the dream shifted toward the center of the city with all the shop etc. inner city is it called?
I was able to enter a contest to win 800€. The goal was find emet-selch. Me with 2 other girls went absolutely crazy with enthusiasm. So I asked 1 of the girls Michelle (black hair and blue dress and wore glasses)
Me: ok where is emet-selch
Michelle: last seen at one or other Turkish shelters (ok wtf doesn’t make sense please ignore xD)
Me: huh? What does he need to do over there then?
Michelle; come I know which way.
That second girl was always walking/running behind so I never saw how she looked like.
So we were running through the shopping district. After running for a while and Michelle is on the front leading the way. I thought the jump sprint through some shop decorations of streamers to be faster and dodging all the people. But on the last sec I decided not to do it. Because I could get entangled in it.
Me: whoa shit no don’t!
And went around it
Me: haha long live lucid dreaming xD
I was afraid if I would be pulled out of the dream if i would go around it. But luckily that didn’t happen.
Michelle In the meantime had gone into shops to ask if they had seen Emet.
Me: do you know where he is now then?
Michelle: yes up ahead!
After like 200 meters and some other stores asking where he is.
Michelle: we need to go back he Is spotted at the drugstore.
Me: huh what is he doing over there?
When arrived at the drugstore
Michelle: no, he is somewhere else again.
And we ran back the road we came from. Then I possibly saw him in the distance.
Me: is that him?!
Michelle: yes!
Emet had blond straight hair So not with the wavy hair ends but the same length as the solus clone body. And was wearing a black leather jacket and a jeans.
He was quick and we chased him. Eventually at the Albert hein (grocery store) entrance, michelle grabbed him at his arms and I said
He reacted to his name turned around and sighed. I looked at him with a big smirk on my face.
Emet: eh no go away from me.
he broke free of michelle’s grasp and disappeared. Because he didn’t wanted to see me?
Me: oh? It didn’t came into my mind to attack him with kisses (like I usually would do) but anyway we have succeeded! We found emet!
We all cheered and jump into the air.
Then we were at the start again of the contest. I accepted the contest so I would be the one receiving the money. But during the chasing I already decided to give a part to the girls.
An African woman gave me the money and said: the other will get something too.
Me: ofcourse without them we wouldn’t have succeeded.
Michelle gained 150€ and the other 50€. The rest was for me.
Me: I wished I could take this with me to the real world.
Woman: yeah I don’t know how either.
When I walked away I was hold up by that second girl that was running behind me all the time.
she had brown curly hair with glasses. I was wearing my ascian robes. She called her name (that I couldn’t remember ) and asked which title I had.
Me: eh I don’t have a title on the moment but nice to meet you I’am Ayane.
She was very close to my face when i said that and felt uncomfortable . when I said my name the dream ended.
September 14th sex with emet (NSFW warning 18+ you have been warned)
So I was in a classroom and couldn’t find a suitable place. Later I went outside in only my underwear and flew through the streets until I arrived at a open field. An African man with long Rasta’s told me that if I fly and descend my dreams will become lucid. That was the trigger word. He grabbed me and put me down on the grass.
Me: ah lucid, bingo.
The man disappeared and emet was standing behind me because I wanted that. His white tuft of hair was more or less absent . he was horny lol. So we kissed on the most horny ways and wanted sex but his dick wasn’t erected enough yet. And he walked away disappointed.
Me: it doesn’t matter, teach me magic then. I chased him towards his house. He was cranky. I tried to make one another negotiable. And it was not a fight or anything. but slight frustration tension from him. later I encouraged him to try it again. funny enough on the same grassfield.
Me: come on, just stick it in.
So he did and penetrated me. And we had sex. At a given moment he couldn’t orgasm while he cleary was on the edge of cuming. He decided to stop but when he stood up everything got covered in sperm.
Emet: ugh grab something and put it inside you.
I gained big eyes. I wouldn’t let me tell that a second time! So I did that. Then the dream ended.
September 27th
I don’t know exactly how this dream went actually only the end of it.
People of amaurot were searching for a place to stay. Only someone was being a butt, it looked like a female mayor or something like that and gave a speech. The amaurotine were only allowed to integrate if they meet certain criteria. I believe it was hood down and mask off. I believe I spoke a few words ancient toward the group. “oh neh koe lu hoe” of which I myself don't know what it meant, I think something like: do you agree with this?
An amaurotine replied in English: it’s a sacrifice we must take to survive.
I didn’t agree with that, with that mayor. But satisfied that it wasn’t a problem for them and accept the terms
September 30th
And dream that played on a ginormous festival area. Every building had his own final fantasy theme and I was searching for XIV. I skip the boring part here and go to the end of it.
I was outside between the different buildings standing in the streets, I felt a threat coming near. I didn’t saw anything yet but did felt it.
Me: I will summon my ascian powers then to defeat it. *thinking: then an ascian will be the hero for a change*
So I stood there focusing on my powers to call forth. Then I saw some flying person pixie thing(dangerous version). I was almost ready of charging up and did some power pose with energy orbs in my hands. And then I woke up because my mom called -_- FFS
Well that was September next will be October, (hopefully not that long as this one xD)